qiloong · 3 months
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slides my scar blog, some pocket link, and 3 dollars across the dashboard.
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qiloong · 3 months
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slides my scar blog, some pocket link, and 3 dollars across the dashboard.
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qiloong · 3 months
if I made a scar blog would you all write with me there…
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qiloong · 3 months
I am once again back to liking posts and sending memes from 15 hours ago I am so sorry
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qiloong · 3 months
another kiss prompt
a kiss to make up for an argument
a dominating kiss to end an argument 
a gentle kiss to ask forgiveness 
a kiss against shoulder blades as arms wrap around from behind 
a kiss against the shoulder after waking up beside each other 
a kiss to distract
a kiss against tear stained cheek
a kiss on the brow 
a kiss where they’re both covered in blood
a kiss after one muse has killed for the other 
a kiss after one muse has injured the other 
a kiss between enemies who should be fighting 
a kiss between exes who meant to walk away 
a playful kiss to make the other stop rambling 
an adoring kiss because the other is rambling 
a kiss to end sexual tension 
an angry kiss 
a tearful kiss 
a kiss to prove a point 
a hesitant kiss 
a kiss from one muse who should be afraid of the other 
a kiss from a muse who the other should be afraid of 
kisses scattered along hardened jaw to try and sooth 
a kiss as if trying to answer a question 
a kiss between furrowed brows to try and comfort 
a kiss from someone the other didn’t think thought of them that way 
a kiss that says thank you 
a kiss on the corner of the mouth,  hoping for more but expecting nothing 
an exploratory kiss,  testing the waters between them 
a kiss on the forehead of one who is starting to fall asleep 
a kiss against the cheek after discovering the other is napping 
a platonic kiss just meant to express overwhelming emotion 
a kiss to comfort both parties
a kiss stemmed from relief 
a kiss to make the other believe professed feelings 
a possessive kiss to remind the other who they belong to 
a possessive kiss to show the world they belong to each other
a kiss stemmed from jealousy 
a kiss to make someone else jealous 
a biting,  passionate kiss 
a kiss against the neck which feels more like a bite,  teeth bruising skin 
a desperate kiss as if they are convinced they’ll slip through each other’s fingers 
a kiss to make each other feel alive 
a kiss stolen away in a corner,  ignoring crowds 
a kiss after being pulled into an alley to have a moment to themselves 
a kiss after grabbing the other’s arm and pulling them back close 
a kiss to convince the other to stay 
a kiss like they’re trying to convince the other to love them 
a hopeful kiss in the rain
a desperate kiss in the rain 
an angry kiss in the rain 
a possessive kiss in the rain 
a playful,  happy kiss in the rain 
a passionate kiss stemmed from previous heartbreak in the rain 
a kiss in the rain to make up like it’s a damn romcom 
a kiss in the rain filled with the foreboding of a goodbye 
a kiss to make the other stop being stubborn 
a kiss after treating a wound 
a defiant kiss 
a kiss between partners in crime in front of someone they hold captive 
a kiss to anger a third party 
an adrenaline filled kiss shared after committing a crime 
a surprise kiss just because the other couldn’t stop thinking about it 
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qiloong · 3 months
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qiloong · 3 months
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jiyan ⟡ replica of past days
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qiloong · 3 months
frankly, jiyan should receive kisses and scritches to his scales and the fact that he is NOT rn is criminal
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qiloong · 3 months
jiyan stress knits.
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qiloong · 3 months
i am. slowly eeking out those asks. i wanted to do them sooner but i came home and my wifi was down. THE HORROR.
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qiloong · 3 months
hello I will be here tonight so like this for a general in your ask box!
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qiloong · 4 months
anyways wuwa has been out long enough : can we please talk about how geshu lin and jiyan have massive doomed yaoi motifs like jesus christ kuro you really went in it
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qiloong · 4 months
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qiloong · 4 months
ㅤㅤㅤ𝒂  𝒓𝒂𝒓𝒆  𝒓𝒆𝒑𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒗𝒆  𝒊𝒕  𝒊𝒔,  𝒇𝒐𝒓  𝒕𝒉𝒆  𝒈𝒆𝒏𝒆𝒓𝒂𝒍  himself  to  not  be  situated  on  the  front  -  but  instead  one  of  the  rear  camps,  closer  to  the  residential  villages.  though  the  fighting  takes  most  of  his  time  -  jiyan  knows  his  attention  is  best  dispersed  to  all  his  men,  and  this  is  no  exception.  a  camp  of  non-resonator  midnight  rangers  -  responsible  more  for  supply  chains  and  medics  is  where  he  visits  now,  careful  aureate  eyes  drinking  in  the  orderliness  before  him.  as  always,  jiyan  runs  a  tight  ship  -  nothing  out  of  place,  no  man  or  bandage  unaccounted  for,  and  only  when  he'd  finished  assisting  a  senior  medic  with  bracing  an  injured  outrider's  arm  does  he  take  to  the  stars.  
ㅤㅤㅤthe  night  is  quiet,  sounds  serene  -  no  call  of  the  deadly  crows,  no  murmurs  of  dissonance  in  the  air.  indeed,  jiyan  sighs  as  he  feels  his  qingloong  condense  about  him,  whispering  through  his  hair  and  along  his  shoulder.  a  breeze  stirs,  the  dragon  dispersing  and  then  the  tacet  mark  on  his  back  twinges,  flickering  to  life.  the  winds  move  again  -  a  secret  to  his  ears  and  jiyan  lets  his  gaze  snap  open.  it's  a  familiar  presence  that  fills  his  senses  -  though  it's  nowhere  to  be  seen.  he's  used  to  hallucinating  geshu  lin  -  even  outside  the  retroact  rain,  used  to  feeling  the  vestiges  of  his  power  nearby,  like  a  phantom  familiarity  that  never  quite  leaves  his  side.  and  yet...  it's  the  wind  that  speaks  to  him  now,  the  frequencies  not  of  discords,  but,  but...
ㅤㅤㅤthe  other  general's  scent  hits  him  first,  then  the  stumbling  sight  of  him.  out  of  reflex,  jiyan  braces  a  foot  backwards,  the  bright  hue  of  his  eyes  narrowing  as  geshu  lin  lumbers  towards  him  in  the  cool  night  air.  how  many  times  has  he  shown  up  to  him  injured  in  his  dreams?  how  many  times  has  he  hallucinated  his  tender  hands  back  on  the  other's  broken  body?  but  it's  never  been  this  vivid  before  -  never  so  carnal.  ❝  you're  not  real.  ❞  he  says  out  loud  -  firm,  resolute.  ❝  you're  not  real  anymore.  ❞  but  the  wind  whispers  to  him  again,  and  as  geshu  lin  drifts  closer  -  his  mark  throbs.  he  should  draw  his  sword.  he  should  slash  the  phantom  that  was  surely  wearing  geshu's  face  -  but...
ㅤㅤㅤhe  falls  to  his  knees,  and  jiyan's  heart  aches.
ㅤㅤㅤ❝  you  -  ❞  the  general  swallows,  readying  his  most  resolute  voice  for  the  prostrate  being  before  him.  but  it's  the  dragon  that  makes  it's  choice,  wind  rippling  into  the  teal  creature  until  the  small  avatar  drifts  downwards,  playing  through  geshu's  silvery  hair  to  butt  gently  at  his  haggard  face  and  then  dispersing  once  more.  as  it  does  so  - jiyan's  eyes  go  wide,  a  vague  sense  of  familiarity  overwhelming  him,  and  against  his  better  judgement,  he  drops  to  his  knees  before  geshu  lin.  
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ㅤㅤㅤclawed  fingers  reach  outwards,  grasping  his  face  with  no  small  amount  of  desperation.  he  pulls  their  gazes  together,  gold  upon  gold,  searching,  searching,  searching.  he's  never  been  able  to  touch  him,  never  been  able  to  feel  the  heat  of  his  skin  again  and  the  general  is  so  alive,  so  real  that  the  normally  stoic  jiyan  takes  a  deep,  shuddering  breath.  questions  are  ignored,  cast  aside  in  favor  of  sweeping  his  gaze  over  geshu  lin's  battered  appearance,  and  shaking.  ❝  no,  you  can't  be  real.  they  said  you're  dead,  that  it  was  a  suicide  mission.  geshu...  you  can't  be  real.  ❞  but  he  is.  he  is  as  true  as  the  blood  that  leaks  onto  his  fingers  from  those  cuts.  ❝  it  is  cruel  to  haunt  me  like  this,  to  make  me  think  i  am  able  to  save  you  this  time.  it  is...  ❞
ㅤㅤㅤa  hand  touches  the  mark  at  the  elder  general's  throat,  and  jiyan's  own  throbs  in  response  at  the  familiar  frequency  that  bursts  through  him.  the  vibrations  of  his,  his,  his...  with  it,  the  doctor  inhales  sharply,  and  simply  stares  a  long,  long  moment.  perhaps...
the air sticks to his lungs, thickens his windpipe and chokes the soldier as he trudges blindly forward. feet drag through the grass, his boots long since worn thin and weakened through the mindless surge forwards. geshu lin has been awake for weeks, now. he thinks it's been weeks. it feels like months - maybe even years - that he's been walking for. that he's been lost in an unrecognisable mimicry of the place he used to call home - the very ground he'd given his life to protect for just a little while longer.
or, so he thought.
the soldier doesn't notice the increasing signs of civilisation, doesn't notice the children in out skirting villages and settlements as they watch an exhausted man walk despite the blood clinging to his clothes and skin. he doesn't notice the blisters forming on the soles of his feet or the cuts and scrapes pulling at old scars. geshu lin almost doesn't notice when he draws face to face with golden eyes and teal hair.
jiyan stands taller now, he thinks. jiyan has a weight to his steps now, he thinks. jiyan is stood in front of him again, he realises.
"...jiyan?" the soldier's voice comes in a rasp - something that tears at his throat and barely reaches its way towards the intended target. dull eyes shine with something unreadable as hand draped with tangled and torn bandages reaches out towards the doctor - towards the only thing the general finds he can still recognise. knees buckle beneath him, malnutrition and dehydration coiling around the resonator and pulling him down, down, down until he's prostrate before the other man. "why... why have you come here...?" -> @qiloong :)
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qiloong · 4 months
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hello  all!  please  give  this  post  a  ♡  or  a  ⟲  if  you're  interested  in  writing  with  a  new  rp  blog  for  JIYAN  -  general  of  the  midnight  rangers,  from  kuro  games'  wuthering  waves.  penned  by  saff  (  30  /  any  pronouns  ).  please  note  that  blog  is  not  spoiler  free  -  but  they  are  tagged!  additionally,  minors  and  personals  are  not  welcome.  thanks!  
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qiloong · 4 months
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qiloong · 4 months
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COMMISSION FOR: @wingspiked / @qiloong
this one was fun ngl. i love chunky earrings they fuck me up so bad. only for use by saff please respect that.... u w u bro is meditating.
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