quantumpoem · 4 days
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quantumpoem · 12 days
[flicks invert filter on and off on picture of a rural town in maine] normal world! evil world! normal world! evil world! normal world! evil world!
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quantumpoem · 1 month
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quantumpoem · 2 months
uh oohhh forgot to wipe down the cutting board from last night before cutting up strawberries #onionberries #onionberries #onionberries #onionberries #onionberries
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quantumpoem · 2 months
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masked torchbearer
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quantumpoem · 2 months
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how are they so G E N D E R -
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quantumpoem · 2 months
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Sorry to be unhinged but did anyone else think this was kinda hot
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quantumpoem · 2 months
I can never tell which of my posts are going to explode (it is never ones I put work in) but I pray to God this one does
The past few weeks I have seen an explosion in doomerism and defeatism about Trump. Some people seem to have just decided to call the election for him for reasons that don't even make much sense
(He was almost shot and that always helps! Look at Reagan and Teddy Roosevelt! Reagan was already president and incredibly popular, and the shooting happened 2 months into his first term; Roosevelt was shot when he was campaigning in 1912....in an election he lost)
Trump has never been popular, he has never won the popular vote, and he has never had popular support. For the past 3 years, especially post Roe V. Wade, Democrats have increasingly overperformed especially in special elections. There were so many polls predicting 2022 would be a Red Wave, that turned out to be false due to faulty and biased polling. I'm not saying a Dem loss is impossible, but it is a lot less of a sure thing than the doomsayers are making it out to be
How does Trump win? Apathy. Despair. Low Turn Out. While many of the "Trump is guaranteed to win" posters I'm sure are real people who are justifiably scared, I think we underestimate just how many are people at home and abroad, who want a lower turnout, who want Trump to win.
I used to hear a joke growing up that "If voting did anything, they would make it illegal" Well considering how hard Republicans are trying to discourage voting and making it hard to do, it must do something.
Don't despair. Don't panic. Don't retreat. ACT
So what can you do?
Are you registered to vote? 🗳
You can register to vote here! ☑️
Do you know what/ who will be on your ballot? 📄
Do you know your state voting requirements? 📥
Do you know your polling location? 📍
Can you vote early? 🖊
Can you vote by mail? 📬
Do you need disability services for voting? ♿️
Do you need to know your voter’s rights? 🧑🏽‍⚖️
Do you need a ride to register/ vote?
Spread this far and wide. Tell your friends and your family. Make clear to them what is at stake if Trump wins.
Additionally, here are two volunteer organizations that I help out with
Vote Forward - write letters to encourage turnout
Working Family's Party - an organization working to help progressives win in primaries and general elections. I particularly like working in their text bank program. Want to help in a phone bank but don't like talking on the phone? this is perfect as you send texts to encourage support and voting
Spread this far and wide. Tell your friends and your family. Make clear to them what is at stake if Trump wins. Feel free to add other resources and organizations that
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quantumpoem · 2 months
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low ranking angel taking a test to become a guardian angel
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quantumpoem · 2 months
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quantumpoem · 3 months
no one tagged me but i want to do this anyway!!!
top 5 albums to me. i know it's supposed to be my top 5 artists but i dont exactly have fave artists, so,
tagging anyone who'd like to do this. and you want to oooo you eant to give me recs so bad!!!
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quantumpoem · 3 months
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quantumpoem · 3 months
Do it for Her but "it" is going to the gym and "Her" is myself in 50 years
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quantumpoem · 3 months
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I can’t stop thinking about this.
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quantumpoem · 3 months
“Sometimes as I am falling asleep in a dark, quiet room I have for a moment a great and treasurable illusion of the past. The wall of a tent leans up over my face, not visible but audible, a slanting plane of faint sound: the susurrus of blown snow. Nothing can be seen. The light-emission of the Chabe stove is cut off, and it exists only as a sphere of heat, a heart of warmth. The faint dampness and confining cling of my sleeping-bag; the sound of the snow; barely audible, Estraven’s breathing as he sleeps; darkness. Nothing else. We are inside, the two of us, in shelter, at rest, at the center of all things. Outside, as always, lies the great darkness, the cold, death’s solitude. In such fortunate moments as I fall asleep I know beyond doubt what the real center of my own life is, that time which is past and lost and yet is permanent, the enduring moment, the heart of warmth. I am not trying to say that I was happy, during those weeks of hauling a sledge across an ice-sheet in the dead of winter. I was hungry, overstrained, and often anxious, and it all got worse the longer it went on. I certainly wasn’t happy. Happiness has to do with reason, and only reason earns it. What I was given was the thing you can’t earn, and can’t keep, and often don’t even recognize at the time; I mean joy.”
— The Left Hand of Darkness by Ursula K. Le Guin, Chapter 18 (via lionteacher)
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quantumpoem · 3 months
unstoppable force (i want to see this tragic character survive and heal) vs immovable object (their death was the most thematic and narratively satisfying resolution possible for their character arc and anything less than death just feels cheap)
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quantumpoem · 4 months
why dont you read/watch something that forces you to confront the fact that you are capable of feeling empathy for a person who has done deeply cruel or evil things. And maybe you’ll calm down
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