qingthing · 6 years
Honestly the bar is so fucking low for men and they’re still coming out so lackluster at the Met Gala. Women celebs are showing up as walking performance art and what about the fellas? Oh, another black tux but this time you’re wearing red shoes. Call the narcs. Oh, maybe this radical boy is gonna slam us with some black velvet. How controversial. You think a shift to yet another safe texture is enough? Where’s the lace? The collars! Where are the crowns of thorns? What man is going to be the only lion amongst a den of cowards and waltz in there with that Saint Sebastian vibe, assnaked and unmistakably gay? Catholicism hasn’t been horny for beefy, dying men for centuries just so we can play it safe with another boring black tux.
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qingthing · 6 years
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qingthing · 7 years
Today I was rehearsing with the guitarist from the show I’m doing and I was coughing up a lung bc I’m sick and I was just kidding but I told him he needed to bring me a lemon for me to slice up and put in a cup of tea and so I show up to the show tonight to get ready and he sets down a big ass lemon on my dressing room table and then brings out like 5 boxes of Halloween Oreos and for those of you who pay attention to my posts you know what a big fucking deal that is and so long story short I now have a lemon and more Oreos than I know what to do with
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qingthing · 7 years
(to the tune of uptown girl) uptown rat. he wears a very silly pointy hat
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qingthing · 7 years
ah yes, the four hogwarts houses - punch, lie, hug, and think
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qingthing · 7 years
Do you ever just like push people away because you’re not in a good place and don’t want to bring people you care about down to your level
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qingthing · 7 years
Soft things my dad has done
One time when he was 18, he was fishing and found a baby salamander someone had tried and failed to use as bait. It had a huge gash in its side and didn’t look like it would make it. He put it in the bucket he was going to put fish in and took it home, then performed “surgery” on the little guy to mend the gash. It couldn’t move, so my dad fed it and nursed it back to health until the gash was healed. Since he’d taken it in as a baby, it wasn’t equipped to stay alive in the wild, so he kept it in a giant aquarium next to his bed. It stayed alive until my sister was born six years later.
His dad took him deer hunting once when he was in middle school. They hunted all day and never saw a single deer. At the end of the day as the sun was setting, they found one, and my dad yelled at my grandpa not to shoot it because it didn’t deserve to die. He hasn’t been deer hunting since.
Two people I used to be best friends with don’t have stable parents. My dad takes them out for lunch and out fishing regularly, and even though I am not friends with either of them anymore, he still makes time for them as if they were his own kids.
Sometimes I catch him crying at videos of dogs on the internet.
One time he was crying and I asked him what was wrong and he gave me a hug and said there isn’t always a reason. I’ve held on to that.
He told me that if (if) he dies, he wants to die by being drowned in a horde of puppies because otherwise, what’s the point?
He makes sure to say “I love you” to my mom and me every day, because he once told me he never once heard it from his parents as a kid.
Saw my mom looking at a bird, so he found out what kind of bird it was and drew a picture of it for her.
Heard me crying after a hard day and brought me a box of milk duds, because even though I’m lactose intolerant, it was an occasion on which they were needed.
Shows me every day that men who feel allowed to be open, vulnerable, soft, and emotional are so much happier than men who are told to keep it all inside.
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qingthing · 7 years
lads had a dream last night that i was at the elton john concert and halfway through crocodile rock he switched to a prince medley and real live flesh and blood prince walked out on stage, and into the stunned, hushed silence i said quietly, “i thought you were dead” and he looked straight at me through the crowds of a million people, put his mouth against the mic, and said “do i look like the kind of man who dies” absolute legend 
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qingthing · 7 years
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qingthing · 7 years
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qingthing · 7 years
All four otters on our first of four snow days. Tahoe has never seen snow before, he is the one in the back of the video not sure if he wants to step on it or not. Baxter, Ryer, and Shasta are the ones going crazy. We bring in the 2000lbs of snow bucket by bucket in the morning before we put them on exhibit.
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qingthing · 7 years
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qingthing · 7 years
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This is some college AU gold
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qingthing · 7 years
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Naomi Campbell photographed by Photograph Jean-Paul Goude, 2007-(via DWNH)
Because she has only one pointe shoe on. Because her figure is of legend. Because they call her Naomi. Because she does not allow the fashion industry to disregard black beauty. Because her voice often get mistaken for anger. Because she can easily be dismissed as just a model. Because she is not liked by everyone. Because she has been an inspiration for many girls, brown and white. 
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qingthing · 7 years
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qingthing · 7 years
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qingthing · 7 years
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