puyocringe · 6 months
i don't even know where to begin with this. i hope she logs off forever and goes camping instead of poisoning her brain with right-wing nonsense
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utterly deranged take on the word 'queer' on top of using a gamergate mascot for an icon on twitter
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puyocringe · 6 months
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utterly deranged take on the word 'queer' on top of using a gamergate mascot for an icon on twitter
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puyocringe · 11 months
actually nah. she'll just cry harassment and witch hunt
but haley knows what she did. she just conveniently leaves out the details that actually matter
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puyocringe · 11 months
curious thing i noticed is haley's hypocritical stances on freedom of art expression with regards to lolishotacon but then gets her panties in a twist over someone making blacktober edits for genshin characters. freedom of art until it makes her racist skin crawl i suppose.
i hope she also understands her stances on artistic freedom should also go hand in hand with gender expression and her thinking that "queer" as even a self identifying label and being a part of the LGBTQ acronym should be outlawed and removed is, to be completely blunt, fascist nonsense
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puyocringe · 11 months
was sorting out some technical difficulties but while doing so found some fun racism moments
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* the vivian icon with the username blurred out in the second image is just her alt account for even more discourse.
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puyocringe · 1 year
reblogging to include the link as a daytime bump or whatever 👍 should be at the bottom
BTW the fizzy/haley document besides updated with some usernames also now includes a message from the person she groomed in the newest section and i encourage people to check it out :-)
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puyocringe · 1 year
personal blogging here a sec but i am just utterly dumbfounded with how obsessed she is with online discourse and pointless arguing and drowns herself in it every single day on that dancedoll side twitter account. does she not get tired of being a pick me girl
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puyocringe · 1 year
BTW the fizzy/haley document besides updated with some usernames also now includes a message from the person she groomed in the newest section and i encourage people to check it out :-)
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puyocringe · 1 year
her carrd with links for convenience to block her everywhere
i guess fizzy is also trying her hand at VTuber stuff as CMYK8964. which is to say, extending a warning out to independent LGBTQ+ VTubers to block her and all her accounts on account of her own transphobia and racism and all else you can find on my pinned post
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puyocringe · 1 year
i guess fizzy is also trying her hand at VTuber stuff as CMYK8964. which is to say, extending a warning out to independent LGBTQ+ VTubers to block her and all her accounts on account of her own transphobia and racism and all else you can find on my pinned post
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puyocringe · 1 year
also putting out a suspected haley twitter alt account since it just coincidentally lines up too much with her ideas along with other keywords or characters she likes (dolls, shiver icon) and basically obsessed with (almost exclusively) the same type of discourse she gets into so i wouldn't be surprised if it was some discoursing alt account.
@D_4nC_3d01l on twitter if you wanna block, since she seems to keep popping up on posts about herself with it
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puyocringe · 1 year
hey besties good ol fizzy "thefizzynator" "akira sora" "japanyoshilol" "haruruchandesu" "valvoice" "haleyhalcyon" still never gives it a rest with harassing users online. while thankfully(???????) the person in question is not a teenager on reddit minding his business or in the puyo fandom (i think), it is still very much charged with transphobic bullshit and more of the usual trying to feed her pathetic ego
content warning for transphobia, transmisogyny. it's going to be about a certain guiltied gears character with the gender identity discourse!
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i guess pixiv added some emoji react feature and fizzy is being incredibly Smart Logical Mature about it by sending her followers to harass an artist with it. what could this possibly be about? hmm, well...
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fizzy is claiming the artist "harassed" her over the topic of bridsket's gender identity in light of recent development in gultied gears strife. here's the translated convo fizzy provided herself which i am going to presently assume is accurate
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whoa hwoa WHOA there. okay there's a lot going on here. okay. well first of all we can see fizzy was the one who initiated the conversation, and the artist has every right to reply when someone like fizzy is making.... extremely bizarre comments on their work. idk if that's what fizzy means by harassment. replying to something someone said is bad i guess.
now, i am not personally familiar with the LGBT scene and culture in Japan, but, considering there are trans feminine drag queens here in America, it's safe to assume the same occurs in other countries. i think most people here know LGBT history, culture, and all surrounding it is a HUGE thing with very very widely different experiences between people, so someone who used to be a crossdressing guy can transition in a way that they see fit, right? well anyways we already know fizzy has an extremely rigid view of what makes someone real transgender enough so whatever i guess
idk where to even begin that, when a story's text and writers heavily imply or outright show a character being transgender, so people come to their conclusion, "that is a transgender character", it's suddenly equivalent to Conversion Therapy of all things. i don't even know where to begin with unpacking this. it'll be a different post maybe. also the "Western extreme left"" shit. lol.
anyways someone did bring up to fizzy her past behavior she displayed in the Puyo and DDR communities and has dismissed it, because, and i quote, "created by an angsty teen to call out random people he hates". i have a feeling she doesn't know what the actual post contents were or that she's deliberately making shit up. or both.
anyhow something i noticed with her recent followers she is trying to sic on some artist all share some similar hentai addict traits because fizzy has voluntarily put herself up as a Japanese transgender woman in support of those poor oppressed femboys missing their representation by bridsket. what an amazing hero, is what she probably thinks to herself, because it gets her attention by people who will deliberately ignore her past of harassing people and being a predator.
there's more images but, the document that details fizzy's shit in just the past two years has them and i will be providing a url on my pinned post but you can also find the document if you look thru my blog enough too. there's a lot to unpack with this woman
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puyocringe · 1 year
in recent light of seeing one of fizzy's goons try that "so a trans person is being transphobic?" Gotcha schtick:
yes. trans people can be transphobic. fizzy is transphobic.
Folks are going to yell at me for this but queer was already being reclaimed in the 80s and Genderqueer dates from around that time. I'm not sure what thefizzynator/haleyhalcyon/haruruchandesu/clockheartdoll/plshughaley/whatever is up to on twitter here but she needs to relax.
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puyocringe · 1 year
i guess people are calling out fizzy having won second place some pump it up skin contest. which is fair. but then fizzy is acting like she's a victim when she's still acting out poorly in recent enough memory with little change or remorse in her actions, as far as i've seen anyways.
i've seen her make mention of an "apology" and address the contents of my favorite document detailing her bullshit but idk if she meant the half-assed excuse of hers from her old ex from years ago or if she did make something more recent. i'm not interested in digging through her accounts myself to find out but until i do see it i'm going to fairly assume the post is a waste of time and doesn't actually address or apologize for anything
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puyocringe · 2 years
like what was mentioned, this information isn't to convince fizzy or any of her circlejerk followers who willingly want to deny her behavior in favor of their wank material. fizzy nor others want to listen, so it's not for them anymore. it's for people with any shred of concept of the mind and feelings of others. people who give a shit. any amount of consideration for others around them.
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puyocringe · 2 years
but, she's too far gone and too committed to the narrative of her being a victim. it'd be one thing if she was just an annoying dickhead, we'd just block and move on. but it's more than that. she's been at this since even before 2016 to my memory of knowing her online presence, and genuinely, the only thing that has changed about her over the years is that she is now a woman instead. the fragile self stroking ego, toxic behavior, predatory tendencies and lack of ability to reflect on her actions has been consistent. and will continue to be at this rate.
saw fizzy is trying to deny that she very much did send a picture of her dick to a minor and that she tried to run an all-ages hypnotism kink server as an adult even though the proof is absolutely there. if you don't like it, it simply isn't true anymore i guess
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puyocringe · 2 years
she tries to dress up her talk in some pseudo-intellectual nonsense, saying the document or whatever people say is "libel" when... no, she did do all of that. we have no reason to make shit up about you. you do all of this yourself. we just show people what you say and do. if you want it to stop, then stop saying and doing horrible shit and maybe also take responsibility.
saw fizzy is trying to deny that she very much did send a picture of her dick to a minor and that she tried to run an all-ages hypnotism kink server as an adult even though the proof is absolutely there. if you don't like it, it simply isn't true anymore i guess
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