quantump · 2 years
Surely you cannn!! 😉
Reblog if i can send random song lyrics in your ask box !
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quantump · 2 years
Help her out if anyone can!
Guys, if you have it in your heart could you please donate or reblog this post?
I know there will be negative comments again, so I would like to clear up that; I am a broke teenager with multiple jobs who has to take care of a child and both of our mental healths while dealing with an abusive situation. I cannot rely on anyone either.
I don't ask for a lot. My goal is 80$, but I am fine if you donate 1$, or reblog so anyone who is capable and willing to provide help can see this.
I also understand that not everyone wants to donate for free, so if you donate and have proof of it you can ask for 2 readings of your choice from me.
Edit; The money is needed for medication to prevent c*ncer. I forgot to say that!
My paypal is [email protected], I cannot provide a link since paypal is having some issues right now. If you wish to dm me I always text back.
Thank you for your attention.
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quantump · 2 years
❍𝓑𝓪𝓼𝓲𝓬𝓼 𝓸𝓯 𝓥𝓮𝓭𝓲𝓬 𝓐𝓼𝓽𝓻𝓸𝓵𝓸𝓰𝔂
Vedic Astrology is said to be practiced from 5000 BC to 10000 BC, even though, there is not a specific time period that has been mentioned in the old texts of scholars. Vedic Astrology is also called Vedic Jyotish ( the Indian term for Astrology). If we dissect the words, it comes as Vedic means " wisdom" or " truth" and Jyotish, wherein two words are joint, which are, Jyoti ( light) and Isht ( God) and the whole phrase comes to as " the true light of God"
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𖠌 Origin of Vedic Astrology
It has been said in the books of old scholars that Lord Vishnu ( A Hindu God) was the one who created this whole wisdom of Vedic Astrology and then asked Lord Brahma ( A Hindu God) to pass it down to great scholars. After which, it is said that Sage Bhrigu is the " Father of Hindu Astrology". The seers started to imparting this knowledge to their disciples. But as time passed, those seers made sure that they write all these knowledge in some of books, so that the present generation or generations after us, can get a hold of it and make themselves aware.
𖠌 Planets and signs ruled by them
Unlike Tropical Astrology, which includes all the 9 planets but Vedic Astrology includes only 7 planets, excluding Uranus, Neptune and Pluto , which are as follows:
Sun - Leo
Moon - Cancer
Mercury - Virgo , Gemini
Mars - Aries, Scorpio
Jupiter - Sagittarius, Pisces
Venus - Taurus, Libra
Saturn - Capricorn , Aquarius
Planets like Uranus , Neptune and Pluto are not included in the Vedic Astrology. As you know, that people in the ancient times, used astrology and it's transits to see how they are gonna affect them . But those 3 planets are very far away from the earth and takes huge amount of time to change signs, therefore, they weren't not included because they don't impact us much during transits because they stay in the same sign. This is one of the main reasons as why they were not included in the Vedic Astrology.
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𖠌 Talks about Planets
Natural malefic and Benefic planets
There's actually a long mythological back up as to why certain planets are considered benefic or malefic
Malefic Planets Benefic Planets
Sun Moon
Mars Venus
Saturn Jupiter
North Node and South Node Mercury
(Rahu and Ketu)
𖠌 Debilitation and Exaltation
Debilitation refers to a degree/sign placement of a planet/luminaries which makes it weak or difficult to act to its best.
Exaltation refers to a degree/sign placement of a planet/luminaries where it feels very comfortable and is able to act its best
Here's a table that will help you understand this:
I took this table from the site: astrology study
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𖠌 Friendship among the Planets
Now, some planets have good or bad relationships with the other planets, and all of them are backed up by certain Hindu mythologies. As a result of this, the strength of planets are weakened when they are placed in the sign of their enemy planets.
Here's a table to under this:
I got this from: Phaladheepika
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𖠌 Birth Charts in Vedic Astrology
There are two types of birth chart formats in Vedic Astrology, North Indian and South Indian. Both of them have the same contents but the difference is that they are designed differently from each other. I, personally, use the North Indian format, as it's something that I have grown used to and it is popular than the South Indian one. Lets understand how to read the North Indian chart:
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This is how a North Indian chart looks like. The picture above already has the 1st,2nd, etc. houses written on them. Apart from that, you can also see that the 1st house has the number 10 written too, it means the ascendant is Capricorn ( as Capricorn is the 10th Zodiac in sequence) , the 2nd house has the number 11 written , therefore, the sign Aquarius falls over the 2nd house, and so on.
By this, you can say that in an North Indian chart, houses are constant and remain in the same place but the zodiac signs changes with every new birth chart.
𖠌 South Indian Birth Chart
This is how a South Indian Birth Chart looks like:
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In this, the signs or zodiacs remain in the same place but the houses are changed with each new birth chart. The signs will remain constant and static.
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The Asc is shown by one or two lines over the block. The Ascendant in the above is Capricorn corresponding to the previous picture where the signs are shown. The 2nd house has Aquarius sign falling over it.
© 2022 royaleofury all rights reserved
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quantump · 2 years
5 years of grad school have taught me intelligence means very little in scientists you mostly just need to be obsessive and slightly deranged
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quantump · 3 years
Like pls
She is just soo kind to every1 and yk what people actually care...
If someone is helping u in some way or another then a person who is kind enough dosent forget it....
Not all people are here to take advantage of her.
Some are here just 4 her fun personality and interaction
So just STFU
Lol do u realize that your followers actually dont care abt u at all ? They are just here for the free reading and games. Thought i shud let u know🙂
NO WAIT what do you want me to say on this? Am i supposed to cry and throw up because of it? ALSO Statistically speaking, 16.9 % of my followers actually do care lmfao and i can confirm that LMFAOOO. For the rest, i can't neither confirm nor deny that but I'm anyway glad about doing the readings so <3 thankyou for letting me know though, the revelation has astounded me to no end and has changed my life FOR REAL☺️
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quantump · 3 years
Today's topic for discussion is that
Why can't we see air!!?
Okay so as children we have been always told that we cant see air but have never been told or are made aware why we cant see it....
So well let's find out:-
We have learnt that to see something that object needs light. It needs to interact with light, right?
This interaction might be absorbing, scattering, reflecting or refracting.
We also know that air is composed of various different gases with different property.
Now according to property of gases the molecules are loosely packed
So now when the light passes through the air it has a quite little chance of interacting with molecules present inside air.
Hence we can conclude that we cant see air as the light is not effectively able to interact with it and reflect the light back.
So I guess that is primarily the reason.
Tell me ur opinions in comments.
See you again tomorrow with another post.
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quantump · 3 years
Hellooo everyonnee!
Sooo I am finally starting a blogg after all the debates in my head.... (sighs)
My blog will be mostly about science, and (sometimes) random stuff.
I hoppe that I would be able to maintain this blog just like it is in my head (lol)
Anywayz just a lil intro:-
You can call me Aisha
South Asian
Physics,Biology and Civics nerd 🤓
Wierdooo 😶
Umm that's it, ig??🤔🤨
See yaa in my next post!!
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