quantsuitor · 9 years
Laughing my fucking ass off. Forstman is the man!
That’s it...they all have abandonment issues!!!
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quantsuitor · 9 years
Claire REALLY got to him.
Rachel:  I don’t want you to get caught.
Mike:  You don’t want me to get caught or you don’t want to marry me?
omg seriously Mike? how retarded can you be to assume that? what a dumbass
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quantsuitor · 9 years
Suits S05x09 Uninvited Guests Review
Has Aaron Korsh been taking lessons from Mitsuo Fukuda? Because this episode seemed like “Suits: Gotta Flashback ‘Em All”. In any case, just seems like a big thriller. I knew it was Forstman the moment Harvey said “nobody would raise the offer to that price just for a grudge”. Forstman sort of reminds me of Louis when he went after Mike after Louis found out Mike’s secret. “Just resign.”
Anyhoo, character review!
Giannopoulis/Sidwell: LOVED this scene. Korsh pulled it off brilliantly. Obviously, it doesn’t happen like that IRL, but two separate conversations being the exact same one and overlapping one another was just amazing all around. Gotta love these ego-driven games at the top level. The ancient Greeks really knew how to do it, and Korsh seems to be replicating their work for the modern day. Hardman: David Costabile REALLY is amazing on playing Hardman. Just gotta love the calm, collected, smug snake/chessmaster archetype that he plays. He’s rarely rattled, and barely shows it. If only I could be this badass >.< Forstman: AW MAN! He really *did* go to jail, and didn’t get out on bail or some technicality. Does that make him even MOAR badass, though, by being able to play Harvey like a fiddle even from THAT low of a vantage point? Gotta love Eric Roberts also. Easily my favorite villain. EASILY. Jack: wild card here. Hardman obviously has SOMETHING on him. Something pretty big, maybe it’s a personal thing, maybe it’s the fact that he didn’t go to school somewhere...I mean in the last episode, we saw how he was distraught over Hardman’s blackmail. I hope he turns the corner. Trevor: SERIOUSLY? *This* guy is the one lecturing Mike? Are you fucking kidding me? He’s the one who’s responsible for Mike’s predicament in the first place! It *all* started with him! The least he could do is show up to the wedding =/. Now, the question is...which girl did he marry? Jenny, or Claire? Still, holy crap, the dude got his shit together and completely turned his life around. Also, sort of reminded me of Tanner with his “I couldn’t take it anymore”. Be that as it may, how is that going to put Mike’s life back in order? Benjamin: ROFL. That is all.
Rachel’s mommy: she’s got the right intuition. And she WILL know, because she’s a Donna in the making. Problem is that she and Mike don’t have that amazing relationship yet that just about everyone has with Mike. Honestly? Mike should just tell Robert Zane when Robert Zane is being his cool cat self. Problem being that his cool cat self can instantly transition into protective papa wolf at a moment’s notice. But seriously, why are all of the non-lawyer women on this show practically psychic? Heck, for that matter, so is Claire. Can we see Claire again, too?
Jessica: welp, we’ve been here before. Jessica being attacked from all sides, sweating it out. Somehow, she’s either going to win next episode, or that’s going to be the hook for the second part of S5. Standard Jessica fare, we’ve seen it before, and the fact that Suits is coming back for S6 means she’s safe. Mike: Rachel, or the job? Rachel, or the job? Honestly, it sucks that Forstman’s in jail. He should have jumped ship to Forstman when he had the chance, and maybe either had Forstman turn good (okay, that’s a stretch--he’s not exactly Gordon Gekko with kids being important to him, even though Eric Roberts has his fluffy causes), or find a way to permanently sabotage him. Honestly, IMO Mike can kill it playing poker, Blackjack, or any number of things that don’t involve putting his life on the line. But between a job and Rachel, the choice is a freaking no brainer. Rachel Rachel Rachel, and did I mention Rachel? Rachel: so head over heels in love. So blindly wonderfully adorably in love. Her feelings for those she loves are so strong that she wouldn’t be out of place in the Fairy Tail guild (disclosure: currently marathoning it--it would have worked so much better as a darker anime). Meghan Markle absolutely MURDERED it tonight. Just a stellar performance from her.
Louis: not much of him tonight. Just standard incompetent angsting Louis. Donna: yay classic Donna. Loved her tonight. Except due to the advice she gave Rachel, I think Rachel should do the exact OPPOSITE. Donna is a psychic on everything EXCEPT romance, in which she has a glaring blind spot. Anyhoo, hurray for Donna that’s not just angsting over Harvey. Harvey: welp. Talk about the sins coming home to roost, bro. One grudge too many, which can unravel everything. Hardman would be nothing without Forstman behind him, but that’s what makes everything so delicious--since Forstman’s the ONE guy that Harvey just can’t put away. Love this dynamic. Next episode should be VERY interesting. All in all, good setup for the midseason finale. And this season, while it’s replaying old themes, is IMO so much better than S3 and S4.
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quantsuitor · 9 years
Suits S05x08 Review
Welp. For all the time I spend talking about Donna being JEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNNNNNNN or Dark Phoenix, we actually literally saw DARK RACHEL in this episode. I don’t’ mean Rachel being angry. I mean, if you watch the episode, Rachel was basically wearing white (most of the time) and Claire was wearing black. Also, dum dum dum, HARDMAN’S BACK! Ah, the gift that keeps on giving. Yep, while Suits moves forward, it’s also giving calls back to when we had cases of the week, a villain of the arc (Hardman just seems to be the gift that keeps on giving), and moar. In any case, talk about a suspenseful episode. Character review time: Jack: Wuh oh. Dum dum dum. Upstanding in this episode. Next two? Not so sure anymore. Where Hardman’s involved, things turn as bad as Suits gets, really quickly. Claire: “We’d love to have you back on the show, Troian!” Welp. Claire basically seems to be the anti-Troian AND anti-Rachel. Rachel was wearing white, Claire was wearing black. And, at the end of the day, she does have a heart, despite being the spitting image of a young corporate lawyer (ewwww). You’d think given the way that Rachel is all warm and fuzzy, that Claire would also be warmer and fuzzier, with the episode having maybe a lingerie sleepover or something. I mean come on, it’s basically Rachel and...opposite-Rachel, kinda sorta. That said, the show making Claire into this jaded, stuck-in-reality, cold lady just doesn’t seem to do the show justice when everyone around seems to have some aspect of fantasy doesn’t sit well with me. I mean they’re having Troian basically play anti-Troian, instead of channeling Troian. Well, except for the “don’t marry her” part at the end (I wonder how many people found it funny that said line was being delivered by Mike’s--errr, Patrick’s, real life fiance). But seriously, I’m hoping they bring her back in an episode in which Mike’s morality takes over and he wows Claire and the cynicism falls off of her. Oh, and seriously, I want a more warm and fuzzy Claire/Rachel scene where it turns into a happy-Rachel-warm-and-fuzzy-adorableness scene, so that Claire could be more of a Troian, instead of the anti-Troian. Well, okay, she was put in deliberately to be a foil to Rachel and succeeded spectacularly, but, can’t we have a more complete heel-face-turn? Jessica: evil queen Jessica one episode, sassy queen Jessica the next episode. Sassy queen Jessica is BEST Jessica. Louis: welp. Louis pulled another Louis. Most friendly guy one moment, then his trust issues turn him into petty vindictive Louis the next moment, who sets in motion some dastardly underhanded scheme that he comes to regret the moment that it slips right out of his control. If there’s one thing the show keeps static, it honestly seems to be Louis’s character. He just doesn’t seem to change at all, and always winds up getting in his own way. Mike: welp. So much for getting your shit together. Claire is still not impressed! Maybe if he didn’t duck her and just went and faced her straight on aka hide in plain sight, but then if she did find out, hoo boy. In any case, definitely NOT his best episode, as in, at all. Still, love the warm and fuzzy Mike/Rachel scenes. Seriously, anytime he’s not coming up with a plan crazy enough to work, Mike is just *there*, and is kinda boring. Still, gotta love how he manages to defuse every situation. Claire doesn’t seem to be convinced in the slightest, however. Harvey: welp. Moral of the story: no good deed goes unpunished. Guy opens up to Louis, and, well, gets promptly stabbed in the back, because, it’s, well, LOUIS. Not much else going on this episode with him, and yeah, he’s emotionally growing. Also...is it me, or, well, you know how the bathroom is the special room for dramatic arguments? The file room seems to be the file room of [Fairy Tail Happy]llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllloooooooooooooooooooooooove.[/Fairy Tail Happy] Seriously. Mike/Rachel? Check. Scottie/Donna talking about Harvey? Check. Donna fooling Harold by “sexy-ing” up Mike? Check. Considering Harvey was already dreaming of her, it’s either in two weeks, or at the end of S5 when I predict Donna X Harvey will turn into Donna XXX Harvey. In the file room, because, well, where else ?XD. Donna: Donna + white dress = white phoenix of the crown =P. Also, yeah, Harvey didn’t tell her about the panic attacks, but come on, she’s *Donna*. She wouldn’t be all-knowing if the only way she found out was if someone straight up told her. Unfortunately, we’re not seeing enough psychic snarky Donna this season, which is why I’m hoping the Donna X Harvey X ANGST arc is going to end soon and we can come back to psychic snarky Donna owning the place again. Rachel: am I the only one thinking they’re setting her up to be an utter failure of a lawyer? While Mike was sort of rough coming down on her about how Harvey would be giving him what for, the truth is that Rachel is a rank amateur when it comes to playing Xanatos Speed Chess, playing the man, and being a badass. While she’s grown in personality, anytime she’s given a case, the fact that she’s a normal human being as opposed to a legal deity ala Mike/Harvey/sometimes Jessica really shows through. Major case of Overshadowed By Awesome at play here. Preview: welp, no Mike/Rachel drama highlights, so that’s a positive sign. I hope. In any case, next wishes: Claire. Rachel. Girls night out. Claire showing she can warm-and-fuzzy it up.
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quantsuitor · 9 years
Seriously...it’s like Rachel and opposite-Rachel, even though Troian and Megs would probably go gaga over each other.
Is Claire x Rachel a ship yet?
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quantsuitor · 9 years
Hm, yeah, this season is DEFINITELY a step up from the case-of-the-arc nonsense of season 3A and 4A. That said, I’m not on board with this whole Louis/Harvey/Donna are angsty teenagers stuck inside grown people’s bodies emotional inanity arc. You’d think those three would act their age.
every episode of this season gets better and better. the character’s development is insane and so is the acting. can we just take a minute and talk about how absolutely out of this world gabriel macht’s acting skills are?  in every episode there is at least one moment where i’m sat with my mouth open thinking ‘’ WOOOOWWW’’  i love this show 
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quantsuitor · 9 years
They’re both overdressed. Considering how close they are to being twins, the writers should have come up with a plotline to get them into pajamas with each other instead of on opposite sides of a legal battle >.<
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loving this concept 
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quantsuitor · 9 years
LOL. Past Rachel and present Rachel =P. They’re like clashing yin-yang twins ^_^. Troian looks great in a black dress, but Claire is all sorts of bad news bears.
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quantsuitor · 9 years
Suits S05x07 Hitting Home Review
Welp. Fitting title. We finally saw Harvey’s mother. But it’s been what, 30 years since then? She’s gotta be pretty up there in years by this point. Who was that actress anyway? She was kinda cute =P. In any case, I’m not sure anyone ever imagined Harvey finding out like this, and then somehow turning into his mother.  And, welp, another one of those episodes in which the day is saved, on two separate fronts...and then you realize that the episode is far from over, which is a giant “INCOMING! SHOES DROPPING FROM STRATOSPHERE!” alert. I’m also getting a weebit tired of this Harvey/Donna angst-fest that the writers are just drawing out as long as they can. Harvey dreamed of her naked in his bed. That’s the ultimate Chekhov’s Gun. Gabriel Macht and Sarah Rafferty are BFFs. It’s only a matter of time. I just hope it’s sooner than later, which is why so much of this season’s “arc” just feels so forced to me. Harvey told Donna he loves her, and immediately hid away, and then she went all bitch mode. Every other hero that’s wanted a redhead (Jim Raynor, Sol Badguy, Logan/Wolverine) has gone full force when said redhead reciprocated. Harvey’s being an utter wimp compared to them. Anyhow, character reviews time. Jessica: episode started off with S1 zinger-chucking Jessica, but moved on with her as S2B/S3 tyrant Jessica, aside from the very last moment. And honestly, the way the writers wrote that felt forced. I mean okay, Mike was with the firm for a year or so before Sidwell gave him an out, was with Sidwell not *even* a year, came back to the firm around end of S4A, so maybe give it another 8 months...so two and some years, of which one and some were spent as an associate, and suddenly he’s junior partner material? WHAT? Jessica could have simply laid out a timeline and said “kid, we have *fifth* year associates here. You take this, and you draw *way* too much attention to yourself”, instead of reverting back to the lunatic power-whoring Jessica that so many people despised, especially after she accepted that Mike’s secret was hers, too. Shitty choice on the writers’ part. Donna: every time Donna gets involved in something romantic, it winds up backfiring SPECTACULARLY. For being a JEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN, she’s such a bull in a china shop when it comes to romantic suggestions. This episode would have gone off without a hitch had Donna not borked EVERYTHING. Rachel: LOL, fangirl quietly badassing it up this episode. Nuff said.
Mike: heh. Once again, wins the day with a complete lie that’s close enough to be truth. That said, he seems to be taking a turn for the darker, what with all the glares he gives people nowadays and takes zero crap from anybody. He’s more Harvey than Harvey is this season. And Jessica still shoots him down. The dude’s just been pure badass this season. Come to think of it, I like this Mike that doesn’t go tilting at windmills on the plains of morality.
Jack: Oh, hey, he’s not an ass anymore! At least, for one episode. But his sudden change of heart might mean he’s going right back through that heel-face-revolving-door. Puts Mike up for junior partner, will get it rejected, will grind through things, and wuh-oh, another candidate on finding out MIke’s secret, next to Robert Zane. But this week, some nice developments. But we all know how much Suits likes to take characters for a roller-coaster ride.
Hardman: David Costabile pulls off the smug snake so well! Not too much to say here. Paula Agard: is it me, or is she just the audience’s omniscient mouthpiece?
Louis’s sister: welp, someone’s needy. Why do the writers write her like she doesn’t have an ounce of devotion to her children? She has two loving kids, and a company. How are they not keeping her hands full, so that she can go chasing Harvey’s D? Louis: aaaaaaaand...more trouble caused because he doesn’t have a drop of self-confidence and is a middle-aged manchild who seems every bit as screwed up as Harvey is with his own childhood issues, always afraid of playing second fiddle. Oh noes, Harvey slept with his sister once. Big deal, grow the hell up, bro. Well, I guess Louis wouldn’t be Louis if he weren’t an incompetent manchild. Harvey: welp, poster boy for bad communication kills. Though I suppose it’s generally been a theme throughout the show. The longer people hide something, the more the chance it has of coming out at the worst possible time, such that it’s become a cliche in Suits by this point. And also, how has Harvey not realized that punching people when they bring up his cheating mommy isn’t constructive? It’s like bro, they *want* you to lose your cool. I mean at this point, if anyone just wants to rattle Harvey, they just bring up his mommy, who’s become some open secret at this point considering Tanner knows about her. And while Gabriel Macht is doing a wonderful job playing vulnerable Harvey, the fact that Harvey simply hasn’t forced himself over his mom yet and still reacts so violently like that just seems ridiculous. How is it only now that people are bringing her up against him, instead of, oh, the other 30 years Harvey’s been alive? Seems like a massive plot hole to me. In any case, moar infighting next week -_-...I guess Suits wouldn’t be Suits without some cheesy manufactured infighting drama in every season >_>...I wonder how long the show will continue to run. At this rate, it seems S7 is shaping up to be a wrap, what with all the rehashes.
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quantsuitor · 9 years
FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, PLEASE LET THIS ANSWER BE YES. No more freaking Harvey fuck ‘em chuck ‘em fling swings with plot-relevant characters, mmkay? Hero, Redhead. This whole Harvey angst arc is getting long in the tooth.
am i the only one who thinks Harvey and his therapist Paula would make a great couple??!
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quantsuitor · 9 years
LMAO. Stand-in for the audience right there XD
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quantsuitor · 9 years
For the love of Bob, please no more extracurriculars on the romantic end. The show already has heavy hinting of Donna X Harvey (ahem, Sarah Rafferty in the sheets? Va va VOOM!). This season is shaping up to be interesting. I mean we get Troian back, fun cases of the week, and so on. Yay for Suits returning to its roots.
Suits 5x06 Review
This week’s episode of Suits was one of the better of the season so far, in my opinion. After a rocky few weeks I felt like the show got back on track this episode. It had a nice balance of drama and humor and a whole lot of character growth happening. Speaking of which, who is this new Louis and do we get to keep him? I hope so because I could get use to a Louis not always sabotaging himself and those around him.
In a continuing theme this season Louis wasn’t the only one making some changes this episode. Change wasn’t the only theme playing here as there was also a heavy emphasis on trust throughout this episode. Some trust earned and lost and some betrayed while other characters found them rightly placing their trust in each other.
We also saw a return of the characters Dominic Barone and Sam Tull from season one. In fact this whole episode had a season one feel to it and I really enjoyed that. It’s been nice having the season long arc of Jack Soloff playing so far in the background and getting back to some case of the week type episodes. The season long Darby and Hardman arcs sometimes were too heavy handed with too much time spent on them and little room for anything else. I prefer the way the show is handling this season and the balance they are striking much better.
But more on that and the rest of Suits Episode 5x06 - Privilege below the cut.
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quantsuitor · 9 years
Troian X Patrick is one thing, but please no more Mike X Rachel X Love Triangle Drama crap ala Logan. She does not look at all pleased, though.
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Troian Bellisario’s return on Suits
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quantsuitor · 9 years
Troian must be fangirling all over Meghan Markle (or maybe vice versa), but Claire looks plain evil in those promo pics.
New Promo pics are out for 5x08 and some look like fun, some not so much. So let’s play, What Do These Mean.  
Disclaimer:  I have NEVER been right when speculating on promo pics for any show.
Under the cut for spoilers:
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quantsuitor · 9 years
Suits S05x06 Privilege Review
Another amazing Suits episode. Gotta love Season 1 continuity, cases of the week, character development, sass-offs, and just about everyone being badass. Plot was pretty cool, too. Anyhoo, character development: Mr. Trader guy: this is 2015 and humans still have that much authorization to make discretionary trades? What kind of dinosaur firm is he working at?! Looks like some numbskulls forgot to do their backtesting! And a bunch of traders need psychiatric help? What a second-rate, garbage firm. Jack Ass: dastardly Jack is at it again! Gotta love the acting on it, though. The dude plays a smug snake so well. Car CEO dude: meh. Impatient dude is impatient. Gretchen: REALLY reminds me of Bertha, what with calling Donna “Red”. Except whereas Bertha was snarking with Harvey and shipping him with Donna, Gretchen’s shipping Donna with Harvey! Therapist lady (Paula Agard): meh. I suppose Suits has gotten to liking these stiff upper lip British people now. Maybe we’ll see Michelle Fairley again too ?XD Louis: for once, WAS COMPETENT. That whole Japanese meeting thing seemed like a disaster just waiting to happen, and then it was beautifully subverted. Welp, even a broken clock is right twice a day, I suppose. Still, that whole Japanese stuff...is that really true about those traditions and such? Mike: sorta mehtastic this episode. Just consistent competency under fire, I suppose. Rachel: again, another solidly consistent ass-kicking episode from her. Season 5 Rachel may be *best* Rachel yet. Jessica: THE QUEEN! Not much face time this episode, but was amazing whenever she *did* appear. Love her queen-of-the-good-guys aspect that she was in season 1, and is now once again in season 5. Harvey: typical hero Harvey, saving the day once again, despite stepping on a few eggs along the way. Donna: gotta love Donna when Donna’s in save-the-day actress/mind-reader/JEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANNNN form. Who doesn’t love sassy saves-the-day Donna? Everyone loves sassy saves-the-day Donna! Next week: I highly doubt it’s Harvey punching Louis. Not when Hardman and Mini-Hardman are both there in the second episode. Oh, and who’s the mysterious backer? Would be cool if they were Forstman’s lackeys =P
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quantsuitor · 9 years
LOVE this.
I loved Louis fainting, but I feel like we missed out on a great comedic scene: Mike and Harvey. Mike asks Harvey if he wants to grab food or something. He asks about Rachel. Mike tells him that her and Donna are mudding with Louis. Lol. The facial expressions and the one liners, oh the fun they could have with it.
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quantsuitor · 9 years
Suits 5x05 Toe to Toe review
Welp, another amazing episode from Suits. Interesting episode. Not much happened plot-wise besides “oh, you mean Harvey’s real issues are from mommy abandonment, not Donna abandonment, who woulda thunkit?”. Anyhoo, character reviews: Psychiatrist chick (Agard?): what is she, some sort of meta-mouthpiece for the writers? If Donna is JEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN Grey, this lady may very well be Emma Frost =P. Sorry, can’t help myself when it comes to ginger psychics =P. Tanner: okay, WHAT?! I’m marathoning Fairy Tail right now (would have dropped it if not for Erza Scarlet. Busty, kick-ass, take-no-crap-from-anyone-yet-is-still-a-big-softy-at-heart redhead. Yum. Om. Nom. Nom.) and uh...did Tanner and Harvey come across Nirvana or something? Apparently, the dude’s seen the light and had a come to old-zombie-hippie moment. Gretchen: epic. Love this lady. KEEP HER ON THE SHOW PLOX. Jack: welp, gotta love how he wtfpwnts Louis for the good of the other partners, and then just gets wtfpwnt by Jessica. Jessica: GOD SAVE THE QUEEN! =P. Seriously, bow before her, all ye puny mortals, and despair! Jessica’s a tyrant when she brings her power to bear on the good guys, but the royal “ALL HAIL THE QUEEN!” queen of everything when she uses it as a good person. Good Jessica is too freaking epic. And you gotta love the way she just sees everything coming way ahead of time and heads it all off. What a woman...what a woman =P. Donna: see? When you listen to Donna, everything winds up working out all for the best! Which meant when she was insinuating that she wanted to jump Harvey’s bones, he should have shacked up without a second thought. Seriously...sexy ginger. Which of course, this episode actually delivered on! Wowee, Sarah, you scorching beautiful lady! Rachel: HUZZAH FOR ASSERTIVE RACHEL. She didn’t exactly do too much this episode, but she’s just been quietly kicking ass all season. Louis: typical. Freaking. Louis. Anytime he thinks he can come up with some dastardly, hare-brained, crazily-concocted idea, it always blows up in his face. You’d think he’d see a pattern here--if Louis unilaterally has a plan he didn’t consult anyone else on (or, did, and then went ahead with it when everyone else warned him against it), it’s ALWAYS going to blow up, and usually in the worst possible way, and usually in the way he was warned about in the first place.  Mike: ummmm...*he* was the adult in the room? REALLY? Okay, Mike was all sorts of kick-ass this episode. Gotta love the episodes that Mike’s “no, this is morally reprehensible!” sense kicks in for the *better*, instead of screws everything up.
Harvey: MOMMY LEFT DADDY. MOMMY LEFT DADDY. Now, it’s a big, red berserk button that everyone sees and anyone can just press it. Man, this issue has been festering so long that it’s kept him from dropping that sassy redhead into bed! I mean even his subconscious is ready to just jump on her! Well, okay, fine...everyone on the show wants Donna in their own way. Heroes want redheads. Anti-heroes want redheads. Everyone wants the redhead =P. Now hopefully, we can get his mommy issue sorted out soon, and get back to the regular schedule of clear-headed Harvey kicking everyone’s ass again. Inner wangst anti-heroes trying to make up for something with molehills turned into mountains just seem cliche at this point. Preview: welp. That escalated quickly. Can’t ever just leave a detail hanging. In Suits land, anything that can ever have a negative consequence always will, and in the worst possible way. You’d think people would get more genre-savvy by this point. Oh, and last, but not least... Louis, Rachel, Donna...MUDDING?
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