pxteraofio · 8 years
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Hedge witch vibes
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pxteraofio · 8 years
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Some sigils for plants~
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pxteraofio · 8 years
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pxteraofio · 8 years
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pxteraofio · 8 years
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pxteraofio · 8 years
Narvi shrugged, curling up as tightly as he could in the chair. He set his chin on his knees, biting at his lip, a deep dip forming in his brow as he thought.
"Either, both, I don't know. I'm too stupid to be a Shadowhunter and too weak to be Fae. I couldn't even ease my grandmother's pain as she died and all I do is disappoint my brother when I tell him I shouldn't be a Shadowhunter but won't tell him why. Most Downworlders can smell the Angel's blood in me from a mile away and you know how Nephilim feel about Downworlders."
Suddenly depressed, Narvi closed his eyes, jaw setting stiffly. "I appreciate you teaching me. You know i'm a lost cause and you still want to. I apologize in advance."
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pxteraofio · 8 years
Your muse finds my with a bullet wound. Send how your muse reacts
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pxteraofio · 8 years
"Ow," Narvi muttered. He rubbed over his head lightly- it was less hurt than stinging- but didn't fault Magnus for it and settled into the chair beside the warlock.
Narvi blinked. "I... didn't think, really. I'm not sure. I've always helped at the shop, it's the only thing i've ever really had in my life consistently. I don't know what i'd do, otherwise. I just know I don't want to go around killing things for the hell of it and letting the Seelie court claim me... well, my grandma already told me i'm not the sharpest knife in the sheath. I don't think i'd really fit there."
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pxteraofio · 8 years
Narvi sighed quietly, running his fingers through his hair and following Magnus, trying to keep his feelings about the Clave mostly to himself. Magnus was the High Warlock of Brooklyn, and though he didn't seem the type to be pro-Clave, you never knew. There were the odd few Downworlders who genuinely believed the Clave did good work.
"Every four months the Clave comes to see me and attempt to convince me to become a Shadowhunter, despite the fact that I present the same argument every time: i'm not cut out for that life, I don't want it, and I prefer to run the shop because it continues on my mother's work and makes me feel more connected to her. At the same time, the Seelie court sends THEIR diplomats to see me and convince me to fully embrace my FATHER'S heritage, because... well, you knew him. And of course I have to spend hours and hours trying to muddle through all of the Fae diplomats, because otherwise I might accidentally end up selling them a limb or fifty years of servitude or whatever."
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Magnus chuckled lightly, “Oh, I won’t.” He didn’t have the patience for that to begin with.
Magnus gave a tutting sound and beckoned for Narvi to follow as he walked toward his study, which had the main of his library and potion books. He wanted to put some kind of ward on Narvi, before they even went any further. Then, after the spell narvi had to cast was finished, Magnus could use his own powers of healing on him to the best of his abilities. “What is this meeting you have with the Clave to begin with?”
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pxteraofio · 8 years
"I don't want you to go easy on me. I'd be offended if you did," Narvi said. "My grandma would probably rise up as a ten foot tall venus fly trap and eat you. I like the challenge." There was no cockiness to his tone, or insecurity, just simple acknowledgement of his abilities. "I, ah... know you might've preferred a smarter student, but I pick things up quickly."
There it was, a little smile from Magnus-- Narvi ducked his head, pleased, and delicately licked his lips. "I hope so too. It isn't bad, but I'd kinda like not to be in one. Or lectured by the Clave." He grinned at Magnus a little crookedly. "But I suppose they'll do that anyways, huh? Lead the way, Magnus."
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Magnus shook his head slightly, looking away and up at the beautiful painting of Monet’s lillies across his dining room with a sad, but visible smile. “It’s the past now. Hundreds of years ago, in fact. I just want to make sure that doesn’t happen to you. Especially you… It doesn’t mean I’ll go any less hard on you,” he pointed out, in hopes to getting back to his normal self, and plastered a fuller smile on his face. “But you will and can stay until you’ve learned.”
Magnus opened his mouth to speak when Narvi’s pressed full against his instead. His eyebrows hadn’t seemed to fall completely before they rose again, tongue darting across his lips in surprise at the lavender taste. The poor warlock was thrown all off, and simply stuttered slightly, “Yes, of course…” He blinked at Narvi, again in growing surprise and wonder at what this boy could do, a small smile lighting up his face. “Once you wake up, and hopefully it will be soon…”
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pxteraofio · 8 years
Narvi's brow furrowed deeply, an expression akin to worry taking over his features. "I'm sorry you were alone," he murmured. "I... hope we can stay together, at least for a while. We don't have to be alone that way."
"Sorry," he said as he stood, a little abashed. "I know you wanted me to hurry. It was good, though. If you wanted to make that again some other time, when we aren't in such a rush, I think I'd like that." Before he could think too hard on in, Narvi ducked in and pressed his lips to Magnus'. They were still a little damp; if he chose to, the warlock could likely still taste the sweetness of lavender on them.
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Magnus watched him carefully, and very slowly came to smile, giving a little nod of his head. “Narvi. When I was a young boy, I had no one to teach me all there was to know about this world. I vowed to myself to help anyone I came across going through that, so they wouldn’t have to face what I did…” he explained quietly, and bit his lip, gave Narvi’s fingers a small squeeze. “I will help you in any way I can. I want to, and I will be here for you. I promise.”
He was a little surprised at how fast Narvi had shot the tea down, a splendid lavender and soothing tea that had been meant to ease, but he raised his eyebrows a little and gazed at Narvi in wonder. “Well, let’s prepare then…”
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pxteraofio · 8 years
Narvi glanced down at Magnus' hand on his arm. His fingers brushed ever so slightly against one of his markings and it gave off a pale glimmer. Hesitantly, he brought his other free hand up and slid his fingers between the other man's, entwining them. "Thank you, Magnus. I... it'll take me a while to get used to that. I'm not really used to help. But I promise I appreciate it."
Narvi took the drink without argument, gazing down at the drink. "Okay," he murmured. In the interest of time, he didn't give himself the moment to enjoy it and instead downed it all. The roof of his mouth burned a bit, but he was otherwise unaffected. Narvi shot the cup a moody look but gave Magnus a small, unsure smile. He hoped he wasn't upset with him.
"I'm ready, if you are."
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“I don’t care, it isn’t healthy,” Magnus refuted, eyeing him lightly. He sighed, leaning his hands against the edge of the counter. “Narvi. You’re not supposed to be… passing out or going into a /coma/ for doing a protection ward. Fainting, sure, I could get around. Even I get a little weak when taking on such bigger tasks. But it otherwise isn’t good, and I plan to teach you to fix it.”
Magnus observed his sad, distrustful look with a bland one of his own. “C'mon, don’t give me any of that wounded puppy face. And I didn’t say you hurt anyone. I believe you, Narvi. Just eat. We’ve got lots to do..”
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pxteraofio · 8 years
Narvi stared at Magnus for a long and silent moment, almost seeming as if he were searching for something within him. Whatever it was, he seemed to find it, and some of the defensiveness eased out of the set of his shoulders. "Okay," he murmured, picking up his fork again. "I'm... sorry. You're trying to help me, because i'm... me. And I can't stop being me even long enough for you to do that. I don't mean to be this way. I'll get better. Not just magic, either."
Narvi bit gently at his bottom lip, digging his teeth into it to fight off a pout and looking up at Magnus with soft blue-green eyes that seemed to cry for him to be forgiven. "I'll do whatever you tell me. ANYTHING you tell me. Promise."
mentor, mentee || closed
“I don’t care, it isn’t healthy,” Magnus refuted, eyeing him lightly. He sighed, leaning his hands against the edge of the counter. “Narvi. You’re not supposed to be… passing out or going into a /coma/ for doing a protection ward. Fainting, sure, I could get around. Even I get a little weak when taking on such bigger tasks. But it otherwise isn’t good, and I plan to teach you to fix it.”
Magnus observed his sad, distrustful look with a bland one of his own. “C'mon, don’t give me any of that wounded puppy face. And I didn’t say you hurt anyone. I believe you, Narvi. Just eat. We’ve got lots to do..”
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pxteraofio · 8 years
"It isn't!" Narvi insisted. "It's like sleeping with no dreams. And I don't have to hear the cats fighting and having sex outside my window, which is a plus." He frowned for a moment when Magnus called him silly, face falling, but he corrected his expression self-consciously and subconsciously let his guard come back up.
"I haven't hurt anyone, I swear," he said defensively. "And i'd never do it on purpose--" The omelette was placed in front of him and he cut his eyes at Magnus but acquiesced and began picking at it in small bites. "I swear I haven't, you've got to believe me."
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“Well, If thats the case, you better hush up and eat this. I’ll take that as same as before…” he went to the fridge and retrieved the ingredients before going back to reading the book with one half of his brain, and listening to Narvi with the other. He eventually looked up at Narvi with a stubborn glare to his expression.
“‘The coma isn’t that bad.’ I’m going to do what it take to keep you out of any /coma/ or be in it for as sort as humanly possible. You’re in my care now, and as much as I do wish to protect your silly ass as well, you’re also a liability to me, so don’t go getting any funny ideas that it doesn’t matter what you do to yourself. I am to protect you, and, furthermore, teach you how to perform to a level of precision and safety in the next six months before the next ward has to go up.” The omelette finished, he slid it onto Narvi’s plate. “Eat quick. We’ve got work to do.”
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pxteraofio · 8 years
Narvi made a grumbling noise but knew Magnus was right and began to tuck into his meal. "I don't need a second one, I don't have a big appetite in the mornings," he argued. "It's hard enough to eat what I do."
Narvi moved his mug over to make room for Magnus, crossing his legs up in his seat carefully. "The wards usually last around six months, since i've gotten better- when I started they only lasted for as long as I was asleep and then i'd have to start all over again when I woke up. I can be knocked out anywhere from five days to a full fifteen, half a month. Magnus, I told you I don't need another omelette, shit, please. And the coma isn't that bad, it's just the energy i've expended returning to my body. Actually, now that I think of it, I might need to stay in the house so that it returns within a reasonable amount of time. I'm angling for five days. I have a meeting with the fucking Clave, ugh," he mumbled. "I should have done this last week. They'll be mad if I miss my appointment."
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Magnus caught his eye and pointed back at his plate, “Less talking, more eating. I’m serious. And be ready for a second one coming up after mine…” Magnus swiftly turned back to his ham, cheese, and pepper omelette, skillfully folding it onto his own plate when it was done and retrieving a large, rather old book from his bookshelf before taking a seat with Narvi at the table. “You said it puts you into a coma for two weeks? The food should help with the strength, but I can come up with a body or pain protecting shield for yourself that might hold you up together for longer… but how long does this spell last? The healing powers of my own are often tiring on their own and weaken me greatly…” he admitted quietly, flipping through the pages of Seelie wards and powers. It would be better if he hadn’t ended things so bad with his last Seelie girlfriend, but… she had tried to drown his cat, he couldn’t help it. He had connections anyway… He had had a thing for that Seelie Izzy was with now for a time. Maybe with permission, he could do some more sweet talking…
He focused in on his studies until his omelette was gone, making the book float alongside him as he began preparing another for Narvi. That boy was going to eat it if it killed Magnus to make him do so. His skin and bones wasn’t going to hold him up doing any power that was for sure… “Same thing as before, Narvi?”
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pxteraofio · 8 years
💋💋💋 - officialwarlockmagnusbane
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pxteraofio · 8 years
Send “💋” For a gif of how my muse would KISS yours.
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