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Alligator blood
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In her own thoughts, Cora did not hear when the male appeared,jumping slightly at the sensation of cool fingertips brushing against her cheek before a hand was place there. The touch of his lips against her temple caused her to release a breathy laugh of pleasant surprise as she looked up at him.
“I don’t exactly what I did to deserve that but don’t feel shy to try something like that again.” she chuckled as he pulled away. “I should be asking that same question, though. It’s been a minute.” She smiled.
"Yeah, it has been," Dwayne agreed as he took to leaning on the wall behind him. He was still considerably taller than her, but his gaze never wavered from hers. 
"I like when you smile," he confided. "Some people smile for all kind of reasons, some of which don't make sense. I've seen people smile when they're challenged or pissed off. Or if they're ready to beat the shit out of someone, they smile like the Joker, like they get some sick delight out of it. Surf Nazi smiles are the worst because they're just a demented bunch of losers."
His features never hardened even as he talked, even as he talked about the people he despised. "But I always look forward to your smile. It makes me feel good."
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Home would have been the safer option; a fact that Cora was sure to realise later on in the future and probably regret. As of now however, Cora needed answers. What the heck was up with surfer nazi at the boardwalk, were they more people like that and if so, what in the ever living FUCK was up with the people in this town she just moved into? Looking back at Dwayne who awaited her own answer, one thing that echoed in her mind was that whatever question she needed to ask, whatever is was that she (has absolutely NO business) searching for…she’d find it in him.
“Well I mean that WOULD be a good idea, but who knows when next I’ll be offered a ride on a bike?” She grinned, walking past the male and to the bike. Not waiting for an invitation, she carefully swung one leg over and perched herself closer the rear before leaning forward to gently pat the area where the male was obviously supposed to sit. “Besides,” she went on “the night’s just beginning isn’t it? I’m sure a man as mysterious as yourself would know better places around here where a girl can avoid those jerks. Care to show me around?”
Dwayne's eyes momentarily locked onto Cora's ass when she leaned forward. He couldn't help it; the girl was beautiful all over, and there was no crime in looking. If she didn't seem to mind taking off with him into the unknown, then he was allowed to have a harmless look every now and again.
With a shrug, Dwayne approached the bike and his hand brushed along Cora's arm before he took his seat in front of her. "Got no problem playing tour guide for you," he stated right before he turned on the ignition and revved his engine. He threw a smug look over his shoulder at her and said, "Hang on tight."
The bike lurched forward, and Dwayne and Cora took off from the boardwalk. Dwayne weaved his bike through whatever traffic he came across. It was effortless but impressive at the same time. People couldn't help but stare as the two flew down the street. Leaving the last section of the boardwalk's parking lot behind, Dwayne crossed an overpass and made his way into town. It was a considerably nicer part of Santa Carla. He rarely, if ever, saw any Surf Nazis hanging out here. Hell, he barely spent much time in this area himself, but it was still a pleasant enough getaway for Cora--so he hoped.
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Max Was Gone …
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     And maybe there wasn’t any need for this , but damn did it feel good. They tried it Max’s way and the end result was the loss of their two brothers. Now they were going to do things their way. No more being told what to do by anyone. Santa Carla is their home and they’re taking it back and no one is going to stand in their way this time around.      He seriously doubted if they were going to find anything of great value here at the video store. As Dwayne cut the security camera’s David began ripping monitors from the wall , busting them on the ground. With one arm he started heading down each isle clearing all the shelves of movies - just letting them pile in rolls along the ground.       David’s biggest interest in all of this was making sure there was no signs that some how Max had made it through like him and Dwayne had. Sure Max was his sire and he’d like to think he’d be able to feel if Max where still kicking somewhere but David had to give him credit - he could be a tricky son of a bitch when he didn’t want to be found.       He hopped up on the counter sitting on it’s edge watching as Dwayne tore the store to shreds. Digging down into the pocket of his jacket he fished out a cigarette and brought it to his lips. The smell of chemicals now thick in the air. A smirk blossomed on his lightly stubbled face , blinking slowly realizing Dwayne still had his zippo.       David grunted in response and dropped his eyes down to the unlit cigarette that was being twirled between his fingers then lifted it to tuck it behind his ear. Jumping off the counter he walked over to Dwayne and and took the zippo with a grin.  “ Don’t mind if I do …”  He reached over grabbing a ball of paper and set it on fire then tossed it down into the huge pile Dwayne had made in the middle of the store. A wild excited shout sprang from David as he headed for the door and outside. He jumped up on the railing watching as the flames grew higher - watching until he could feel the heat of the fire against his cold skin. “ We having fun or what ? “ He laughed looking over to Dwayne.
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"Long overdue," Dwayne replied, though there was a grim smile on his broad face. Like David, the heat of the flames warmed his flesh, and along with the blood they consumed earlier, it was safe to say both vampires were physically sated.
Too bad Marko and Paul couldn't have been here to see this. They deserved to be here. They should have taken part in the demolition of the store. Max could rot in hell forever and nobody would miss him. Well, maybe David, but certainly not Dwayne.
"If we're gonna get back at those hunters," Dwayne declared, "we'll need numbers again. Two of us alone is too risky, but I don't wanna be in a rush to turn anybody, either. I've heard too many stories of newborn vamps getting too egotistical about their new powers that they end up getting themselves or their sires killed before they could be of any real help."
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This Was What They Were Born To Do …
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     They were the creatures of the night - creatures that feed upon lesser beings. There was no shame or remorse for the lives they take. They are nothing more than cattle awaiting slaughter. Every life they take , every drop of blood they spill is nothing more than means to their own survival. He could feel very drop of blood rushing through his veins like liquid fire - renewing him in anyway like he’s never felt before. All his senses hyper aware of their surrounding. The beast inside him calling for it’s release.
      Oh how he took pleasure in watching Dwayne play with the runaway. His screams and pleas were music to his ears. Things around here have been quiet for far to long , but that was all about to change. It was time for them to take back everything that had been taken from them - to reclaim what was theirs and kill anything that dared to stand in their way. 
     A huff of forced air blew from David’s lips at Dwayne’s suggestion.  “ Why stop there ? I say we burn his store to the ground and then we burn down his fancy ass little house and everything in it. “ David gestured back while straightening his jacket. The smell of blood still thick in his nostrils. He wonders if that damn little comic store is still being ran by the Frogs , even more curious as to whee they are staying. The look in his eyes is deadly. “ We shouldn’t even stop there. “
      He glances over to Dwayne with a sideways grin just as he takes off into the air. 
      They could always come back for their bikes later. He was more than ready to spill hell upon Santa Carla with Dwayne at his side. The wind blew through his hair as he bellowed out into the dark sky. Fire blazed inside of him that had to be released.
     Feet finally  hit the ground away from prying eyes - only a few feet away from Max’s video store. It was a good place to start considering the comic book shop wasn’t far away - two birds with one stone. The boardwalk was dead this time of year. To cold for delicate little humans. “ You ready to have a good time tonight ? “ David asked reaching in to jacket pocket and tossing Dwayne a zippo. Maybe he was going to far by planning on hitting them all tonight but a crystal clear message needed to be made. A message THEY were going to deliver loud and clear. David kicked open the door to the video store and strolled himself in without a care in the world.
      “ Might as well take what we want while we’re here. “
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Dwayne’s smile was cold while his eyes flared with intensity. Following in David’s footsteps, he entered the store but broke away to make a beeline for the security alarm. Using his preternatural speed, he slid behind the counter and cut the wires so that nobody would be alerted to their presence.
The cash register was smashed open and Dwayne grabbed whatever bills he could stuff into his pockets. Money wasn’t critical for vampires, but money was also a vice that every creature indulged in some way, shape, or fashion. The real jackpot would be located at Max’s place, but first thing was first.
Trash from the waste bins were thrown into a pile along with the payroll and whatever records Max kept for his business. Flammable chemicals were swiped from the utility closet and poured onto the growing pile. TVs and VCRs were ripped from the walls and tossed into the disaster waiting to happen.
Sparks crackled from the exposed ripped electrical cords tapped along the walls. At this point, it looked like a tornado had tattered the interior of the store.
Dwayne threw David a knowing look as he took out the Zippo lighter gifted to him earlier.
“Wanna do the honors and ignite the first light?” he asked.
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In her own thoughts, Cora did not hear when the male appeared,jumping slightly at the sensation of cool fingertips brushing against her cheek before a hand was place there. The touch of his lips against her temple caused her to release a breathy laugh of pleasant surprise as she looked up at him.
“I don’t exactly what I did to deserve that but don’t feel shy to try something like that again.” she chuckled as he pulled away.
“I should be asking that same question, though. It’s been a minute.”
She smiled. 
He offered her a smile in return. With a smoldering look in his eyes, he closed the distance between them once more and slid an arm around her waist. His fingertips stroked the warmth of her skin as he pulled her close to his chest.
"I always did like a lady who wasn't afraid to speak her mind," Dwayne said before he gazed down at her. "I'll let you go if you want."
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Home would have been the safer option; a fact that Cora was sure to realise later on in the future and probably regret. As of now however, Cora needed answers. What the heck was up with surfer nazi at the boardwalk, were they more people like that and if so, what in the ever living FUCK was up with the people in this town she just moved into? Looking back at Dwayne who awaited her own answer, one thing that echoed in her mind was that whatever question she needed to ask, whatever is was that she (has absolutely NO business) searching for…she’d find it in him. “Well I mean that WOULD be a good idea, but who knows when next I’ll be offered a ride on a bike?” She grinned, walking past the male and to the bike. Not waiting for an invitation, she carefully swung one leg over and perched herself closer the rear before leaning forward to gently pat the area where the male was obviously supposed to sit. “Besides,” she went on “the night’s just beginning isn’t it? I’m sure a man as mysterious as yourself would know better places around here where a girl can avoid those jerks. Care to show me around?”
Dwayne chuckled in amusement as his dark eyes locked onto her form. He had to admit, she looked like a natural sitting on the bike. Not to mention she was easy on the eyes. She had confidence that belonged to her and wasn't just trying to show off.
With a casual shrug, Dwayne made his way over to his bike and climbed in front. After turning on the ignition, he looked over his shoulder and said, "Hold on tight."
Most girls didn't hesitate to touch him, and in some cases, go beyond just a secure hold. But he didn't want to think that way with Cora--not right now, anyway.
The bike engine snarled to life and within seconds, people on the sidewalk threw themselves aside to avoid being run down by Dwayne's bike. Both Dwayne and Cora were soon tearing down the street, leaving the boardwalk in their wake.
Starting Over
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Is reading before bed a good idea,Billy ???
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Oh,my Billy…..
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The Only Response Giving To Dwayne’s Question Was A Simple Nod Of The Head …. 
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     If there was one thing he learned over the years - it was to never leave any survivors. That was unless you had a very good reason for it … mental torment , it could be a lot of fun but even that was risky. They were two men down but David had no doubt that him and Dwayne were more than capable of taking care of the few punks that littered the beach front tonight.  They both were still recovering from the ordeal they had gone through , but this was the way for them to heal , to make themselves strong again. Blood … they needed to feed and as often as they could. 
     A moment passes and David’s face distorts .. long razor sharp fangs distended for his gums and the hunger he felt in that moment was one he hadn’t felt in a very long time. He gave Dwayne one last look before he took to the air then lands in the middle of two Nazis punks. Before they can process what’s happening he has them both in his grasp - a arm around each of their necks. His eyes darken as he bites into the first ones head .. David always was a messy eater. Blood sprayed in every direction and as that coppery metallic taste hit the back of his throat - that was the moment the fun really began. 
      With the first body drained he easily tosses it into the bonfire before biting into the side of the neck of the other. The whole while all he’s thinking about is Michael , Sam and the Frog brothers - how soon enough vengeance would be theirs and this …. this right here would be the fate of the ones who robbed them of their brothers.  Once the second body is drained he practically rips out the side of the Nazis’ throat as he rips away. His head shakes and a roar bellows from him. That body now also tossed in to the fiery pit of flames.
      His eyes fall upon Dwayne to see how he’s fairing - his entire body , face , hair and clothing saturated in the blood of this victims. The screaming …. those beautiful screams were like music to his ears. 
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Dwayne threw his head back and howled like a psychotic beast as his shredded victim lay twitching on the ground, dead. Like David, he was bathed in blood, and he loved it. These deaths were revitalizing. The frenzied madness renewed him like never before. The glory and chaos of drinking human blood and watching them suffer was a drug in itself. They deserved to enjoy every waking moment of the lives they reaped.
In the midst of the slaughter, there was still another life. Sand was being kicked by frantic, scrambling footsteps. One person was praying to God that he would make it to his truck. He would forget everything that happened tonight. Pack his belongings and leave Santa Carla as soon as possible. Travel back up north and beg his folks to take him back in.
As soon as his bare feet touched the grass, sharp talons latched themselves to the top of his skull and lifted him off the ground. He shrieked and desperately grabbed at the monstrous grip that continued to press painfully into his flesh. Rivulets of blood leaked over his eyes, nose, and ears.
"No!" he sobbed pitifully, before his whole head was crushed like an egg.
Dwayne yanked his hapless casualty back to the sand and consumed the rich blood that oozed out. Under the moonlight, his face glistened with the remains of the runaway punk. After he had his fill, he tossed the body aside and sauntered back over to David. There was a dangerous gleam in his eye as he knew their night was far from over.
"Let's burn Max's video store to the ground," he suggested with a dark smile. What else did they have to lose after everything that went on in such a short amount of time?
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Dwayne brought his hand up and touched the side of her face, welcoming the warmth of her dark skin beneath his cool fingertips. Now cupping her cheek, he bent down and brushed his lips against her temple, where he closed his eyes and indulged in her rich, soothing scent.
"Missed me?" he murmured in her ear.
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A voice, a male voice. The child froze only a few steps away from the old barn doors, scared, her little heart was racing inside her chest. She had been running for what felt like forever. She parted her lips, but didn’t speak.
Less than three hours earlier, she had been blissfully walking down a wooded road alongside her family and a dozen other people, heading from her home, the Alexandria safe zone on a weekend trip to one of the other settlements known as the Hilltop colony. This was her first trip anywhere outside of high walls and she’d been so excited after her adopted mother Michonne had finally allowed her to join her on her journey this time. The nine year old had briefly strayed from the group to go catch some butterflies in the woods with a jar when she’d heard a sudden commotion. Peering back out onto the road from behind a tree, she’d watched wide eyed in horror at the sight of her group fighting with masked attackers, her mother desperately stabbing one with her katana as he marched on her.
Judith had her own blade, she’d quickly pulled it out, ready to join in, to protect her mother, even if the brave little girl stood no real chance in such a brawl. But before she could react, her mother had turned her way, shouting at her, telling her to run and not to look back, just run as far as she could away from the danger.
The child didn’t want to leave, she wanted to help, she’d been ready to ignore her mothers words until a masked face appeared in front of her from around the other side of the tree. Judith had screamed and ducked down before the person could grab her and turned and ran in the opposite direction as quickly as she could.
An hour later, the sun had set, the child had finally stopped running, but she was now completely lost. Quietly crying as she walked so she wouldn’t draw in any walkers, unable to find her way back to the road, she’d kept moving with no sign of anything in sight. No people, no settlements. She’d almost given up hope when she’d spotted the old barn through a clearing in the trees.
Finally. A place she could rest, wait until morning and then try to find her way back to the road again. She’d felt a surge of hope, right up until the doors creaked open and heard the voice. She was fearful, was he one of the attackers? She readied herself to turn and run when she heard the familiar, eerie growls and moans of an approaching walker horde. Without a second thought, she hurried and squeezed inside through the partially open doors. “Lock the doors, biters are comin’ mister!” The child exclaimed, sitting down huddled up in a far corner, her warm breath like white smoke in the cold air. There was an awkward silence as she observed the stranger, though it was difficult to make out his features in the dark. “I’m Judith- Judith Grimes.”
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Wordlessly, Dwayne closed the door and locked it up. Normally he would only secure the barn when he’d go to sleep during the day, so that no light could breech his dark security, but he knew if those things—biters, as the child called them—saw her come inside, they’d follow her. For walking dead bastards whose arms and legs were days from rotting off, their sense of hearing and eyesight were impeccable. Didn’t make much sense to him.
He searched the barn for anything he could use to further barricade the doors, but whatever fixtures and machinery that once occupied the barn had long been removed.
A sharp gust of wind abruptly howled outside and it carried the sounds of the dead. Then hands beat on the door while nails scratched along the wooden surface.
Dwayne cussed under his breath as he made his way over to the crouched child, where he then knelt down in front of her. Those brainless freaks were quick to zero in on their meal. As much as he hungered for human blood, he absolutely would not take any from a child. Even in a reality so screwed up as theirs, he refused to hurt innocent kids.
“I’m Dwayne. Hang on.”
Without waiting for Judith to consent, he scooped her up in one arm and flew up to the rafters. He then twisted in mid-air and sailed over the loft, where loose hay covered the flooring. Just as he set the little girl on her feet, the biters broke through the locked doors. As Dwayne’s long dark hair fell over his hardened features, he watched in mixed amusement and disgust how those stupid deadheads just stumbled about in search of their meals-on-wheels that seemingly up and vanished into thin air.
“You call them ‘biters?’” he whispered to Judith, hoping she wasn’t shaken by the abilities he dared to reveal to her. If the world had been normal like it once was capable of being, he would never had shown any of his abilities or a regular human. Yet in the world they were all forced to survive in, all bets were off.
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Cora was a bit hesitant to follow Dwayne. She doesn’t know why as this was not her first encounter with him and like last time, he didn’t seem as one who would want to hurt her, or have reason to do so. Despite her confidence shown earlier however,she’d be lying to herself if she said that what happened down below really did, even for a moment *scare* her and Dwayne’s sudden appearance..Exactly  how did he show up out of the blue like that? She wanted to ask him but something told her that now wasn’t the right moment to do so…..also whether she’d like to admit it or not, he DID save her. 
Biting her inner lip, she shrugged internally as she moved forward to his direction, following him down the ladder. “Where to?” She asked him.
"Away from here," Dwayne replied simply. His movements down the ladder were smooth, and he didn't even have to look at how far along he had to go before he released his grip and dropped to the sidewalk. He waited until Cora was close to the ground before he walked over to where his bike was parked, which was conveniently just a few feet away. The lights of the arcade flashed quietly above them, while across the street was the parking lot which remained relatively empty during this time of the night. On the corner was the Boardwalk Bowl, where a bowler hit a strike, because a chorus of cheers suddenly erupted from inside the building.
Turning to Cora, his sharp eyes studied her for a moment before he said, "I can take you home if you want. It's up to you, I just wanna make sure you're safe."
Starting Over
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It All Weighs Heavy On His Mind … 
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     Star was never cut out to be one of them. She didn’t have the natural killer instincts they had. He should have seen it , maybe if he had the choice he’d given her would have been a very different one that night. Hell , he even thought bringing Laddie into the group would have given her what she seemed to be missing - but things didn’t turn out as he had planned them to. It only served to give her even more reason not to give in to the gift he’d given her. He serenely doubted letting her in on things would have changed anything. Foolishly she had fallen for a mortal and all it had done was give her the fuel she’d been looking for. The fuel to try and reclaim her mortal life.
      He gave Dwayne a pat on the back as he started leading the way over to their bikes. He took a nice long drag from his cigarette , holding it in his lungs until he swore he felt the burn from it. Then it rolled from his lips and nose almost like a dragon. “ Doubt it would have changed anything. She wanted her out and she found that with Michael. As much as want to think she was one of us , she turned her backs on us - spit on everything we gave her , helped the very people to who protected her get killed. “ He nearly spat those last few words , rolling his neck giving it a crack. He really did need to loosen up a bit. His body still tease and sore from the set of antlers that pierced his chest. 
      Once they had time to fully recover they would rebuild their family , but no one would ever be able to fill Marko and Paul’s place with them - but they would grow and they would have their revenge. There was no way in hell David would just let this all go - to know a hand full of KIDS got the better of them. It wouldn’t change the past but it would settle the score. They had lost four , not counting Max .. he was no longer even a thought in David’s head. So the real question was … which four would pay for what they had done ?
      When they reached their bikes David climbed on to his and crank it up. He revved it up a few times before looking over his shoulder to Dwayne. There was more than enough time to think about all of that later - now was the time to do what they did best .. what was in their nature to do and that was to feed. “ Say we head down to the beach and say hello. “ David gave a grin before setting off. The wind blew through his hair , he missed what that had felt like - the rush he got when pushing their bikes to the limits. For a moment it had almost felt like nothing had changed. That was until he noticed the vacant hooting and hollering that would be pouring from Marko and Paul right about now.
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Dwayne caught David's brief gaze and offered him a silent nod before following him on his own bike. The rumbling of his machine beneath his fingertips was soothing, but there was no denying how odd it was not to hear more growling engines being pushed to their limits besides their own.
The two bikers followed the familiar twists and bends of the roads until their tires hit the sand. There were a lot less people during this time of the year as the winds from the ocean proved too chilly for most willing to tolerate. The cold never bothered vampires; many mortals would even claim that the undead were cold to the touch. Michael didn't seem bothered by it when he got to be with Star. Just thinking about that punk made Dwayne's eyes burn with hatred. Things went south too fast too soon.
Along the shoreline just a few yards away from the boardwalk inside stood a small group of people huddled by a fire burning in a steel drum. They were all dressed like punks with the ripped clothes, the safety pinned patches of popular bands, body parts lined with piercings, and bright, neon colored hairstyles. The strong odor of body sweat hit Dwayne's nose, and he snarled in response.
Surf Nazis. If their outfits didn't give them away it was their lack of bathing. And slayers had the nerve to say vampires smelled bad?
Dwayne shot out a mental message to David and asked, Take them all out?
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It was after sunset when Dwayne awoke. During the day, he slept high up in the rafters inside an abandoned barn out in the country side, far from the sight of any main roads.
For a number of years, he survived this living hell on earth. It wasn't because he had to worry about those freaks eating him. On the contrary, if anything, those rotting carcasses that roamed the earth 24/7 were eating up all his resources: humans. He was positive it'd been over a month since he last feasted on human blood that wasn't tainted by the bite from those things, things that were surely going to drive vampires to extinction at the rate they were seemingly multiplying. From his observations since this apocalyptic mess started, those things never needed to rest. They were always in search of food, even if they didn't have stomachs to contain what they devoured. Sounds attracted them, so the more noise made, the better. He could walk by any of them and not be attacked, because he was technically like them: undead. He had yet to come across any of those things that sought undead/dead meat. They all wanted live meat. But unlike them, this vampire was still capable of thinking and feeling, of needing rest, and needing to sustain himself. With human contact becoming fewer and far in-between, he had to resort to hunting animals. Their blood wasn't as thirst-quenching as a human's, but it helped keep him going.
A twig snapped outside. It would have gone unnoticed to a human, but even after being reduced to drinking animal blood, his senses were still quite sharp.
Now there were footsteps. Not heavy, but enough to indicate it was someone or something small.
Dwayne unhooked himself from the rafters and drifted to the ground. He contemplated on whether to keep quiet or make his presence known. If it was a flesh eater, it would be drawn to his voice and it would force itself into the barn, only to be "disappointed" when it would smell death on him, a similar stench like it had. If it was human, well, he could feast like a king.
Approaching the set of barn doors, he gradually opened them just to the point where he could call out, "Who's there?"  
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