qrweissmann ¡ 6 years
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qrweissmann ¡ 6 years
the differences between the two of them weren’t to be counted on two hands, neither would they on three or four.. pretty much they were opposites and at the same time he believed that it was yet another proof to the cliche quote of opposites attract. as, no matter how much he could laugh at it at times, he believed that it also was true. all by all he was very grateful that the two of them could make it work like that, how they both saw past the differences and distance because why? it didn’t matter, to neither of them so.. and god damn how he was proud of it. there was this smile on his face, gazing at his screen only to look at quince, wondering when they’d meet again. 
now he loved looking at him, very much so, someone who was absolutely stunning and got him to smile a lot.. even at the darkest days and even when it didn’t require talking from either one of them, sometimes he just loved the silence and yet he felt accompanied by someone who was on the other side of the world. some of his friends would call him insane, while others were rooting for him and wished the best upon their relationship.
at work they usually just rolled their eyes at him, though, for constantly calling with him whenever they would entered the police station.. yet they were always curious, begging to have a word with him until the real work would distract them again. 
damn, how he admittedly hated when they scheduled him at the calmer nights.
‘  you are a true brute, quince.. truly are, but i love that about you, ’ now his darker eyes lit up as he studied the other his featured, feeling warm inside all while he kept his eyes glued onto him constantly.. not being able to stop himself from grinning. ‘ i don’t know what you were saying there, but it sounds.. either hot or very angry. i don’t know. ’
when eventually the man his laughter felt the air he looked up, small smile back on his face as he tilted his head, curious as to the reasoning behind the recent laughter.
when eventually he spoke up again robert ended up shaking his head, pretending to show him some kind of disappointment and yet there was a smile. ‘ we suck, huh? ’
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The distance sat like a dull wound at the front of his skull, an indent unseen by eyes exterior; only visible from within in own head, the very thing that ran in such a flurry that he wondered if it were becoming an occupational hazard. The soft skin of the apple caved at the meeting of his teeth, a pocket of its flesh removed as the Austrian chewed it, humming quietly in response to Robert.
Disagreements were not uncommon among couples, especially those that didn’t frequently find themselves in one another’s company. Now to say there was any sort of such a thing in this moment, no, it was not so, but as he swallowed the ground apple, the former tennis player offered the Australian a soft smile. Worries were washed back and down his throat, as if riding on the paper-thin skin of the fruit.
“We don’t suck,” Quince answered, plucking his phone from the counter as he shuffled towards the door. Gripping the apple between his teeth like a roasted pig, the man grabbed his satchel, slinging it cross-body before tugging the fruit from his mouth. “We’re just difficult Jungen sometimes.”
The bottoms of dress shoes clicked against the flooring and soon the front steps at the Austrian made his way out for the day, apple back between his teeth as he fished for the headphones in his coat pocket. Untangling the mess of white cords, the Austrian plugged them into his mobile, pushing the earbuds into place as he readjusted himself: apple in hand once more, bag set, smile laced, and phone back on his face. Despite never having traveled the route in person, Robert was perhaps all too familiar with the surroundings that were skirting by at the edge of the phone’s frame. He knew Quince was heading out on his morning commute.
“Have you considered my proposal?” Quince asked almost suddenly, bright eyes focused on the ever-approaching Bahn station. He was referring to the request that he and Robert plan a trip somewhere, and preferably sometime soon. The Austrian had suggested Malta or somewhere in Southeast Asia, and ━ because he knew Robert was often a little tight on money ━ he had also offered to assist with travel expenses. It had been far too long since they had seen one another, and he saw no harm in shelling out a little extra in order to make that change.
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qrweissmann ¡ 7 years
in all honesty robert had been quite hesitant to tell everyone about their relationship. sure he was not scared to tell them about his sexuality, he came out of the closet at a young age, but the thing was that his brother truly hated long distance relationships, because his relationship with a frenchie had soon turned to shit. not wanting for him to go through that process, but he was sure that he did not have to. despite the words spoken about them, they actually really seemed to make this work. even while the complications; he felt good.
now his co workers knew all about it and they often asked about him at those rare times rob had not started to gush about it himself. there were those times where he felt like a teenage girl rambling about his teenage, high school crush. even now he was forty five, he still felt some way whenever he looked at or thought about his boyfriend. now he actually hated it when people told him to stop being immature and settle down instead, but it happened.. frequently. where they called their relationship something that could not possibly work out well. now he knew better, though - he believed in their relationship, he put his faith in it.
softly humming came from his side as he looked at his food, dipping the extra spiced nacho’s in a flaming salsa dip. himself being a big fan on spicy, often to et his mouth to start burning because of how spicy the food was.with it he regretfully drank water, which only made it worse and between the shortest amount of time robert already felt as if he was on fire. looking at the camera helplessly, jumping up to get himself a sandwich nonetheless. now bread helped for spicy food, so instead of using it as food he used it as his own extinguisher.
pouting lightly as the case of logical didn’t seem to work out, instead taking a big bite of one of the other nacho’s. there were many, more as usual, but he sure as hell wouldn’t catch himself complaining over it. ‘guess that i will keep enjoying my nacho’s then,’ in all honesty robert wouldn’t exactly mind that, he wouldn’t just give up his favorite sort of foods.. they were all in fact meaningful to him! ‘ but please.. how often do you use your wash machine?’
‘bounce.. yup,’ softly chuckling, he loved to drop some pieces of australian slang words on him, despite quince not being able to understand what he was saying. ‘it’s like, another word for a bully. i am not calling you a bully, but.. laughing at other people their misfortune? that is sad, babe,’ he chuckled softly, though he was one of those people who would laugh about it as well. whenever he failed at something himself he always got annoyed, but to see others fail? it was not only amusing, but also hilarious as hell. laughing softly, thinking about a few of the most idiotic moments that happened during night shifts, all because they were tired.
even though he had to focus on the computer and his tasks, he looked at quince working with his bow. believing that he looked cute when he was focused on something, so instead of saying a word he just kept looking at the screen. that was until he realized it, quickly getting back to his computer to try and make all look a little bit tidier. softly humming along with the radio that played in the background, glad that they always had that around for sounds. ‘rail me up for me shift? are ye joking me? i am way too.. distracted to focus on my shift.’
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It would have been nearly impossible for the man to count the number of times he had been faced with Robert eating during their calls. Granted, the majority of the time it was the Australian’s dinner hours and therefore the consumption of foods Quince couldn’t think of dumping into his body were presented. It was difficult for him to imagine, the amount of sodium and whatever other unfriendly ingredients were present and being funneled into his boyfriend’s body, but at the end of the day, he was sad to say it was a body he was rarely graced with being able to touch, to feel.
He had never been a fan of long distance relationships, claiming there was little to gain but a few ounce of pain and an awful outcome, but... Robert had changed his mind. The man hadn’t, of course, needed to convince him in any way, for Quince was certain he had been rather willing to give the distance a go, more than happy to see the older man’s smiling face on the screen as frequently as possible.
His emotions and reactions were infectious, spreading to the Austrian like a rampant diseases that couldn’t be cured except for when he was allowed to speak with the officer himself.
A smug smile curled about his lips, tearing into his cheeks as it grew.
“Oh come on, you have to admit it was pretty hilarious,” Quince answered, quirking his brows as if to compliment the expanding smirk. He turned the apple over in his hand. “You make me sound like such an awful guy. I mean, bist du deppert oder was? Got to have a laugh every now and again.”
With the addition of Robert’s comment concerning work, the former tennis player laughed.
“Okay well now you know how I feel and I haven’t even started my bloody work day yet.”
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qrweissmann ¡ 7 years
If love is anything tangible, it is his mouth, his mouth, his holy goddamned mouth. He says my name and the whole sky is talking.
Caitlyn Siehl, from “Tasting the Moon,” Crybaby  (via nastyorchid)
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qrweissmann ¡ 7 years
of course robert was aware that quince disagreed with quite a few of his life decisions, for those were mostly unhealthy and yet he did not live much of a life if it was not for his job. that was one of the reasons why he looked for someone who he would not have to meet up with every once in a while. rarely, though. the male actually couldn’t wait to be reunited with his boyfriend one day, but he did not want to seem too desperate. so instead of focusing on quince judging him, he tracked down his nacho’s. wanting to learn when exactly his food will arrive, planning to dramatically eat them all while looking straight into the camera. because the best way to deal with everything was to make an even bigger deal out of it all.
‘ i’m at work, look at me makin’ time for you while i’m at work, ’ he chuckled softly, eyebrows narrowed as he focused on the coffee spot on the other his shirt. unable to help it as he chuckled softly, for he believed that it was funny to see this going down. ‘ maybe i will try and start eating healthier if you try to fuck up your clothes with gross and weird stains. ’
secretly he did not quite mind it, though. never would he mind to look at quince removing his shirt, wiggling his dark eyebrows as he grinned at the sight. whistling, to make sure that quince was aware that robert was both enjoying and looking at what he was seeing. even these days he still tried to believe that the guy he was staring at, was his. 
looking back up to track down his nacho’s when quince started to button up another shirt, loving to see how close they were to him. only getting closer as the time went by, rubbing his hands together as he eventually changed tabs to see what things he had to do. it was true, he was not really talking a lot but at the same time he was working. trying to focus, but it was hard with his boyfriend’s face on the screen in front of him. especially when he heard his voice again, looking away from the monitor as he looked back to face him and listen to what he had to say. ‘ laughing at other people, aren’t ya? such a bounce, ’ he chuckled softly.
when eventually the nacho tab made a little sound he jumped up to get his food, winking as he looked back at him for a second. ‘ my food is here.. give me about a few seconds. ’ 
it took a few minutes instead, some chit chatting and friendly banter with the delivery guy who he had seen here many times before. eventually he shut the door and made his way back over to the office, looking at the screen with a grin. ‘ blue looks good on you, by the way. i dig this look, ’ he grinned, pulling the lid off the salsa dip. ‘ you look good in anything. ’
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The menagerie of reactions pulled a smile across the Austrian’s face, lips peeling back in slight in order to expose white teeth drawn into what could now be considered a grin. A pink hue flecked his cheeks as he listened to the whistle and words, shaking his head as if to dismiss the attention, but the growing red of his features seemed to say otherwise. Despite having only truly met Robert for one small succession of time, it was safe to say that Quince had fallen for the man the moment they met.
His sister, Stella, had teased him about the lot of it, calling him all sorts of silly names in the hopes of getting more information about this supposed “loveboy” out of her brother. Although his family had little issue with his sexuality, Quince was still hesitant to be forthcoming when it came to relationships, and not because he was embarrassed ━ heavens, it was nothing of the sort. No, he was simply... worried it wouldn’t last, and having to tell his family but a few weeks or months later that he was no longer with that man? Well, that would have been crushing. Had been in the past.
But with Robert?
Nothing about Robert had been played by the book, and the Austrian had thrown aside his rules and gushed about the foreigner to his family, Stella mostly picking upon the fact that this man was by no means like the others her brother had fawned over.
Robert was different.
“I will not compromise my cleanliness for your supposed diet,” he replied, cocking a brow as he finished the top button of the shirt. Nimble hands tucked the shirt tails into his pants before snatching the phone from its perch on the dresser, making his way back to the kitchen. Propping Robert back where he had been but a few minutes before, Quince worked to put on his tie once again, this time the task running more smoothly.
“Bounce?” The word made the Austrian wrinkle his nose in confusion, finishing the final step of the tie process. He shook his head, chuckling. As the other got his food, the anchorman glanced around the kitchen, grabbing an apple to serve as a meal of its own. Taking a bite out of the fruit, he smirked at the shirt comment, eyes narrowing playfully as he added, “Mm, thanks. Just wanted to look good and rial you up for your shift.”
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qrweissmann ¡ 7 years
at daytime he slept, collecting his rest and saving it up to go to work in the middle of the night. despite some nights being rather eventful, most were filled with boredom and clicking away on the computer to just find out more information about the crimes that went down.
currently brushing his teeth, looking into the mirror. knowing that even though he always tried to sleep early, he also always failed. the middle of the night was when quince was awake and when he was it meant that he wanted to be too. it sure screw up his sleeping schedule, but seen as his work did the same thing he did not quite mind. eventually he caught himself on almost falling asleep while standing in front of the mirror, so he quickly put the toothbrush back down and gurgled some water. showered the night before, just after he cleaned his bed after the first time in a while. meaning that he had no time left for a shower, but he did not feel all that dirty. nodding at himself, before he walked off to get dressed in his uniform.
even the man himself would admit that he looked good in the uniform, it fit him well and the colors.. they matched. sure. maybe, just maybe, he wasn’t the best at fashion and would even wear the uniform as something casual. wandering around, mind set on his outfit as he got himself a snack to eat while he would make his way towards his work. 
midnight driving never really had been his thing, especially when he was still sleepy. of course he got himself to stay awake for the fact that it mostly went down this way. now, eight pm wasn’t exactly late but he hated waking up. no matter what time he woke up, he would always long for a few more hours of sleep because it was too early. when he arrived at the station he parked his car, getting out and locking it only to enter the office next. there only a few people were left, who were ending their shift. knowing that they were to be free at eight and were all leaving in a bit. then he would have the office to himself for two hours, which he always loved. the man loved to turn up the music a little and empty the fridge until something important had to be done or happened. soon he waved them off, now being alone.
turning on his computer as he got distracted by how he needed a new one. it took a while until it finally turned on, though it bought him time to make himself to his favorite machine where he got his hot cocoa, tea and coffee from. while he was at work he was not scared of using the thing as many times as he wanted to, despite he wouldn’t ever fill it when it was needed. that took too much effort, or so he said. making himself a coffee before he made his way too peak in the fridge. rolling his eyes at the left over sandwiches as he closed it again.
eventually a coffee in his hand, with the computer turned on to order himself some nachos. even though it felt like morning, it was evening and it would technically count as dinner. plus, he had not eaten yet and he did not think that a singular apple was enough for him. that was when he finally noticed the screen of his phone turning on, grin appearing as he finally saw who was calling him and eventually picked the phone up. not entirely sure for how long quince had been waiting for that, but he sure hoped that it had not taken himself too long.
apparently it did, though. listening to his words before he chuckled softly. ‘ it really took me a while, didn’t it? i was orderin’ myself some nacho’s, ’ he grinned as if he was proud of his own unhealthy life decisions, which he wasn’t, but he sure was pleased by it. soon he just sighed softly. ‘ just woke up, actually. working til.. five a.m. tonight.. trust me, i am in no such mood to stay awake for the time being, ’ he snorted, unable to refrain himself from smiling brightly when he looked at the other. now he always believed that he was truly beautiful. ‘ good morning to you though, love. any big plans for today then? ’ he asked, actually curious.
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The words from the other drew a subsequent smile to the Austrian’s lips, which cradled the rim of the glass cup, eyes narrowing in slight against the warm steam that rose from the dark liquid’s surface. A hum resonated from his chest then, glass brought to rest on the counter as the man took a moment to put both his hands on his hips. An act of defiance against the other’s resistance to a healthy diet, and he was certain the Australian knew that fact and motion all too well, that no words need accompany the stance made, even as it deteriorated into a turn, pushing the anchorman towards the kitchen sink.
“Longer than normal, that’s for certain,” he commented as he picked up a rag from the sink, dampening it before dabbing a coffee spot on his white shirt. Dark brows scrunched together in concentration as he dabbed at the spot, releasing a sigh and it quickly become evident that the stain had no intention of leaving any time soon.
The tie was removed in far less time than it had taken to be applied, and Quince playfully tossed the tie in Robert’s direction, the fabric hitting the phone just enough to bring attention to itself. A laugh trickled from his lips then, wander back to the phone as he worked on unbuttoning the now soiled dress shirt.
“Well, if I can get out of the house without ruining my shirt this morning I think that’ll be a feat,” the anchorman murmured, completing the undoing of the last button before picking up the phone. Proceeding down the hall with the dress shirt over his shoulder, Quince held the phone out before him, although his eyes paid attention to his movement through the space. “Outside of that, it’ll be mostly just another day at the office. Mostly covering some football today and whatever else they decide to throw on the table.”
He rustled aimlessly through his bedroom closet, removing a light blue shirt as he set the phone on the dresser, propping it up as he began button up the new shirt.
“Did you happen to catch that broadcast from the other day I told you about? The one where the camera just about dove across the front of the set to try and get out of the way? Poor bloke. If you look at my face you can tell I’m really trying not to laugh. Wasn’t very easy.”
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qrweissmann ¡ 7 years
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qrweissmann ¡ 7 years
➭ @ofroberts
If all things in the universe were to collide and split atoms, destroying life as they knew it, he would ask that one thing be spared, and it was not himself, but the very person he sought to now call.
Crisp rays of Morning sun filtered through the white curtains of the modern apartment, tracing Her finger tips along the edge of the furniture and kitchen counter, which a man moved around as he fiddled with a tie, bright eyes focused on the ever dialing FaceTime call. At the top of the screen, the hour read 8:05 AM, which meant the receiver was just getting home from work, or was at least already relaxing. The span of time zones had never quite bothered him in the past, never had it caused the gray matter within his skull to groan and moan over the expansive differences between here and there, this place and that.
But now? Now there was almost a twelve hour difference between himself and the other, twelve hours of separation in which their lives could change so drastically that it would take far more time to discuss it than they had during these frequent morning and evening calls.
With the phone still attempting to contact the other device, the Austrian took advantage of his own reflection and managed to get the tie on properly, a task that normally took less than a minute had taken almost five. Something was rattling around in his skull, an unknown hankering that had festered and blossomed in the most peculiar and suspicious of ways, as if it were looking to rupture from his forehead, to speak its truth, whatever that may be. It birthed a headache, which drew thick fingers to massage the skin that kept his skull comfortable, and dark brows pushed together as he moved from before the searching phone, a sigh of frustration pushing from his lungs as he hovered towards the espresso machine on the counter.
As the machine gurgled to life, the man watched the dark liquid settle into the glass cup below the nozzle. The radio in the corner hummed with the morning Austrian news, the words seeming to buzz through one ear and out the other as the anchorman listened to the dying hiss of the espresso maker, turning off the device and taking the mug only to turn around and see the iPhones had finally connected.
The soles of dress shoes clicked against the flooring of the kitchen, and a smirk slithered across the man’s face as he glanced at the image of the other. He crossed his free arm over his chest, a playful look about his features as he leaned against the counter. Bright eyes watched the other as the espresso was raised to his lips, taking a small sip of the warm liquid before the smile extended into what could have been described as nothing less than a grin.
“I thought you’d never pick up,” the man commented, cocking a brow as a breath of reassurance captured his lungs, leaving as a breathy chuckle over the surface of his drink. Narrowing his eyes in slight, the anchorman stifled a yawn, providing a half-hearted wink as he pushed away from the counter and took a few steps closer, as to give the other a better view of his expressions. “How was your day? Anything exciting happen?”
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