rrivendell · 4 years
brandon flowers, laura jane grace, and tom hiddleston for the weirdly specific celeb questions ;)
😂 ok first of all ily
Second of all
Have a highly publicized feud with Brandon Flowers (specifically 2004-2006 Brandon Flowers, he was always getting in fights, he’s mellowed out a lot in the last several years lmao)
Get wasted in Vegas with LJG and get married and divorced the next day (and I can’t feud with her, man, she’s the only reason I haven’t straight up deleted Twitter)
And then obviously I’m gonna starin multiple romantic comedies with Tom Hiddleston BECAUSE THEN HE’D FINALLY BE IN A ROMCOM AND I COULD DIE HAPPY (also, very realistic as he is 15 years older than me and that’s how Hollywood likes it 👉🏻👉🏻)
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jesmusicblog · 4 years
Since you responded to my post about secret messages and symbolism in music, I must ask: what are some you've hidden that you'd be willing to reveal? 👀
Hehe, thanks for the question!
I dunno if I put anything particularly deep in things but… 
So a lot of the time it’s text references, either in the title, words on the score or musical quotation/reference.  Which will just be kinda references to what I was thinking about when writing the piece, which only benefits the listener insofar as maybe marginally increasing their interest/enjoyment of the experience…. but also I think of it very much like, if it were me… I enjoy making them semi-hidden/discoverable secrets because I'd really like the feeling of "OOH i looked that up/guessed that/got that reference".
The main thing I was thinking of with that being a MOOD was a piece I wrote for piano and soprano sax called "The Fox, on a Winter's Night".  It was in three sections of different moods and like… broadly about the fox figure in european folk tradition/literature, how it can trickster, kinda gentleman thief figure, also wise, also really primary for me is the Fox in The Little Prince …Through the score I wrote three quotes at the starts of sections: "many a mile to go" / "invisible to the eye" / "Said the fox, that is very pretty music, still - I'd rather be in my den-O!"
Aaaand I got to a rehearsal with the musicians and they were like "what's with the bits of text on the score", which I mean, nice they noticed but it was so flummoxing for me like….. would you not just throw them into google??? 
[Where you'd find the last one leads you to the folk song, from where the first is also a shorter quote, and the second one is in full: "One sees clearly only with the heart. What is essential is invisible to the eye." And maybe read the rest of the song/the story, for something to think about during those sections.  (...Yeah it is weird spelling this out!)]
And definitely there's a lot either titles or musical references in the pianowrimo ones, though I tend to explain those a little more on my posts!  A bunch of the titles are quotes or titles of poems, which reading might give a bit of context or mood maybe; some of which -- I literally 'set' the lines to shape the music; you could sing along the full verses if you wanted.
I dunno though: I then just go and throw weird sounding titles like "sleepy cloud dragon" in and that's just … a reference to a cloud I saw.  "blue garden" means the garden in the picture on my wall, so… :D
often if there's a musical ref or homage I point it up in the title, like to Pärt (a few times). I wrote a piece called "reflections" which is basically and obviously heavily influenced by "spiegel im spiegel"/mirror in the mirror.  (Pianowrimo being a good time to do these really definite homages/pastiches; they're not strikingly Original but they don't have to be!  Eh actually… idk, I'm referential a Lot, not just in november.)  "in the night" — the title and the musical language is a little bit of a reference to "Sthtil di nakht" which I'd just been introduced to.  "green morning" — had some (very basic) inspiration from Chinese traditional/pop, bit of a shout out to "Green island serenade"… "deparature", same.  "11" that I wrote for 11th Nov had I think a bit of Elgar that they play at our Remembrance day services aaand the English and Polish national anthems..
For the choir pieces in my PhD portfolio, I often did text collages from different poems.  The final text is supposed to say what it says, but hm people think about it to different degrees...  If a listener happened to know their names or looked them up, they might find some links between the three poets Amy Lowell, Katherine Phillips and Katharine Lee Bates who I chose to set together in one piece... I dunno, I know we don’t have to be hidden and coded now but I hope someone hears or reads that piece text and is like “...is this kinda lesbian tho...? oH. yes it is.”  
there we are, some of my secrets :D  
…How 'bout you? 
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justcallmesocks · 4 years
reflect, aspire, envision, discover, and positive vibes
Reflect: what are 3 things you’ve accomplished this year that you are proud of?
-i moved out on my own, working full time, supporting myself
-ive made serious progress in my self confidence
-ive made a lot of progress on dealing with my emotions in a healthy way, and improved my communication skills
Aspire: what are 3 things you want to achieve next year?
-travel somewhere ive never been before
-see more live shows (concerts, shows, anything)
-maybe learn to drive finally??? will this be the year???
Envision: the day i am most looking forward to next year is... because...
i honestly have no plans or expectations for this next year. this last one was so crazy and unpredictable and wonderful because of that. so im very excited to see what next year holds
Discover: what are 5 things you’ve learned about yourself or life as a whole this year?
-loving someone as hard as you can doesn’t mean they will love you back, and that’s okay
-i dont owe the world anything
-people who don’t make an effort are not people i can afford to waste time on anymore
-i can make it through the scary dark horribly sad moments that hurt like hell. and time will help to ease the pain
-life is beautiful and terrifying and incredible all at the same time, and you have to allow yourself to feel all of it and it’s okay to feel the conflicting emotions
Positive vibes: you’ve made it through another year! im so proud of you and my year wouldn’t have been the same without you!
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official-violin · 7 years
do you have any recs for fiction books that involve lots of music and/or musicians? especially soloists or orchestral musicians? i neeeeed more of this in my life but have come up pretty empty with my own searches
ah I’m so sorry I actually don’t have anything to recommend. this is a really good ask though and if anyone has any recs at all please let us know!
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brackendra · 7 years
storyandasong replied to your post “also you know why we dont have a movie yet?  this dude bought the...”
I thought they just couldn't get past the fundraising part of the project? Like he'd planned a lot of cool stuff but there just wasn't enough interest from people with money or something
honestly youre probably right. i looked into it and didnt see anything on that but its probably just since it was several years ago. i vaguely remember hearing plans back then but nothing ever came from it, so yeah, most likely a lack of money for it :/ 
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fyeahfablehaven · 7 years
hey, random question: when you tag a post as [character] x [character], is that for shipping purposes or just because the two characters both show up in the post? one of my posts on your blog is tagged warren x kendra, which i'm kinda anti when romance is involved. if you do ship it i'm not trying to tell you what to do, but i just wanted to know it my post was being interpreted as such or if i'm reading into tags more than necessary, lol. thanks!
Fair question! This blog is fairly ship-neutral and I’m using the “Character x Character” tag system as a catch all for ANY sort of relationship between two characters – romantic, platonic, familial, antagonistic, etc etc 
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alexanderpearce · 7 years
Tumblr media
hello @storyandasong !!! here’s a moodboard for tanu as my secret santa gift to you! 
and a big thank you to @fablehavensecretsanta for putting this on for our tiny fandom :D
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rrivendell · 4 years
1 2 4 and 7?
Oops, this has been sitting in my inbox forever hasn’t it?
1: 6 of the songs you listen to most?
“Temporary One” -- Fleetwood Mac, “Say So” -- Doja Cat, “Halls of Sarah” -- Neko Case, “Hold On, Hold On” Neko Case, “Sisters of the Moon” -- Fleetwood Mac
2: If you could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?
Ah jeez. I don’t know lol. Actually you know what I’d love to meet the Critical Role cast. They seem absolutely lovely.
4: What do you think about most?
DnD, babey!!
7: What’s your strangest talent?
I don’t remember as many of them anymore, when I was still working as a cashier I knew the PLU for just about every piece of produce. Comes in really handy at the self-checkout.
Thanks! Sorry it took so long to answer >.
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justcallmesocks · 5 years
14, 20, 23, 30
14: A song that you would love played at your wedding
oh boy. when i was 14 i went to a david archuleta concert and the guy who opened for him played a song and the first time i heard it i knew it was the song i wanted to play for my first dance at my wedding.
20: A song that has many meanings to you
this song has carried me through so many moments the last 5 years
23: A song that you think everybody should listen to
i love a good sad song
30: A song that reminds you of yourself
i like to think this kind of sums up my attitude about life most day🤷‍♀️
thank you!! those were a lot harder than i anticipated!
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 When you read brandon mull’s five kingdom series...
duuuude how far are you??
@storyandasong i just finished it this morning, i loved it
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brackendra · 9 years
sending more your way because i love your headcanons. any for the wonderful and underappreciated trask or mara?
aaaa they dont get enough love youre so right omg! a few headcanons coming up ;^) 
mara is probably like super intelligent and i can see her being extremely good at math. (she has helped out kendra with her homework on more than one occasion)
trask really enjoys video games. and hes good at them, and seth loves it. he, seth, warren, and dale have little get together things where they play video games together and kick each others asses
mara has got totally perfect muscles. shes like downright hot. everyone agrees on this
even though they arent related to the sorensons or anything they always invite them for holidays like christmas and thanksgiving and stuff bc theyre wonderful and totally a part of the fablehaven family
trask likes snowmobiling and other winter sports to help keep him in shape
meanwhile mara likes running and jogging to keep herself in shape. she finds it peaceful as well!
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rrivendell · 5 years
thoughts on best and worst disney live action remakes?
Jungle Book was passable. I haven’t seen the Lion King, but I have seen Cinderella and I cannot understand why people liked it. It was so boring.
I just...I refuse to see any more of them.
thank you!
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justcallmesocks · 6 years
this is super late BUT i think you give off a mix of karamo and bobby energy
Ah! Thank you!!!! I love this. Such a compliment!
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in regards to your post: i think the way it's described in the book is that the first death seals the state of their body at that time to the amar so they're constantly reborn that way, but then their bodies still age from each new birth to death, so i assume that's why their brains can still develop. but that doesn't explain how they remember what they've learned in previous lives??? WHAT HAVE YOU DONE I'M QUESTIONING EVERYTHING
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shinozaki-ayumi · 9 years
your fandom is fablehaven because i am predictable trash
haha, well, predictable, but im happy to answer it bc i too, love fablehaven more than just about anything
Favourite Female: kendra
Favourite Male: bracken
3 Other Favourite Characters: warren, seth, lena 
3 OTPs: brackendra, warren/vanessa, lena/patton
Notp: dont rly have one, but probably kendra/gavin if i HAD to choose one
Funniest character: seth
Prettiest character: well most of them arent illustrated but in my head, probably vanessa!
Most Annoying Character: i honestly dont think there is one, but the sphinx did annoy me in a frustrating "how could they let him get away with that" kinda way haha 
Most badass character: bracken tbh
Character I’d like as my BFF: kendra
Female Character I’d Marry: lena 
Male Character I’d Marry: bracken (bracken comes up quite often when you ask me about my fav characters lol) 
Character I hate/dislike/least like: oh man idk if there is one... he only shows up a few times but maybe errol fisk? 
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