queenflairrrrr · 9 months
i mean, i'm probably gonna have some moments of weakness, but you know i'll still be me. i hope. i don't want to get so deeply depressed that i don't feel like myself anymore, you know? ... no shit? what are you doing tomorrow? can i get a hint? please, you know you're terrible at hiding things from me.
@queenflair - do you want to talk about it?
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queenflairrrrr · 9 months
trust me, i'm not one to hold back my feelings. you know that, i'm probably the most open person outside of you. so i'll definitely let you know, but right now i'm just grateful. ugh, thank you, babe. especially since you're probably coming back...
@queenflair - do you want to talk about it?
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queenflairrrrr · 9 months
no i know, and i appreciate that so much. especially since you've been through it, so i know you'll know the best ways to make it not feel so awful. still though... i hate it so fucking much, merc.
@queenflair - do you want to talk about it?
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queenflairrrrr · 9 months
i'm just really heartbroken, babe. i was so excited for the next few months, and now it's just... all gone.
@queenflair - do you want to talk about it?
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queenflairrrrr · 10 months
you've always been the one to break out of the mold! yeah, the amount of texts and phone calls i've gotten today is insane... now quadruple that and that's what my phone was like this weekend. oh, there's rules now, huh? okay, i can deal with those, although i can't promise i won't cry if it's like... a really bad injury, you know? you'll have my ass up and rehabbing in no time, but let's hope it doesn't get that far anyway. i'm sure i can think of somehow to do it, i'm good at making up for things.
@queenflair - I’m not going to ask a hundred questions.. just, are you okay? and can I do anything?
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queenflairrrrr · 10 months
it's just been awhile since i had someone there by my side, but... you know all about that. anyway. i love my family, but my dad would be a worried mess and my siblings don't always get it. you're gonna make me cry though. thank you so much, mercedes. really, i mean it. no, it's not weird at all. it's a lot to just... sit still and not do anything, after going going going. i'm so not looking forward to it. but it'll be better with you around at least. you don't know how much i appreciate it.
@queenflair - I’m not going to ask a hundred questions.. just, are you okay? and can I do anything?
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queenflairrrrr · 10 months
awwww babe, you're so sweet! i'll be watching and cheering you on. i hope that it ends up being not as bad as i'm scared that it is. let's just manifest positive energy.
thank you so much, babe. i appreciate it. i'm nervous, but i know i'll be okay. i just don't want to be out forever.
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queenflairrrrr · 10 months
it feels so pathetic to say no, not really. like i know i can go stay with my dad or one of my siblings, but you know. are you sure about that? i was, uh. ha. gonna ask you if you could come, that's why i asked where you were living, but i definitely don't want to make you come out of your way. i know that feeling well though, i feel like i don't have a home with how often we're on the road. at least i got a bus so it's kind of like a home away from home, but. it's tough. i'm just scared, that's all. and it would be nice to have a familiar face around.
@queenflair - I’m not going to ask a hundred questions.. just, are you okay? and can I do anything?
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queenflairrrrr · 10 months
thank you so much, babe. i appreciate it. i'm nervous, but i know i'll be okay. i just don't want to be out forever.
i hope you're doing okay, ashley. it looked like a bad landing. if you need anything let me know.❤️@queenflair
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queenflairrrrr · 10 months
yeah, they are. i'm still here in providence for the tests and the doctors, and then i'll be going home. i'm just scared, i've obviously had injuries but nothing this bad. i just don't want to have to have surgery and be out for so long, i was already out for so long last year and now it's like... fuck. HA, yeah. i just really wanted to get my moné on, obviously. where are you living out of these days?
@queenflair - I’m not going to ask a hundred questions.. just, are you okay? and can I do anything?
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queenflairrrrr · 10 months
i'm... not okay. i don't know how not okay i am yet, but. i'm just being honest, ha. i'm scared for how bad it might be because it feels bad. you're so sweet though, babe. um. not sure, really. i'll probably regret telling you this but the fact that you checked in at all has me all teary eyed, haha.
@queenflair - I’m not going to ask a hundred questions.. just, are you okay? and can I do anything?
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queenflairrrrr · 10 months
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queenflairrrrr · 10 months
not my whole day, but it may have been a highlight. but honestly, i miss you being around too. i know there were all sorts of rumors of you coming back, and i'd be lying if i said i didn't hope they were true. hey, i am nothing if not generous, mercedes.
that video, goddamn. hello beautiful!
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queenflairrrrr · 10 months
please, that is totally not what you were thinking and you KNOW IT. (i mean, i can't blame you. i do the same when i think of myself too.)
doing a moonsault from 15 feet up in the air was definitely not on my 2023 bingo card, but i feel like that definitely earns me a bingo anyway.
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queenflairrrrr · 10 months
what is that supposed to mean?
About time The Man showed up around here. How’s everyone doing?
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queenflairrrrr · 10 months
i used to feel the same, but the more i've done these kind of things, the easier it's gotten. plus it's kind of cool to be that person. i was always the base in cheerleading, i never got to be a flyer, so this is me living out my dreams that could never be thanks to being so tall, haha.
doing a moonsault from 15 feet up in the air was definitely not on my 2023 bingo card, but i feel like that definitely earns me a bingo anyway.
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queenflairrrrr · 10 months
i was thinking that it would look cool, so mission accomplished.
doing a moonsault from 15 feet up in the air was definitely not on my 2023 bingo card, but i feel like that definitely earns me a bingo anyway.
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