qitn-sansasnow · 3 months
not now sweetie, mommy is watching how the massive girlbossification of female characters has led to the belief that weak and vulnerable female characters are badly written characters because apparently every woman needs to be outspoken and witty and snarky and brave in order to be considered “complex” and have any value in a piece of media!!
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qitn-sansasnow · 4 months
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qitn-sansasnow · 4 months
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qitn-sansasnow · 5 months
just in case no one tells you today…..you’re worth having around. you’re worth committing to. you’re worth appreciating. you’re worth loving…
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qitn-sansasnow · 5 months
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qitn-sansasnow · 6 months
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qitn-sansasnow · 8 months
I’m going to be snorting up that KitSophie movie like it’s crack cocaine, I don’t care how bad the costumes are (but please make them good please)
I love being a jonsa we never lose ever (except when we do. hard. but thats like thats not even real to me anymore) 🫡 done the trenches crawled out of the plague pits survived the fall of constantinople ect ect and now we're here. back were we belong WINNING. yall I'm not gonna lie I'm gonna be honest I'm gonna reach new heights of being the single most fucking annoying person on this website specifically and planet in general. does a movie have to be good? is it not enough that kitsophie look at each other?? and it is. it is enough this could be the worst movie ever made and I'll still be planning an oscar campaign regardless.
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qitn-sansasnow · 8 months
good evening jonsa nation
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qitn-sansasnow · 8 months
I’m gonna be so calm about the news of this movie starring Kit and Sophie. Yes, ma’am, I am the epitome of chill. They got me all fired up when they announced the Jon Snow show but this time I’m gonna…
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qitn-sansasnow · 11 months
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Beginning - one shot
"So, you were watching me huh?" he says still catching his breath after. 
She was. Shamelessly so.
There is something about seeing Jon sparing that makes her blood hot in the most delicious way. Every line of his body is confidence and strength as he moves with the sword, hands maneuvering the object as if it's nothing.
A dark hero.
And completely Her’s.
She took him by the elbow to the nearest room, trying her best to be the composed lady that she is, but as soon the door was closed, she didn't give him any time to undo his own breeches, doing it herself, fast, so he could be inside her as soon as possible. “Gods Sansa” he trembled once he was fully where he should be. 
"Yes...well" she noses him softly "has no one told you that you are very handsome?
"He laughs looking down while tying his clothes.
Jon can be so shy, she thinks, it's always endearing, and it always catches her a bit by surprise.
"Not my wife," he says gazing at her mouth and she gasps feigning chock "No?? My, she’s been negligent this lady of yours."
"Never," he says seriously now "I am the one striving to deserve her."
Oh Jon.
She already can feel the heat behind her eyes, her emotions are so delicate these days. "I am the one striving to deserve you" she manages to say as the tears flow freely to her husband's absolute horror. "Sansa" he says, hands on her face. And is so very urgent that she says, that he knows. So she holds those hands that she adores and lets him hear this truth for the first time: "I love you so dearly".
"My heart," he says, so close to her face, as they breathe the same air. "I love nothing more than you."
"You will, gods be willing."
"How do you mean?" he asks. Oh, his confused face, she can't help but laugh as she takes his hands and places them on her belly.
"Sansa...truly?"  He says in such awe that she can only feel endlessly precious when he moves to hold her.
She remembers then of another hug, in a dreadful city, amidst the aftermath of chaos and death. A hug that felt like loneliness and farewell forever, so she holds him to her just a little tighter. This is the beginning, she thinks, they are just starting.
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qitn-sansasnow · 11 months
In the spirit of encouraging people to comment on fanfics while also making it easier to do so, I feel obliged to share a browser extension for ao3 that has quite literally revolutionized the comment game for me.
I present to you: the floating ao3 comment box!
From what I've seen, a big problem for many people is that once you reach the comments at the bottom of a fic, your memory of it miraculously disappears. Anything you wanted to say is stuck ten paragraphs ago, and you barely remember what you thought while reading. This fixes that!
I'll give a little explanation on the features and how it works, but if you want to skip all that, here's the link.
The extension is visible as a small blue box in the upper left corner.
(Side note: The green colouring is not from the extension, that's me.)
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If you click on it, you open a comment box window at the bottom of your screen but not at the bottom of the fic. I opened my own fic for demonstrative purposes.
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The website also gives explanations on how exactly it functions, but I'll summarize regardless.
insert selection -> if you highlight a sentence in the fic it will be added in italics to the comment box
add to comment box -> once you're done writing your comment, you click this button and the entire thing will automatically copied to the ao3 comment box
delete -> self explanatory
on mulitchapter fics, you will be given the option to either add the comment to just the current chapter or the entire fic
The best part? You can simply close the window the same way you opened it and your progress will automatically be saved. So you can open it, comment on a paragraph, and then close it and keep reading without having the box in your face.
Comments are what keep writers going, and as both a writer and a reader, I think it's such an easy way of showing support and enthusiasm.
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qitn-sansasnow · 11 months
If Aegon had the sense to love her, and Aegon wasn’t a fool, she was the key to ensure the peace in the Realm, he thought, as he watched her dance with a smile on her lips with her great uncle, sir Brynden Tully and lord Royce as well as her brothers. — CHAPTER 9
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qitn-sansasnow · 11 months
I’m Jewish and American. I find your posts about our 9/11 in Israel to be offensive. Without the IDF we would not survive. I have family over there searching for cloud cousins. We are oppressed around the world and Israel should be where we are safe.
First of all, my prayers that your family remains safe.
Second, the IDF is a terror force. I’m sorry but they are. I am actually not going to argue about this because I’ve seen their cruelty first hand. The IDF, right now, is indiscriminately bombing Gaza, passing out guns to violent settlers in the West Bank, and pushing dehumanizing propaganda. Do Palestinians not deserve to be safe in their homes, too?
The use of the “Israel’s 9/11” language should give you pause. Because 9/11 led to two destructive wars that killed 100s of thousands and displaced millions more and lost the lives of thousands of Americans, all under inflamed and false pretenses. We are not safer for the wars waged in the name of vengeance post 9/11. Do you think Israel genociding millions will make you safer? Has it thus far? Because since before the Nakba, Zionists have used violence to claim land and it has not made Jews safer. What makes you think oppressing millions, keeping them locked in an open-air prison, empowering violent settlers, would make you safe long term in Israel? I am not someone who believes that every Israeli must leave or that every Israeli is a European settler because I actually know the history and the complexity of the issue. But, the current status quo is not working and there are many in Israel and around the world who know this. Those voices should be heeded before more calamity ensues.
Third, Antisemitism is a scourge, I condemn it. I have Jewish family and friends who I want to feel nothing but safe including in Israel. Black people and Jewish people have walked side by side in our pursuit of Justice together in the United States because antisemitism and anti-Black racism only reinforce each other. But that solidarity breaks down in Israel where Africans and African Jews are treated as second class citizens. Even now in the US I have seen the ridiculous actions of certain BLM chapters being used as pretense for why Jews should not support Black liberation. It is important we are honest right now about how white supremacy infects us all and works against our collective liberty.
Synagogues should have extra protection as tensions are heightened. However, so should mosques as Muslims face huge backlash right now around the world.
The Jewish community hold immense power in the United States. Politically, culturally, financially, Jews in the US are extremely well placed. This power, which they have worked to establish over decade, serves to protect the community from extremism and discrimination although we all face danger from the rise of the far right and it’s bigotry and hate.
But as a result we are not dealing with equal stakes. People lose their jobs speaking out for Palestinians. I’ve seen it even in Congress where even asking for aid to help Palestinians makes lawmakers afraid. Right now, college students are being blacklisted from jobs because they supported Palestine or are vaguely connected to a group that does. It’s not a coincidence that many of these students are Muslim, Black, and brown. Meanwhile, our lawmakers are calling for explicit eradication of Palestinians, and no one pushed back at all. Countries around the West are banning the Palestinian flags and protests in support.
This is not symmetrical in any way shape or form. I made it clear that I condemn Hamas, a terror group that cares nothing for Palestinians and whose leaders live in luxury out of Gaza. But I will not be sorry for focusing my energy on the people currently facing eradication and who have faced mounting violence and discrimination for nearly a century.
Equating support for the freedom of Palestinians and condemnation for the Israeli government and violent settlers with antisemitism is wrong. It’s a sick game of oppression Olympics used by *some* in a group with power within this context against a group with near zero power.
The Jewish community deserve to be safe. The Palestinian people deserve to be safe. It is imperative we call out the policies, governments, institutions, and ideology that make this impossible.
We either get free together, or not at all.
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qitn-sansasnow · 1 year
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VICTORIA MONÉT Galore Magazine, September 2023
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qitn-sansasnow · 1 year
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JESSICA CHASTAIN Venice International Film Festival on September 08, 2023
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qitn-sansasnow · 1 year
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qitn-sansasnow · 1 year
You've once AGAIN brought us an incredible fic, and I really enjoy the chance to read a canon (ish) fic from you (even though I adore your modern aus). Thank you for continuing to write for us!!!
I actually got a few comments on for the wars from people saying they'd never read a canon au from me, or maybe didn't remember, and it made me look back. I've written more than I would have guessed, but also they're almost all one-shots... so here's all the canon(ish) au's I've written:
on the bound (Sansa in the Vale)
sneaking out & the merchant's daughter (the og Brandon's son au)
keep you safe & sometimes they come true (closest things to show canon I'll ever write)
not the same (book canon)
a song (Sansa doesn't go with Ned to KL & they find out about Jon early)
ruin (Jon is a Targ & initially betrothed to Arya)
time travel (half canon?) & constellations (could be either book or show) from my ephemera series
and who could forget, white knuckles. the only real multi-chapter one, and the only fic I will likely never finish. sigh.
(and then if you're looking for something like a salty teens, Jon is a Targ fic, you could check out this one from a completely different author that definitely isn't me)
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