q-tinp · 2 years
yeah that’s a youtuber
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q-tinp · 3 years
Posted about this on Tiktok so here’s a short story I did for school.
 I opened my eyes, only to see darkness. It was always like this, strangely enough. I was used to it by now. I had lived here, in heaven, since the beginning. It was always dark, here. Pitch black, actually, though the grass and other live beings seemed to glow in the dark. It was quiet too, though most of the time there was a low, loud, buzzing noise, coming from an unknown source. It always startled me when it started.
 I sat up from my mat on the ground, others still sleeping around me. I looked in front of me. Piper and Pepper had to sleep together all the time, as they were conjoined at the head. They were lucky though. It was warmer for them since they were darn near forced to cuddle. Cuddling wasn’t allowed though. They were always punished for it. I couldn’t imagine how terrified they were to sleep, knowing they’d be beaten when they woke up

 I let out a sigh as I carefully got up, making sure my robe covered my body, at least from the hips down. It did. Carefully, I began stepping over all the other beings, hoping I was heading towards an exit. It was difficult to tell if I was though. Eventually, I found my exit and left the tent like structure. It was a bit brighter outside, but only because there was more grass.
  In the distance, I could see Yae. She had been a friend of mine since the beginning. She had broken a rule not long ago, and her arms were ripped off as a result. they still floated beside her like normal though. Stuff like that was normal.
It didn’t matter that they were still functional. The point of the punishments were to inflict pain in that moment. If don’t properly, they could even cause pain eternally.
I approached her quietly from behind and hugged her. I felt her flinch momentarily before realizing it was me.
“ Oh! Hey, Otah. You startled me, eheh
She smile softly as she spoke.
This was something I did every time I woke up. Hugging her gave me a sense of comfort, for some odd reason. Maybe because it was constantly cold, and she was warm.
Eventually, I let her go. She turned to look at me.
. is something wrong
I shook my head.
 Then it started. The loud buzzing. I jumped a bit as it started, and several other beings flooded out of the tent structure. They all lined up outside to start their assignments for today. I hurried to join them, not wanting to be late and receive a beating.
I stood beside Piper as Gabriel gave everyone their assignments for that day. Gabriel never had a new assignment. He was just there to give messages and assignments to others. I watched him as he paused in front of Piper and Pepper.
He handed them their assignment, a blank expression on his face. He watched silently as they read it . Then, he handed me mine. I read it, the little color on my face draining in horror. I only had one assignment today
and a simple one.
All I had to do was talk to god. You’d think it’d be easy enough, right? Wrong. This could only mean three things. I had to starve myself and worship all day, I had a beating, or, Someone on earth was scheduled to die, and I, a guardian angel, had to kill them.
 I stood there, anxiously waiting for assignments and prayers to finish. When they had, I went to see God. I noticed the twins following behind me. It took me a moment to realize. That’s right
they have a beating every morning
 I prayed silently for them, though I knew it wouldn’t help at all.
 Before I knew it, I was walking down the halls to the throne, dreading what may or may not be done with me. Once I stood in front of God, I bowed. I stayed like that until I was told to stand straight, doing so immediately.
 I was so nervous I barely heard what I was being told. After a few minutes, I was handed a piece of paper. Before I could even read it, I was teleported to a completely different place.
 I looked around. It was far brighter. Lots of people walked around
seemingly freely.
The pain in my back was gone, and my clothes had changed. I reached up. My halo was gone. Wait a minute
 was I
on earth?
 I looked at the paper I was given. There was a task and a photograph on the paper. All I had to do was kill this 17-year-old by next week. Simple enough. I let out a sigh and decided to start looking.
 Today was the day. I had found the lanky teen by around the third day. His name was Christopher, and his voice was a bit deeper than I had expected. When we met, I told him I was homeless, and he and his family took pity on me.
I had been sleeping on the floor of his room since then. He went to work everyday. It made sense
this was darn near the end of the middle of the nineteenth century after all. I usually stayed and helped silently around the house.
 By the 5th day, I had fallen for him. He fascinated me, he was generous, and kind. He didn’t mind my stupid rambling, and he let me borrow his clothes if I needed, though he really didn’t have much to give.
He would sometimes come home with a bit of food to share. He also had an odd friend he talked to a lot. They would often warn him about me, saying to be careful. Their name was Toby, or something like that. Aside from his weird friend, he was responsible and polite. I liked all of that about him, not to mention he was just flat out attractive.
 It was currently around 6pm. He had gotten home not long ago. He was due to die in just six hours. after that, I would never see him again. Currently, he and I were sitting in his room, talking and eating. I reached for a slice of bread.
“ You’re hungry, aren’t you?”, he stated.
I jumped at the sound of him speaking. Conversations weren’t normal in heaven. It was so silent all the time. Yae was the only one who broke that rule regularly. I simply nodded in response. Of course I’d be hungry: I haven’t eaten like this in thousands of years, or about 16 years in human time.
 He watched as I struggled to spread the butter onto the bread.
“ Here,” He said, reaching for both my hands. He guided them, making one hold the bread still, and one spread it. His hands were rough and strong
warm too. I blushed softly at the sudden contact, but didn’t say anything. I couldn’t anyways.
 I looked at him briefly before taking a bite. It was delicious. he smiled at me softly , lifting his hand to ruffle my hair a bit.
 We sat eating, him talking, for a couple more hours. Eventually it was time to get ready to sleep.
I had to do it soon, or suffer.
I took my shirt off to change it. Within the next moment, I felt it. His bare chest pressing gently against my back in an embrace. I froze up immediately, my face progressively getting more red. This needed to stop. I wasn’t supposed to be feeling this way about a human, let alone one of the same sex that I was assigned to kill. I didn’t do anything though.
can I tell you something?”, he asked.
I hesitated before nodding. I could see his tan hands shaking a bit as one reached for my hand. He was definitely nervous.
I think
.I may have fallen for you
that okay
My eyes widened a bit. No, it’s terrible. It could never be okay. It couldn’t work. Despite all those facts, I respond with a nod.
 He smiled and released me, only to pull me back into a soft kiss. It surprised me. I almost wanted to push him away due to fear. I had never actually kissed anyone. What was I supposed to do? After some thought, I simply returned the kiss. Too soon it ended.
  It was like nothing had happened. Before I knew it, he was in bed, fast asleep, and I was lying on the floor.
By 11, I knew I had to act. I got up, quietly leaving the room. I needed to find something to use
maybe a knife or something. I went to the small kitchen, soon finding a sharp enough knife. I picked it up, my hands shaking, and headed back to the room. I paused in front of his bed. Was I really about to do this
? Honestly I should’ve gotten it over with days ago.
  I crawled beside him on the bed, hiding the knife behind me. I watched as he awoke and turned towards me.
you alright
I didn’t respond. Instead, I simply placed my hand on his cheek, caressing it gently. He leaned into the touch. Adorable really. I hesitated before leaning in a bit. It was understandable for a human to kiss an angel. They didn’t know
 but it was highly punishable for an angle to initiate a kiss towards
anyone really, let alone a human. Surely I’d regret this later.
I pressed my lips against his, almost as a final goodbye. I’d never see him again after this; I may as well make the most of it. Almost immediately, a sharp pain shot through my arms, however, I opted to not pay attention to it. I cupped his face gently with my hands, never wanting it to end. Butterflies fluttered in my tummy and my face flushed a bit. Everything felt warm, safe, right, and comfortable. We stayed like that, just kissing, up until I remembered. I was supposed to be killing him. It was almost time, I had to do it now. Letting out a soft sigh, I grabbed the knife, hiding it behind me out of his sight as I sat up and positioned myself onto him, sitting comfortably on his lap. I watched as he blushed, reaching up to pull me into another kiss, letting out a soft hum as he did. Surely one last kiss wouldn’t be a problem. I allowed him to kiss me again. This one was more passionate, like there was more meaning behind it. I flinched as I felt him place a hand on my hip. This was too much. I was going to get far too attached to him if this continued the way it was going. I only had a couple minutes to do this. It felt terrible, knowing I had no choice. I couldn’t speak either, therefore, he’d never know my true intentions.
  I pulled the knife from behind my back, still kissing him so he wouldn’t notice. I pressed the blade against his abdomen. My eyes widened as he broke the kiss, his eyes filled with fear. He finally realized what was happening. He was about to die. His weird friend was right to warn him, yet he didn’t listen.
Terrified, I slammed the blade down, disappointed that this would be his last memory of me. He cried in pain and I stabbed him a few more times, blood splattering everywhere. Eventually, there was just silence. He was dead. I felt sick just looking at it. And with that, I was suddenly teleported back home in the throne room.
 I waited to receive feedback, devastated when I was told I was too late. Too late? I was sure I had a few minutes. Surely I finished on time. Something wasn’t right. There was no way that was “Too late”.
Despite that, I was quickly teleported yet again, my halo replace with large, ram-like horns.
 Before I new it, I was sitting in the middle of hell. Lots of people walked around me. It was like a city. Bright lights everywhere and all sorts of couples and families. It was loud
 not eerily silent like heaven. Music played in the background, and people seemed to be doing
.what..they wanted. There was, surprisingly, no fire. Everyone was just
 Maybe I’d never see Christopher again
but I hoped he’d be alright. I had no idea what happened to people when they died though.
“ Hey!”
I jumped a bit, looking towards the voice. It was a child,er- demon.
“Are you alright..?”
I paused, a bit frightened. I hadn’t seen a demon before. They looked, a bit similar to angels, but no feathered wings and halos.
I shrugged in response.
“ Alright, well
 I’d suggest getting up. People here don’t really look where they’re going, heh.”
And with that, they were gone. It suddenly hit me. I was free now. I didn’t have to worry about consequences. I didn’t have to live in fear
what about my friends?
( I’m sorry this was super rushed. I had this story in my head for almost a year now, thought there was a LOT more to it, hence the time skip. I also didn’t get the chance to use all the characters the way I had originally planned. This story was meant to be divided in chapters, not in a short story. My apologies, I hope you can enjoy it a bit anyways. Thank you :))
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q-tinp · 3 years
okay but WHAT IF bingqiu's reincarnation/next lives are as quan yizhen and yin yu. come on, you can't tell me that doesn't perfectly link them up
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q-tinp · 3 years
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Have u see it?
Its beautiful
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q-tinp · 3 years
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I have so many sketches of them it's unreal
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q-tinp · 3 years
The shipper: The ship:
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© kyungsooful
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q-tinp · 3 years
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q-tinp · 3 years
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Dianxia sitting on his throne 👑
© Art by STARember🌟
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q-tinp · 3 years
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q-tinp · 3 years
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q-tinp · 3 years
Heaven Official’s Blessing OST - ‘One Flower, One Sword’ Full ver.
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q-tinp · 3 years
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xie lian + hua cheng icons
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q-tinp · 3 years
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hualian matching icons
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q-tinp · 3 years
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Xie Lian ‱ Heaven Official's Blessing Chapter 60
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q-tinp · 3 years
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—   è„żÂ   🚧 hualian (tgcf)   ː  layouts.
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q-tinp · 3 years
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♡ˀ 읖 â€ș xie lian layouts 욧 âŠč ⍝ ꗃ like or reblog if you save it ↷ â  á°·âž± ê’°đŸŹê’± don't repost! : : ✩ïč†
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q-tinp · 3 years
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Xie Lian & Hua Cheng ‱ Heaven Official's Blessing Chapter 6 / 7
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