purrfectlypets · 1 year
Simplify Your Horse Grooming Routine: 5 Easy Tips To Try
It's THAT time of the year! The scorching heat and the humidity in the air indicate the summer season is soon approaching. An activity that is often loved by many of us is horseriding. However, many of us often fail to invest time and effort into the upkeep of our horses. 
The harsh weather conditions can hamper the sensitive skin of these gorgeous beauties. Hence, creating an easy-to-perform grooming routine to simplify upkeep is the need of the hour. 
Have you noticed your horse constantly scratching their body parts or perhaps feeling restless? It could be an indicator of poor grooming. Grooming is an essential part of your horse’s health and well-being. It helps remove dirt, sweat and dead skin cells which can often be the reason behind skin irritation and infection. 
Setting a grooming routine and sticking to it religiously can reduce your worries while ensuring your horse looks like an absolute beauty. Are you still wondering how to create a grooming routine for your horse? Don't you worry!
This article will discuss five easy horse grooming tips you need to add to your routine. Not only can these tips save you more time but also promote the overall health of your horse. 
 Invest In Better Clippers
Investing in high-quality clippers protects your horse’s coat from infections and diseases. Luckily, the market now has a range of comprehensive clippers that are both budget-friendly and expert-level. 
Based on your horse’s needs, you can invest in pocket-sized trimmers or heavy-duty ones. For instance, heavy-duty horse clippers are ideal to use for hard-to-reach spots and sensitive areas. In addition to this, they are lightweight and can be used by professionals and amateurs. 
Fancy body clipping your horse for a show? A great tip would be to do so two weeks before the show. More often than not, body clipping leaves the coat dull for some time. This would be a bummer if you have a show the next day. To restore the natural shine, it's always advisable to keep a buffer period of a week or two. 
 Replace Those Blades
During the clipping process, it is extremely important to use clean and sharpened clipper blades. You must ensure that your clippers are in good condition as this maximises results. 
While clipping it is always healthy to keep an eye on the blade to check if it's getting hot. In case you do sense this, let them cool for a bit or spray a cooling lubricant. 
At all costs, avoid using the same blade for every grooming session. It is advisable to replace the clipper blades after every three months. In case you reside in a location that accelerates the process of rusting, it is better to invest in durable blades that can save you money and time. 
 Brush In The Right Direction
To reach those dirty sports and remove dirt easily, brushing in the right direction is the solution. This is also an easier method to keep the horse's coat shiny and healthy. 
A pro tip is to brush in the direction of hair growth by starting from the neck and slowly working your way down to the tail. Furthermore, when brushing the mane and tail of your horse, always start at the ends and work your way up. 
If you are keen to grow your horse's mane and tail, then avoid combing it every day. Simply using a light comb and picking on tangles could do wonders too. 
An absolute evil for every horse lover is noticing stubborn knots in your horse’s mane. A healthy measure to combat this is to use a detangler that will soften the knot and gently detangle the hair with your fingers. 
 Say Yes To Clean Tools 
Regularly cleaning your grooming tools and brushes can prevent the spread of bacteria and infections to a great extent. In addition to this, it can also increase the durability of your clippers and blades. 
An easy solution of warm water and soap is a brilliant way to clean your brushes, curly combs and grooming tools. Rinsing them thoroughly after every grooming session and letting them air dry before your next usage can improve their effectiveness and longevity. 
 Pay Attention To Sensitive Areas
Every horse has a sensitive area which could perhaps be the face or the dock. In such scenarios, a dampened sponge or rubber cloth is the best solution. 
Gently wipe around the eye, ears and muzzle whilst taking extra care to not cause any irritation or discomfort to your horse. 
When cleaning the eye region, always ensure to check for excessive tearing, redness or swelling. Apart from this, it is also important to remember that the ears are prone to dirt and infection. Most horses find the ear region to be quite sensitive so it's always a good idea to be careful and patient when at it. 
To Sum It Up
Grooming your horse is the best way to minimise the growth of infection and dirt. Most horse owners see grooming as a brilliant bonding session as they get to pamper their beauties. 
Having a checklist is an excellent way to ensure you follow your grooming routine to the T and do not end up missing vital steps. Apart from this, regular grooming and taking utmost care of your grooming tools can reduce time in the long run whilst keeping your horse healthy at all times. 
With these tips at your disposal, you can ensure grooming sessions are enjoyable for your horse. So, gather up your grooming tools and get ready for a bonding session with your horse! 
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