queenl712 · 4 years
Damn it's been a while since I've been back on this account I almost forgot the fics I wrote on this one 🤣 Welp time to read the cringe
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queenl712 · 4 years
My omega part 1/? (Okay so I was bored and I just got in a typing mood and decided to write this since it's been in my mind for weeks😁, also if anyone does read this and like it please let me know if you want a part 2)
Description: you and kirishima have been friends since elementary school,you were special to eachother at first it was because you were the only alpha that stood up for him a omega he smelt like apple and spice which you loved but completely oblivious to eachother's feelings.
You and kirishima were walking to to UA after leaving your houses when Ch happened to be in the same block, you were both nervous since it was your first day.
Kirishima: "hey y/n, you think we'll be in the same class?" He whined with puppy dog eyes.
You: "hmm hope so even if we aren't we'll still be together don't worry". you nudged him in the side playfully trying to calm him releasing permones which he loved your sent it smelled like berries almost as if a different berry for each emotion you felt right now you smelled like sweet strawberries.
Kirishima: " I know but still I want to be in the same class with you,what if you meet another omega and become best friends with them". He said while resting his face on your shoulder sniffing you scent gland. This was a normal thing as you both scented eachother often it became a habit overtime from when you were little.
3 alphas were picking on the new kid who just happened to be an omega and your alpha instincts kicked it , you stepped infont of him with your hands out between the bullies and him.
You: " back off jerks stop picking on him and stop acting so high just because your alphas!" You said ,you were slightly taller than him at the time and you were shorter than the bullies who were a year older than you and him.
Alpha 1: tch" who was talking to you mutt, beat it I'm just trying to talk with the weak omega.
Alpha 2: he chuckled
Alpha 3: joined in and pushed you which wasn't a very good idea because you just got you quirk which was similar to a element bender but you could only learnt how to bend air and water so far since you were little but even then it took a toll on your body using it.
You: " I said back off but if you want to 'play' , let's play" you smirked as the 3 alphas activated their quirks one had a fire quirk the other a floating quirk and the last one had a stretching quirk and so did you bending water form the sink were you all were outside in one hand and makeing a mini tornado in the other you smirked at the alphas as they all gulped .
Bring it on they said an you letbtme have it which as a result all of your parents were called in you had a graze on your right cheek from when one of the alpha's fire quirk made on your face but you dodged it in time.
Principal: "okay so anyone care to explain what happened here?" He quirked an eyebrow up at you all and all the bullies kept trying to out talk eachother blaming it on the other and you for retaliating.
You: "mr. Karu-san permission to speak?" You were quite the teacher's pet and they all loved you for being a respectful child.
You were granted permission and siad your side of the story that they alphas were picking on the new kid and you stepped in then they started it by pushing you and they sent the first shot.
You: " sir with all respect im proud I'd kicking there buts for billing and omega and one as cute as him". You said with your arms crossed and closing your eyes and looking the opposite direction of the alphas.
After that the 3 kiss were punished by their parents and it was you with your parents and him with his , his parents were thanking yours for standing up for him then he made his way over to you his chubby cheeks wearing a frown.
Kirishima: uhhmm.. l/n th..thank y..you .he stuttered with tears in in eyes and he touched your cheeks near the graze and years slipped out.your eyes widened as he started sobbing.
You: "hey sorry cry it's alright it doesn't hurt that bad" you hugged hugged him trying to comfort him by Instinct and he nuzzles in the crook of your neck and you scented him.
You: "it's okay now you smell like me so no one will pick in you!" You smiled and he was in awe of manly you were. Both you parents watched the whole thing and chuckled to themselves as his dad offered to buy dinner and kirishima suggested fries and nuggets by his favourite food place were it has a playground so you all went they had burgers while you and kirishima ate nuggets and fries then player in the large indoor playground until you were both to tired and you both feel asleep cuddling with his nose pressed up on you scent gland.
Back to present day~~
You both made your way to school and when everyone arrived a man that went my aizawa sensi had told you all about a test to place you all in and the desired classes 1A and 1B which were hero classes, ejiro had made it into 1A and it was your turn which made you mor excited that nervous since you got to showcase your quirk and was proud since you finally master fire ,you had mastered earth in middle school.
Aizawa: "you may begin" and bots camw rushing up to you and instantly you activate your quirk bending the group beneath the first two bits for them to fall and you used the other hand to bend water from a puddle that had just enough for you to wet the boys , now 4 were successfully beaten then out of no where aizawa something around your wrist which made you flinch then he smirked and said "let's se what you can do without a quirk" you were up to the challenge of course and you tried to Puch him he dodged ,he tried to do the same sending puches and kicks left and right while you dodging everyone you manage to land one kick square on his stomach which sent him back he smirked while you both were panting "I'm impressed I never had someone who could keep me in my toes in a while,in all honesty you passed with flying colours when you took out the bots but I just wanted to spar a little, welcome to the hero coarse kid" your eyes widened and instantly looked at ejiro in the stadium he had a big smile on his face.
As you both were walking home and recall the day's events he hung his arm around your shoulder happily "we're gonna be hero's y/n " he beamed with a big smile that had you smiling too , he stuck his nose on your scent gland you welcomed him. When you got home you saw both his and your parents around the couch in the living room , they both all attacked you and ejiro with questions and what happened,you told them about your day and that you spared with a quirk nullifier . You all ate dinner at the dining table and it felt so warm with everyone you loved..... wait love , you looked at ejiro and that's when it kick in you loved ejiro kirishima
Middle school~~
You: "ejiro hurry up my dad's makeing his spicy curry" you tugged him walking fast , you loved all things spicy and you dad's curry was 'chef kiss delicious' bit noticing how red his face was with your hands on his he loved you for ever since the first day he met you in elementary school but he didn't want to say anything even tho some what considered you his alpha he didn't know if you felt the same and at the time you didn't think of anyone that way despite everyone telling you and alpha has to court their omega but you ignored that.
Kirishima: "y/n we'll make it there in time slow down " apple and spice radiating off if him you speed up and said " not a chance omega" and smirked at hims as you basically ran home and like usual your parents and kirishima's were their waiting for you two to have dinner.
Second day of UA
You both had walked to class ,took a deep breath and open the door to see a angry ash blond yelling at a green haired boy making a scene and on the other side of the room was a pick haired girl with yellow eyes along with some others who apparently saved you a seat next to her and her friends you galdly took it and ejiro the one next to the angry blond it was about 5 seats away from you which made him pout.
Bakugo: thc" whatever duku" with a scowl on his face
Mydoria: "kachan don't be like that" he said looking like a kicked puppy . Kirishima already could tell he was a omega too and the ash blond looked at him seeing that he was a omega
Mydoria: " oh h.hey my n..name is..I..zuki mydoria what's yours"
Kirishima : "ejiro kirishima I saw your quirk yesterday you were amazing so many dude" he looked at the blonde " you too man your quirk is so cool it's nice seeing someone else with a fire quirk y/n would be so happy to shape with you" he beamed which for some reason made bakugo smile. Not long after the 3 because friends and he learnt that both of them were friends since elementary school and he told them about you and him which they already noticed his face was pink talking about you.
Bakugo: "she your alpha?" Despite his tone he sounded curious since it was obvious he like you
Kirishima: "no" he said in an almost puppy like way looking back at you only to see a bunch of omegas swarming you he felt his stomach turn as a pink one smelled you and a blonde one do the same .
Mina: "your the one with the element bending quirk right?" She said " that was so cool and you can fight without your quirk that was awesome"
Kaminari: " yeah! That was so cool y/n "
Momo: "if you don't mind , would you spar with me sometime?"
Uraraka: " no spar with me your were so fast and you have speedy reflexes" she smiled at you and you wished you had sunglasses to protect your eyes from that face.
You: "thanks I'd love to spar ,you guys are omegas right?" They nodded then one of your classmates signaled you that someone was outside for you, you got up and could feel eyes on you . It was a omega he had he thought you were really cool and wanted to go out with you. Your eyes widened at his straight forwardness but declined when you went back to class and was instantly questioned .
Sero: "well your really popular huh alpha" he said in a teasing tone you could tell he was a alpha it seemed that you found you friends group already. What you didn't know was that ejiri was paying attention in fill details if how omegas were drawn to you his eyes staring at you the while time burning with jealousy
(please let me know if anyone wants a part 2 😅 thank you for reading and even if it was trash thanks💙 ✌️)
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queenl712 · 4 years
Okay so this is my first ever fanfic let alone the first time I ever post something I wrote like this so go easy on me and if anyone wants a part 2 let me know😋✌️
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queenl712 · 4 years
Secret admirer part 1/? (Please be gentle this is the first time I ever tried to write a fanfic, if anyone likes it I'll write a part 2😅)
You were walking home from work like you usually do,you worked in bakugo's hero agency. When you reached in your purse for your phone only to realize that you didn't have it.
Y/n: shit, shit. *You ran back to work with lucky you hadn't made if very far before realising you left your phone back on your desk at work, it was 10:30pm and you ran for the closing elevator just in time , panting with your hands on your upper thighs only to look up and see crimson eyes you gasp before stumbling back hitting your head in the elevator door
Yn: oh bakugo you scared me , working late again?
You and bakugo have known eachother for since middle school when you broke down his walls if his so called bad guy arua which couldn't be more wrong because he was actually a really sweet guy with a bad temper ever now and then. You to were practically inseperable since then until your third year of UA when the villan dabi had attacked UA with the league and kidnapped you along with some other students for your quirks primary attack quirks and you were on your way to becoming a prod hero but unfortunately after the torture for resisting to cooperate with the league you were terrified of using your quirk which was a like a element bender as you could bend air, water and earth and you would have mastered fire if not for the kidnapping because now you refused to even use it anymore. When aizwa and fat gum had saved the kidnapped students you were not at your best state seeing as you were tramuatized and would not use your quirk so now you worked as a event planner and was recently hired by bakugo to plan a gala for his hero agency as he was named number one hero, something he was aiming for since middle school . After the incident 6 years ago you left UA and enrolled in a normal highschool and eventually became a event planner but on the down side you eventually stoped contact with bakugo your long time close friend only reunited because of the gala you were supposed to plan .
Bakugo: tch "of course I'm working late dumbass I'm the number one pro hero remember" he said in a teasing voice looking down at you.
Yn: pfff- "still as charming as ever I see" you nudged him in his side earning a chuckle from the hero who was a good two heads taller than you now.
Bakugo: "let me guess you forgot something as usual" he said with his arms crossed
Yn: you puffed out your cheeks pouting at him while leaning on the elevator wall along with him "must you tease me while I'm so miserably tired usually I'd take you own buuuuutttttt my bed is calling me , and yes (╥﹏╥) I forgot my phone"
Bakugo: he smirked with a teasing tone "well it's not my fault you don't take a break from what I heard you've been working non stop why not take a break and visit me instead hmm"
Yn:"hmm don't know wouldn't sir hero be busy ?"
Bakugo: " I'd always make time for you sparks" he winked
Yn: "wow I haven't heard that name in so long" you laughed
You had been given that name on trip to the shrine on new years night when you accidentally set off the fire works at the entrance while trying to stay warm using your quirk to start a little fire.
The elevator opens
Bakugo: "well what it gonna be dinner with the number one pro hero or waste away by yourself sparks" he got off on your floor walking to your office you temporarily have for planning, you open the door and got your phone out your desk.
Yn: hmm it's pretty late and like I said boom boom guy im terribly tired so maybe some other time" you yawn
Bakugo: "hmm how about tomorrow?" He pulls out his phone for you to give him your number. "So you don't disappear like last time" he eyes you suspiciously.
Yn: you took his phone typing your number in " yeah yeah I won't disappear I was just busy last week" you srugged. " Tomorrow's fine but I won't be available until 9 I got to handle a girl's sweet sixteen and she's really picky and Im not exaggerating it's really bad she's such a brat but I just have to go along with it" you pinched the bridge of your nose and sighed
You and bakugo walk out his hero agency catching up a little
Bakugo:"you want a ride home?" He gestured to his car.
Yn:hmmm sure its just a few blocks from here I recently moved into a apartment for the while being " you got in the car
You and bakugo were in his car anlong with an awkward silence.
Bakugo's pov
It was middle school and everyone kept saying he could never be a hero more like a villan who'd what to be saved my someone like him which actually made him sad but he put up a wall so he couldn't get hurt until on day he met you, you were standing up for him
Yn: hey leave bakugo alone he'd make a great hero he can even be number 1 and I'd like to be saved my him rather than any of you jerks " you huffed and crossed your arms , intimidating mode on , glaring at them "hero's are supposed to make people feel safe and good and non of you are being anything like a hero for bringing down someone who isn't bad at all ,I won't come down to your level by saying you guys won't be good heros so just stop treating him like that" you said while activating your quirk moving water from the sink and hovering it above their heads. "Scram" you said while giving them a death glare.
Bakugo blinked thinking; what in the world why did she do that for me. Still staring at you in awe.you looked back at him which for some reason made his heart skip a beat.
Yn: "you okay?" Deactivating your quirk. "Don't take what they say to heart they just need someone to teach them a lesson" you said while cracking your nuckles . He noticed you had a bruise on your cheek
Bakugo: "what happened to your face?" He stepped closer to touch your cheek before he realized and stepped back with his face flushed red.
Yn: "got in a fight with a highscholler" you said nonchalantly
Bakugo looked at you and grabbed you wrist to drag you to the nurses office still trying to process how pretty he thought you were even if everyone thought you looked to boyish for a girl. You sat down in a chair and he stared wiping you bruise with a wet cloth .
Bakugo: " why did you do that for me earlier?" You looked at him
Yn: "become I think you're really cool and your quirk makes it 10 times better I still can't control fire and when those brats said those things about you I lost it" you said with your eyes sparking making bakugo's face turn red why he didn't quite understand.
Bakugo: "I'm convinced you never had it to begin with I mean who fights a highscholler and defends a kid they don't even know" you smiled making him gulp and blush again .
Yn: " those highschollers deserved it they were talking bull about my all might " you said while hitting your chest proudly "I did a good job two I gave one a bloody nose and the other a black eye not to mention soaked both " you said holding your stomach laughing.
Bakugo didn't know what to think you were pretty,fiesty,funny,caring and most of all were a all might fan to. He raised an eyebrow and said "what which punk talked shit about my favourite hero" now laughing to.
You two were practically inseperable now in UA and bakugo finally understood why he always felt so needy and possesive when he was around you he liked you but didn't know how to tell you and he was worried you didn't feel the same way so he didn't say anything in hopes you could keep your friendship . You both met and had a lot of other friends at UA now from kirishima,kaminari,sero,Ida,todoroki,mydoriya,shinso,ureraka,mineta,jiro and momo . It was his 3rd teary at UA new term now starting when UA was attacked by the league and a strong villan dabi and to his horror many of his friends were kidnapped and even worse you. Bakugo was hurting and a whole month had passed when fat gum and aizwa had rescued his friends and you from the league but when he finally got to see you his heart dropped. You were frantic clinging to fat gum who you had interned for begging him to get you out of here and when he tried to see you , you refused contact with anyone including him your longtime friend,he knew something had to have happened but he couldn't contact you he found out you had left to live with your grandmother and dropped out of UA when he tried to find out what happened fat gum had explained that you were tortured and wanted nothing to do with hero work anymore and that it would be better if he didn't see you.............he loved you and as much as he wanted to respect your decision he had to see you it had been a year until he found you and he was shocked . You had grown out your hear and he was a small time party planner,you looked happier and he over heard someone asking you about UA and if you had friends there then you said I don't like to talk about that and don't plan on doing it again in a serious tone and his heart sunk realising you probably didn't want to see him so just like that he went back home and worked hard to become what you thought he could be even tho he never spoke to you not ever letting you see his presence ,he was watching over you.
It had been 4 years when he became the number one pro hero and fat gum decided to plan his gala and surprised him with you planning it you had longer hair got a little taller and had the aura of a business woman with your black pencil skirt,purple blouse,black heals,long free hair and lip gloss along with your tablet in your left hand and that warm smile he loved ,over the years he'd always leave letters for you from a secret admirer so you wouldn't be reminded of what you wanted to forget tho he hadn't personally seen you In 4 years you looked absolutely stunning he talked to you for a bit trying to catch up but before he could ask to hang out you vanished. He had been leaving work on the way down to the first floor on the elevator when he saw you running for it and decided to go back up with you ,he wondered if you found anyone you liked and he missed you so he invited you to dinner tomorrow.
Back to the story ..😊
Bakugo broke the silence "so where do you wanna eat tomorrow" he said with a slight blush to his face .
Yn: "hmm don't know maybe some pizza like the old days" you said playfully thinking he'd say no
Bakugo: "okay do you wanna come over to my place or me to yours" he said already calling it that you thought he'd say no ,he smirked at you.
Yn: you really still can read me like a book huh?" Side glancing at him with a smile that had him week
Bakugo was red from the smell of your perfume and what smelled like lavender which he assumed it was your shampoo you had reached to your apartment building about to go in the building before he stopped you by grabbing your wrist slightly tugging you back, you looked at him confused seeing a slight pink on his face.
Bakugo: "you never answered yours or mines" pulling you in for a hug like old times he felt you hug him back and burry your face in the crook of his neck which had him giddy.
Yn: "hmm how bout mines boob boob man" smiling up at him ,his arms still wrapped around you ,your heart beat was already to fast and if possible it sped up even faster when he pulled you back into a hug holding you closer ,you blushed with your ears red as he pulled away .
Bakugo: "night sparks" he winked at you
You made your way to your apartment completely red ,you always loved bakugo and it hurt not to see him over the years but you didn't want him to see you weak and now you missed him even more you couldn't believe your feelings hadn't subsided over 6 damn years . You got ready for bed dreading the party you had to make sure was 'glitery perfect' as the 15 year old described just thinking about it gave you a migraine but atg the same time you couldn't wait for tomorrow to see bakugo. Your secret admirer hadn't been active for a while now but for some reason you couldn't help but miss him too .
You went to sleep
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