pynchmalecx-blog · 6 years
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pynchmalecx-blog · 6 years
“I fell so fast that I didn't even felt the crash”
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pynchmalecx-blog · 6 years
“He was everything I have ever dreamed of. He was also everything I had in my worse nightmare”
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pynchmalecx-blog · 6 years
This Love, Chapter 2 - malec
Magnus was passing between the tables delivering the tests of the students. When he got close to mine he handed me my test, brushing our fingers lightly. A light, delicate touch, one of the only types of touch we stole from each other. Magnus was a man of character, he respected me. He did not touch me any more than was right, even if I wanted him to. He was gentle and calm, had never raised his voice to me, had never tried anything without my consent. He was the perfect guy, the kind of guy I dreamed my whole life to meet. And now he was here, and it seemed so stupid that I could not have him.
I looked at my test. I got an A. It was not a privilege, Magnus would not do that. I really liked the language and actually got and A and I did not even study. He smiled at me.
"Congratulations, Alexander," he said, looking down. I lifted my eyes and looked at him smiling.
"Thank you, Mag... Mr. Bane," I say, almost making the same mistake again, calling him by his first name or nickname. He smiled gently and continued to hand over the tests. The rest of the class was normal, we did homework and read texts. Magnus and I exchanged glances when the other students were concentrating on their books. I looked into his beautiful eyes and he smiled so intensely that my heart almost came out of my chest.
The bell rang, telling everyone to go home. I packed up my things and got up but Magnus's voice called me out.
"Mr. Lightwood, may I speak to you for a moment?" He said without taking his eyes off his notebook. I looked at the students around me and waited for them to leave until I went to Magnus's desk.
“Yes?” I asked, pulling up a chair and sitting beside him, instead of sitting in front of him.
“Are you alright?” He asked and I looked at him confused. "You did not answer my text”
I narrowed my eyes and picked up my phone. I opened my messages and I saw that I had a new one from Magnus, it was a simple text like all the others we send. It was a picture of Magnus's dinner, half burnt and half cooked. The caption was "If we get married one day you're the one who's going to make food" and then I giggled. When I stopped laughing I looked at him and saw that he was staring at me, a shy smile on his lips and eyes shining.
”I haven't seen it, I was with my siblings” I told the truth, still laughing at the photo. "You're so bad in the kitchen."
He smiled and closed the books he had on his desk, I noticed his hands and muscles because of the tight shirt. He looked back at me and I rolled my eyes at some other place.
"I know how to do some little things," he said at last, laughing. The sound of his laughter soothed my heart.
We're strangers, I knew. We did not touch each other so much. Sometimes we would nibble at each other's hands, but we were always talking, by message, by phone, and in person. Our relationship was all about communication. I think it's a healthy start. Even if it annoys me sometimes because I just want to hug him.
"You know how to do basic things, you'd be sick of the same things," I said, still laughing. I did not notice as I automatically sat closer to him, pulling up my chair and stopping by his side. Our shoulders touched and I felt the adrenaline of that little touch run through my body, I felt that little scratch on my heart as if our hearts were touching and not just the shoulders. He was also nervous and I felt very happy to know that he feels the same as me. I can see what he feels.
"That's why I intend to marry you," he said, laughing. I laughed too, but I felt my heart burn to hear him say he wanted to marry me. He is so perfect that I think it can not be real.
"You intend to marry me just to make me your culinary slave?" I asked laughing and he laughed too.
"Basically," he replied and I laughed again, I love the way he makes me laugh and the way he makes me happy. I love the way he always respects me and takes care of me. I love the way he sends me affectionate messages and love the way he says things no one has ever told me before. I love the way he's gentle and polite, the way he's smart and calm.
We were silent again, my throat seemed to ache. We were not like that. This silence bothers me, and I'm sure it bothers him. I can see that his feelings remain the same, and he can see mine as well. Sighing, I surprised him as I pulled his hand to mine and laced our fingers together. He looked at me in surprise and I shrugged, holding him tight. My whole body was grateful for that little touch, my soul too. Touching him, the least of it, was incredible. He smiled and lifted our hands together and kissed the palm of my hand. My heart broke. It felt so good to feel his soft lips on my skin, the warm breath coming from his lips touching my hand. I smiled, totally in love, and let my body relax in the chair, just feeling the presence of him and feeling his perfume. We were silent for a while, until we had to leave. We did not want but we were obliged. I walked home thinking about him. I wanted a future with him so much. A future where we are more than student and teacher, a future where he would not be arrested if they knew about us. I wanted him to be my future. I also knew he wanted me in his future. But we had a year ahead of us and there was a little space between us. He was not big but it bothered him. I wanted to know why this is going on. Why did we not talk more like we used to? It is not lack of passion, I know it's not. Maybe we're losing hope, maybe we're tired. But I did not want to get tired of him.
While I was taking the bus home I was listening to music, however, I was not even paying attention. I was remembering how it all began, how Magnus and I met. I drew him by his intelligence and calm image the moment I saw him, but to him I was just another student. I gradually gained him. I thanked him every day for having him in my life. Even if it is hidden and no one knows about this strange relationship I have with my teacher, I was happy to have him. With him, I could talk about anything.
“Come on Alec” Isabelle screamed as I descended the stairs at the speed of a slug. “You start high school today!”
I rolled my eyes, do not blame me I was a teenager at puberty and could not control my emotions. We went to school. I was dying for the shame of meeting people but I ignored them and entered my new class room. All the students seemed normal and all classes with the teachers seemed normal too. At recess I was alone. My brothers were all younger and did not study in the same school as me. I sighed lonely, I was not hungry and then I went into an empty room, put on my headphones and started listening to music. Minutes later the door is opened and a tall, dark man passes by. I felt my heart race. He had beautiful green eyes and little drawers, wore a black suit and held some English books. He looked at me startled and I laughed a little.
"Sorry," I said. "I wanted to be alone and I went into this room. Is there a problem if I stay here?”
He looked at me and smiled sympathetically. I was sitting in the first chair and he sat in the teacher's chair, still smiling. His smile was beautiful, I stared at him for long seconds and when he noticed I was staring at him, I lowered my face, feeling my cheeks warm.
"No problem unless you leave at the time of class or be a student in this class," he said, opening his backpack and taking another book from it along with a notebook and a case. I watched the way his muscles moved against the suit.
“ Is it English?” I asked, looking at his books. He just shook his head in agreement, I looked at my schedule and he said it was English. “ Yeah, it's my next class”.
"You're new, aren't you?" He asked quietly. This college was not just for high school so I understood his question. I nodded my head. "My name is Magnus Bane, I'm the English teacher, and you are?"
"A-Alexander Lightwood" Of course I stuttered.
"It's a pleasure to meet you, Alexander." He smiled without malice and I smiled back.
"Everyone calls me just Alec," I said, shrugging my shoulders and avoiding looking into his beautiful eyes.
"I prefer Alexander, if you do not mind," he said, taking a piece of paper from a folder.
"All right," I said softly.
We did not say anything other than that, he just stood there doing his work while I just read my book. His presence was comforting, calm. We both started doing that every day, in the same room. We would always go to the same room in the same place, we would say little things and then we would just be silent while each one did what he had to do. And it was only with that that I fell in love with him, just being every day in his presence, without speaking, without flirting, just being close and seeing his smile, feeling his perfume. That was all it took for me to fall in love with Magnus Bane.
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pynchmalecx-blog · 6 years
This Love, Chapter one. - Malec
I ran down the stairs, my hair was wet, and I could smell my shampoo when the wind hit my face. My family was already at the table. We are a huge and happy family. I am proud of us. We had Izzy, who was young and beautiful. She was a nerd, she wore glasses - just like me - and almost always had a shy smile on her face. She was 15 years old and wore a Star Wars shirt with black jeans and a black all-star with several stars. Her black hair was tied up in a badly made hairstyle and she talked cheerfully with Max. Max was 15 years old too and was Izzy's twin. The identical appearance of her but completely masculine. And there was Jace. He was adopted. He had blond hair and golden eyes. He had a convinced, gentle smile on his face. Jace was only a year younger than me. At 16, Jace worked in two jobs, one, he was a dj, and the other was a photography assistant. Izzy and Max did not work, I only have one job. I'm a barista at a cafe called Idris Coffee shop. I love working there. It was quiet, had good music and good structure. It smell like coffee I loved the heads that was friendly to me and sometimes they gave me time off without me really needing it.
I sat down at the table and smiled at my parents and my brothers, taking a cup of coffee and putting the liquid in it.
“How's the birthday boy?” Jace said softly. I rolled my eyes. Jace was my best friend and we were constantly fighting each other.
"My birthday was yesterday, Jace.” I say softly too.
"It's not every day that you made 17 years old, Alec! We have to celebrate all week!” He said excitedly. Jace was very excited in the morning and sometimes it irritated me. Often.
I ignored him.
After breakfast we all went to school. It was Monday and my birthday was on Sunday and so I had to put up with several people congratulating me. Me, Izzy, Max and Jace sat down on a bench and talked. Minutes later three more people joined us. Chris, Simon and Clary. They all dated my brothers. Chris was dating Max, Simon was dating Izzy, and Clary was dating Jace. And I was alone. I did not really care about dating anyone but when they started kissing and I was practically left alone, I just left.
I walked down the corridors of the school, looking for an empty room so I could read. When I found it I look at the clock. We had arrived very early and it took about 30 minutes for the signal to ring. I had plenty of time to read. I went into the room and sat down in the second row, opened my backpack and pulled out my book. I shrugged my glasses and sighed. I did not like being alone, I always felt alone and it was a bad feeling. I ignored it and started to read. It did not take more than 10 minutes for the door to open, I almost fought with the person until I laid eyes on him. I lost the air.
"Hello, Alexander," he said, his voice was soft. He wore a gray blazer with khaki pants of the same color, held several English books, and had a shy smile on his lips. I smiled delightedly. “Did I bother you?”
"No, of course not," I said. He smiled and entered the room. I closed my book and only paid attention to it. In the nervous way he pulled out a chair and sat down at the table in front of me, turning to me with a smile. My heart was racing. As always, and I felt the masculine scent coming from him. His hair was a little messy and I wanted to be able to put my hands between the strands. He had that smile that made my cheeks flush, just like they were now.
"So, what are you doing here alone?" He asked, his fingers drumming on the table in front of me. I arched an eyebrow.
"I wanted to be alone." I lied. I did not like being alone. "And you, Mr. Bane? Shouldn't you be in your office?
He laughed softly, ducking his head and looking at his fingers, I looked at them too, not knowing what to say or what to do. The nervousness in my body and the urge to touch him almost made my body tremble.
"I should," he said simply, pausing to take a deep breath. "But since your birthday was on a Sunday, I could not give you a present."
I chuckled softly.
"I told you I did not want one," I said shyly. He lifted his head and looked at me, then opened his pack and removed a package from there. I smiled. It was a book. He knew me so well. I smiled even more when I saw which book it was. The last book of The Raven Cycle The only one left for me to read. He knew all the books I read and it was easy for him to know what I would want. "I loved it, thank you, Magnus.”
He smiled, he knew that I really had adored it. Carefully, I slipped the book into my backpack and tidied up my glasses, feeling his eyes locked on me.
We were silent. We had nothing to talk about. He just drummed his fingers on the table nervously and I stared at them. He had nothing to say, or perhaps he had many things to say, and he did not know how to act. I knew him very well, I knew what he was like.
"Why aren't you with your brothers?" He said quietly, stopping to beat the table and raising his eyes to see me. I smiled.
"They were all kissing their boyfriends and girlfriend" I say, shrugging once more, rearranging my glasses. He smiled sadly. The answer seemed to shut him up. "And I hoped I could see you before class, too."
He smiled at the confession. Closing his eyes for a few seconds just to breathe deeply. We were getting lost, I knew that. We were playing this for two years. It was not easy, it was very difficult, and we were drifting further and further away every day. I was so upset about it. We had promised not to walk away. We had nothing. I could not charge him with anything. We just had our feelings thrown on the table. We did not kiss, we did not touch, we just talked. And this was ending. In the past, it was easy to talk to him about anything. Now, it's difficult. Is weird. But we're still here, fighting this space between us. Magnus is my teacher, he has been my teacher for two years. He is also of age, he was 25 years old. When we met, we were just a student and a teacher. 15 years and 23 years. We had no feelings, or we did not think so. Until a few months ago we confessed what we felt and everything seemed to be changing little by little. I could not stay with him, not now. I am still a minor and with this distance getting bigger I doubts that we could try something when I am older.
"I was really looking for you, actually" he said softly. He played with his own fingers and I stared at him. The green eyes had a confused glow, the golden skin was glowing with the light from the window. The black hair was beautiful, tidy the way I liked it. "I also wanted to see you before class."
We were silent, that new silence that none of us knew what to say to break it. He drummed his fingers on the table again, and I was slightly irritated by the noise. I held his hand, preventing him from continuing.
“Stop it," I say, referring to the noise. He just looked at our hands. A heat went through my whole body and touching his hand was burning my skin. He did not look different either, he looked at our hands with a glint in his eyes. Magnus did not say anything, he just laid his hand on mine, entwining our fingers. That made me smile small, almost crying. Maybe we could do it, after all. Maybe we're strong enough to get through this. I wanted to believe that we were. Silently, I stroked his hand, feeling that electric current flow through my body, I felt it only with him and I did not need to look at him too much to know that he felt it just with me too. I saw it in his face. He smiled, looking at our hands, his chest rising and falling, showing his breath uncontrollable. My heart was coming out of my mouth. How could I feel this way just by touching his hand? I wondered what it would be like if I could hug him. I'm not sure if I could survive a hug from Magnus. I was about to faint now, just holding his hand. If I hugged him, I could die. And I do not think I'm being dramatic.
The bell rang, making me take a little hop in the chair, he looked at me with shining eyes and laughed. Slowly, he moved his hand away from mine and I felt empty. He sighed, I knew he also wanted the touch back.
"I have to go to class” he said quietly, still sitting in front of me. I smiled and nodded.
"And I have to attend your class," I say, he shrugged. “Thanks for the book, Mags”
He raised.
"I wish I could give you more than that," he said. And I knew he was not referring to the book.
I wanted to cry. I wanted to run to him. But instead, I just sighed and held back the thought that we would get through it and then I went to his class. I watched Magnus gracefully give his English class and write down everything I needed. Hating myself for not wanting to be just another student of him. For not being able to tell the world that it was more than that.
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pynchmalecx-blog · 6 years
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always by each other’s side
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