okay so it's become rather obvious that i'm not going to be posting on this blog anymore so it'd be cool if you checked out my main @kismesissitvde and that's basically it i suppose
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whos up at 2 in the morning drawing beyonders fanart?? its meeeeee
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oh yuppp that's true. I think maybe... the seed is just there as a usb drive?? i totally get what you're saying though I never really thought of it like that 0: so but I just started my reread of the series and i'm on the second book. tark says: "drake has forgotten more about woodwork than i could ever hope to learn" or something like that. so maybe drake's memory was a littttle faded. dont think it matters much. you're right those. that's a neat plot hole (lore hole??)
oooh that does make a lot of sense that could totally work
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hi sorry i know it's been a while since you made those posts in the tags about the amar kabal. im not sure if you've answered it but it goes back to basic psychology--like aristotle.. basically, the soul is separate from the body. your body is just a bunch of compounds--it is your brain that makes you unique. the soul of the amar kabal is contained in the seed. the body can expire, but the soul detaches. like reincarnation, kind of.
this could be a plausible explanation but if you read my tags on the first post i mentioned the amar kabal reborn with damaged/missing seeds and how drake who’s an example of one didn’t display any missing memories or personality traits that we know of. the idea still could make sense if the memories and everything just transferred over before they were reborn ‘defective’ so there’s that i suppose. forgive me if i’m interpreting what you’re saying wrong?
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in regards to your post: i think the way it's described in the book is that the first death seals the state of their body at that time to the amar so they're constantly reborn that way, but then their bodies still age from each new birth to death, so i assume that's why their brains can still develop. but that doesn't explain how they remember what they've learned in previous lives??? WHAT HAVE YOU DONE I'M QUESTIONING EVERYTHING
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if a seedperson’s first death preserves their body in the state it was in at the time wouldn’t the brain be frozen? how do they retain new memories and develop mentally? do their brains function differently? or are they exempt from the preservation? if so how don’t seedfolk’s mental state deteriorate? do their brains just have inhuman lifespans? or alternatively are their memories stored in their seeds? but that doesn’t make sense because amar kabal with damaged seeds showed no sign of memory loss?? what is the answer???
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what she says: i'm fine
what she means: who is the friend who lost her life saving ferrin after his false execution in trensicourt? is she the same woman as the one who left lester for ferrin? was baldor a good father to him? who was his mother? what are a few examples of the "whole families of jokes on the subject" of a displacer's word being worthless? how differently did displacer society function before zokar lost the war with eldrin? how does the 30:1 ratio of displacer men to women affect the everyday life of a female displacer? what "unwholesome opportunities" did ferrin pass up in order to keep some semblance of honor amongst an entire race of spies? would maldor have pardoned him if he had shot tark and revealed the secret from darian the seer? HOW OLD IS FERRIN?
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queen-of-trensicourt · 10 years
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this hunger games simulator is sad yet hilarious
poor maldor
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queen-of-trensicourt · 10 years
jason walker: don't ask us to share your weakness! this isn't really my fight. it's not my world. i'm not helping because my people obligated me. i'm helping because lyrian needs to be saved.
also jason walker: i just love to pet horses. they're my most favorite ever. i can read their minds.
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queen-of-trensicourt · 10 years
Five kingdoms book two has a torivor. Some little part of me thinks dragonwatch will be a crossover with five kingdoms, beyonders, and fablehaven
oh that would be incredible (hard to machinate, though, considering crossovers are generally difficult to execute) yeah in my opinion it’s not likely but it would be possible considering the fact that all the universes canonically coexist. which reminds me i should really catch up on five kingdoms
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queen-of-trensicourt · 10 years
drake: yes, yes, i love my companions in the delegation. jasher, jason, corinne, aram, and *looks at smudged ink on hand* farfalle pasta
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queen-of-trensicourt · 10 years
i like how nedwin was so nonchalant about being a zombie?? he was just like oh, i now have a craving for human blood and i no longer have a pulse. interesting.
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queen-of-trensicourt · 10 years
I'm gonna be predictable and give you lots of Beyonders ships for that ask thing: Jasher/Farfalee, Jason/Corinne, Rachel/Jason, Rachel/Drake, and Ferrin/Corinne just 'cause
Jasher/Farfalee: otp. they are so adorable i;m goi gn to
Jason/Corinne: ehh brotp
Jason/Rachel: also brotp because i feel like they have a sibling-type relationship
Ferrin/Corinne: brotp shit am i starting to ship it romantically oh god
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queen-of-trensicourt · 10 years
Drake extended a hand toward the half giant. “See? Forget about bonding the bird to him. Why isn’t he the leader!” “I’ve sampled that role,” Aram chuckled. “Too much responsibility. Too much accountability.” Drake shook his head. “Mark my words, he’ll outlive us all.”
Brandon Mull- Beyonders: Chasing the Prophesy
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queen-of-trensicourt · 10 years
your fave is problematic: jason walker
- uses words like “peachy”
- way too open and friendly
- lies to imperial authorities, even maldor himself; claims to have eaten jasher’s amar and that rachel has heat vision
- teaches wild apes to play baseball
- hair needs more style
- friends with outcast seedmen, half-giants, and displacers
- too much sarcasm
- once ate a qualine, fruit only meant to be used as sweetener
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queen-of-trensicourt · 10 years
*whispers* the married life meme with Ferrin and Corrine :'D
YES. i knew i could count on at least one beyonders fan for this.
leaves their dirty clothes on the floor: ferrin. he likes to stay tidy, but he gets distracted easily because his mind is always full of other random things. corinne is clean out of habit because cleaning up after herself was basically all she could do in the swamp anyway
forgets to run the dish washer: they’re both pretty good about it, actually
pumps gas for the car: they switch off, but corinne genuinely doesn’t mind it while ferrin can be kind of grudging sometimes
drives when they’re going somewhere: ferrin has a habit of getting irritated with other drivers, and he likes enjoying the scenery, so corinne prefers to drive when she can. but if someone cuts corinne off enough times or she spends too long in terrible traffic, she’ll get scary angry and quiet, in which case ferrin hesitantly offers to take over
**EDIT** HOW COULD I FORGET?? ferrin is a displacer, so he could drive and sit in the passenger seat at the same time if he just detached his hands and feet. or he and corinne could have one person steer and one person press the pedals OH MY GOSH
rearranges the furniture: oh, they get so exasperated with each other over this. corinne likes a change of environment every now and then, just for the sake of something new, but sometimes ferrin dislikes how she switches things because it’s less functional, so he’ll sneakily make his own improvements. their place never looks quite the same when you visit it next
falls asleep with the TV on: corinne. ferrin gets too invested in television—he’s usually on news channels or really intense crime shows—and it riles him too much to sleep. sometimes they’ll be on the couch together watching the news, and ferrin will react negatively to something he sees, but when he looks over to ask corinne for her opinion, she’s asleep.
gets to use the bathroom first: ferrin naturally wakes up a bit early and does his best to keep quiet when he gets out of bed. by the time corinne wakes up, he’s usually almost ready
decides the temperature for the ac/heater: corinne. she’s canonically pretty sensitive to temperature changes, isn’t she? they still keep the house somewhat cool, though
sets up holiday decorations: they’re pretty simple: a tree, maybe some wreaths or tinsel, but mostly LIGHTS EVERYWHERE. ferrin does the wreaths and the tree, corinne does the lights and a few ornaments. it doesn’t really matter who hangs things up, since they’re close to the same height. they both need a stepping stool sometimes
**EDIT** if neither of them can reach where they want to place a decoration, ferrin takes off his hand and gives it to corinne to increase her reach i am loving this
leaves the lights on: corinne. she likes to have plenty of light, and by the time she’s ready for bed she’s too tired to turn every single one in the house off. ferrin goes to bed a little later than her some nights, so turning the lights off is usually his job.
uses the bathroom with the door open: they’ll both do this on occasion, like if they were having a conversation before and wanted to keep it going. they’re comfortable enough that they don’t really care—closing the door is just a habit more than anything
fixes the plumbing (or calls the plumber): ferrin insists on learning how to do it himself, and then corinne insists he teach her, so they become a cute little handy couple
**EDIT** ferrin is better when they need to work in tight places, though, thanks to detachable limbs and all
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queen-of-trensicourt · 10 years
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me: i love nedwin so much i dont want anything bad to ever happen to him
me:…*draws him with an arrow sticking out of his head* nice
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