panopticonrpg · 2 days
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Due to personal reasons, please unfollow:
The skeleton Olympus is REOPENED
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panopticonrpg · 3 days
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The following accounts have been inactive for 10 days and have 48 hours to meet activity requirements or be unfollowed:
@chancedarling (2 replies)
please note that players must have at least 3 active threads to meet activity. Please tumblr IM/send an ask to the mod team if a hiatus is required.
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panopticonrpg · 3 days
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This task is an exploration into the vocal characteristics of your character(s)! Give others an idea of how you imagine them speaking - loud or soft, what regional accent, a rush of words or a slow easy drawl, a sing-song tone or a vocal fry. Examples can be given as video or audio links, written descriptions, whatever medium you choose to express how your character sounds whenever they converse with others! OPTIONAL BONUS: Body language! Perhaps your character talks more physically than verbally? Perhaps they do both equally? Perhaps no body language at all, voice is enough? Feel free to elaborate here to your heart's content!
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panopticonrpg · 5 days
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Due to inactivity, please unfollow:
@hannahmossxo @thedreadtellerluke
The wanted connection for @akhilaasthana is CLOSED The skeleton Narnia is REOPENED
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panopticonrpg · 7 days
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The following accounts have been inactive for 10 days and have 48 hours to meet activity requirements or be unfollowed:
please note that players must have at least 3 active threads to meet activity. Please tumblr IM/send an ask to the mod team if a hiatus is required.
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panopticonrpg · 13 days
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The following accounts have been inactive for 10 days and have 48 hours to meet activity requirements or be unfollowed:
please note that players must have at least 3 active threads to meet activity. Please tumblr IM/send an ask to the mod team if a hiatus is required.
Due to inactivity, please unfollow:
The Wanted Connection for @mc-adarsh will be reopened.
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panopticonrpg · 14 days
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Name: Ash Johnson
Age: 33
Gender: Butch/gnc woman, she/her (default), he/they/xe (not fussed)
Power: Regeneration
FC: Katy O'Brian
All your life you played second fiddle, second best, second place. The middle child, overlooked and unappreciated. Your older sibling was a musical prodigy, your younger an intellectual. That left you the realm of the physical to which you took to with all your heart. First gymnastics, and head spinning tumbling, and then karate, to learn respect after you shoved a classmate following a disagreement. You took to these disciplines like a fish to water, pushing your body further and harder, excited to reach the limit. Yet, even then you couldn't succeed. You grew too tall, too big for the gymnastics team. A regional karate champ who could only ever place fourth or third or second at nationals. When high school ended you were faced with the vastness of choice and squandered potential. After an explosive fight, you decided to skip your university orientation into a teaching degree you had never wanted to apply for. Instead you went on the road, bouncing from dead end job to dead end job, until you found yourself in the hills of Hollywood. You put in an application to join a stunt team on a drunken whim, and you were ecstatic to be selected. That team became your family, your home. You threw yourself into the work like Tom Cruise off a cliff. You loved going home to an ache to your joints, the smell of gunpowder on your clothes. But yet again you were only ever second, a tiny name printed in the credit sequence while the actor got all the credit. You had enough. The opportunity came around to make your mark, a casting call for one of those island survival shows. You had gone out with your stunt crew to celebrate being shortlisted when suddenly your life was turned upside down. You're on an island, and the cameras are rolling, but is this truly your time to be recognized?
This skeleton is TAKEN
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panopticonrpg · 14 days
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panopticonrpg · 14 days
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Welcome to your forever home paradise! We're so excited to have you! Details are under the read more. Please:
read and follow the checklist!
send your character blog within the next 48 hours or it will be reopened!
once we get your account, the Mods will send an invite to discord!
LaLa Land aka Ash Johnson for Grey / Power: Regeneration with Katy O'Brian FC
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panopticonrpg · 15 days
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The following accounts have been inactive for 10 days and have 48 hours to meet activity requirements or be unfollowed:
please note that players must have at least 3 active threads to meet activity. Please tumblr IM/send an ask to the mod team if a hiatus is required.
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panopticonrpg · 17 days
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Avalon's name is now Cemre Avci URL is @elementsofxcemre Faceclaim is Melisa Asli Pamuk! The FC Adria Arjona has been reopened.
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panopticonrpg · 18 days
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The following accounts have been inactive for 10 days and have 48 hours to meet activity requirements or be unfollowed:
please note that players must have at least 3 active threads to meet activity. Please tumblr IM/send an ask to the mod team if a hiatus is required.
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panopticonrpg · 19 days
so we can apply for fully OC characters now wc needed?
The only fully OC applications we are accepting are for our current players picking up secondary characters! Due to the games restricted mun count, new muns will still only be accepted if applying for wanted connections or for open skeletons.
- Mod Luna 🌙
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panopticonrpg · 20 days
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Name: Baskar Klein
Age: 27
Gender: agender, he/they
Power: enhanced hearing
FC: Giorgino Abraham
You get told you have crazy in your eyes, that you’ll turn out like your father. When it finally becomes clear that you share no DNA with him, they find you in other places. You will tear families apart, like your mother. They pay too much attention to you, any small mistake is under scrutiny. It becomes a self fulfilling prophecy, what they are waiting for happens. You on the other hand realise that adults do not listen to children. You tell them he’s haunting you, they keep telling you he’s dead. But you see him, he drives you to school when your grandparents forget. He waits for you after soccer practice, but he doesn’t talk to anyone. You know you are not making him up. You know you play into what they say about you, but you are young and you are scared of him.  Despite how you sound, nobody stops him. And he doesn’t go away. One day he asks you to come with him. You turn him down, he keeps on asking. Until asks turns to acts, he puts further strain on your relationship with your family, on your status in the town. He forces you to leave. And you leave. But he always finds you. No matter where you go. You see him in passing, on the opposite side of the street, in the back seat of the bar, at your job, at your hang out spots. But you never talk to him. He is always the reason you have to move on again. When people find out and drop you, or if they don’t you drop them. It is easier that way. You get used to that life. Even if it’s not much of one. You are still scared though, scared he’ll ask you to come with him again. Then one day he is outside of your door. And you open up, and you know what he’s going to say. But then you open your eyes: and you’re somewhere else. Are you finally free? Or did he get you? 
This skeleton is TAKEN
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panopticonrpg · 20 days
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Name: Colt Buckley
Age: 48
Gender: cis man, he/him
Power: animal communication
FC: Jensen Ackles
It seemed that from the point you were born, you were always doomed to be stuck. Your surroundings - home, school, family, friends - seemed to big, too deeply-ingrained to change, perfect for keeping you where you were. You weren’t really happy about it, but you didn’t have to be. This was your lot in life, the crappy hand of cards fate had dealt you, and you could either throw the game, or keep on playing, even if you lost.  It didn’t mean that you were gonna take everything life was gonna hit you with. Where you were restricted, you pushed back with what you had and whatever poison you picked tasted sweet in the face of a life that seemed to be pointed towards stagnant demise. It might not have been what you wanted, or what you wished for, but this was your life and you learned how to live it. You have your family and ways to scramble up to the top of whatever little molehill you had, and that was enough. Until you suddenly found yourself on the island, further from home than you’d ever been before, in a new life that seemed bigger than anything else. The question is, how are you going to live it? 
This skeleton is TAKEN
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panopticonrpg · 20 days
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panopticonrpg · 21 days
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