quaintrellesm · 4 months
middle school graduation
inherited with beauty, graced with wealth, and embedded with knowledge, she is everything to be envious of. to be born into the lavish lifestyle with worrying being nonexistent sounded like pure heaven to those beneath her. from day one, she was always reminded of where she stood within society and to guard the pedestal with care because trust was a daring topic for elites like her. as a relentless compulsion, she engraved that saying within her mind and continued to prosper the way others wanted. she would indulge in a tremendous amount of spending, give the most grandest of gifts, treat others at the most expensive diner and continuously raided her father’s money to appease the minds that whispered among her. day in and day out, she lived like a robot being commissioned only to pay as her emotions were no longer exhilarating while her elementary and middle school years went on.
she was no longer happy and expressed her opinion on their flamboyant ideas causing an uproar of disappointment and harsh assumptions to be left within the stilled air. this wasn’t what she wanted, she didn’t want to become friendless if she wasn’t going to pay for their needs anymore and the outcome to her cease only caused tears to trail down her beautiful face while heading home. at the age of 13, a tender age with a mind that went against heart, she was confused and only wanted to be in the arms of warmth.
“mother, why aren’t they my friends anymore?” tears began to drench her silk top staining dark as the water dispersed beneath the material.
“what have i done for them to say such harsh words?” a hiccup bounced from the tip of her tongue as her small arms reached around her mother whose caresses were rhythmically soothing. a soft hum was renounced in a way to soothe her young child as her older brothers and sister appeared at the bottom of the steps rushing over to help their younger sister.
“ara! what’s wrong?” the eldest of the four, seunghun, wrapped the younger one into his embrace and reassuringly patted her small back, “seungjae, go get her some water.” seungjae, the second oldest, walked into the kitchen to grab her some as ayeong, the third oldest, wiped her tears.
“mother, what’s wrong with her? why won’t she stop crying?” the eldest asked his mother as ara's bottom lip trembled with another release. seungjae’s return caused ara to wipe at her tears while she looked at her mother who only smiled and wished for her to begin as to which, she did.
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quaintrellesm · 4 months
middle school talent show
designer heels clicked and clacked against the marbled floors of the concert hall in partition to the main floor of the upcoming piano recital for the private middle school’s talent show. heartbeat rising as the heiress pressed her lips together repeatedly causing her mother’s tongue to latch against the roof of her mouth in disapproval of her daughter’s nervous antics. “have i not disciplined you enough for your antics to subside?” her lips opened to respond to her mother but she knew what was better for her well-being and instead bowed her head softly. raising just to twist her next from beside her mother and behind her to glance at the individuals who walked by and while the heiress bowed politely and smiled gracefully, a frown was forthcoming. “your father, your sister, and brother are going to be late. go on now and prepare for the show, ara.”
“yes, mother.” the 12 year old heiress could not hide the disappointment as she bowed to her mother and walked off towards the hall’s waiting room with shoulders leaning forward. if her mother was there to witness her slouched shoulders and posture resembling a crooked pole, she’d get an earful with how unladylike her stature is being or how disappointed she was to see her daughter easily juvenile that her father and brothers were not there to see her off. ara couldn’t help being disappointed, it almost made her feel discourage to continue because of those tenacious hours she has put into practicing and perfecting the piano piece to display her determination; it would show her father and siblings that she too can be hardworking just like they are.
albeit, she knew playing the keys were far too distinct than to try and compare the similarities of the hardships both, her father’s and sibling's, work are. she still wanted to embrace how punctual they are when it came to meetings, work parties, and charitable events, so why couldn’t they have been punctual to her piano reception as well? ara sighed softly and straightened her posture before glancing at herself in the mirror, brown eyes gleaming before her as her white dress illuminated her fair skin. her naturally straight hair curled to perfection. she was like a princess.
“miss ara, you’re on next. please head to the curtains.”
like a princess, she smiled warmly and bowed her head placing her feet on the ground. the love she has for her father and siblings are far too much for words to explain so why should there be any animosity towards them. sure, being late could mean that they are held up or they are in traffic. positively, she thought of many things to ease her feelings as she trudged up towards the curtains and waited to be introduced.
‘my father and brothers will be in the crowd sitting right next to mother. they will be there, smiling at me. i got this. make my family proud of me.’
her lips curled upwards and as brightly as she can yet softly and with prestige, she walked across the stage and greeted everyone with high regards before settling herself atop of the black bench that paired the steinway and sons concert grand piano. fingertips rested gently against the white and black keys and before she began, she closed her eyes and smiled softly relaying the piece that her eldest brother helped picked out, debussy’s clair de lune. opening her eyes, she looked down and began to play, making sure to put in every ounce of emotions set into place where it was needed. to emphasize, to retreat, to straddle, every note held its own and while she played, it felt as if she was the only one in the room. listening to the music clearly, hearing it melt into her ears, coding it precisely to measure the finale and when it was over, her mind snapped back into reality and her ears soon succumbed to the overbearing claps.
standing to bow before the crowd, her eyes locked with her mother's who had the biggest and brightest smile she has ever seen. as ara glanced to her mother’s side to see three empty seats, she could only smile and bow again to the crowd to hide the unfortunate tears that welled.
after the concert, the young heiress greeted her fellow classmates and went to find her mother who held a beautiful bouquet of her favorite flowers in her hands. hiding her disappointment with the absence of her father and siblings, she smiled and hugged her mother while thanking her for being there. “ara, you are a brilliant young woman. you must know that your father and siblings really wanted to be here but –” as politely and courteous as she could, ara shook her head and pulled back to glance at the flowers. “it’s alright, it’s just a talent show. are those for me, mother? where did you get these?” her eyes sparkled at the bouquet as her mother laughed softly before telling her.
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quaintrellesm · 4 months
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fluffy white nimbus clouds. dark grey cumulonimbus clouds. rain clouds. a hurricane. light spring breeze. a sherbet-colored sky at sunrise. hazy yellow skies. deep blue ponds of fresh water. blankets of sparkling snow. tornado winds. monsoon flooding. rich, orange sunsets. soft, purple clouds at dusk. heavy hail. the rumbling of thunder. icy sleet. gentle snowfall. moss-dusted tree bark. pink sunset clouds.
grey winter skies. navy blue skies in the daytime. cool mist in the morning. leaf-bare trees. giant ocean waves. the full moon. a cracked, dry desert. rolling hills of prairie grass. sweeping waves of briny seawater. rocky, steep ravines. rippling canyon walls. spindly, cave stalactites. creeping, green ivy. lush canopies of leafy trees. dense, white fog. a peaceful creek of clear water. flowering cacti dusted with dew, catching light in the morning sun. a bubbling, hot pool of volcanic sulfur. sharp, grey mountainsides. fossils nestled in chunks of rock. a white sand beach. deep imprints of animal tracks in the dirt.
soft, squishy moss. uniform rows of birch trees in winter. delicate mushrooms popping up in spring from beneath the decay on the forest floor. tumbleweeds jerking in the faintest wind across the desert landscape. light rain. summer wildfires. a mixing of hot and cool air before a storm. silent lightning in the static of summer heat. a windy blizzard. thick flakes of snow tumbling down from the sky. a tree standing alone in a barren, yellow field. a desert of loose sand and tall, orange dunes. a pure blue sky. a river of molten rock. a grove of flowering trees. twisting, mangled roots sticking up from the muddy ground.
bitter, cold winds. tumultuous skies of stormy clouds. branches of lightning ripping across the sky. a foggy swamp. the tree-bare foothills of a mountain range. sandy brown cliff sides. rocky coastlines. the violent shaking of an earthquake. the mysterious sound of ethereal trumpets in the sky. the lights of the auroras borealis and australis. a black sand beach. a lone tropical island in the reef of shallow, aqua waters. underwater volcanic vents. a herd of migrating mammals. tree branches growing heavy with ripe fruit. light streaming down through the clouds. a field of lush grain waving peacefully in the summer breeze. the sound of insects and frogs teeming in the night. natural disaster.
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quaintrellesm · 6 years
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quaintrellesm · 6 years
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quaintrellesm · 6 years
the evil within sentence starters
“It’s not your fault. I’m sorry.”
“Stay back!”
“I don’t want to hurt you any more than I already have.”
“I’m here, nothing is going to get you.”
“Do you ever have the urge to jump when you’re on a high place?”
“You have to stay with me. There’s no other way.”
“Thank god you’re safe.”
“You’re mine, to do with as I please.”
“Enough games, stop running!”
“Am I going crazy?”
“You were moaning in your sleep. Have a bad dream?”
“Are we awake?”
“Trying to make me feel sorry for you?”
“You don’t look well. You must take better care of yourself.”
“You haven’t given me any reason to trust you.”
“You’ll… Protect me?”
“I’ve done things others might find… distasteful.”
“What the hell is going on…? Where am I…?”
“I’ve been hospitalized?”
“Not everything we give you is for your benefit.”
“Let go of me!”
“For all I know, I’m losing my mind and you’re just a delusion.”
“I don’t know what I am, but it’s definitely not okay.”
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quaintrellesm · 6 years
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quaintrellesm · 6 years
TEXT MESSAGE STARTERS ! Send one of the prompts below to get a response from my muse.
drunk texts:
( ✉ → sms ) plea se eh elep me im drunk and i dotn know whe re i am
( ✉ → sms ) i fukcing miss yo u
( ✉ → sms ) i look so fuckigjn GOOD
( ✉ → sms ) i csnst stop throwiging up
( ✉ → sms ) fu ck you  for hurting me
( ✉ → sms ) why dotn you ever call me anymore huh
( ✉ → sms ) stop being so fuckigjn borign and coekm to my party
( ✉ → sms ) i dropped my pzziza o nt eh floror im fuckgin pissed
( ✉ → sms ) i j sut left you a 3 mintue long voicemail singing. sorry
( ✉ → sms ) even when i’m durnk ic ant sotp thinking about oyu
hateful texts:
( ✉ → sms ) you’re pathetic
( ✉ → sms ) you make me miserable
( ✉ → sms ) fuck you. delete my number.
( ✉ → sms ) you never meant anything to me, anyway.
( ✉ → sms ) fuck your apologies, you can keep them.
( ✉ → sms ) congrats on always ruining everything
( ✉ → sms ) my life would be so much easier without you.
( ✉ → sms ) and next time you feel like calling me… don’t.
( ✉ → sms ) i don’t want anything to do with you anymore.
( ✉ → sms ) if your goal was to make me hate you, then congratulations. mission accomplished.
misc/random texts:
( ✉ → sms ) i think my neighbor is an alien.
( ✉ → sms ) help me think of a name for my new dog
( ✉ → sms ) sooooo… what was your first impression of me
( ✉ → sms ) should i get pizza or chicken wings for dinner?
( ✉ → sms ) no one’s ever made me feel the way you do.
( ✉ → sms ) i borrowed your weed. hope you don’t mind.
( ✉ → sms ) why do they say drugs are bad when they make you feel so good
( ✉ → sms ) today is the oldest you’ve ever been, but the youngest you’ll ever be again…
( ✉ → sms ) [ File Attached: 001329.jpg ] of all the drunk pictures i have of you, this one is my favorite.
( ✉ → sms ) i used your pics to catfish someone, and since they bought me a laptop… you have a date with them tomorrow.
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quaintrellesm · 6 years
send me a ….
☀ for my muses reaction to yours bringing them breakfast in bed.
✎ for my muses reaction to your muse getting my muses’ name tattooed on them. 
▲ for my muse showing your muse their new tattoo of your muses name.
☤ for my muses reaction to finding yours in a hospital bed. 
✖ for my muses reaction to waking up in a hospital bed and finding yours asleep in the chair beside them.
☎ for my muses reaction to seeing them as your muses phone wallpaper. 
☞ for my muses reaction to accidentally slamming your muses hand in the door. 
✉ for my muses reaction to finding a cute love note from your muse. (bonus points: tell me what the note says)
✈ for my muse to get nervous on a plane and seek comfort from your muse. 
☃ for my muses reaction to getting hit with a snowball thrown by your muse.
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quaintrellesm · 6 years
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Hamda Al Fahim // Haute Couture - Fall 2016
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quaintrellesm · 6 years
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Palais Garnier - Grand Staircase (3D Model) | by walidlayouni
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quaintrellesm · 6 years
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Balmain Store
Fashion / Photography Blog
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quaintrellesm · 6 years
Cause I can't make you stay if you wanna go But I will wait for you to say "Come home" Now might not just be the time for us But know that what we have will always last
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quaintrellesm · 6 years
send me a gemstone
ORIGINAL POST: I’ve added more gemstones as the original had too little to go off from.
Amethyst: What provides you peace?
Alexandrite: Where do you draw your creativity from?
Aquamarine: If you can live forever, will you? Why or why not?
Beryl: Who or what inspires you the most?
Citrine: What things, moments, or memories in your life make you feel powerful?
Diamond: When you’re drained emotionally and physically, what do you do to power yourself?
Emerald: What is your favorite childhood memory and why?
Garnet: If you can only protect one thing in your life, what would that be?
Jade: What do you think is worth than death?
Lapis Lazuli: If you could have any super power in the world, what would it be and why?
Moonstone: What do you think makes an individual rare/unique?
Morganite: Eternal romance or never ending love games?
Onyx: Do you have a favorite actor/actress? If you do, why are they your favorite?
Opal: What things (songs, poems, movies, perfumes, etc) make you feel graceful?
Paraiba: What is one item that is the most precious and valuable to you?
Pearl: Name a precious moment that you will never forget.
Peridot: Would you like to have kids of your own? Why or why not?
Rubellite: What are you most passionate about?
Ruby: Courage. Do you think everyone possesses this? Why or why not?
Sapphire: Do you have a secret fantasy (sexual or not)?
Spinel: Are you holding onto something that you need to let go of?
Tanzanite: Do you think you’re a one of a kind? Why or why not?
Topaz: Describe your dream life. House, family, career.
Tourmaline: What are your top three go-to when you want to get away from technology and people?
Turquoise: Do you believe that respect is earned and not given? Why or why not?
Zircon: What is the difference between living and existing?
Gemstone: (put your question here)
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quaintrellesm · 6 years
Have you ever been in love? Horrible isn’t it? It makes you so vulnerable. It opens your chest and it opens up your heart and it means that someone can get inside you and mess you up. You build up all these defenses, you build up a whole suit of armor, so that nothing can hurt you, then one stupid person, no different from any other stupid person, wanders into your stupid life…You give them a piece of you. They didn’t ask for it. They did something dumb one day, like kiss you or smile at you, and then your life isn’t your own anymore. Love takes hostages. It gets inside you. It eats you out and leaves you crying in the darkness, so simple a phrase like ‘maybe we should be just friends’ turns into a glass splinter working its way into your heart. It hurts. Not just in the imagination. Not just in the mind. It’s a soul-hurt, a real gets-inside-you-and-rips-you-apart pain. I hate love.
Neil Gaiman, The Sandman (via books-n-quotes)
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quaintrellesm · 6 years
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Flowers in your heart | © Leelora
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quaintrellesm · 6 years
Reblog if your muse is fluent in more than one language
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