queenbethbdb · 5 years
Royal Desire
Wrath: Let's go, my man. George, find Beth. [George's collar jingled with each step, the 4-legged male eager to be on the move after the hours of being cooped up in my office following the series of news bombs regarding Lash and my shellan, the lockdown, and the talk with Lassiter.
My bonded male demanded black blood, preferably Lash's and the Omega's more than ever. Lash had been close enough to Beth to kill her, or worse, be could have tortured her like Bella had been. I refused to go there with what the angel had been through; Beth would not have survived that.
The need to check on Beth made me a male on a mission and I was /not/ seeing or talking to anyone else until I did. The wake of my bonding scent would warn a stray body to keep away, and if that didn't work I'd gladly rip off a head or two.
A soft whine and wiggling body at the end of the harness drew my attention. As did the scent of my shellan. Night blooming roses. My fangs lengthened as I homed in on her scent.]
Beth:  *Gliding down the stairs with as much elegant grace as I possessed, I came to a sudden halt.  Wrath’s scent reached me before George could, and I was already smiling when I saw Wrath.  The past few days had been slow and agonizing after the shopping fiasco with Lash.  I still felt nauseated.  The only two people in the world that could calm my nerves were Wrath and Little Wrath.  One was with Nalla and Bella, swimming and having fun with the water guns I bought them.  
The other was standing in front of me, looking fiercer than I wanted him to.  He seemed upset and relieved at the same time.  Without a heartbeat’s hesitation, I stepped forward and wrapped my arms around his neck*  I’m here, Wrath.  Are you done for the day?
Wrath:  [Biting off a growl, my arms wrapped around my shellan, pulling her against me as my mouth found the side of her neck.] I am, and I think it’s time we had some privacy, Leelan. [The few days that had gone by we spent passing like ships in the night, but now that the Brothers were handling things and the manse was locked down, I needed to reassure my female, and myself, that she was safe.]
Is the rest of your day free, mine Beth? [This time I didn’t hide the possessive growl, and I should have from the whine at my leg followed with a bump of a head. George was just as sensitive to my moods as Beth was.] I’ll get Fritz to take George out for a long walk…
Beth:  *The instant Wrath’s arms enveloped me, I felt a sense of relief wash over me.  I’d held it all together since that night and I didn’t admit to anyone what if felt like.  Right now, I knew I didn’t have to say anything to Wrath.  He already knew. And the warmth and safety I felt in his arms was all I ever needed. I rested my head against his broad chest, closing my eyes and  took a long, deep breath and let it out slowly, feeling the stress leave my body and my next breath was all about my man.  Breathing him in and needing him more than I’d ever needed him before.  His words barely registered and all I did was nod, not trusting my voice to be stable enough to speak.  We walked together and found Fritz in the kitchen, giving George off to him before making our way in silence back to the royal suite*
Wrath: [Beth's tension slowly gave way, her body melting into mine and damn if I didn't feel like a motherfucker for allowing shit to go so far that she bottled up the tension. I held her for a few moments  before reluctantly loosening my arms around her and heading to find Fritz.
The walk to the suite was without a word spoken between us, and that silence continued once we were behind closed doors. And it bothered me like an itch you couldn't scratch. Fuck.]
Leelan, talk to me.. [Pulling my shellan against my chest, I gently cupped her face, silently cursing my blindness that prevented me from gazing upon my female. I knew what she looked like, in all her emotions, bless the Virgin  Scribe I had had that privilege before my sight was completely gone. But I'd never wished for it back more so than right now. My lips met Beth's forehead, then her nose and settled in a gentle kiss on her sweet lips.]
Beth:  *I didn’t have the words to describe what I felt right now.  I knew they would find me once I’d allowed myself to relax and refocus, but right here and now Wrath wasn’t going to get what he was asking for.  I didn’t have it in me.  All I wanted was his arms around me and some quiet time for us without interruptions.
I loved my son and my family, but once in a blue moon, the only one I needed was Wrath.  A soft groan slipped past my lips when our lips touched and I used the opportunity to deepen the kiss and take his mind off the talking part of this experience.  And it worked as well as I expected it would.    
My hands slid under his shirt, lifting the black material over his head and tossing it on the floor.  Every move intentional.  Every touch a reflection of my desire*
Wrath: [Beth's kiss was anything but soft, earning her a low possessive growl. Wrapping my arms around my female and pulling her flush against me, fuck talking, my female needed more than words and I was wholly on board with complying with her demand.
Her taste and touch set my body and mind on fire,  Beth's hands under my shirt made the damn thing restrictive along with my leathers. In a quick move I lifted my shellan, urging her legs to wrap around my waist and spun around to pin her to the door of our chambers with my hips grinding against hers. Licking into her mouth my fangs lengthened, catching the corner of her lip and tasting her sweet blood.
That tiny taste sent more than a rush through every cell, flooding the room with dark spices and the need to mark and reclaim my female. Hands tore at my leathers, a demand to be free pushing the limits of my zipper as my mouth worked down Beth's neck, scraping fangs along her flesh.]
Beth:  *My male was all consuming and attentive at the same time.I felt the tension in my neck and shoulders ease with every touch of his talented hands, and every brush of his warm, smooth lips against my now heated flesh.  
My legs and heels dug into his ass and thighs, to support my body as I started moving against him, groaning at the barrier my jeans provided as I felt him free his length. My core aching  to be filled and my breasts thrust up against his hard chest.  My head falling back with a soft moan as his bonding scent enveloped me. The familiar scent of his dark spices sending me into spiral I knew I wouldn’t break free from until we were both sated and unable to move*
Wrath:  [The way my female moved against me told me all I needed to know: that she needed me as much as I needed her. Growling low with a final hard push of my hips into hers, I slid my hands to cup her ass and turned again, making progress toward the oversized King bed.
I didn't need to count the steps as instinct took over and I was laying my shellan down over the velvety bedding. Swift hands made short work of removing her clothes, placing a kiss as each slip of her flesh was revealed to my touch. Beth's moans told me, as if I needed eyes to see, where and how she needed touched. In the slower frenzy managed to get my shitkickers off and strip without breaking contact.
Once flesh to flesh, I felt mine female cup my face and take off my wraparounds. She was the only being I'd ever allowed that kind of intimacy, my sightless eyes envisioning the beautiful creature that had stolen my heart and sealed my fate to hers until I was called to the Fade.
This time was about us, for us. And time stood still in that moment. In one powerful stroke I sheathed myself in her embrace, roaring out her name over and over again as we upped the tempo, giving everything I was to Beth.]
#SL #RoyalDesire  #BondedBrothers 
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queenbethbdb · 6 years
Shopping Nightmare
Beth:  *Lockdown was everything I expected it to be.  None of us could move without permission and an escort of armed guards.  I half expected the entire brotherhood at my side when I reached the front door, but only JM stood there waiting.  I smiled at my brother and nodded over at the car.  Fritz waited patiently and held the door open for us to slide into the back seat.  John Matthew gave me a half hearted smile and it didn’t take a genius to figure out that he wasn’t happy about me going on this little shopping trip.  Or maybe it was that this was the third time I was going and he tried to talk me out of going earlier today in vain.  
The half hearted small talk on the way to the city started off bad and finished worse.  JM was not interested in talking and his hands went from slow signs to almost jet lagged signs.  He was on edge the entire time, and as I glance behind us, I saw the Escalade following.  Yep, I should’ve known Butch would be around somewhere.  I’ve had my fair share of arguments with him too about this lockdown crap.
When we reached the parking area of the shopping centre, I waited for JM to get out and do the usual surveillance check and once he gave me the nod, I got out and looked around.  Butch was nowhere in sight, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t around.  Whether it was him or V, they were always out of sight but close by.  The black Merc drove off and I assumed Fritz was running errands while he was out.  That butler had so much to do.  I didn’t know where he found the time to do half the things he did, but he did it and always had a bow and smile ready for everyone.
The small mall wasn’t too busy, and even though JM tried to look as normal as possible, he stood out like a sore thumb among all the humans.  He was dressed in jeans and a sweater, but his height and built were enough to get the heads turning as we walked.  The first shop I went into was a kids toy shop to get LW a water gun*
Lash:   [I’d waited and waited. And waited. Wrath’s predictability was commendable. The lockdown kept Beth away from the activity she’d become accustomed to participating in over the past months. But if I’d learned anything from studying the rats without tails is that females of any species were stubborn as fuck and creatures of habit. Which meant Queen Beth, mated female of King Wrath, son of Wrath, would soon show her face outside the manse and and feed her current addiction. Shopping.
Humans were disgusting, frail things that often that often had to be replaced. I’d been through 4 of them since I started this little endeavor and it was only a matter of time before scrapper was offed and a newbie took his place. Until then, I was going to use him as I saw fit and pay him with the watered-down shit I skimmed off the floor of the warehouse scraps that were packed and sent out into the streets of Caldwell.
It was long after full sunset that the black Mercedes rolled into view and drew my interest. Another black sedan drove by slow and turned, heading up the street; no doubt one of the Brothers or a pack of them out for a midnight stroll through Mrs. Fields’ Famous Cookies for a banker’s dozen of oatmeal raisin. Not many cars of that caliber cruised the streets this late when the mall was getting ready to shut down, but the dark haired female and the jacked up looking male accompanying her bee-lined for the double glass doors. The male’s profile as he swung his head around made my black blood run icy hot. John Mathew the Mute was Beth’s guard tonight. How fucking fun.
I ghosted down in grey mist form a few minutes later, making doubly sure that no one was following and entered the mall when a grungy pimple-faced hood rat waddled through the revolving doors.
Beth:   *One water gun became two because I couldn’t buy one for LW and not for Nalla, and then I ended up buying twenty. There were always a few people joining in at the pool and two water guns wouldn’t be fun.  I swiped the black amex card and JM grabbed the packets, and off we went to the next store.  The mall was starting to empty out, but I still had a half hour left to shop before they closed.  Better make it quick.  I had a few things I need to get since I haven’t been able to get out for so long, and the online shopping thing wasn’t for me.  Most of the other females resorted to online shopping, but I hated it.  The world was becoming impersonal enough.  There was no way anyone was going to take away my joy of shopping.
The second shop we entered was a soap and fragrance store which stocked almost any soap, essential oils, fragranced candles etc.  It was the kind of shop I could easily spend most of the night in, and it irritated me that i only had enough time to grab a few things before heading out again.  JM was waiting for me outside, and he didn’t look happy.  He was on edge and not like he was earlier.  This was worse*
Everything okay?
*He shook his head because his hands were full.  His eyes scanned around like he was looking for something.  I stepped to the side and grabbed an empty shopping trolley for him to place the bags in, which he did and then he signed  “Something’s off.  We need to finish up and head back”.  I nodded, but the nod was to put him at ease.  There was no way in hell I was going to cut this trip short.  It was short enough as it is*
Lash:   [I followed Beth and the mite fucker at leisure, remaining ghost for the most part as I watched the female pick up a toy army’s worth of water pistols and canons. Sorry, honey. Holy water doesn't work on me or my troops. But when they headed into a store with the signage “Aroma Therapy” across it, my mind did the math faster than any fucking calculator.
Thank fuck for the Omega’s tricks of concealment; ghosting, literally, was easier than walking through walls. The storefront had bars like a prison cell that were as fake as the Paul Blart mall cop three feet from John Mathew. Who for all intents and purposes was twitching like a fucking tweaker, reaching into his leather jacket every two seconds for his guns I knew he had concealed. And that made Paul Blart twitchy too; his beady eyes locked on John Mathew was working in my favor. If Master Mute can keep the play guard busy, I had a chance at Beth.
I followed Wrath’s shellan through the store and took up behind a tall display, casting my own form of mhis around me before letting my form solidify.]
Beth:  *My hand glided over the bottles as I read the labels, ready to pick out the ones I wanted.  JM stayed at the entrance with the trolley and looking totally out of place.  I felt bad for him.  It wasn’t fair that the males had to do this guard duty stunt, but there was no getting around it for now.
An uneasy feeling swept over me and I looked over my shoulder to scan the area around me.  Nothing.  I was alone in the shop apart from the cashier and JM at the door, but I didn’t feel alone.  
After placing a few bottles in the small basket, I walked over to the next isle and picked out a few fragranced candles. A sudden movement caught my attention and spiked my curiosity.  There was someone else here, I could feel it.
I turned and headed to the end of the isle, freezing in place as I rounded the corner*.  Lash…
Lash: [I watched Beth with great restraint as she fingered bottles and soaps and trinkets. My only huge disappointment was that Wrath didn't get to see the look of horror on the queen's face when her eyes peered up at me.]
Your “highness”. You look so very…. well.  [Raking a heated gaze over the female head to toe, I drank in her discomfort and casually cast a glance back at John Mathew, who was still trying to look like he was the average male waiting for his female to finish shopping. So easily I could take Wrath's shellan and John Mathew would be none the wiser until it was too late, the same way I'd taken Xhex. But that would have been too easy, too fast. No. This needed to play out for as long as I could. I wanted to feast on Wrath and the Brotherhood's pain for centuries to come for what they'd done.]
Beth:   *The chill that spiralled through my body was relentless and it left me shaking and frozen in place.  My mind was telling me to run, but I couldn’t move.  Lash was right in front of me and all he had to do was reach out and it would be game over.  But he didn’t.  Confusion rippled through my brain, trying to kick start something, but those nerves were frozen too.  
I stood there face to face with Lash for what felt like hours, unable to move, unable to scream, unable to fathom what was happening.
Was I dead already?  Did it already happen and I didn’t know it?  I didn’t feel dead… but maybe this was what death felt like…  maybe…  No, I’m not dead.  I’m in shock*
Lash:  [Beth's frozen deer-in-the-headlights look was priceless. Gave me the warm n’ fuzzies all over and a boner to boot.
With the mhis is place, I had no worries of being seen or heard, but I didn't want this to take so long as to put John Mathew on higher alert than he was. Having Beth's body guard half-aware was perfect enough as it was.]
What? No hug? No smile, or words of niceties for me? Nothing? [Smiling a fake pout, I leaned in and whispered, though I knew I could scream and shoot off a canon and no one would hear a thing in the middle of a busy mall.] Be sure to tell your hellren King Wrath, and LW hello for me, my Queen.
[With that, I released the mhis and my solid form, and ghosted back out past John Mathew, brushing the male's shoulder.]
Beth:   *I felt my skin crawl, felt the hair slowly rise and spike in alarm.  Images of LW, Wrath, JM and my entire family flashed before my eyes, and all I could do was stand and stare as Lash leaned in closer and whispered to me.  I wanted to move, scream, kick, anything, but my senses and everything else had forsaken me.  Trapped by fear.  
I didn’t close my eyes, couldn’t close my eyes…  I waited for the final blow, the strike that would end it, but instead there was nothing…  Lash was gone.  It took me a few seconds to thaw out and get my limbs and muscles working again, and by the time I managed to blink, JM was already next to me.  I was terrified and he looked horrified. He knew Lash was here and what followed was a string of orders, curses and then I noticed he was on his cell phone.
Before I could really gather my senses and get my legs moving, my brother already had me by the arm and we were heading out to the front entrance where Vishous was waiting with the Escalade.  Butch came around from behind and Fritz was there too busy with the shopping bags.  I didn’t get a chance to see what they were doing but I assumed Fritz was loading everything in the Mercedes.  Within seconds the car was moving.  Butch was driving with Vishous beside him in the passenger seat, and JM and was with me in the backseat. It took everything I had to keep myself from throwing up.  I felt sick and dizzy, and all I wanted was Wrath and LW*  
#ShoppingNightmare  #BondedBrothers
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queenbethbdb · 6 years
Friends or Not
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written by @Warrior_MD and @TenaciousDoctor 
Jane:  *If ever there was a night I needed more strength than I could muster, it was tonight.  The brothers ran into trouble out in the field and we had multiple casualties.  Huge bodies rushed up and down the tunnels.  Loud, booming voices ringing out and Vishous and Butch shouting orders from one end of the med wing to the other.  
Manny kicked into action as expected from a surgeon of his stature.  He’d been avoiding me the past few days, and he had been extra irritable and aggravated.  His determination to leave the compound, amplified by my rejection and the belief that there was nothing here for him.  Between Manny, Vishous, Butch and myself we organized everyone into medical rooms for examination and had Qhuinn rushed into the theatre.  His injuries were life threatening and Manny and I both attended to him before moving on to the rest.  Vishous and Ehlena worked through some of the other patients who only needed stitching.  Most of the injuries were bullet grazes and non lethal lacerations.
After 7 hours of non stop action, the tunnels finally emptied out as patients were released and could return to their rooms with their loved ones.  Ehlena and a doggen went from room to room, cleaning bloodied clothes and bandages.  Vishous and Butch returned to the Pit and that left Manny and I face to face in Qhuinn’s recovery room.  Awkward silence created a thick atmosphere until I sighed and spoke up*
We need to talk about everything that’s happened.
*It had been yet another bloody mess out in the fields and in the Brotherhood clinic. A mess I was expected to help clean up together with Jane of course. The arrogance from these bastards never ended, they just kept on taking and taking without ever giving shit back, it pissed me off to the point where I wanted to use a dinner fork and carve out their hearts. I felt more so now than ever since my life didn’t feel like my own anymore. The worst thing about it all was, I acted like some goddamn pussy and just keep taking their shit never doing anything to change my situation. I was tired and annoyed, too tired to deal with any of it right this second but I was going to before I was sucked into their lives for good. I poured the remaining equipment, with no regards of the sound it made falling, into the sink or the damage in doing so it did to the equipment itself. Who gave a flying fuck. Hopefully, something would break or bend and next time it would accidentally kill one of them. With my luck, though, that would never happen. But seriously I was going to have to come up with a way to get out and get past that damn doggen and return to my world before I went mad. I could hear Jane pacing, or something like it, behind me. She was lingering behind waiting for everyone else to leave. Well, wonderful, now I had to deal with her too, not something I had any particular interest in doing. When I said I was done with them that included her. I snorted at her words and to stay occupied I started to pour water into the sink as loudly as I could if no other reason than to turn the sound of her voice out. As I stood there brooding I decided I wasn’t going to give her the satisfaction of getting a reaction out of me, at least not more than she already gotten. I stood silently cleaning the equipment as the minutes ticked by. “If you are waiting for an engraved invitation you’ll be standing there a long time.”
Jane:  *Manny’s reaction didn’t surprise me.  I was expecting hostility when we weren’t working together on patients.  What I wasn’t expecting is the way it stung.  True, Manny had been a complete asshole since he got here and he hated being here, but that hatred was never aimed at me, until now.  I deserved it, I knew that much, but what was I supposed to do?  Choose him and have a life of regrets and annoyance because I’m not completely happy?  How would that serve us any purpose… we would have both been miserable in the end.
The light coming from the tunnels broke through the open door, prompting me to walk over and close it.  Qhuinn was knocked out cold on the bed and he would be that way for at least another 2 hours.  This room was as private as could be around these parts.  Green eyes scanned around the room.  There was a rolling stool next to the bed and a high back chair in the corner.  I needed to sit.  I felt dead on my feet, but this conversation had to be done with.  It was long overdue.  Walking over to the high back chair, I lowered myself in it and focussed on staying corporeal*
Manny, I know things didn’t go the way we wanted them to go.  Shit, I know you probably hate me right now, but I’m not sorry for choosing the best future for both of us.  I would rather have you angry with me now, than end up hating me later when we were both miserable and longing for an escape that never materialized.  
Manny: *Just hearing her voice made me want to scream. I was so tired of listening to her constant excuses I could have combusted right there on sight. Everything was just lies nothing worth mentioning that been said between us was anything but bullshit, lying to me about being dead, lying about Vishous, lying about what they were, lying about me just being here temporary, lying about fucking someone else and why; hell everything was a lie, there was nothing really there, to begin with… so why was I even surprised? “Well, I’m so relieved now. Thank you for explaining all this to me, Jane, and for being so selfless and sacrificing everything to spare me. How can I /ever/ repay you for your kindness!” I put the rest of the clean equipment down to dry, pulling the plug for the water and watched it swirl down the drain. “As for hating you… please don’t flatter yourself.” Murhder’s words: It will be like you never existed, echoed through my head. At least he and I could agree on something. I turn around drying my hands on a towel and looked straight at her “So, are we done here or was there anything else.”*
Jane:  *Ouch… I half expected backlash, but it it took me a few seconds to think and let the words sink in.  I did this to him.  I caused this anger and hatred in his life.  I broke his heart when he thought I was dead, and everytime he gathered the pieces up and started putting his life together, I was there to rip it all apart.  And each time the pieces broke into smaller bits, making it harder to put back together.  I was the cause of so much pain in his life and I didn’t know how to fix this.  I expected him to be okay and move on, but he was not okay.  We were not okay.
It was bad enough having ruined Manny’s life, but having both Manny and Murh angry with me didn’t sit well, but they both needed time to get on with their lives and find someone who would be the “right” one.  
I didn’t get up.  I didn’t trust my legs to play the game if I stood up now.  Instead I crossed my legs at the ankles and took a deep breath before replying*
No, we aren’t done.  I get that you’re angry. I wish I could change how things turned out, but I can’t and if I could turn back time, I would do the same thing.  As for you stewing on this anger… It’s not healthy and you know it.  I want us to get to a place where we can at least talk about all this in a civilized manner.  You’re holding a grudge and I won’t have that. When Murh came into our lives, you knew this could go either way.  I knew that too.  What I didn’t know until I had to make the choice, was that neither of you were part of my future.  I don’t know what my future holds, just as you don’t know what your future holds.  I’ll cross that bridge when I get there. For now, I want us to resolve the awkwardness between us.
Manny: *”Jane stop psychoanalysing me like you give a shit. I’m not interested in hearing it! You know nothing about me or what I am. All I hear from you is me, me, me! It’s all about you, what you wanted, what you didn’t feel, didn’t know you wanted.” I threw the towel on the counter trying to reel in my anger. “I didn’t want to be here remember. I still don’t. You stripped me of my freedom, my life, my job…” I stop mid-sentence. “You know what the fuck ever, I’m done. Fine, we are friends. I forgive you. It is all good. Now, since this is all about what you want, you can go back to not feeling guilty or whatever it is that has your underwear in a twist so badly you feel like you have to humiliate me further. Really what else is it there for you to take from me? Tell me because I don’t get it! You wanted to be unattached, you’re unattached, go wild. I don’t care. What else do you want from me!?” I yell at her slamming one of the cabinet doors closed simply because it’s there and I had to get my annoyance out on something. I know what she was after and the stupid thing was that still after all the shit she put me through I’d give it to her if I could. That made me even more pissed that I was such a fucking loser. “You want things between us back to the way they were. I want my life back as it was before this godforsaken place. I guess we’re both shit out of luck.”*
Jane:  *I could feel myself on the brink of tears and I knew I was stronger than this, but the long night and grueling schedule weakened me.  Every word Manny spoke was out of anger, but it was also true.  I did this for me.  I was selfish and I hurt two people with one selfish action. What was even worse… I would do it all over again and make the same choice, and that was what made all the difference.  I did this for me.  
Taking a few deep breaths, not trusting my voice not to break, I replied as steady as possible*  
You’re right, and you’re not ready for us to have this conversation.  I want all this to blow over and it isn’t fair to you.  I hurt you and there isn’t anything I can do to change that. I’m sorry.  
*Lacing my fingers together in my lap, I looked down and took another deep breath forcing myself to blink away tears that threatened to spill over my lashes. Manny turned back around to keep himself busy and that gave me the few minutes I needed to pull myself together.  I could feel the guilt because I was guilty as charged, and my heart ached for more reasons than this.  Manny was a good man.  He deserved so much better than what life and I had thrown at him.  This wasn’t fair to him, and I made everything worse.  Right now he needed the space to deal with things, and I would talk to Wrath about getting him integrated back into his old life.  That was the least I could do to help him.  When I spoke up again, my voice was steadier*
I’ll stay with him.  You can go.  I’ll call you if I need you.
Manny: *I knew I hurt her. I hated myself for doing it but it was like I was two people and the good version of myself was off sniffling in some damn corner causing my other self to get more angry and pissed, which in return caused me to behave like a caged animal and lash out. It was hard to look at Jane and feel like she still cared, some part of me knew she did but I felt ridiculed and toyed with and there were honestly moments when I wonder what the hell I did to deserve it, all of it not just Jane’s indecisiveness but all of it. Most days I woke-up forcing myself to feel nothing but numbness, detaching myself from all of it. I was done trying and putting in effort in my work or in people. It worked ok until it didn’t and then there were days like this where I wanted to tear someone’s head off. I fiddled with the instruments laying on the counter, they were now dry so I put them back in their rightful place giving Jane a moment to collect herself as well as myself. I think maybe I was ready to cry myself if for no other reason than getting rid of some pent-up emotions but I knew I wouldn’t. I would never allow myself to do so and my next promise was to never allow another person to ever get that close to me again. Ever! I didn’t turn around as she spoke instead I just nodded without looking at her. I reached out for the door but stopped before going through it. I held on to the door with one hand standing there contemplating what to say or if I should say anything at all. I was sorry to see her sad but at the same time, I wasn’t sorry. I was in conflict with myself in not wanting her to be in pain to want her to feel just as rotten as I did. Eventually, I found the words I was looking for “you’ll be ok, you are where you’re supposed to be.” And then I left closing the door behind me before she could say anything else back to me. As I walk down the long tunnel that leads back to the main house I realized while Jane was where she was supposed to be I wasn’t. I had nothing here in this new world that was now mine, no friends, no family, not even my work it was all theirs and it meant nothing to me. Bypassing the main house I head out to the stables. I had a sudden need to not be alone and Glory had this thing about her that helped ease my mind. Yeah, I was going to let Glory work her magic and be the one to give me comfort.*
Jane:   *Watching Manny finish up and leaving the room without a word, broke me.  There were so many things left unsaid.  So many truths and lies hidden beneath the anger and all I wanted was to be in a place where we could talk without him resenting me.  
Funny how life really knocks you when you’re down.  I did it to him so many times, and now it was his turn.  I would let him have that.  I kept quiet as he paused at the open door.  I let him leave with whatever dignity he had left, in tact.  But inside I was breaking, and it would take a storm to get me back in focus.  
Where did it all go wrong…  The day I operated on a patient in my OR with a six chambered heart?  No, being here with the Brotherhood was different and I missed some aspects of my life, but that was not it.  Maybe it didn’t go wrong at all…  Maybe it was now going right…  Blessing in disguise?  I didn’t know what the future held for either of us, but I knew I wanted to walk that path on my own and face my destiny on my own, and this felt right even if it broke my heart*
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queenbethbdb · 6 years
written by @TenaciousDoctor  , @MaryMadonLuce and @MurhderBDB 
Jane:  *Silence spread through the tunnel eerily as I walked down to the room where Mary was waiting for me.  The past few days had been challenging on both me and Manny with all the injuries and the double shifts.  Manny avoided me like the plague, or tried to at least, but that wasn’t always possible since we spent almost every waking moment working together.  To weeks had passed since I told both Murh and Manny that I didn’t choose either of them. It wasn’t an easy decision, but it was a necessary one.  Ever since I got involved in this world it has been chaos.  And Murh and Manny didn’t make that any easier.  I wanted to find peace amidst this chaos, and I wasn’t gonna find that with Manny angry, and Murh losing his temper, all the time.  Finding time for myself left a small window of opportunity, which was usually interrupted by some issue with Murhder.  
 Murh convinced himself I was his shellan, even though that was never the case.  Even after weeks of trying to convince him I wasn’t mated to anyone, he still had trouble letting go of the insane idea that I was his.  Nothing I did worked.  I finally reached my limit with Murh and now I was bringing Mary in to assist.  I was hoping she could get through to him since no one else has been able to.  My hand reached out for the door handle and I pushed the door open to find Mary sitting on the chair in the small office.  Manny and I didn’t really use the office much.  Ehlena used the office most of the time to update patient files from the charts and folders Manny and I give her, which made this the perfect place for this quick meeting before the big deceit*
 Hey, Mary.  Thanks for agreeing to this.  I know you’re also busy, and you know I wouldn’t have asked you to do this if I didn’t think it would help and was needed.
 *Taking a seat opposite Mary, I smiled and crossed my legs at the ankles*
 Mary: Mary sat at the desk in the tiny office, looking around. Unsurprisingly it was extremely neat almost as if it wasn't used that often. Of course with how busy the medical wing was, it wasn't much of a surprise but Mary had expected there to be loose files or scrap paper laying about, yet nothing. Maybe it was one of the doggen keeping things tidy or the medical staff like Manny or Ehlena made sure the office was always presentable no matter how busy the medical wing was. Regardless, it was obviously a quiet place in the midst of the chaos. Mary Had already heard plenty about Muhrder and how he was seemingly obsessed with Jane and creating plenty of problems for both her and the entire mansion with his behaviour. Mary had done her best to not get involved too deeply, though her being compassionate she hadn’t been able to completely keep her mouth completely shut. Which was probably why she had agreed to help Jane out with him in the shape of counseling sessions. Her train of thought was interrupted when Jane entered the room, looking slightly worried, if mary had to say anything about her. Unusual for the calm and collected doctor, though with the chaos the mansion was in, it was perfectly understandable that even Jane could get shaken, especially with everything going on with Muhrder.
 Listening to Jane, Mary nodded and offered a soft smile. “Oh, don’t mention it, Jane. I know how worked up everyone is, so of course. I’m only happy to do my part to make sure things here run as smoothly as they can”, she said and tilted her head a bit. “So tell me about his case, please. I’d like to know what I’m dealing with as best I can”
 Jane:   *Scenes of the past few months rushed through my mind, flashing in bits and pieces as if my brain was trying to syphon the important parts and sort it into some prioritized order.  Murh was as complicated as he was insane, and the two of us together… Well, that was my own fault.  I shifted on the chair as I started talking*
 Where do I start… *I took a moment to think* Murh needs help and I can’t give it to him.  I tried before and it lead to us having a sexual affair.  We are both adults and neither of us are mated, therefor I didn’t see any problem with it, until… Well, Murh became very possessive, to the point of madness.  He has a history of mental health problems which is what I was busy helping him with.  Wrath had asked me to assess his mental health before he was cleared for rotation, and well…  the rest is history as they say.  The entire family knows what transpired down here in the med wing before Murh was locked up.
 I would appreciate it if you could assess him and see if you are able to work with him to get him through this.  We need him back as a functioning member of the Brotherhood.
 Mary:   Mary listened to jane, nodding along as the story went on. Even she had heard of some of the events that had transpired but there was new information mixed into what jane told her. The fact that the two had been in a sexual relationship would definitely complicate the matter, but perhaps not make it impossible, even with Muhr’s mind being all jumbled up.
 “So, if I understand you correctly, you’d like for me to help him move on from you and focus his attention on fighting rather than you, and to assess whether or not he is suited to be added into the nightly rotation. Is that accurate?”, Mary asked and looked to Jane with one of her professionalism looks.
Mary had her thoughts about how Jane had been having sex with someone that technically was her patient, but in reality she couldn’t really say all that much about it. It could quite literally happen to anyone and with Jane being a single woman among the stunning vampires, it’s not like Mary could really blame her. Truth be told, it wasn’t like they were able to go out and meet men and have relations with them. Wrath’s head would likely explode before his temper, if they ever presented that idea and cause him to say things like ‘Over my fucking dead body!’ She gave Jane a determined nod and offered a smile. It wasn’t her place to judge nor did she intend to do that in any way, shape or form. Instead she was going to glance over it, because it shouldn’t matter with how their lives were set up. “I’ll certainly do what I can to help him, and give an assessment as well. If we can get more out in the field, it’ll be better for the race as a whole”
Jane:   *A faint smile lifted one corner of my mouth, and I relaxed back against the chair*  Thank you, Mary.  I am aware this is a delicate matter and I am grateful for your willingness to help me out.  
 Now the next part will be the most challenging.  I need to get Murh to come in here to sit and speak to you, but he won’t do it if he knows what we are doing.  I will have to trick him into thinking I want to talk to him, but I will be here with you and Murh the whole time until you are comfortable being alone with him.
 One more thing… I’d appreciate it if you didn’t tell anyone about this.  Wrath and the Brothers won’t approve of Murh being near me, but I can’t do this without being involved. 
 Mary:   Mary shook her head softly. “Jane please.... There’s no need to thank me at all. I’m only happy to do my part, and truth be told, it’s the only thing I can do”, she said and offered a smile. “Besides, you’ve always helped Rhage when he got injured, so this is my way of paying you back. I’d have been worried sick so many times, if it hadn’t been for your medical expertise, so in terms of peace of mind, this is my repayment”, she said and sat back in her chair. Her head tilted as Jane explained the scheme she had to set up for Muhr. This wasn’t exactly new, and it only made the situation more delicate. Having someone like Muhr around in general was a gamble, but tricking him was outright insane, but often a necessary evil.
 “I understand, Jane”, she said and nodded. “Listen, I’ll be looking to have you out as soon as possible though. You’ll be a distraction for him which will stop him from looking internally and progress”, she explained. “I just wanted to be clear about that. And of course, I won’t tell anyone of what we are doing. Honestly, with everything going on, I’d sound like the abandoned woman that had gone mad and wanted attention at any cost”, she remarked with a smile.
 That last bit was something she was afraid would happen. Now that Rhage had left her, she had avoided everyone,  not wanting to seem like she was craving attention. Sure, she was lonely, but that was no excuse to become pathetic.
  Jane:  *I took a deep breath and got up.  My stomach knotted a little because I had no idea how Murh was going to react to this and the last thing I needed was for him to lose his shit again and become violent.  I gave Mary a reassuring smile, or at least I thought that’s what I was doing, but it was her smile that reassured me.
 When I reached the door I stopped and took another few breaths before opening it and walking down the tunnels to the training center.  Murh was doing rounds with the boxing bag and… okay wow, he did look good…  
 I shook my head to clear it and walked into the room*  Murh!  *I shouted loud enough for him to hear me*  Could I speak to you for a bit.  You may want to change clothes.  I’ll wait outside. 
 Murhder:   *My fists cracked under the pressure with each blow to the red bag.  My knuckles were wrapped in cloths but that was it.  I wanted this to fucking hurt.  I needed this to fucking hurt.  Each blow took me closer to the edge.  Jane was all that was on my mind.  She was MINE.  How fucking dare she tell me to move on.  How fucking dare she do that to me.  Throw me one side like a rag doll she’s outgrown.  Fuck her.  As the next blow struck I hear Jane’s voice and pivoted around to see her standing in the doorway.  Fuck.  She took my breath away every time I saw her.  Her mouth was moving but I wasn’t catching all of it.  My ears were zinging.  Fuck. Okay something about getting changed and she’s waiting for me.  Yeah. Some shit like that.  I stepped back and removed the cloth from both hands.  My gym bag was lying to the left of me.  I grabbed my clothes out and changed without bothering to wash up.  I wasn’t wasting time on that shit when all I wanted was to be near Jane.  After about 4 minutes I was out in the tunnel where she was waiting*.  What’s it?  Is everything okay?  
 Jane:   *With a nod, I turned and walked down the tunnel*  This way. I’d like to talk where it’s more private  *the knot in my stomach twisted and it took a couple of tries when I reached out for the door, to go corporeal.  As the door slid open, I stepped aside and let Murh step in first.  As soon as he was in, I closed the door behind us and blocked his exit.  I had some hope that he wouldn’t try to go through me to get out*
 Murh, this is Mary.  She’s going to talk to us… you for a bit.  Only talk. Please stay and listen to what she has to say.  Please…
 *It didn’t take a genius to figure out Murh was angry.  If he could, he would be spitting fire right now.  I gelled myself to the door and watched him carefully.  He didn’t move*  
 Mary: Mary turned her head as both Murhder and Jane entered into the room. She offers a polite and quite professional smile as she can almost feel just how much Jane is on guard with him in the room. She extends her hand towards Murhder and tilts her head. “Hello Murhder. It’s very nice to meet you”, she said in as neutral a tone as possible. She didn’t want to seem judgy or condescending in any way, so it was important to stay as neutral as possible.  
Murhder:  *Jane fucking tricked me.  The bitch is trying to get rid of me.  I will fucking kill her!  The female in the room spoke up with ease and for a second I felt my shoulders ease down.  My fists still clenched and unclenched.  I wanted to hit something.  FUCK.  The blow that followed didn’t surprise me.  My fist collided with the wall behind me right next to Jane’s body.  My hand ached as I pulled it back.  The wall was fucking solid.  Jane’s reaction to this is what changed the moment. She flinched and pulled to one side and the look on her face was fear.  She feared what I would do next.  What I would do to her.  I was a fucking monster.  The air in the room shifted.  I sensed it.  The other female tensed up as if she anticipated more violence from me. I swore i wouldn’t be /that/ person again.  I wouldn’t go violent on or around a female and that’s exactly what I was doing.  My eyes darkened to black as I watched Jane regain her form*.  This is on you Jane.  This is your fucking fault.  You know better than to corner me like this.
 Jane:   *This was my fault.  All of this.  I knew that, but it didn’t change anything.  I had to fix it and that is what I was trying to do.  I was struggling to keep my form solid, but for Mary’s sake I wanted this to seem as normal as it possibly could.  I waited a few moments before stepping away from the door.  My heart was still beating a trail right out of my chest, but somehow I knew this was it. There would be no more violence from Murh.  Something… maybe the look on his face… I don’t know… but something changed a minute ago after he hit that wall.  I moved away because I thought he was aiming for me, but he wasn't. It was over, or at least his anger tantrum was over*
 I know and I’m sorry.  I need you to do this for you.  Not for me, but for you. Mary is very capable of seeing you through this.  Trust us to help you.
 *I didn’t give him a change to argue. Placing my hand on his arm, I guided him to the chair opposite Mary and I stood next to him*  
Seeing Murhder react with violence was not exactly a surprise to Mary, but it did still make her flinch. She covered her mouth with her hand to stop herself from making a sound, though she was sure the fact she was startled and had flinched was obvious. Muhrder was agitated and he was openly blaming Jane for it, though something did seem to have shifted. Like he was realising that anger wasn’t the solution to getting rid of his frustrations. She nodded as Jane lead Muhrder to the chair, and took a second to center herself and refocus on being calm and collected. “Well then, it’s still very nice to meet you, Murhder. Is your hand okay? I’d very much hate it if you were in pain while we talk to each other”, she said and looked to him. Her natural worry-wart personality was starting to shine through, even if she was a bit on guard. Definitely she needed to have Jane out of the sessions as soon as possible, to be able to really get any sort of breakthrough with Murhder.
 Murhder:   *Jane stood next to me and I could almost taste her.  My cock did a double take of what the fucks.  I wanted her now.  I would take her on that small fucking desk or against the wall if I had to in front of this female.  I couldn’t care less.  I wanted Jane under me.  Not next to me.  The female’s soft voice rung out in the small room.  Jane picked the right room for this.  Anything bigger and i might have a problem hearing the soft voice over the thundering of the blood in my veins.  I shifted my weight around in the chair. The fuking thing was too small for me and my cock was making it impossible to sit still.  I turned to Jane*.  Jane.  I’m doing this for you.  Not for me.  I don’t want to be here.  You want me to be here.  Let’s be clear on that.
Jane:   *Sighing exhaustedly and rocking back on my feet, I almost lost my balance.  After the grueling 72 hour shift and very little to eat I was about to faint.  I had to get my sugar levels up if I was gonna make it through this session, but leaving now to go get hot chocolate wasn’t an option.  With a soft sigh I lowered myself next to Murh and placed my hand on his arm.  He was nervous about this as much as he was angry.  He didn’t want to let go and right now I wanted him to know I would be with him every step of the way, but he needed to do this for himself.  My green eyes met his dark stare and I spoke soft enough for only him to hear*
 Murh, you’ve got this.  I won’t drop you in the deep end.  I’m here for you, but you have to do this on your own.
 *I got up and gave him a kiss on the cheek before turning to Mary*  He should be okay now.  I will be right outside if you need me for anything.  Two doors down.  
Mary let the two have their moment together. She knew, from what Jane had told her, that the connection between was ran very deep with Murhder, and from what Mary could tell, Jane was also deeply attached to him, though obviously in a different way. She stayed quiet as they had their intensive stares and couldn’t help but give off a little smile as Murhder declared he would do this, even if it was more for Jane than himself. He was willing and that was key in the process. Mary offered Jane a smile and a nod. “Thank you, Jane. I’ll be sure to get you if need be. Don’t worry, he’s in good hands”, she said and let Jane walk out the door.  She turned to Murhder and offered him yet another one of her professional smiles. “Right, first thing you need to know, Murhder, is that whatever you tell me during these talks stays between you and me. I’m not telling anyone what we talk about”, she said and paused to await his answer.
Murhder:  *The room shifted when Jane shared a intimate moment with me. It was her way of telling me she will never leave me.  No matter what.  I already knew that but getting the reassurance from Jane changed everything.  Even if she wasn’t my shellan she would still my person.  The special person in my life I share everything with.  As I watched her walk out the room I felt my heart break.  I felt a piece of myself leaving.  She was the better part of me.  I didn’t want to let go but I had to.  It’s what Jane wanted.  I turned my focus back to the female and nodded as she spoke* Yeah.  It’s between us.  I get it. 
Mary nodded at Murhder and looked to him. He seemed content with how things were, but of course, anyone could put up a front and hide their true feelings. Lord knew, mary was an expert at that. No, she needed to dig a bit, to get to Murhder, but that required a whole lot of legwork, that much was obvious. “Good. So, tell me about yourself. Anything at all. And, if you want to ask about me, you’re more than welcome to do that too. After today, you can decide how we do these talks. Maybe while you work out, or outside walking around. It doesn’t have to be in small spaces like this at all”, she said and looked to Murh. It was her experience with therapy sessions that the more control you could offer to the patient, the sooner they relaxed and opened up to you.
Murhder:   *Jane’s scent still lingered in the room which didn’t help my cock situation.  I shifted some more and wanted to get up and walk around.  I stopped myself and listened to the female.  Mary…. Yeah that was her name.  She was everything Jane wasn’t and that was a good thing.  Especially right now.  What?  We can do this somewhere else?  Why didn’t she fucking start with that line*.  Yeah.  I don’t want to be here in this room.  I feel restricted and it’s doing my head in. I need air. *I needed more than air but the female didn’t need to know that*.  What’s your deal?  Why are you doing this?  What’s in it for you?  
Mary:    Mary nodded and stood up, keeping her movements soft so Murhder always knew what she was doing. There was no reason to get him worked up with sharp and sudden movements after all. “Right, let’s talk a walk then. Do you want to use the hallway, or maybe go all the way outside?”, she asked and looked to Murhder as she opened the door to the small room to let both of them out. She blinked a few times as Murhder fired a line of questions at her, while not surprising that he did ask questions, Mary hadn’t expected those particular ones at all. “In it for me? Well, for starters, this is what I do for the vampire race. I’m a therapist of sorts and a natural helper, you could say. Part of my nature”, she said with a smile. “As for what’s in it for me… A purpose, I’d say. And the satisfaction of knowing I made a difference for someone. That’s about it”, she said and looked to Murhder. “Why do you ask?”
Murhder:  *Getting up was a prayer answered.  My legs ached as I stretched them out and once we were walking down the tunnels it felt a shit load better.  I didn’t answer the females question.  I took the lead and steered the picnic down the tunnels and out the back door past the garages.  Once outside I could feel myself breathe again.  My pants weren’t as tight but that was thanks to not smelling Jane anymore.  The walk and talk thing could work somehow.  I led the way toward the gardens and took in the view as we descended to the lower level*.  I ask because I don’t know why any female would want to be close to me after what happened.  I’m surprised Wrath approved this.  
Mary followed Murhder, her feet having to rush to keep up with him at first as he almost stormed out of the tunnels and out into the open air. She didn’t pressure him to talk, since that would be counterproductive, but rather she followed him to see where he would go. She looked to him as he finally started talking, listening to him answering her question with a very rational answer. So he obviously was aware that others perceived him as both unstable and dangerous, though she tried avoiding those words at any cost herself. “Well, from what I can tell with what I’ve seen so far, I’m not in danger with you at all. I don’t think you’d purposely hurt anyone. The past isn’t important right now, it’s how you are now that’s important”, she said and looked to the male. “Let’s not worry about Wrath for the time being. I’d much rather hear about you, Murhder. Tell me about yourself”
Murhder:  *The past isn’t important?  That’s the reason I was in this mess.  But if she wanted to skip that part I wasn’t gonna argue*.  No you’re not in danger.  I don’t make a habit of attacking females.  Jane IS MINE. Or was mine.  I walked in on her and that Rat kissing and I fucking lost it.  That shit happens to everyone at some point.  I know it does.  We all have our breaking points.  *I had to breathe slow and deep.  Slow and deep.  Just thinking about that day made the hair on my arms stand up*.  
Mary looked to Murhder as he spoke, nodding her head a bit as she listened to him. She had been right to try and stay out of that whole thing. It was a mess and a half, but there was something she could do here. Murh was heartbroken, it was obvious, so at least they had that in common. They had just reacted very differently to it, and one could always argue which one of them had handled it better. Mary knew exactly what Murhder likely needed. A distraction. Something to help him take his mind off of Jane and move on. Easier said than done, naturally, with how he was seemingly obsessed. It was clear though, that Murhder was considering Jane’s feelings quite heavily and respected her choices, even if he was deeply hurt. “Does it hurt when you think about those things, Murhder?”, she asked knowing how stupid the question was, but she needed to know If Murhder was aware of his own feelings and that they could have a physical effect on him.
Murhder:  *What was she talking about?*.  Hurt when I think about Jane with that Rat?  Yeah it fucking hurts.  She didn’t choose him and that makes the hurt so much fucking better but she didn’t choose me either.  Look.  Let me tell you how this is gonna go.  We are gonna take a nice walk through the gardens to kill some time.  You can ask your questions if you’d like but at the end of all this nothing is going to change.  I’m still gonna be fucked up and Jane is still gonna be the only female in the world who……  *who fucking what….  Rejected me?  Broke my heart?  Yeah not going there*.  Jane is the only female for me.  There is no other female out there for me and we are an animalistic race.  We have to mate.  It’s a driving force in us and when we meet /that/ one.  There is no stopping us.  
Mary listened to Murhder, letting him air his frustrations directly in her face. It was good he got some things off of his chest and by all means, if he wanted to unload on her she welcomed it if anything. “Murhder, I know how the vampire race works when it comes to all that stuff. But as animalistic as you are, you can still move on. Feelings can change, if you let them”, she said and offered him another profesional smile. She wanted to reassure him, encourage him to at least give things a try. He had walls up, and she wanted to lower them, but that would take a lot of effort on her part. Effort she was willing to give. “Alright, we’ll take our walks and you’ll talk. I don’t expect you to change who you are, but maybe have you see more of the big picture. Have you zoom out, so to speak”
Murhder:  *Zoom out? Of what?  A hunter zooms in on his prey.  I am a hunter.  A warrior.  A Member of the Black Dagger Brotherhood.  I don’t zoom out.  I zoom in*.  Whatever. *My reply was short and we kept walking past well trimmed hedges and shrubs that were styled to keep the eye entertained.  Flowers ranged from Roses to Hydrangeas.  Most of the colored flowers looked nice but I didn’t know their names.  Neither did I care what they were called.  We walked and talked for another hour but to me it felt like the entire fucking night.  This talking biz was working on my nerves but I would do it if it kept Jane happy*.  #Therapy #BondedBrothers
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queenbethbdb · 7 years
A Day in the Life of the Royals
A day in the life of the Brotherhood’s King and his Queen.
Wrath:  [A low purring groan vibrated through me with each long stroke. My leelan's legs wrapped around my waist, our hips pressed firmly together, fingers reaching to stroke her silky smooth thighs. Her deft hands tugged at my hair, earning my Beth a deep growl and a fanged grin.]
Easy, leelan, or we'll never make it to first meal. You know what pulling my hair does to me.
[Never thought I'd enjoy anyone combing my hair so much. My Beth loved it, and it gave us an excuse for more physical contact. As if I needed an excuse. Scribe knew I couldn't get enough of her as it was. Puncture marks dotted the side of my neck just as surely as a few well placed bites decorated her throat.
My cock stirred and hardened at the reminder and I debated on calling Saxton and telling him we'd be an hour or five late. My female pressed up against my back doing the brush stroking but we both knew what I'd rather she be stroking, if you get my drift, and from the soft laugh and swat with the hair brush it wouldn't take much more inner arguing to change Beth's mind. Insert Cheshire cat grin with longer fangs.]
Beth:   First meal… Hmmm… We can be late, right?  *I teased and finished up brushing Wrath’s long, thick, shiny  hair.  My man was beautiful, every inch of him was miraculously gorgeous, and it usually only took a certain look from him to get me warm and wet, but he made the rules that everyone must attend first meal. Which sucked right now, cause I’d much rather be making love to Wrath.  
I unwrapped my legs and lowered myself until my toes touched the floor* Right, I’m done.  Let me get LW and we can go.
*I left Wrath in the main room to finish up dressing and went to LW’s room.  A smile lifted the corners of my lips.  LW was sitting in the middle of the room, playing with his train set.  He had so many toys, but he loved that train set.  George laid on the carpet next to him.  I gave a George a teasing look*  Aren’t you supposed to be Wrath’s guide dog? *LW laughed and jumped up, running into my arms.  God, it felt good to hug him.  He grew up so fast and I wanted to savor every moment of it.
I helped him pick out a clean pair of clothes and helped him dress before we joined up with Wrath again in the main room*  We’re ready.
Wrath:  [With a deep kiss to mine female's mouth, she was off to get ready.
Fuck. I already missed Beth's body against mine as I dressed. Black boxers, leathers, and a T-shirt, shitkickers were staple, anything else was frivolity. Or demanded, er, requested by my leelan, which, by the way, I was NOT going to fucking deny mine female.
The soft muted sounds of Beth and LW getting ready settled a load of the warm fuzzies deep in my chest. I never thought that in my lifetime I'd be where I was: King of the race. And mated to the most beautiful female in the universe. Aaand with a strong young male to carry on the royal bloodline, if someday he so chose to with a female of his own.
Working on memory and feel alone, I was slapping in a few well placed daggers, my favorite weapon -throwing stars-, and tucking a black glock at the small of my back, I still felt like I wasn't armed well enough. Better add another 40, a couple more daggers, another set of stars… a last grab picked up the left out glock that matched the first and slid it into the empty slot beside the other gun. Separation issues were a real bitch. And it was only down to First Meal..
Satisfied, only slightly, I caught the scent of my shellan and LW and turned to greet them.]
Hey big man. You hungry? [Grinning at LW, I reached out and, with my female's subtle help in moving closer, cupped the side of my son's face with a gentle touch.] Let's grab some food.
Beth:  *We left the first family quarters.  Wrath, Little Wrath, George and myself.  And found Cop at the bottom of the staircase heading to the dining room.  Wrath and Cop did a quick update and reminder about an issue that had to be dealt with after first meal, and Cop went and sat next to V at the table.  
Wrath already knew the way to the end of the table, without any of us guiding him, and he never seized to surprise me.  Nalla turned right into his path and he swerved around her.  His reactions were even better than anyone who could see.  LW and Nalla had their own playful interaction and I leaned down to talk to Bella about our swim later.  Since we started the once a month, female pool party thing, all the females had ended up joining in when they were available, and the children enjoyed the time as much as we did.  
I finished up with Bella and nodded over at LW to take his seat as I walked and sat next to Wrath.  The dining room filled up quickly and once everyone was seated, Wrath started talking.  A few minor announcements and then the chatter began.  Everyone around the table having their own conversations, and the clinging of cutlery and glasses filled the room.  I moved over to sit on Wrath’s lap as we started our main course, which was roast lamb, roast potatoes, pumpkin and carrots*
Wrath:  [Escorting Beth and LW to First Meal started as a challenge that I'm proud to say has become one of the few welcome routines I look forward to each night. Any excuse to touch my female or have her in my lap was a cherished moment.
I knew everyone by sound and scent, and the crisp smell of a freshly ironed Armani suit gave Cop up faster than a junkie begging for the next fix. The blonde at my side wiggled subtly; George liked Cop. Eager as I was to have Beth in my lap, Cop had an update on the trainees I needed to hear. I told him to make the necessary adjustments and to get with Tohr on the new schedule and assignments, and make sure the newbie was on task.
That done and out if the way, for now, I made my way to the table, dogging young and brothers. The noise was that of a small army, music to my ears. The males and their SOs, Nalla’s and LW’s tiny giggles, the doggen, all talking at once, and my Beth's voice was the one I caught over them all. This was family. My family.
Once everyone was in their place, I made it known that overall, the trainees were doing well. Rahge, Tohr, Cop, V and Z all had things running like clockwork. A few housekeeping items rounded out the morning's verbal memo. Oh, and the little tidbit that we were hosting a new male in the program. One I wasn't truly happy with, but fates as they play out, I had little say in the matter. So much for ruling over all in our world. (I did warn Lassiter that if this new face didn't tow the line, Beth and I would be sleeping on a handmade feather bed. Courtesy of Lass N’ Company.) The temporary silence that followed was mostly female, save Beth. She had been in on the little meeting as had V and Z, and the info had trickled down to rest of the brothers and household via text and WOM. The new pain in my ass was to start as any trainee would, and was being overseen by V and Z.
George’s sneeze broke the silence and the shocked looks wore off as fast as they'd shown and it was business as usual. Dinnerware clinked, glasses picked up and set down. Food was served and consumed. Thank fuck Fritz was on point tonight, as a plate was set in front of me and the warmth of my female radiated her presence before she took her place in my lap. Dropping a hand down to my side and ruffling the blonde’s ears fondly, I wrapped an arm around my shellan and focused on feeding Beth a piece of lamb.]
Beth:   *I watched our family as they shared stories, laughed and teased around the long table.  V and Cop looked strangely odd, giving me the impression that something wasn’t well with them.  V’s shellan wasn’t at the table, but that didn’t surprise me.  Z and Bella sparked up several conversations here and there, and spared each other glances of adoration in between bites.  
Qhuinn sat at the end of the table next to Blay, and the two of them seemed deep in conversation.  Their friendship had survived a rather difficult break up, and it was good to see them like this.  Rhage and Tohr looked like they were about to start a food fight with all the teasing going on.  No idea what that was about…  anyway…  
Manny and Jane sat at opposite ends of the table, which was unusual.  I could have sworn they were growing romantically close the last few times I’d seen them.  I couldn’t help but think that I used to stay more on top of what was happening around the compound, but since LW was born, he’s taken up most of my free time.
To my left, Nalla and LW were having their own sweet kiddies conversation about who’s getting dessert first.  I took the last bite Wrath fed me and I placed a kiss on his lips.  I was ready for dessert, but not the chocolate or ice cream kind, and LW would be kept busy for a little while longer down here.
Wrath and I excused ourselves from the table, and I had a quick word with LW’s “nanny doggen”, informing her that I would meet her and LW in the library after he finished his dessert.
When we reached the foyer, I took Wrath’s hand and lead him up the stairs to his study.  We didn’t have a lot of time, and his study was closer than our bedroom*
Wrath:   [Through the entire meal, I could feel and smell Beth's need. Knowing I could satisfy that need made me hard as steele. The subtle change in conversations told me a few already knew what was doing before we were both leaving the dining room.
Each step to privacy was laced with my bonding scent trailing behind, the warning to any male that Beth was MINE and I'd kill anyone who got in my way. Ascending the staircase, sans George, was as if I had two good eyes; not an off step, the door to my office willed shut as I grabbed Beth and claimed her mouth in a hard kiss. Hands finding her hips, lifting her against me, fangs long and sharp, hungry for a taste.
No words, just grunts (mine) and soft squeals (Beth's) passing between us, overlaid by the rustle of clothing being shifted and opened. The need was great and growing by the nano sec. Pushing Beth back against the desk for leverage, she consumed my mind and soul. Flesh meeting flesh, where it counted. Fangs long and sharp, biting into tender skin. Growls. Soft moans. Muffled thumps. All becoming saturated in my bonding scent as I marked mine female inside and out at a furious pace.]
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queenbethbdb · 7 years
Relaxing by the pool.
Beth:   *Water splashed all over as LW jumped and played in the pool.  The book I was trying to read was covered in small droplets, and I closed it and placed it under my towel in an attempt to save it from being completely drenched.  I didn’t mind all the splashing.  All that mattered was that LW was having fun.
“Mommy!!”  he shouted as he attempted another twist and twirl under water.  His arm wings prohibiting him from completing the action.  He was my pride and joy, and it didn’t matter what he was doing, I always felt proud of him.  I showed him a thumbs up and stood up, walking over to the edge and getting ready to dive in when the double doors swung open.  
Haley walked in and stopped dead mid stride as if she was intruding.  I raised my hand quickly and waved for her to come on in, shouting over the splashing* It’s okay, please join us!!
 Haley:   *Time played tricks on me since I’d moved back into the Brotherhood’s mansion, and I knew it was because I had no purpose. When the shutters lifted and the moon’s silver light shined into my room, I sat on the bed, brushing my hair absentmindedly.   I went through a time of feeling numb for days, and then when that feeling passed, I felt a sense of grief.  It was a strange feeling, but it was needed.  It was almost like a sense of mourning, and I knew I was mourning the passing of my relationship with Vishous.  It had been weeks and he still avoided me.  The only time we shared the same space was if we passed each other by chance and Butch was with him almost every time and the two looked like they were growing closer and closer with each passing day.  For the most part, I was happy for Vishous.  He was a male of worth and he deserved to be happy and find love, and if that was not with me, I was okay with it.  As long as he was happy, I could live with the pain.  Scribe knew I didn’t make him happy.  Everything with us was complicated.  Our past, the present and even the future.  As it stood now, we were living under the same roof, but we didn’t talk.  Our rooms were on opposite sides of the enormous mansion.  We had no future and I had no idea what tomorrow would bring for me. Sure, V’s ex lived here but she was a doctor and the Brotherhood needed her.  The time would come when V would end it officially with me and that would be the end of that.  I already knew that when that day arrived, I would leave Caldwell and never return. It was easier to live with the pain when you didn’t have to face everything that reminded you of it every day. I placed the brush on the bedside table and got up.  The only thing that kept me half sane these days was my daily swim.  My fingers gripped my hair band and twisted it through my hair, taking it up in a high bun.  I already had my costume on under my clothes and there were always towels at the pool. I left my room and made my way down the stairs, past the foyer and to the left.  Pushing the double doors open and… Oh… crap!  The first family were swimming.  I was about to turn around when I saw and heard Beth’s warm invite. I hesitated for a few seconds and looked around.  It was only the queen and the young prince.  The king wasn’t around.  I let out a sigh of relieve and walked in.*  Thank you. It’s most kind of you to invite me in. I didn’t mean to intrude on your time.
Beth:    *Making my way to the steps of the pool, I walked in and smiled at Haley*  You’re not intruding.  You are welcome to join us.  LW would love to have someone else to swim with besides me.   *Haley took hesitant steps forward and then she relaxed and walked over to one of the loungers.
LW smiled and swam/splashed over to her side of the pool where she was taking her clothes off to reveal a full body swimsuit.   She had a stunning body, but she was too thin. Was the girl eating enough?  I made a mental note to ask the doggen about that.  LW stopped splashing and watched Haley as she walked around the pool to the steps and walked in.  At his young age he already had an appreciation for beauty*
 Haley:   *Beth had a way of making a person feel welcome.  Her warm, down to earth personality calmed me and I smiled as I undressed and stepped into the pool.  I turned to face LW*.  Would you like to swim a lap around the pool with me?  *He nodded excitedly and I lifted him and went over to the far edge of the pool.  His small ,but strong, body dangled and kicked around, splashing happily.  I laughed and looked at Beth.* He is a strong young male already. * Beth laughed and came over to ruffle his hair.  My face lit up as I spoke to her.*  The young prince is going to be very popular with the females when he grows up.   *It was customary for royals to enter into arranged marriages, and I wondered if such an arrangement had been made for LW yet.  But given Beth’s human upbringing I didn’t think so.*
 Beth:   *LW enjoyed the attention, and even though he was still a toddler, I knew he was stronger and faster than any child his age. Okay, fine.  Every mother thought that about her child, but he was definitely advanced for his age.  I cringed at the thought of LW growing up and taking a female one day.  What if Wrath and I didn’t approve of her?  What if he fell for a girl who was only interested in his title and his money?  No.  I shook my head.  I didn’t want to think about that now.  That was still many years away.  
The water soothed over me as I dropped down low to the bottom of the pool.  Taking a few seconds before coming up for air and to reply*  
He is a catch, but the females will have to get past me first.
*The words came out harsher than I intended and I ended the sentence with a smile and got out the pool*
 Haley:   *Okay. She didn’t look it, but those few words and the way they were said made me think that she was a force to be reckoned with.  It didn’t change anything for me.  I still felt comfortable around her.  Perhaps that’s because I meant her no harm or ill will.  I did feel sorry for the sods who tried to cross her.  I had a feeling it wouldn’t end well for them. The same could be said for many of the residents here.   As for LW’s future adventures with the fairer sex…. Good luck to the young prince.  We swam and played for a little while before the doggen walked in with trays of refreshments and snacks, and I realized how hungry I was.  A female doggen came over and lifted LW out the pool and dried him off, while the older male doggen prepared a plate for him.  The young prince had a healthy appetite.   I got out the pool and dried myself off before sitting down on the lounger next to Beth’s.  The queen helped herself to a bottle of flavoured water and relaxed on the lounger, giving me a look that said if I don’t eat there will be trouble.  No argument from me.  I smiled, got up and helped myself to some mini pies and cocktail roast beef rolls and grabbed a soda, which the doggen quickly took and poured into a glass.  On the far side of the pool, the glass doors swung open and Bella and Nalla walked in. I knew their names but I hadn’t ever spent any time with either of them before.*
 Bella:   *Nalla dragged me down the stairs, eager to get to the pool, which was something I myself was looking forward to.  Z was at the gym and we had a romantic evening planned, and for that to work, I needed Nalla to sleep.  A good workout in the pool would do the trick, and assure an uninterrupted evening with my hellren.  
Pushing the double doors open, Nalla let go of my hand and bolted forward.  Beth and LW were here, and the new girl.  My mind got stuck on a few names before I remembered it was Haley. I had so many names to remember lately.   I smiled and walked over to the pair*  Hey, Beth. Hey, Haley.  I see we all have the same idea.
*Nalla ran straight to LW and Fritz worked hastily to dish up a plate for her.  LW was much younger than Nalla, but it didn’t seem to bother her. She was happy to have another child around*
 Beth:   Perfect timing *I teased at Bella and moved up on the lounger for her to sit next to me* Have you met Haley yet?  *Her confirming nod and smile gave away that she knew who Haley was, but have never actually met her.  Haley was the only female in the mansion who didn’t join in for first meal, and I didn’t want to push her.  I wasn’t sure what was going on with her and Vishous this time, but I wasn’t going to ask.  If she wanted to talk about it, she would.
Bella’s light spirit lifted the room into cheerful conversation, and within minutes Haley was smiling and talking as if she’d been here with us for years.  Nalla and LW finished their food and they were in the water faster than lightening.  The doggen had to run to keep up.  It was relaxing not to have to worry about watching LW every second of the day.  He had his own doggen looking after his every need, which gave me plenty of time to catch up with Bella* We should do this more often.  It’s been too long since I’ve relaxed with the girls and just had fun.  A monthly pool party could be our book club.
*Haley’s face lit up and Bella smiled and nodded*  
Pool party it is then.  I’ll pencil it in to my diary and send an invite to all the females.
 Haley:   *This was nice and it felt genuine.  I wasn’t keen on spending time with females, but this turned out to be rather pleasant. Bella was warm and bubbly, and it was relaxing and fun spending time with both Beth and Bella.  Beth was generally more stressed than Bella, but that was possibly due to her duties as a queen.  Everyone agreed on a once a month pool party and I made a mental note to tell Katerina about it.  I wasn’t sure if Beth had met her yet, but then I remembered the first time, years ago, when I arrived here at the mansion.  Beth came to welcome me in person the very same day.   LW and Nalla’s excitement grew louder and louder until Beth laughed and shook her head. The young were playing games and Nalla was superb with the young prince.  She understood his limitations and played around that, making him feel like he could keep up with her.  She was as sweet as her mahmen.*
 Bella:   *Two hours of laughing and small talk later, and I had to end the pool party.  I had a date to get ready for and I still wanted to go past Layla’s room to visit the twins*  Alright, ladies.  This was fun, but I have to go.  Z and I have a date tonight *I winked at Beth and turned to say good bye to Haley*  It was very nice meeting you properly.  Don’t be shy if you see me around.  You could always join me for walks or a workout. Beth has her own workout schedule and it clashes with mine *I teased and walked over to the pool*  
Nalla, come on.  Time to go.  *As expected she wasn’t thrilled to leave, but did as she was told.  A doggen helped her to dry off and get dressed. When I turned around, Beth and Haley were both dressed and ready to leave with me.   The doggen picked LW up and wrapped him in a towel and handed him to Beth, who waved as she walked off with him.  Her next stop would no doubt be Wrath’s study to spend some time with her hellren.
Haley and I walked out together and parted ways once we were up the first flight of stairs*  Bye, see you at…  around  *I wanted to say first meal, but she hadn’t been to first meal since she returned, but after a moment’s pause, I added*  You should join us for first meal, it will be nice having you there.   #RelaxingByThePool  
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queenbethbdb · 7 years
Medical release
Medical Release with @Murhder_SASBDB and @TenaciousDoctor 
Murhder:   *The door to the medical suite opened and a male stepped out while mumbling something about freaks.   I took a step to the side giving him space to exit but he stopped and pinned me with a disgusted look “What do you want?”  came the abrupt question.  
People were friendly in this fucking place.  Must be something in the water.*  I’m here for a general medical check-up to go out in the field.   *I replied with less hostility than I aimed for.   He looked like medical staff.  He was wearing a white coat like doctors do and he had the manners of a ham sandwich. Yeah gotta be a doctor.  Human doctor from the smell of him.  What the fuck where the Brotherhood doing bringing humans in here.  Half breeds were bad enough but full on humans?  Fucking disgusting.  
Humans were good for a few things.  Warm a male’s bed when the need arises and serve food and drinks but they were kept at arm’s length.  They had no business in our world.  Our survival depended on them not knowing about us.  Fuckers can’t live with anything that is slightly different or unknown to them.  They can’t even co-exist with each other.  Rats without tails the lot of them.
“You can speak to Jane.  She’s inside”  The human replied and walked off down the tunnels.  My hand reached out and pushed the door open.  The room was set up as a medical practice.  Similar to what I’ve seen at Havers’s clinic.  I stepped inside and shut the door behind me.  A small framed blonde female looked up and smiled.  Fucking Scribe!  My heart stopped dead for a few seconds.  I tried to breathe but came up with nothing but gaping sounds.  The female rushed over to me and did what she shouldn’t have done.  She placed a delicate hand on my arm.  
A deep hungry growl vibrated through me.  My whole body trembling from her touch and as if that wasn’t enough she placed another hand on me to lead me over to the bed. I closed my eyes and concentrated on getting my act together.  I hadn’t fed in some time and two females in a short space of time causing my cock to say hello wasn’t unusual but the reaction I had to this female was fucking embarrassing.  
The female’s voice was soft and caring as she tended to me.  What was she doing?*
 Jane:   *Manny left after another argument and I felt my shoulders slump forward.  I was about to lay my head down on my arms when I heard Manny speaking to a male outside the room.  I caught most of what was said and got up to welcome him. Wrath filled me in on the newest member of the brotherhood, or old member returned, as it were.  Wrath was concerned about his mental state and wanted me to give him a medical to establish a connection.  The idea was for Eliahu to feel comfortable to talk to me about anything and everything, but a medical was the norm for all fighters before they were cleared to go on rotation.
I was supposed to get into his head, so to speak, but at first glance he looked a bit pale.  Maybe a medical was a good idea after all.  The man started gulping for air like a fish out of water and I shot forward and grabbed him by the arm before he could go over and led him to the gurney* Sit, and try to relax.  Take a deep breath.  That’s good…  Just breathe slowly and steadily.
*I started going into action and checked his blood pressure, his heart rate and listened to his chest*  your blood pressure and heart rate is slightly elevated, but nothing I would be concerned about for now.  We’ll keep an eye on that though *his chest was clear as expected and from what I could tell from a quick check, he seemed merely flushed.  Like he’d been doing exercises*
Have you been exercising before you came here?   *When he didn’t answer I continued* Did you just come from the gym? You were supposed to come see me before you did any exercises.  The instructions were clear that I was meant to be your first stop after you settled in.
*The blank stare on his face had me doubting my own diagnosis.  Did I miss something?  The only way to find out is to look a little closer and do some routine tests.  I placed the stethoscope around my neck and grabbed the file I opened for him*  Let’s go over your medical history before we begin.  
*As I looked down at the pen in my hand, my eyes caught the bulge in his pants.  Oh… That would explain the slightly elevated blood pressure and heart rate.  I put the file down on the bed beside him and took a step back.  My voice soft and matter of fact as I spoke*  Would you like some privacy?  The bathroom is through those doors to the left.
 Murhder:   *What was the female saying?  Something about heart rate and medical history and huh?  The bathroom?  Is she on crack?*
What?  *I asked confused and irritated.  She smiled kindly and pinned her eyes down south.  I followed her gaze and jerked off the bed.  FUCK.
Walk it off.  Yeah that’s gonna work you dumb fuck.  
I should go.  Now. I shook my head and started for the door.  The female blocked my exit and boy oh boy didn’t that just give my cock another reason to go for gold.*
*I snarled at the blonde.  It was for her own good.  My self-restrain was slipping fast and if I didn’t get away from her right now I was gonna grab her and rip her clean white coat off and fuck her six ways from Sunday all over this room until she begged me to stop.
When she opted to give me a pointed stare instead of moving I backed away against the far wall.  She calmly walked over to the adjoining room and opened the door.  Her body language was strangely reassuring and I followed her through the door and into another room.  She opened the door on the left which led into a decent sized bathroom and stopped before closing it.  What now?  Was she gonna give me a cup to pee in or something?*
 Jane:   *The vampire was embarrassed about his situation, but I wasn’t about to let him out of this room without him taking care of that first.  There were a lot of beautiful females in this mansion and right now he was a ticking time bomb.  I would contact #Phury to send one of the Chosen over as soon as he relieved himself and the medical check was complete.  
I blocked his escape route and reached behind me to lock the door.  When he backed up against the wall, I walked over and opened the other door, leading him to the bathroom* Take all the time you need.  I will close the inter-leading door to give you enough privacy.  
*This wasn’t the first time I’ve had to deal with a male needing a fix and it sure wouldn’t be the last time.   I closed the door behind him and went on to close the inter-leading door between us.  Back in the main room, I unlocked the door and stepped out to get myself a cup of hot chocolate, locking the door behind me*
 Murhder:    *Thank the Scribe for this female.  But then again I wouldn’t be in this mess if it wasn’t for her.  Either way.  I was locked in the bathroom alone and my hand shot straight down to open my pants and palm my throbbing cock.  Thick long fingers wrapped tight around the width and my hand started working back and forth strokes.  A vision of the queen flashed in front of my eyes and was quickly replaced by a vision of the female Doc.  Her white coat on the floor.  Naturally she wasn’t wearing anything under that coat and her tits perked up and begged for a taste.  I shot my load before I could even get to imagine the taste of her.  My release accompanied by a roar that rattled the door and windows.
Round 2 started immediately and this time I got to taste her nipples and her soft rose bud.  My tongue flicking greedily over her until her back arched and her orgasm pulled her into a full spasm of pleasure.  My cock shot out ropes of cum and the aim was not controlled.  I didn’t fucking care.  Walls and toilets seat got coated but what should be getting coated was that female on the other end of the door.  It should be her kneeling down and swallowing this down.
It took another 5 rounds before I cleaned up and tucked myself back in.  I washed my face and headed back out the door and to the room where the doc sat in a chair behind her desk.*
Thanks.  I’m done.
*Didn’t I feel like a fucking fool.  The male who can’t control himself.  I nodded and headed for the door.  Locked.  Fucking great.  She could read minds?  She knew I was gonna try and bolt?.  Fuck.*
 Jane:   *The noises coming from that bathroom were animalistic in nature and I felt a tinge of guilt for returning when I did.  I didn’t think he would be in there this long and when I finished my hot chocolate, I came back to see if he was done.  He wasn’t but I was sure he would be any second.  That was a half hour ago.  He was in there for almost an hour and whether he realized it or not, I had a feeling he was gonna try and leave when he came out.  Locking the door was a precaution and I watched as he walked into the room and headed straight for it.  The look on his face would have made most females cringe, but I squared my shoulders and pinned him with a determined look*  
Have a seat.  Unless you’re not eager to get out in the field?  Then we can reschedule?
*He shook his head and walked over to sit on the gurney. Just as I thought.  I picked up his medical file and stood in front of him, starting with the general details like name and address.  With vampires there usually wasn’t childhood diseases etc. to go over, but I still asked all the general questions and ticked the relevant boxes.  When we were done with the history check, I sat down next to him and asked sternly*
I have been briefed by the Brotherhood and have been informed that you had a history of mental illness.  Can you elaborate on that for me?
 Murhder:   *I hate being backed up in a corner and this is what it felt like to me.  The female had the upper hand here and it pissed me off. I growled as I headed over to take a seat on the bed and when she started with the questions I got more annoyed. None of these questions were relevant. Didn’t she fucking know that?  
Then came the mental illness question and duh… that is what this is about anyway.   Let’s get it out of the way and get this show on the road.*
Yeah I lost my shit a good few years back.  It’s personal and I don’t want to talk about it but I’m not crazy.  That’s what your ultimate concern is here.   You can’t have a crazy brother here in the mansion.   So write down on your little chart that I’m not crazy.  End of story.  
*She didn’t write down anything.  Instead she fucking looked at me.  Green eyes looked right through me and into my soul.*
Don’t look at me like that?  *It was a request and a warning.  I didn’t want her judging me but having her look at me like that while sitting on the bed next to me could only amount to one thing.  If she kept that up she was gonna be sprawled out under me.*
 Jane:   *I studied the new male as he spoke, and shook my head at his remarks.  His voice had a warning tone to it as he asked me not to look at him, and a shiver ran down my spine.  Straightening myself, I placed the clip board on the table beside the bed and folded one leg over the other*  
Having a mental illness does not mean you’re crazy, and anything we discuss here, stays here.  If you don’t want to talk about it, you don’t have to, but I am here for you if you feel the need to do so.
*I placed my hand on his arm, but pulled it back as he jerked away as if my fingers burnt his skin.  I had been concentrating to remain corporeal the entire time, but he was clearly affected by something and maybe I was the problem.  Maybe he needed someone like Mary to talk to.  She was much gentler and sympathetic*  We have others here you could talk to if you’d like. I could arrange it whenever you are comfortable with the idea.  But I do strongly suggest that you talk to someone about what you went through.  If the brothers think it was a big deal, then I believe it’s worth a shot.
*I got up and stepped back from the bed.  The male was on edge and he needed space. Something about him sent out warning bells, but I wasn’t quite sure what it was.  For now I would let him go and put in a recommendation of gym, but no field work yet*  We are done here for now.  You may leave, and let me know when you’re ready to talk.  I’ll arrange with the Primale to have a Chosen sent over to feed you.
 Murhder:   *My skin burned where the female touched me.  I ached for more.  Ached for her body against mine.  I want to taste her and be inside her.  My arm jerked away automatically and I cursed myself for that.  She pulled back and got off the bed.  
Then more yada yada.  
Whatever.  I wasn’t talking and that was final.  I don’t need to talk about my personal past to get a medical clearance.  
What I wanted was more time with this female but she pulled away before I could reach for her.  Maybe that was a good thing ‘cuz if I grabbed hold of her now I wouldn’t let her go.  
I forced my body to get off the bed and walk to the door. Stopping just as I reached it.*  A Chosen?  I can find my own female to feed from.  I don’t need a Chosen.  Thanks anyway.
*That was a lie.  I didn’t know any females this side of the world anymore but I did know where to go to get one.  There were a few clubs in Caldwell that were frequented by the feminine sex of our species. That’s where I’d go if I needed a female.  By the throb in my groin I may pay the clubs a visit tonight.  
I nodded and watched as the female unlocked the door.  I bolted out faster than a bat out of hell.  One more second and I wouldn’t have been able to leave her at all.* #MedicalRelease  #SASBDB
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queenbethbdb · 7 years
First meeting
Murhder:   *Left.  No right. Back again and left again. FUCK.  I’m getting dizzy trying to figure out this maze of hallways. Stairs.  Yes!  We came up stairs.  How the fuck is there not a single soul in sight?  Continuing down a long hallway the statues on either side stared at me. Fuck you too.  You’d also get lost if you had no clue where you were or where you needed to go.  
Heading down the stairs I spotted a female.  About fucking time!    EXCUSE ME! * I shouted louder than intended and barrelled towards the female , coming to a sudden halt before almost slamming into her.  Fuck she was beautiful.  And she smelled like….  Wrath… This must be the queen I’ve heard so much about.  
My posture and manners were suddenly tuned in.  Instantly going from frustrated and annoyed to respectful and reserved.*   Forgive my impudent manner.  ‘Tis was a welcome surprise to see such a fair lady who could be of some assistance to my predicament.  I fear I am e’er lost and have been struggling to find my way to the medical suite. *I didn’t add I’m fucked to even find my way back to my own room.  That was an adventure for later.
The female’s name eluded me as I stared at her like a fool.  Dark hair flowed down small shoulders and dark blue eyes studied me peculiarly.  I would give my left nut to know what she was thinking right now.  Her perfectly structured face didn’t give anything away and her body language was eloquent and confident.  This female had the ability to melt you into a puddle without saying a word.  Respect.
Taking a step back I cleared my throat and tried again.* My name is Eliahu Rathboone. Thank you for welcoming me into your manor.  
 Beth:   *Time passed too damn fast these days, and I was missing out on too many things with LW.  He spent most of his time with his father, and I loved that about Wrath, but I couldn’t help feeling I needed to be more involved.  LW was growing up so fast, I felt left behind.  I hurried down the stairs and stopped when I heard a loud irritated voice.  I turned on my heel and found the source of the noise coming at me really fast.  I was about to put out my hands in front of me to stop him from sending  us both tumbling down, but he halted suddenly.  
My eyes scanned over the man.  He must be the new guy.  Murhder. Hmmm, I can see why they say he is strangely odd.  The rumors about him having lost his mind was full on in the mansion, but I wasn’t about to be impolite.  I offered a half smile as I listened to him.  When he finished, I held out my hand*
Hi, I’m Beth.  Welcome to our humble abode.  
*His chuckle eased the slight tension in the air*  I would offer you a private tour, but I have somewhere I need to be and even if I did give you a tour, you’d probably still get lost.  It takes a few days to get familiar with the compound.  I will have a doggen sent to your room later to give you a general tour.  *I offered, thinking the doggen could show him how to get to the kitchen and the gym for now.  The rest he would figure out as time passed*
I’m heading to the medical suite myself.  You’re welcome to come with me if you’d like.  
 Murhder:  *The voice of an angel flowed like nectar from her lips. Fucking Scribe this female was remarkable.  I was good with standing here all day and listening to her talk.  My cock was apparently on the same page and that was a problem.   I nodded quickly and motioned for her to lead the way.  I needed to stay behind her to hide my arousal.  That was a mistake.  She looked just as good from behind.  
She looked good. Smelled good.  I bet she tasted good.  
No.  Not going there.  
Eyes up.  The ceiling was interesting.  Yeah.  I would look at the ceiling until I tripped over something.  That was the plan.  Fucking genius.
I sucked in a breath as Beth turned around and smiled awkwardly.  She knew.  She could smell it.  I’m so fucked.  
Dead man walking.*
Forgive my body’s reaction to your fine physique.  ‘Tis not always easy for a male to control his desire.
 Beth:   *I caught the scent of arousal and frowned.  Should I be flattered or insulted?  A bit of both?  Looking down instinctively, I checked to make sure my blouse was intact. I scanned myself quickly.  My jeans and blouse was as normal.  Nothing revealing any body parts that shouldn’t be revealed.  Okay, maybe he hadn’t seen a woman in a while.  Who knows.  
I turned and attempted to smile.  That failed miserably, but his response stunned me.  He admitted and apologized for his arousal.  Wow, didn’t see that coming and I didn’t want to be stuck here walking through the tunnels talking about his arousal.  I shrugged and replied casually* no worries, and we’re almost there.  
*I was walking faster but I didn’t care.   The sooner we got to the medical centre, the sooner he’d be gone*
 Murhder:   *No worries?  Who was she kidding?  I should be relieved that she didn’t turn this into a “situation”.  But it annoyed me that she wrote it off like I’m some newly transitioned male who had no control of his body.  I always had control.   This was unexpected and unique but if she didn’t want to make a big deal out of it I wasn’t about to push the issue.
I didn’t need Wrath coming at me like a demolition vamp king.
Beth picked up the pace. I smirked.  She was uncomfortable.  Not the ideal reaction but a reaction none the less.  
The tunnels we walked through were well lit and carried on for as far as I could see.  Various closed doors popped up every few meters and I opened my mouth to ask what was behind those doors but stopped myself from asking.  
Beth stopped in front of a door marked as “PT suite”.  
A smirk played across my face.   She said she was heading down here but from the looks of it she was about to bolt right back to where we came from.  Her reaction satisfied me.  It shouldn’t but it did.  I stopped in front of her.  Blocking her way and smirked*  Do I make you uncomfortable?  It wasn’t my intention.  You were on your way down here before I accosted you.  Would you like to lead the way into the suite?
 Beth:   *I felt a sting of relief and guilt when we reached our destination.  I was supposed to welcome this male into my home and be grateful for another brother that’s sworn to protect the vampire race, but the talk about him being slightly off his rocker already had some uncertainty stuck in my mind and now with his behavior…    I was about to knock on the door when he blocked my way.  I felt threatened and exposed, even though I had no idea why I felt this way, but the need to get away from him was more dire than ever*  
NO!!  *I shouted too quick and too loud.  In an attempt to correct myself, I took a step back to give myself some room to think*  I forgot my son’s medical chart upstairs.  You go ahead, and I’ll go fetch it so long.
I had no idea if he would buy that excuse, but I also didn’t care.  It was my excuse and I was sticking to it.  
 Murhder:    *Folding my arms across my chest I watch with great satisfaction as the queen flushed and all but leaped out of her skin.  My my….  What an affect I had on her.  Amusing. I could have some fun with this at some point.  Lucky for the queen I was itching to get out there and fight and for that I first needed this medical all clear.
I stepped aside and flashed a half crooked smile*.  
Don’t let me keep you waiting.  Off you go.
*Loud barking laughter echoed through the tunnels as the queen spun around and almost bolted down the tunnel without another word.  Her hips and long hair swaying as she jogged.  Her face still flushed.  The little white lie she told me about fetching her son’s medical chart would be questioned another time.  I found her intriguing and I appreciated a challenging game.  Lying to me was the start of one of those games.  She just didn’t know it yet.  
Her extraordinary body faded from view and I shrugged and knocked on the door waiting for the medical staff’s response*.    #FirstMeeting    #SASBDB  
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queenbethbdb · 7 years
Desserts for dinner
Beth:  *Oh crap.  I thought as I darted forward to catch a vase falling off a table as LW and Nalla chased each other down the corridor.  They were having fun at least.  Me on the other hand…  I needed a break and some food.  These two were way too energetic and refueling was a must if I was gonna keep this up.  I replaced the vase on the table and shouted out*  Hey!! Calm down.  Let’s go to the kitchen and see what Fritz has for us.  He mentioned something about ice cream and chocolate sauce for dessert!! *Well, that got their attention.  They beelined down the stairs and I followed at full speed, almost tripping over my own feet.  
I had to stop and catch my breath once I reached the bottom of the stairs.  To the right I heard the door open and saw Z walking in.  thank you, Lord for small mercies.  I gave him a reassuring smile that I wasn’t even sure was convincing and rambled the words out as I headed to the kitchen*  Welcome back, Nalla is in the kitchen with myself and LW if you need her.  I’m starving and they want ice cream. *I didn’t look back to see if he heard but unless he had a head wound, he should’ve heard me well enough.  Instead I focused on the two kids as they fussed around the doggen.  Bless his good heart.  Fritz loved the kids and he adored the way they fussed around him.  I half sat, half fell into the chair at the table*
 Zsadist:  *The light sting from the pre-dawn’s twilight made my decision to scatter for home the only choice I could make. Stepping through the vestibule and into the foyer, the sight and sound of young laughing and galloping through the manse as if they were chased…. By Queen Beth. Nalla’s cheeks were pink with laughter as she careened toward the kitchen and LW was hot on her heels, squealing about ice cream.* What in the name of the Scribe… *In all of a few seconds, Beth's words registered. The young were hungry and Beth looked exhausted.* I need to disarm first. *It was not necessary to say it, but since I was speaking to my queen it was out of full respect that it needed said. Clearing the grand staircase in a few strides and entering the room Bella and I shared, her scent hit me with a pang of regret and mixed emotions I wasn't dealing well with. The content of my daymares were kept locked tight, even during the mandatory counselling sessions I had with Mary and #Marrisa. 
The latter I refused to speak to about anything I saw in myself as a weakness. Or if it had anything to do with the Brotherhood. Quickly clearing my weapons and locking up the majority of them, I ghosted back down stairs in the same clothes I'd gone out in; there hadn't been any lessers in weeks to speak of so no need to change. The doggen had already served the young, Nalla’s grin rivaled the sun as she licked the sprinkles off her finger and LW was working his way through what looked like a small mountain of whip cream. My gaze landed on Beth, who looked like she’d been running on a treadmill for the last few hours. My shellan must have been called to Safe Place again if Beth was watching Nalla. Tipping my head in respect, I spoke in the old language.* Mine thanks for your kindness unto mine shellan and young. *Taking a seat on the opposite side of Nalla, I listened while she spoke around the sweet mess. I was no great conversationalist, like mine twin #Phury, but I tried at times.*
  Beth:   *Letting out an exhausted sigh, I watched as Nalla and LW dug into their ice cream.  The doggen still fussing around them, pouring them each a glass of water.  I heard Z’s heavy footsteps before he entered and I felt relieved.  As much as I loved Nalla, the two of them together were more than a handful and I didn’t like palming them off on the doggen.  God knows, I do that enough.  I sat back in my chair and smiled up at Z as he entered.  He looked like he could use some downtime, too.  Damn… The words spoken in the old language always sounded so melodic when he said them.  Then again, his voice was like an angel’s when he sang.  Maybe that was why.  But something was eating at him but I wasn’t about to get into his business.  Instead I casually said*  Pull up a chair and have some ice cream with us.
 *Looking down at my waffle, cream and ice cream I waved at it*  Want some of this or do you prefer something else?  *I suddenly realized I hadn’t taken much note of what he usually like eating.  Besides his green apples he loved so much, I had no idea what he would prefer.  The doggen walked over and smiled, ready to take Z’s order*
 Zsadist: Ice cream, for Last Meal? *Whatever Nalla wanted she was granted, within reason. Glancing at Beth’s plate of frozen dessert, I knew I wasn’t hungry, my appetite had slacked off the past weeks; apples were a mainstay and Fritz always had fresh ones set out. In front of Nalla I’d eat though. She was far too young to understand some things were better left unshared. Curling a small smile, forced but not as hard as it used to be, I gave the doggen my preferences and watched as the small male floated away in a hurry, excited to be of use.* I hope my young has not unduly stressed you this eve. *It hurt Bella to be away from Nalla so much, but her work was important to her and after much discussion it was agreed she’d keep working and Beth graciously offered to help watch her if we’d both happened to be gone.*
  Beth:   *Taking another bite of my delicious dessert, I watched Z give his order while chewing and swallowing the bite down.  He didn’t look interested in eating but at least he pleased the doggen who was happy to serve him.  I looked up and smiled*  Nalla is no stress at all.  She’s growing so fast.  It’s hard to believe but she’s the oldest kid in the mansion and LW is already almost taller than her.  Before we know it they will be transitioned and placing their own mark on this word.
  Zsadist: *Fritz was at the top of his game. Every time. The food arrived with a flourish, and as I started in, the doggen whisked away the empty bowls from the young and replaced them with bowls of fresh frozen ice cream before they had a chance to ask and disappeared into the kitchen again. I glanced at my Queen and nodded once.* Yes. Doc Jane says she's meeting every mark on the growth charts on time. Whatever that means. *I did not know of such things but Bella insisted Doc Jane oversee Nalla’s routine medical appointments. Bella refused to take Nalla to see Havers. I didn't question or argue with her. The mention of the young going through transition was an unpleasant thought. Not all vampires lived through it.* LW will be built like his sire. Strong and fierce of heart.
  Beth:   *Fritz walked into the dining room with an eager smile lighting up his face.  The doggen that served us earlier must have told him who he was serving and Fritz made sure he saw to us personally.  I smiled at Z and winked at LW and Nalla who looked over at us*  
 Wrath is spending a lot of time with him and I have no doubt he will grow up to be just like his father.  There’s never been a dull moment with him and I doubt there ever will be.  
 *I stopped talking as the kids got up*  Wait, we’re not done here.  Don’t go too far.  I want to hear you.  *Z’s face didn’t give away what he was thinking but he was thinking what we all were.  Lash…  The compound was a fortress but Lash knew where it was and none of us wanted to take any chances, especially with the children*
  Zsadist:  *It was no secret, Wrath spent many hours each night teaching LW from the day he began to crawl as much as he thought the mini-warrior male could handle about protecting himself and his family. I was doing the same with Nalla on a smaller scale but was no less thorough with the lessons. LW was a quick study that surprised his sire to righteous boastfulness. The young male would be a special target to those who sought to destroy what Wrath had worked hard to build.
 Beth's sharp pause in her speech drew my attention where my mind wandered at will. And always on the subject of protecting Wrath and Beth. I may not always give indicators of what I thought, unless it pissed me off -which most things did- but Beth's fears were not wholly unfounded: Lash was, for all intents and purposes, very much alive. The edge of concern in her voice went beyond a mahmen mothering her young. She was afraid for them.*
 Nalla. *My tone was about as reproachful as I got with my daughter; it was hard to scold her. I dare not curb LW while Beth was there to watch him; overstepping parenting boundaries, as Bella called them, was not wise unless the young were in danger. They were safe here. As safe as they could be while the Brotherhood nestled within.*
  Beth:   *I finished up my food and watched as Z made quick work of polishing his plate.  LW and Nalla were playing along in the foyer and we could hear them, but we were both on edge.  Even if we didn’t think Lash would ever be bold or stupid enough to infiltrate the compound, there was always that chance.  
We pushed our chairs out and got up at the same time.  Relief washing over us as we reached the foyer and had eyes on the kids again.  
Wrath was at the audience house and Bella was at Safe place.  The children were having fun and still have loads of energy to burn off before they were ready to settle down and sleep*
 I think some swimming lessons will calm them down a bit.  What do you think?  *I nodded toward the indoor pool*
  Zsadist: *Food finished, I grabbed a green apple and thought better of it before placing it back in the fruit bowl as I did a mental assessment of my weapons: two daggers at the small of my back, 9mm tucked into my left boot with an extra ammo clip in the other. It was enough to provide cover long enough to get everyone to safety. Lash knew the compound’s security routine, even with V changing it frequently it was no guarantee we were 100% secure.
 As if on cue and standing as one, I offered Beth a small smile and looked toward the young. Our mates were busy, and as I should have been on duty guarding Wrath, I’d been placed on rotation; Cop and V were playing babysit the king this eve. My shellan, too, worked selfishlessly at Safe Place, seeing to the abused females and young of our race. It went unspoken that the Brotherhood would just as soon wipe those scum from existence as we would lessers. Leave it to Cop to work at finding a way to police them.*
 Nalla wants to be a mermaid after #Bitty showed her Rhage and Mary’s bathroom. *Surprising myself with the small divulgence, Beth’s suggestion did offer a way to let the young burn off some excess energy while still being watched. And it was true, about Nalla wanting to be a mermaid. Fritz had a couple of doggen make elaborate costumes for her that could be worn in or out of the pool. Nalla refused to take it off for a week when it was gifted to her and it made the old male blush for days with pride.*  It is a good idea. I’ll take Nalla to change and meet you and LW at the pool.
  Beth:   *Nodding at Z and calling LW over, I smile as Nalla and LW come running as we tell them where we’re heading.  It warmed my heart that the young in the mansion where able to be children and enjoy their childhood, despite what was going on around them.  Every person in the mansion made that possible.  
 It didn’t even scare them to see their fathers and uncles all dressed up,wearing weapons etc.  Everyone tried to keep the nastiness away from them, but some days it wasn’t possible.  Some days one of the young would see their father bleeding.  I prayed that LW didn’t have to witness that, but taking Wrath’s track record into consideration, that might be a reality someday.
 LW ran ahead up the stairs to the first family quarters and I followed close behind, waving at Nalla as she went down the hall with Z.  I knew LW would be changed in no time.  
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queenbethbdb · 7 years
Hot shower
Jane:   *Life had a way of throwing rocks at you when you least expected it.  And lately the rocks turned into boulders.  It was hard to keep up with the constant influx of patients and I was close to burnout.  Even ghosts need a break.  I could feel myself edging closer to the ‘shout and slam doors’ phase and I knew it’s because I hadn’t slept much or not at all to be more accurate.  I had grown accustomed to long hours and little sleep.  That’s a surgeon’s life, but now there were emotions involved and that is what was draining me.  Manny had been avoiding me and I needed to talk to him before things got out of hand.  He was out of line when he operated on Crhis.  Cop asked me to talk to Manny about the situation.  It wasn’t fair that the brothers or anyone else in the mansion should be worried about putting their lives in the hands of a doctor.  The thing is, I had no idea how to bridge the subject with Manny.  He had shut me out and refused to talk about it every time I approached him.  I closed the clinic door behind me and walked down the tunnel to the gym where I knew I would find him.  Taking a sigh of relief as I walked in and saw he was alone.  Perfect.*  Manny, we need to talk.  Now.  And don’t give me that bullshit about being busy.
 Manny: *I always liked working out it was my to-go-to place when not working. These days it was a shit load of working out and not enough working. I still hadn’t been allowed to leave the mansion, their name for this place I referred to as hell, comfortable hell but still hell. I still blamed it all on Jane, fair or not, my frustration had to be directed towards someone and she was an easy target. She and that damn man they called Cop was nagging at me to get with the program and it didn’t help the matter any at all because the more they nagged the more I felt that I had to rebel against it. That was all I had to play on. I refused to give in to them, to her. NO way in hell! I heard the gym door open and before I could stop the treadmill to turn around to see who it was I heard her voice. Out of spite I took the remote to the entertainment center and turned the volume up as far up as I could without it being painful and speed up the treadmill. If that didn’t say not interested I don’t know what would.*
 Jane:    *Taking a step forward I stared at Manny.  Damn, he was handsome and watching him on that treadmill sent all kinds of sparks flying through my body.  I had to force myself to peel my eyes off his body.  My eyes narrowed as he turned the volume up, blasting the music loud enough to drown out any conversation.   A few more steps and I closed the distance between us.  My hand reaching out to slow down his treadmill and then taking the remote and switching the music off.  Crossing my arms over my chest I spoke firmly*  I am tired of your shit.  This isn’t a prison and you are not a prisoner.  Everything the Brotherhood is doing is to keep you safe.  I’ve told you this a million times.  For heaven’s sake, I know I tricked you before and you have no reason to trust me, but this can’t go on any longer.  Do you hear me?
*If it wasn’t for the fact that I had to keep my focus on the treadmill and running I would have grabbed her arm just to get the remote back. But she’d always been quick and grabbed it stepping out of reach. The only way I was getting it back was getting off the damn machine and taking it back. I listen to the same song she sung many times since my arrival and she was amazingly gorgeous when she was mad, happy well fuck it when breathing, but I refused to let that deter me. I shut the treadmill off grabbing my water and towel and got off. “Keep it. I am done anyway.” I said sticking my face in hers before stomping off to the locker room. The second I got inside still annoyed with her presence but I wasn’t sure it was only that. I loved Jane, I’d always loved Jane, that had never been the problem, the problem it wasn’t reciprocated and that was why her betrayal stung so bad. Not only didn’t she love me, she didn’t respect our friendship. Toeing off my shoes, I pull my socks off throwing all of it in my locker, I heard her coming into the room as I pulled my shirt off. It made me hesitate for a second but only a second before I pulled my shorts and briefs off in one go.*
 Jane:   *Following Manny into the locker rooms I didn’t notice him getting undressed until he removed his pants.  Oh God… He was beautiful.  I had never seen him naked before but this was a treat.  I didn’t avert my eyes, nor did I step back.  I kept my gaze on him and took in everything he had to offer.  I was vaguely aware of my breath catching and my hand sliding up to my throat.  I felt my body heat up and tingle all over.  The last time I felt this was was with Vishous and we all know that didn’t work out.  But this wasn’t a new man in my life.  This was Manny.  My oldest and most trusted friend.  Exactly.  Friend.  Why was I feeling this way?  I gulped a few times, trying desperately to swallow but my throat went dry and the camels were nowhere to be seen.  I felt my cheeks flush and spoke before thinking*  Uh.. I… we…. *Shit, get it together, Jane*  We need to talk once you’re dressed.  I can’t focus when you’re looking like that.
 Manny: *Reaching into my locker for my towel, I knew there were dispensers in the showers with soap and shampoo, this place was even better than the Hilton when it came to service. I wasn’t going to make a big deal out of being naked and having Jane there but it was her gasp and then her blunt stuttering words that made me pay attention. Was Jane affected by the fact that I was nude? Not that I looked bad, I knew I had a good body, hell I worked hard enough for it but that and finding someone sexually attractive were two very different things. Dropping the towel back down I turn around to look at her, smug smile playing on my lips. Studying her it was obvious the way her eyes roamed over me that she enjoyed what she was seeing. Oh, this was too damn good, her cheeks were flushed, her eyes heated, just like that. I could feel my body reacting to the way she was reacting to me. She wanted me, I wanted her, she wanted to talk and sort things out, what I could offer her was angry sex. She wouldn’t know that. Moving slowly until I stand before her my smirk widens. “What’s the matter Jane, you’d think you hadn’t seen a naked man in a while. Let me help rectify that.” I reach for her blouse with my hands ripping it open sending the buttons flying and just as she is about to protest I pull her up against my sweaty chest and kiss her with all the power and hunger that I’ve collected since coming there.*
 Jane:   *Everything spun.  The room. My head. Manny’s words were lost to me.  The only thing I could hear was the rush of blood and my head was pounding in a good way.  My entire body went on high alert.  My brain was giving orders to my limbs, but there was no obeying today.  My body had it’s own mind and it wasn’t listening to reason.  It was only responding to touch.  His touch.  His hands on my body.  His lips claiming mine.  I melted into his touch and didn’t hold back.  I wanted this.  I wanted him.  All logic went out the window and I gave in to the moment.  Letting him do as he pleases, even though I could feel his touch was rough and fueled by some level of anger.  It didn’t stop me from responding to him.  My hands moving up and down his chest and then down his arms and firmly resting on his hard ass.  Nails digging in at the same time my teeth cut into his lower lip.  Biting, scratching, scarring… I didn’t care.  I also didn’t care if anyone walked in and saw us right now.  Audacious, I know.  The only thing that mattered right now was Manny and rough sex with this glorious man*
 Manny: *It did take me at a surprise when Jane collected herself as fast as she did. It only took seconds before her hands slid over my body, her mouth hot on mine biting, nibbling and kissing me back with as much passion as I did. With my hands still on her blouse I pull it down her arms and off dropping it where we stand before reaching up to undo her bra pulling that off too dropping it to the floor as I start maneuver her towards the showers. My fingers slid down her neck, collarbone to cup her breasts in my hand, my thumbs rubbing over her nipples pinching them between my fingers. She gasps and I swallow it right up taking the opportunity to explore her mouth with my tongue. Fiddling with the button and zipper in her pants I hook my fingers into them and push them down and over her hips letting them drop to the floor. Lifting her up I encourage her to wrap her legs around my waist as I walk us into the showers turning the first one on the second we get in there. My cock is fully hard rubbing against her as we move and all I can think about is how badly I want in her. To fuck her up against the tile and shot my load inside her, mark her, make her mine.*
 Jane:   *My lips bruised as our kiss grew in intensity.  My skin bruised as his hands moved roughly over me.  I felt every touch and welcomed more.  My mouth eagerly opening and letting him in while my legs wrapped around his waist.  We were moving and the next thing I felt warm water coating me.  We were in the shower and I was naked.  Good.  This was where I wanted to be.  With Manny.  My brain was doing some kind of urgent plea but my body’s drumming response was drowning it out.  My back and head hit the tiles and within seconds I felt his hard muscle push into me, stretching me wide open to accommodate his thick length.  My head fell back, his mouth sucked and latched onto my throat. My orgasm was instant.  Waves of unbeatable pleasure washing over me and I knew he was only getting started.  My body’s reaction to his was unlike anything I had ever experienced and somewhere a voice told me I was his and he was mine*
 Manny: *It was crazy the intensity, how we gone from fighting to sex, one intensity to another in matter of minutes. When her back hit the tiles both our bodies moved and cock was right there by her entrance and before I even knew it myself, barely, I pushed inside of her tight heat. A loud groan left my mouth, “fuck yes! So good, Jane, so tight and warm. Baby…” I slammed into her and just like that she came, the inner walls of her core massaging me as I moved into her. It was so erotic it almost felt like I was floating. I kept moving wanting to bring her to the edge once more and have her tumble over with me. “You going to come again for me Jane, huh?” My hips were moving fast my dick sliding in and out of her, my eyes locked with her. Her legs were tight around my hips, heels digging into my ass cheeks and her fingers clawing at my shoulders, but it only enhanced the connection. I could feel my orgasm start to roll through me. “Now!” I roared demanding her to come again hoping it would work. With a last push I buried myself in her and I came my body shivering with the intensity.*
 Jane:  *The command in his voice was similar to the command in V’s voice but yet so different.  My fingers scratched a trail up his back and my toes curled as my heels dug into his ass.  The orgasm that ripped through me send bolts of energy throughout my body.  My core clenched around his cock, milking him while my own orgasm kept going.  My body trembling and relishing the feeling.  Every part of me felt alive.  Every part of me wanted and needed this.  Needed him.  I closed my eyes and whispered*  Your wish is my command, always.  *I didn’t open my eyes to see his facial expression.  His body’s reaction to my words were enough.  We both knew I was telling him that I would be willing to do what he wanted from this point on.  We also both knew that I was stubborn, but my words to him were a promise of some sort.  A submission.*
 Manny: *I studied her, my eyes roaming over her face. Her eyes were closed and I knew she did that because she admitted to something, private? Intimate? Was this another game? It didn’t look like it, she looked honest and sincere but could I trust it? She broken my trust before and yes we had sex, and it had been amazing. Hell, give me fifteen minutes to rest, a redbull and I’d be set to go again, maybe. She did that to me. I’d wanted her so long and now when I had her, tasted her, scented her like this all sexed up there was no return. The locker room door squeaked as someone pushed it open, still buried inside of her, Jane’s legs loosely around my waist, I turned my head to yell at whoever it was. “Get out! There’s no room for you here.” I heard a dark chuckle and I recognized it to be Cop’s. “No room my ass, but it reeks of sex in here anyway.” I was about to tell him to fuck off when the chuckle ebbed out and the door closed. Slowly I slipped out of her but still holding her close. “We should probably wash up and take this elsewhere, hm.” She nodded with a smile and wink turning her back towards me showing off that sweet ass, that made my hands make grabby hands and turned her face up towards the water.* #HotShower #SASBDB
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queenbethbdb · 8 years
Stitches a la queen
Manny: *Shit I was tired, I'd been at it in the lab for hours and between that I had played shrink to Blay. I told them I wasn't that kind of doctor but apparently he didn't want to talk to anyone in the household but was forced to talk to someone. He picked the less of two evils or so I assumed. The poor bastard was really fucked so I did what I could asking questions that didn't require more than yes or no questions after a few of them I let him sit quiet. I didn't know how to help him and I don't think he wanted help. I hope that maybe by just letting him sit in the same room as me he'd eventually offer up information if not the stupid fucks who called themselves to be his family would have to take their responsibility. Now what I needed was my room, hot shower and to watch something meaningless on TV.  I still refused to socialize with the others. I was a prisoner and they weren't getting shit from me. I was just about to hit the light when a woman with a child on her arm came storming in.* @QueenBeth_BDBFM
 Beth:   Crap!  *how stupid could I be.  I held my hand up and grabbed a dish towel, wrapping it around my bleeding hand.  The doggen filed into the kitchen, frantically looking for a way to help* I’m okay, don’t worry *I assured them I’m fine, and grabbed LW’s arm, explaining to him that mommy has to go see the doctor down in the tunnels.  My son, as young as he was, reached up to help me keep the towel wrapped around my hand*  It’s okay, LW, mommy’s got this.  Let’s go*  I gave him a warm reassuring smile as we headed through one door and then another and made our way down the tunnels.  The door to the PT suite was open.  Good.  I stepped right in and looked around*  Is Doc Jane or Ehlena here?  *I asked the only person in the room*  I cut my hand, and I think it needs stitc….  *my words cut off as I sensed the aggravation in the air.  This male wasn’t the helping kind.  My eyes travelled over his blue scrubs.  This must be the human doctor Wrath told me about.  I searched my mind for a name.  Manny, I think that was it*  Are you Manny?  *his dark mood seemed to subside a little when he looked over at LW who was standing next to me*  @Warrior_MD
 Manny: *I felt them, whoever they were before she spoke, I groaned not very loud but I did. I had a plan with my room, some food and booze not any more business with the goddamn freaks. I spun around on my heel ready to tell whoever it was to piss off when my eyes feel on some little mini creature. He was enough to stop me even if I knew he was one of them. “I have no idea where either of them are, maybe further down in that pit place. Who knows, sorry. I don’t waste time keeping track of either of them.” I started to turn back around, let’s hope she get the drift. “Maybe you can summon Jane somehow considering she’s nothing more than air walking through walls.” I think I am going to start sleeping during the night just like normal folks and lay out in the sun during the day, then I didn’t have to deal with any of them ever again. Also that way I could easier make a plan how to escape this rotten place.* @QueenBeth_BDBFM
 Beth:   *I turned to face LW and crunched down in front of him*  Will you go and sit there for a while until mommy’s hand is better *I pointed over at the chair in the far corner and waited until he was seated, then turned to face the doctor who had turned his back on me.  My first thought was to give him a piece of my mind, but I knew that would only fuse the situation further.  Instead I replied calmly, but sternly*  Look, I don’t have time to find Jane and I don’t want my son seeing this for longer than he needs to.  You are here now?  Would it kill you to stitch me up?  @Warrior_MD
 Manny: *I roll my eyes of course it would be to much to ask that she would just go away. I was so sick and tired of them, all of them, I wanted to go home sleep for a month and then take my Glory for a ride in the countryside. I wanted my apartment god damn it and my things, my fifty inch TV and sit in my boxer not moving all day. I even missed my job. Turning around slowly,  I give her a bored look. I knew she was their so-called Queen and her husband or whatever the fuck he was the big boss was king. “I'm not here of my free will. Your fucking husband is a kidnapper and a murderer. I'm sick and tired of all you freaks bullshit and whatever lies you convinced yourself of. You all can kiss my ass!” I sort of yell out the last bit the kids eyes huge and staring at me like I'm the freak. Fucking hell. “Fine. Hand it over but don't you people say u never did anything for you. I owe you nothing absolutely nothing.” I point at the exam table before turning back around to fetch a set of gloves and a tray of things I needed to disinfect and stitch her up. On the counter was a jar of lollipops, grabbing one I walk over to the kid and hunch down, my knee creaking as I do. “Here you go kid. Your mummy will be as good as new in just a few minutes Ok. But you gotta be brave for your mummy.” I smiled and he gave me slow one in return. “OK let me see your hand.”* @QueenBeth_BDBFM
 Beth:   *my blood started boiling as the doctor insulted Wrath.  I felt like punching him with my good hand and worry about the consequences later, but this obnoxious doctor was very lucky my son was in the room with me.  He was the only reason I hadn’t given this man a piece of my mind already.  My anger subsided when I watched him walk over to LW and offer him a lollipop and some kind words.  I closed my eyes and took a deep breath as he turned back to me.  Leaning to the side to see LW, I smiled at him and mouthed “thank you” to the doctor who was blocking LW’s view.  I unwrapped my hand and placed the bloodied dishcloth down beside me where I was standing next to the bed*  I don’t think it’s too bad, but I don’t heal as fast as everyone else here cause I’m half human.  I think I’ll need stitches.  @Warrior_MD
 Manny: *I ignored her silent thank you, I didn’t need it or want it, what I did I did for the kid not her or the rest of the freaks. “Why don’t you let me decide what you need or don’t need since I am the actual doctor here, hmm... yes well alright then.” They were all pissed off at me like I done something to them but it wasn’t like I asked to be here I wanted to leave they were the assholes who wouldn’t let me. I looked at her hand the cut was clean but deep. “I think we can glue this together, it takes longer to heal and you can’t get it wet while it does but it looks better, no scar if we do.” I didn’t wait for her to say anything instead I gave her some a shot for the pain and then swiped the area with antiseptic. While it air dried I threw some of the dirty gause away and among it the bloody towel. After a few minutes I turned back and started working on holding the wound together while gluing it shut, holding it there for another few while it dried too.* @QueenBeth_BDBFM
 Beth:   *I cringed as the human doctor went to work on my hand, and I was feeling every little touch until he numbed the area.  My eyes stayed focussed on what he was doing.  Truth be told, I didn’t fully trust him, because he was projecting too much anger and frustration.  It didn’t help that he thought we were keeping him here for our benefit and not his.  I could tell him the truth, but in his current state of mind, I doubted anything would really make a difference.  The anger that burned inside him, was the type that needed time to defuse.  Wrath and the brothers knew what they were doing.  I had the utmost faith in them. I jerked a little as LW peeped around the doctor, his curiosity getting the better of him, giving him a reassuring smile as he frowned while watching.  Good thing he came to see after the blood was cleaned away*  @Warrior_MD
 Manny: *Out of nowhere he came looking, the little boy's head peering curiously, to see what I was doing. It seemed like there was no difference when it came to this, kids would be kids. “Would you like to help me bandage your mummy up?” I ask with a smile looking down at him he nods happily beaming up at me and I can’t help but to chuckle. “Ok kid, let’s see first what you want to do is wash your hands ok, get all that sticky mess from the lollipop off.” He rushes over to the sink without another word washes and dries his hands off. I help him some to get the rest of the water still lingering on his hands before holding up a set of gloves. “Now you need these.” Even though I taken the smallest gloves I can find they are still way too large for him. “Why do I need these, I washed my hands Mister?” “Good question buddy even if we wash our hands we still carry germs around and with a wound like you mummy’s it could get infected and we don’t want that. Now here you go a bandage let’s put that on first and then we can take some of this gause ok.” I let him put the bandage on her himself knowing it is an important task for him to be able to do if it is way off I’ll just add another myself later.* @QueenBeth_BDBFM
 Beth:   *A smile lifted the corners of my mouth as I watched my son help the doctor.  The concentration on his face was remarkable, and his determination to get it right, made me proud.  When he was done, I held my hand up and pretended to be examining his handiwork*  Hmmm, this is really good, LW.  I think you did a better job than the doctors  *his beaming smile was enough to lift anyone’s spirits, and for a second, I felt the doctor’s anger ease as a genuine smile formed on his face.  I hopped off the bed and nodded over to Manny*  Thank you for helping me.  I know you think we’re monsters, but I want you to know we have your best interest at heart, even though you might not see it now.  *I took LW by the hand and headed for the door without glancing back.  LW let go of my hand and ran back to the doctor to give him a hug*  @Warrior_MD
 Manny: *I gave her a nod for the thank you and it was time to see them off. I had a date with a bottle of brandy and I was starving meaning I’d sneak by the kitchen and see what I could bring up with me to eat. I wasn’t asked any longer to join in their meals because I never went anyhow and that was the way I liked it. ”Whatever gets you to sleep at night. I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself. I had a life out there and you stole it. I think I rather be dead than living in captivity my whole life…” I was interrupted by the little boy coming back in a rush throwing himself around my legs hugging me tight. I leaned down my knee bothering me still but I suffered through it to give him a proper hug. “Thank you for your help, you did really great!” I told him with a smile ruffling his hair.* @QueenBeth_BDBFM
 Beth:   *I waited for LW to finish and opened the door, letting him through and following behind him, without another glance at the doctor.  I couldn’t imagine how he must be feeling, and I had no idea what to say to him.  I closed the door behind me and headed down the tunnels, back to the foyer and across to the kitchen*  I think a brave and talented young male such as yourself, deserves some ice cream, don’t you?  *I laughed as LW nodded and ran ahead to the kitchen.  No doubt he would be driving the doggen crazy and they’ll love every minute of it*       #StitchesALaQueen  #SASBDB   ( @Warrior_MD )
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queenbethbdb · 8 years
Girls will be girls (part 3)
Bella: *After a night of laughter and fun, we all headed to bed once the sun rose and the shutters came down for the morning. I skyped with Z and worried less when he was well and I could see no signs of injury. Though the Brothers did make an art of hiding said injuries from their shellans. The all black they insist on always wearing, helps camouflage the blood as well. I try not to worry but after a few close calls over the years, my fears still manifest themselves to the detriment of my peace of mind.
 I have always known that I was mated to a warrior and he promised he would always be careful. I shuddered as I remembered the last narrow escape from danger where @Qhuinn_BDBFM miraculously landed an old airplane in the front of the manse. I swear it took a few years from me as I waited in front of @CorruptSoulless, practically removing him myself so I could see my hellren. I shook my head as I also remembered those few moments when I realized why I had to wait. #Fritz and the doggen spent almost 6 months rebuilding the front lawn and the surrounding areas. He had been on Cloud 9. I chuckled to myself.
 I was looking forward to coming home to him and seeing for myself his good health. The sun would be coming down in an hour or so. I was ready to go. I started packing my belongings into my case wondering if the others were awake and getting ready for first meal.* @MaryLuce_BDB
 Mary: *I stretched out on the bed and patted the place next to me in habit, finding the place cold and empty, missing my always warm and huge mate. I smiled as I wondered how he has been sleeping these last two nights. We haven't been apart for this amount of time since we were mated. I remembered his facial expression when I told him what Beth had in mind for us. It was priceless and hysterical all the same. Like a kicked puppy. I even remember seeing a flash of white as the dragon put in his two cents.
 I knew the sun would soon be setting and would not be at all surprised if the Brothers just dematerialized at the door instead of waiting for us to arrive back at the manse. It made me smile though at his eagerness to be with me, after all these years. As I learned more and more about vampires, it amazed me still … that the males mated for life. It was rare for a male to stray once they found their bonded mate.
 I quickly got dressed and packed my duffle and went to go look for the other girls.* @QueenBeth_BDBFM
 Beth:   *The luxurious cabin was quiet as I sat on the couch in the lounge, waiting for the sun to set.  My bags were packed and I was all set to get home, back to Wrath and L.W.  I knew I would miss them, but I had no idea I’d miss them this much.  Even with the phone calls and video calls in between, I still felt a little hollow inside.  Like an important part of me was missing.  And it was.  
 The week with the girls had been so much fun, and I got the giggles every time the memory of Pru opening that case came to mind.  That was gonna be a fun story to tell Wrath, and the others.  I made a mental note to send Pru a gift to thank her for the lovely evening, and maybe set up some pay back of my own for V.  
 The shutters lifted, letting the moonlight in, and a hour or so later I got up as a stern knock on the door echoed through the cabin.  That definitely wasn’t #Fritz.   I pushed the curtain to the side and saw Rhage’s large frame on the porch.  Z was right behind him and Qhuinn was waiting by the car with #Frtiz.  I opened my mouth to give a shout to Bella and Mary, but closed it again as I saw them both come running down the stairs*  Time to go home, ladies.   
 #GirlsWillBeGirls  Part 3  #SASBDB   
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queenbethbdb · 8 years
Girls will be girls (part 2)
Beth:   *I stretched and yawned as the shutters lifted, welcoming the moonlight in.  I’d slept most part of the day away after enjoying the sunrise with Mary.  I pushed the duvet off my body and swung my legs over the edge of the bed, still stretching.  My phone vibrated on the bedside table, demanding my attention.  Taking a quick glance at it and seeing the arrival confirmation from Pru, I smiled and jumped to my feet.  She came highly recommended after I spent a few days hounding everyone for the contact of a good massage therapist.  I wasn’t expecting V to know much about massage therapists, but he assured me she was the best.  I made quick work of showering and getting dressed, pulling my hair into a half pony before rushing out the room.  Bella and Mary were still finishing up when I heard the knock on the door.  Making my way to the front door, I passed an impressive spread of meats, potatoes, veggies and other dishes.  The doggen had been hard at work while we slept and the food looked delicious.  I grabbed a piece of roast lamb and was still chewing the last bit as I opened the door.  My breath caught and, thanks to the piece of my meat in my mouth, I half choked.  The woman was a red haired beauty.  Truly stunning.  My eyes drifted from head to toe, taking in her outfit which seemed very “risky” if that was the right word.  She exhumed confidence and sex appeal.  She was very comfortable in her own skin, but there was something else about her I couldn’t quite place.  Shaking my head and clearing my throat, I swallowed down the piece of meat and smiled.*  Hello, I’m Beth and you must be Pru? It’s a pleasure to meet you.  Please, come inside. @_ComeOutToPlay_
Pru:  ~ I had been hired out to a few parties over the months since my store had been opened. Small gathers of females of the race, interested in what my store stocked or the services or lessons I provided, but not wanting to be seen in my place of business. I couldn’t blame them really, sexual exploration was completely taboo among the majority of the race, and female independence had been stifled for generations. Little by little I was hoping that I at least helped change that. When I received a message from Vishous basically hiring out to a weekend with the Queen and other mates of the warriors, I was nothing short of shocked. I may only be a lowly civilian, but when the royal family calls, you answer.
That’s how I found myself away from Caldwell out in the middle of nowhere. Parking out front of the expansive cabin, I willed my nervously speeding pulse to calm as I pulled a couple of bags and another large suitcase from my car. I had no idea what these females expected of me so I’d planned for several different scenarios. Pulling my facade of confidence around me, I trekked to the door, straighten my spine before rapping my knuckles on the door. Smiling as an elegantly gorgeous brunette answered, I bowed my head.~ It’s an honor to be of service to you this evening, your majesty. ~Nodding, I stepped inside, lugging my baggage with me through the entryway.~ Where would you like me to set up? @BellaRAhgony
Bella: *I felt great after a good morning’s sleep. I smirked as I remembered how it began. Skype is quite a technological advancement that has been introduced over the last decade. Of course it was convenient when you had@VishousBDB_ and Phury investing in technology and all sorts of other advancements in medicine, precious metals, oil, gas, etc.
I could already hear Beth’s automatic response when people try the royalty title on her, “Please just call me Beth” as I stepped onto the the first floor from upstairs. As I enter into the study, I find that a female of the race is standing with Beth with a few suitcases and folding table and I wonder what was going on.
She was a beautiful redhead who seemed who seemed a tad bit nervous once Beth left to the room to check on something. I walked up to the female to introduce myself.* Hi, I’m Bella. It’s nice to meet you. Are you hungry? There’s always tons of food. *I shook her hand and made a plate of food and poured some wine from the awaiting chilled bottle the doggen had prepared.* @MaryLuce_BDB
Mary: *I stretched out on the bed after hanging up with #Rhage and smiles as I remembered his good evening greeting. I loved hearing the low rumble of his purr. I never thought about having this life, much less with a male like #Rhage and family like Beth, Bella and the others. I was alone for so long, not knowing what I was missing.
I changed out of #Rhages many t-shirts that he insisted I wear to bed this weekend so I will always smell of him. I didn’t mind. I loved the masculine dark spices, his bonding scent, when I took a deep breath. I put on a polo and some jeans and headed downstairs for First Meal and to see what the other girls were up to.
I reached the parlor and found Beth, Bella and a another female. I stopped by the food table and picked up a croissant and some meats and cheeses.* Hey ladies, I’m Mary. *I stuck out my hand to the new comer.* @QueenBeth_BDBFM
Beth:   *The evening started off well.  Pru settled in with us in the lounge, drinking wine and eating the the dessert treats the doggen laid out after the food was served.  The sound of classical music played softly in the background and the doggen retired, leaving us girls with enough food and beverages to last a month, even though they’d be back in a few hours.
I smiled and opened another wine bottle, holding up for Pru*  Would you like another refill before we get the “show on the road”?  *I was already relaxed but a massage would be a welcome treat right now and I was sure Bella and Mary would want to have their massages, too.  For a second I wondered where Pru would be doing the massages, since I didn’t see a massage table, but she could have a fold up table in her suitcases.* @_ComeOutToPlay_
Pru:  ~After introductions were made, and the females invited me to join them for first meal and wine, I was more at ease with giving my presentation. Shaking my head to decline another glass of wine, I smiled pushing to my platform stilettoed heels.~ Alright, ladies. You may be curious as to what exactly I have in store for you tonight, but I can assure you, you won’t be disappointed. ~Moving to the cases where I’d set them up on a long table, I flipped the clasps on each, opening them to display the toys, tools and products set in red velvet for presentation.~ Now don’t be afraid, I’ll walk you through everything and answer any questions you have. By the time you return home, I guarantee you’ll be able to make your already spicy bedroom lives even spicier. ~Grinning with a flash of fangs, I tossed an exaggerated wink to the females before me.~ Your bonded males won’t know what hit em. Now. Who’s the first volunteer? ~Smirking, I lifted a sculpted brow in anticipation.~ @BellaRAhgony
Bella: *I sit back on a chaise lounge and enjoy First Meal of delicious croissants and cheese and meat platter, a UK continental breakfast but there was also other options of fruits, muffins and other pastries. Nalla loves to eat all these sweet pastries and always ‘puppy eyes’ her papa into feeding her more sweets than absolutely necessary. But I can’t help but smile about how much she has Z wrapped around her little finger.
I was sipping on a white wine sangria cocktail when Pru revealed a case full of sex toys … that I spit out my drink in shock and I looked back and forth between Beth and Mary to see their expressions. Granted, I am not a prude … not after all I’ve done in my mated chambers … but to encounter this experience with the Queen was /definitely/ not what I was expecting on a relaxing girls trip. The absurdity of it all was just too much that I could not stifle my amusement and without warning … I just bust out laughing.* @MaryLuce_BDB
Mary: *I was just wondering what #Rhage was eating for First Meal. I sometimes cooked him meals, much to the #Fritz’s vexation. I chuckle at all the times he catches me and has to let me cook. I love cooking for my man and he always enjoys my meals with gusto with his impeccable table manners. I reminisce about that first date at T.G.I.Friday’s like it was yesterday. When #Rhage first walked into the restaurant, it was just ‘Holy … Wow’. He had introduced himself as Hal, part of Hal E. Wood, in reality the Brotherhood’s nickname for him, Hollywood. Like the movie star he is. I shake my head at that slight subterfuge.
But those memories swiftly go out of my mine as I watch Pru open one of her any suitcases that she had the doggen bring into the cabin. Adult sex toys?! Oh my … I could actually feel my eyes bug out of my head and the warmth of my cheeks turning red with mortification. I could not believe at what I was looking at. I partly covered my eyes but still peeking through my fingers as I bent my arms to my sides but as soon as Bella goes into fits of laughter. I could not help but join in and doubled over in giggles. Then as I watch Bella cautiously approach one of the suitcases and picks up an object that looks sorta like a bullet with wires to some kind of electronic device. It only made me laugh harder imagining #Rhage’s reaction if I tried to bring that home.* @QueenBeth_BDBFM
Beth:   *I was sipping on another chilled glass of white wine when Pru opened her case to reveal a variety of sex toys.  OMG … I choked on the wine.  This is not what I ordered.  It took me a few seconds of mind scrambling to try and figure out what the hell was going on.  Damnit … @VishousBDB_ … He must be laughing his ass off back at the mansion.  Shaking my head as Mary and Bella start laughing, I hold up a hand to stop Bella as she takes a closer look.* Wait …
*Looking at Pru, I offer my warmest apologetic smile, not wanting her to feel like she’s done anything wrong.*  I’m sorry, I think there’s been a misunderstanding.  I was under the impression that you did adult pamper parties, such as massages etc.  *As I said the words, I felt the blood rush to my cheeks, and shook my head again.*  I mean, like aroma therapy massages, not the other types of massages.  *I watched Bella’s mouth make a silent “O” as she stepped back and sat down, then saw how Pru’s face turned paler by the second.  
Oh shit … No, I didn’t want her to feel like she’s disappointed me in any way.  She seemed like a really nice person.  Letting out a soft chuckle, I stood up and walked over to the sex toys.*  But since you’re here and this is what you’ve brought with, we will be delighted to learn more about … ermm … *I held up something that looked like it could be used to keep tablecloths clamped down if it was slightly heavier.*  Whatever this is.  *The atmosphere relaxed again and I laughed as Bella let out a breath I’m sure she didn’t know she was holding.  Mary had been more relaxed but that had more to do with being human oppose to Bella who grew up with strict Glymera traditions and knew what the penalty was for insulting or displeasing the first family. *  But first … I think we need more wine. @_ComeOutToPlay_
Pru:   ~Freezing in place when the realization hits that these females were not at all expecting what I had to offer, the six chambered organ in my chest sped. Dragging a petite fang over my bottom lip as I took in their reactions, the words of the queen over the raucous laughter of the other two doing little to placate my embarrassment. I was going to beat @VishousBDB_ next time he stepped shit kicker into my shop.
Doing my best to regain my composure, I blew out a breath before flashing a sheepish grin.~ Well then … I don’t think awkward quite cuts it, does it? ~Laughing nervous I tucked an errant crimson wave behind my ear, my other hand gesturing toward one of the cases.~ We’ll start out slowly. If massage, giving or receiving is of interest, I offer several di types of oils and lotions designed to relax or stimulate depending on your tastes. ~Lips twitching, I grabbed one of my favorite oils, flipping open the lid before passing it around.~ This one smells and tastes like chocolate. It’s a best seller. It also comes in berry and mint if you’re looking for a little extra tingle. ~With that, I was off and running, falling into my usual spiel as I took the time to talk about several items in turn.~ @BellaRAhgony
Bella: *After my fit of laughter, I wipe my tears as I try to recompose myself. We all listen as Pru introduce us to a new world of toys, lubricants, oils, lotions, enhancements … all kinds of different paraphernalia I have never heard of or have seen. I couldn’t tell you how many times I could feel my face turn red with sheepishness. I was raised by my over conservative Fallen Chosen whose name held prestige among the Glymera and an overprotective brother who struck fear with not just his name, but what I learned recently, but also his mind. I was well protected and sheltered. This was a learning experience I never thought I would have. It was an eye opener.
I had perhaps way too many salacious thoughts about how Z would react if I bought certain things to our mated bed. I could only smile as I picked out a few trinkets I thought he’d enjoy. Just imagining his physical responses … these moments would have to be when Nalla was staying over at #Phury and #Cormia’s. I doubt we’d leave our suite for hours. Not that I’d ever complain. Ever.
I also, picked out some very titillating lingerie pieces that might get my hellren home faster if I text him a few sexy selfies with me modeling some corsets, garters and my favorite #Louboutins. I knew I had to remember to grab a business card from Pru before she left today. I grabbed some more fruit and munched as Beth and Mary made purchases and asked various questions. @MaryLuce_BDB
Mary: *When I laugh /hard/ I start to giggle snort and that’s what exactly happened the moment Beth picked up a dildo. I was in a fit of laughter until my sides split. I /never/ imagined a queen picking up such an object. But then again, Beth was human once and she really is like everyone else … she just has a cool title. Still …
I never imagined that I would have loved long enough to experience a party such as this one and I thanked the Scribe Virgin everyday. I still wondered what exactly Vishous mentioned the last time he spoke of his mahmen and him and Payne’s feelings regarding her. But I will still be forever eternally grateful for my basically my second chance at life. Actually third, if you consider beating cancer that first time.
Remember that second time of being diagnosed has bittersweet memories. Yet now when I think back … I think of #Rhage and his unfaltering stance on being there for me. The females told me once what happened to him when he thought the Scribe Virgin kept their bargain to let me live.
Which can is why I live to make him happy aways … so I picked a few toys that I bought he’d love and a few that were just for him to laugh. Cause really, we didn’t need any of them, but he would laugh hysterically at some of the risqué underwear I picked out that exaggerate the male sexual organ with basically sock puppets!* @QueenBeth_BDBFM
Beth:   *Everyone was relaxed and seemed to be enjoying the little “show”, which was what I was hoping for.  Most of the toys Pru showed us was a no no for me, purely because Wrath was all the male I’d ever need and he didn’t need any help in that department.  The lingerie drew my attention and I inspected them with curious desire. Hmmm … I held up a black lace number. This could work …. Smiling at Pru, I picked up a few other lingerie items and gave Pru my size for the order.
Looking good for Wrath, even though he wouldn’t mind either way, was always a plus on my list.  I filled the glasses and discarded the empty bottle before grabbing another bottle from the fridge.  The last hour, after all the orders were given, was spent giggling like school girls.  Everytime I pictured Wrath with some of the toys, I burst out laughing.  Once Pru had packed up all her toys, we said our farewells and settled back on the comfy couches.  It was evident that the evening had taken it’s toll on us as we all started yawning one by one.  I was sure we were all tired from all the laughter and excitement.*  It’s time for me to turn in for the day … It’s been a busy evening. *I laughed as said the last part and got up, hugging both Bella and Mary before heading to my room for some much needed rest.* @_ComeOutToPlay_
Pru:  ~My nervousness about the miscommunication at the beginning of the evening seeped away as I continued with the demonstration. I found myself laughing and joking with these females, basically the royalty of the race as if they’d let me into their little club, however briefly it was. Surreal didn’t even begin to describe the experience. I was surprised that they made any purchases at all and even more pleased that they seemed to choose things out of genuine interested and not just out of pity for the poor civilian who’d been thrust among them. I finished logging the various orders as the doggen carted my trunks to my vehicle, still in awe of how my night had turned out. I thanked the females for their time, and the queen profusely for not ordering my death for offending her. Leaving a stack of my business cards on the table, I was on my way, with just enough time to make it home before the sun broke over the horizon.~  #GirlsWillBeGirls  Part 2  #SASBDB
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queenbethbdb · 8 years
Girls will be girls  (Part 1)
Beth: *Butterflies were doing crazy tumbles in my stomach as I finished up the last bit of packing.  I grabbed my bag and rushed off to Wrath’s study to see both males in my life. L.W. spent most of his time with his father these days, learning and soaking up everything Wrath was teaching him.  Maybe it wasn’t good that I was this excited about going away for a week, but everything had been so stressed around the mansion, I needed this.  Wrath needed a break too, but that was another argument I’d given up on, for now.   I tried to reign in my excitement as I entered the study and made quick work of saying my farewells.  
 I was going to miss him but I was hoping that the break would do us both good.  I almost ran over one of the doggen as I bolted down the hallway and down the stairs.  Bella and Mary were already waiting and from the looks of it, they were equally excited about this trip.  The foyer was filled with excited giggles as we walked out to meet Fritz by the car.  It had been an uphill battle to get all the males to agree to this, but we won the argument in the end and even though I started having doubts about our safety concerns, this felt like the right thing to do.  Glancing over my shoulder at the Brothers in the Hummer, I waved and dropped into the back seat, shifting up to make room for Bella and Mary.  Z, Rhage and Qhuinn were following us to the cabin and they would be checking in on us each night to ensure we were alright.  
 I had a feeling Z and Rhage would be checking in more often than once, since they had been really on edge about this trip.  Luckily for me, Wrath has been pre-occupied with royal duties and a ton of other issues. I smiled at Mary and Bella as the car started pulling away.*  This is gonna be fun! @BellaRAhgony
 Bella: *I could feel the anxiety in waves coming from @ScarredNLethal, but the security plan the Brothers had in place was ironclad. Plus we were using one of my brother’s cabins at the Great Camp. @SinsSecondComin’s security was as tight as V’s, especially since some of the Chosen had moved to Otherside away from the Sanctuary. This idea was great for all the shellans. We all needed a break from the chaos that was the mansion. But we understood the over protectiveness. Since Layla’s kidnapping … everyone had been on high alert.
 It also seemed that the incident may have triggered something in Z. He had a nightmare the other night. His squeezing the life out of me awakened me to his sudden panic. I remember waking up to a freezing cold room, which I knew had nothing to do with the thermostat, and just held him tight to me as he breathed in my scent. He had stripped off all the sheets so we were skin to skin and just took slow steady breaths … as if re-memorizing my scent would free him of his night terrors. I hoped that this would be a one off … perhaps I should speak with Mary to seed they have had any sessions recently.
 The only reason we were about to drive away from the manse now was only due to the compromise we were able to negotiate was to use Rehv’s Great Camp. Otherwise, I think the Beth would have wanted to go with her first plan … Hawaii or some other tropical paradise she had tried to scheme.* Yes!! I'm so excited to do this. I've never really been on vacation before … not really. @MaryLuce_BDB
 Mary: *I watched as #Rhage checked for the hundredth time that we packed all our cords for our cell phones to make sure he could call or FaceTime me whenever he wanted. He had been calling and visiting Vishous regularly to check on the new security and protocols they had installed and strategized concerning Rehv’s cabin.
 He was nervous. I hadn't seen him like this since the night long ago when we were suppose have dinner at Excel. The night my whole life changed. He was suppose to have erased my memories of the entire Brotherhood, everything concerning #JohnMatthew. Instead, we were ambushed by creatures in which I learned later were Lessers after #Rhage returned my memories of that night.
 I remembered feeling so violated at the ease of which he could erase and give back my memories. But that pales in comparison once I learned he was a vampire and all the other history that came from the folklore of his vampire race. Since that time, I have learned so many things and met so many people. Symphaths, Angels and Shadows. Everything mythical that I learned to be skeptical about were in the end … true to life.
 I kissed my hellren and slide in next to Bella and Beth as #Fritz drove the Mercedes out the main gates.* It's been forever since I've been on a vacation. It was back when my mom was alive. So I definitely could use some R & R. @QueenBeth_BDBFM
 Beth:  *The drive to the mountains didn’t take too long, mainly due to all the small talk between us females.  When we arrived, we had to wait for the Brothers to clear the area.  We didn’t mind, since the champagne wasn’t finished, and it would be a shame to leave the bottle half empty.  Fritz had a snack spread and bubbly basket made up for us to enjoy on our road trip and I had no doubt the doggen would have made sure there was enough food and refreshments in the cabin to feed an army.  I smiled and thanked Fritz for everything and stepped out of the car.  This would be the first time I’m here without Wrath.  This cabin held many amazing memories for us both, but lately we couldn’t find the time for our regular break aways.  Hopefully things will settle down soon, but the chances of that was slim.  Very slim.  
 I waited for Fritz to finish taking our luggage to our rooms, and for the couples to say their goodbyes, suddenly missing Wrath.  Stepping into the cozy lounge, my eyes scanned the room and took in all the effort that was put in to make this a great week.  The fireplace was lit, the refreshments were chilled and ready to be served.  More food platters were laid out on the coffee table and the fruit design looked absolutely devilishly irresistible.  Grabbing a plate, I dished up some strawberries and peaches among other pieces of fruit and dipped some in the chocolate sauce.*  Hmmm *The only thing better than this would be Wrath feeding it to me.
 I watched as Bella and Mary walked in and laughed softly at the look on their faces.* Yep, we won’t be going hungry, that’s for sure.  *I took a seat on the couch closest to the fire and tucked my feet under me.  My mind travelled back in time for a few seconds.  As a child I was moved from foster home to foster home and eventually ended up in an orphanage, never expecting to ever have anything to call family.  I couldn’t in my wildest dreams have imagined I would have a massive family to call my own one day.  The amazing people I shared my home and life with were a god send.  I was truly the luckiest woman on this earth and I made a point of never forgetting to count my blessings.  Taking things for granted wasn’t in my nature, but sometimes it was easy to get caught up in all the issues and forget what it all meant.  That’s why these breaks were so important to me.  It gave me time to reflect and see the world from a different angle.  The sound of soft laughter shook me from my reverie, and I caught myself staring into the soft dancing flames.*  Sorry, I drifted away for a bit there. *Laughter filled the room and a feeling of complete ease washed over me.*
 I was gonna suggest we have a mini make over night tonight, but all this food and champagne has made me lazy.  I’m opting for pajamas and a night of relaxing on the couch with, wine, good food and good conversation.  What say you? @BellaRAhgony
 Bella: *After reassuring Z that I would call if anything was wrong, even the slightest thing … I watched as his eyes went from the beautiful canary yellow to black as he said goodbye and dematted back to the manse. Though I'm pretty sure he and Rhage probably hung around a little bit before going out on rotation for the night.
 I kinda felt bad about the lessers who were out and about this night … or this weekend. Though over the years, he has definitely become more easy going. I had a gut feeling Z was reverting back to his scary legendary persona he was known for as part of the Brotherhood. His ruthlessness and his skills were unprecedented. He sometimes gets into these dark moods and it's usually when we are fighting or he’s worried about something. So when he was not happy, get the hell out of his way. Thank the Scribe, this mood has lessened over the years as we have been mated and Nalla’s birth.
 I knew he would be fine. He probably would call me when he needed to hear my voice. I may have to call him just as often as well. I sighed and realized Beth spoke to us.*
 Yes! Definitely. Let's just relax and chill. I'm good with that. *I collapsed on a chaise lounge and stretched out.* @MaryLuce_BDB
 Mary: *I finally was able to breath once Rhage stopped squeezing me in his huge bear hugs … which always make me smile, than I promised him to call before turning towards the cabin. But as I walked up to the door, suddenly I was grabbed behind by Rhage as lifts me up easily to turn me and pulls me into one more kiss. I groan as he really deepens the kiss and I can hear him start to purr. I push him back just slightly and laugh breathlessly.* Rhage, don’t start now … we can’t finish and the girls are waiting for me. *I smirk as he pouts and kisses my forehead and walks me to the door.
 I enter the cabin and I’m amazed at the interior. My thoughts of a cabin were what you see in movies, a wooden framework with minimal luxuries like water and electricity, with hopes of heat provided by at least a fire. But this … was NOT a normal cabin … at least not by typical standards. Apparently, it was only called a cabin because it was a structure in the middle of the woods. Otherwise, this was opulence. It had all the amenities similar to the manse. I should have known better, I laugh to myself … Rehv dressed in bespoke suits and a designer wardrobe so of course any property he owned would be just as amazing.
 I immediately took off my shoes and my feet fall deeply into the plush carpet and go to the bar area where iced tea and some appetizers have been provided. Listening to Beth and Bella, I pour some glasses of iced tea.* Yes, let’s just relax and veg out. @QueenBeth_BDBFM
 Beth:   *The evening proved to be exactly what I’d hoped it to be.  Bella, Mary and myself laughed and talked until the early hours of the morning.  We had so much to talk about, so much to catch up on.  We lived in the same house, but we didn’t see much of each other apart from main meal sittings, and then everyone was chatting over everyone at the same time.  This was relaxed and for the first time in a long time I felt that I was there for the ladies of the house.  Listening as they spoke, and reading between the lines.  
 We all missed our males already, but at the same time we were enjoying this down time too much to change anything.  The doggen arrived and cleaned up an hour before dawn broke and us girls went to our rooms and unpacked our bags.  I stayed in the main bedroom Wrath and I always stayed in. The view was amazing and as I finished unpacking, the shutters went down.  Damn … I wanted to watch the dawn break.  I fiddled with the mechanism, trying to get it to open, but to no avail.  Throwing my hands up in defeat, I turned and made my way to the lounge.  With Wrath not here it was the perfect opportunity to enjoy the sunrise without giving him a heart attack.  I opened the door and shouted over my shoulder*  Bella, Mary! I’m outside if anyone is looking for me!  *Bella wouldn’t be able to join me, but Mary might feel the need to enjoy the sunrise as well.  
 Taking a deep breath, I place my hands in my back pockets and walked to the edge of the stairs, lifting my face to the sky to catch the first beams of sun rays as they peeked over the hills in the distance.* @BellaRAhgony
 Bella: *The night ended up being an amazing time for the three of us to catch up. We spent the whole night in stitches, laughing at all the antics the others may have missed in the huge manse that we live in. Beth was normally busy assisting Wrath with royal business. Mary was always at #SafePlace helping #Marissa with counseling for the females and any children. I helped out when I can while still taking care of #Nalla and helping out with the household and doggen.
 It was a very relaxing day and not have to play a role of mahmen for a weekend. I loved just to be myself for a little while and enjoy the freedom of having a vacation. I said goodbye to the females and headed to the room I’d chosen and Skyped with @ScarredNLethal and #Nalla. When their faces showed up on the screen, I immediately felt a pang of longing and reached out and touched the screen. #Nalla was already asleep in her crib so I spent the early morning speaking with my Z. It was nice to see that he missed me as well when I hear the low, masculine growls I could hear from his side of the screen along with hearing his low sexual commands as we experimented for the first time with Skype …* [Parental Advisory: The following has been edited due to Explicit Sexual Content. ] @MaryLuce_BDB
 Mary: *After a few hours of good food and alcohol, I was feeling good. I needed this vacation so badly that I didn’t even know it until these last few hours and feeling the pressure lift from my shoulders. The many nights at #SafePlace was taking a toll on my soul. I /loved/ my job … don’t get me wrong but the pressure was brutal. #Marissa and I have been working so hard to get #SafePlace to be a functional system that it is today. All the females are coming into their own with the classes we were offering and the children were much happier and becoming less shy. I was so proud of what all we have accomplished and never knew how much of myself I was putting out there until this moment.
 After a some time unpacking in our individual rooms, I hear Beth in the hallway expressing her need to see the sunset. I knew @FatherofWrath would have had a kitten at knowing she was out in the sunlight. But I knew it would be fine. The queen was a halfling, half human and half vampire so she was able to stand sunlight, so in reality it was not necessarily a dangerous thing …  but she was our queen afterall. So, unbeknownst to Beth, I sent a quick text to #Xhex who could dematerialized during the daylight hours and could also kill anything threatening within moments and could stay hidden.
 After sending the quick text, I poured some glasses of orange juice and I joined Beth and stepped outside into the morning air. I was human … well sorta of … I was immortal until #Rhage should go into the Fade. But I never really thought about it my relative immortality so I got to enjoy the sun rises and sunsets anytime I wanted and just chose to keep Beth company and although I could not fight a fly, I felt a need to watch out for her. It was nice to share a “human” type of moment with Beth, the only other person in the manse who was part human who would have experience with these moments in the sun. It was something we had in common.*
 #GirlsWillBeGirls  #SASBDB
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queenbethbdb · 8 years
Royal Frustrations
*The sound of the shutters lifting announced the exchange between the sun and the moon in the sky. Darkness had enveloped us once again and another busy evening waited and purred in the shadows.  Turning over in bed, I opened my eyes and reached out. The empty space beside me was both a relief and an open wound.  Wrath and I had endured many trials and tribulations over the past years and this year was proving to be no different.  I pushed myself up against the pillows with more effort than the small task should require. I missed my hellren when he didn’t sleep in our chambers, but I granted him the space.  
Hell, I needed the space too.  There was too much going on, too many arguments and no time to talk things through.  We seemed to spend our time doing royal duties and extinguishing fires on a daily basis.  If it wasn’t the Glymera, it was the bastards, the lessers, the Omega  and even the Scribe Virgin on our case, stirring up something to keep us occupied.  The revelation that Lash was indeed alive and kidnapping our females had been the latest headache and this proved to be more time consuming to handle than many of the other duties.  
The fact that Lash had more information on us than any other enemy before him, made this much worse.  Layla was recovering in the Sanctuary and Wrath agreed that it was for the best. Qhuinn could visit her anytime he chose and things had returned to almost normal on that front.  I had been meaning to visit Layla to see how she was doing, but the hits just kept coming and I hadn’t been able to pull myself away long enough to go see her.  The confirmation that her and the young were both doing well and had escaped injury was a relief to us all, but this shouldn’t have happened at all.  
The males in the mansion all struggled with some form of guilt. Some, more than others.  Wrath was concerned about the safety of all the females and the ability to get to them so easily.  Tohr struggled with a whirlwind of emotions since all this brought back everything he went through with Welsie.  The shitstorm that hit the mansion while Layla was gone was another story. Talk about the wheels coming off. Blay was back but him and Qhuinn didn’t seem to have figured things out yet.  Vishous was another level of batshit crazy since Haley left and Cop wasn’t talking to anyone about it, not even to me.  
Everyone needed time to deal with the hand they had been dealt and that included me.  With Wrath spending almost all his time in his study, it gave me time to think and plan, but I needed to get out before the walls really closed in on me.  I needed to feel the sun on my face.  It had been months since I’d even seen the sun. Wrath had always hated it when I went out by myself but there were times that he allowed it if I was escorted by Trez or iAm.  Now the shadows had their own things to handle and babysitting the vampire queen wasn’t on the cards.  I don’t understand what danger I would be in if I walked around the gardens by myself anyway.  I trusted that V’s security system was impenetrable, but I didn’t want my hellren to have my safety to worry about on top of everything else.  
When the time was right, I would stress my point further.  I was slowly losing my mind and I needed to get out.  The frustration I felt at being stuck with paperwork dwarfed what Wrath felt.  I was a journalist before and my job was part paperwork, part research and part field work.  He was a warrior, a fighter. His job was all out there and all action. Now we spent all our days around paperwork and some hours a week doing strategizing and brainstorming with the brothers, trying to be one step ahead of our many enemies.  His only out was a sparring session which he didn’t have time for anymore.  I had the feeling that the brothers were feeling the pinch too in some way.  They had to protect the race while training the new trainees and try to keep their shellans happy.  There was so much that needed my attention around here, so much more than the paperwork waiting in Wrath’s study.  
Right now though the mansion was coming alive, and it was time to join the family as first meal was being served.  My arms lifted above my head, stretching skywards as I got out of bed.  A quick shower should do the trick to make me look half presentable.  I wouldn’t miss the meals for anything.  It was the only time lately that Wrath and I had to spend together without working. After first meal I would join him and George in the study and a normal “royal work day” would resume.  When daylight arrives once again, I’ll make a plan to get sun kissed, even if just for an hour or two.  
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