queenofdawson · 9 months
," the hen responded with slightly reddened cheeks, clearly not minding the image before her.
"And people say I'm beautiful..... You look.... Breathtaking, honeybee."
@askrossiel (Sorry my phone accidentally posted my draft by accident!)
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"Just as you asked, sweetling..."
"I..... Damn, I did not expect this, gorgeous
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queenofdawson · 9 months
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"Just as you asked, sweetling..."
"I..... Damn, I did not expect this, gorgeous
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queenofdawson · 9 months
Send in sexy pictures to my submit box, and see how my muse reacts.
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queenofdawson · 9 months
Yeah, sorry to disappoint kids, but I usually buy my own items, if I need anything. Still…. You didn’t have to get me anything, Sourdough…. It’s really sweet though!
Hannah: Uncle Scrooge what will you buy for Goldie for christmas?? ^w^
Gosalyn: And since you are my uncle now you should give me pocket money for christmas!
Gosalyn: What isn't that the truth that Uncle Scrooge is my uncle now??... -_-
Drake: He's only your uncle in law like for me....
Well lass I dinna really buy Goldie alot of stuff, mainly it's Gold or jewelry that I get her!
Gosalyn lass, of course ya can have some pocket money!
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queenofdawson · 9 months
Goldie had to take a moment to process this in her mind. Scrooge, stealing something? She couldn’t lie….. that did seem rather out of character to her. Not that she was one to judge, the great Ice Queen of Dawson had once lived a less than legal lifestyle in order to stay alive, but just like his mistake, that was a long time ago and time changed her.
“Scroogie…. I could never grow to hate you. Never have and never will,” the old hen whispered as she gently cupped her fiancé’s cheek and gave him a sympathetic smile.
“We all have times from our youth that we may not be the proudest of, but you know what? We grow from it, honey…. And I can see just how much you’ve changed since then. I’m sure we’ll find some way to conquer this together!”
“You did what?!”
(For 87 Scrooge, from @queenofdawson)
"Aye, you heard me Goldie," Scrooge said sadly. "It was the absolute lowest points of my life. But once I saw that precious jewel, The Eye of Tiurakh, I just had to have it for myself. Of course I negotiated with the chief to buy it, but he wouldn't sell to me so...I stole it. I muscled into the temple where they were keeping it, armed with a blowgun, and managed to knock out everyone on guard. Then I ran and fled the scene, but then they sent him after me."
"Who?" Gene asked.
"Bombie the Zombie. Anyway me sideburns were slicked back at the time at the time of the incident so when Bombie found me he was unable to recognize me with me sideburns sticking out. He's been after me for years and every time he sees me he's failed to recognize me. But now that you've cut off me sideburns he's bound to get me, after all these years."
"So Scooge steal jewel? No earn square?" said Bubba
Scrooge let out a heavy sigh.
"Perhaps I deserve what's coming to me. I'm sorry I got us all into this mess."
"No, you were a different drake back then, it's okay Unca Scrooge. Everyone changes and learns for their mistakes," Webby said holding his hand.
Scrooge smiled and looked to Goldie, hoping she would have a similarly forgiving attitude.
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queenofdawson · 9 months
REBLOG this if you guys are okay with doing Christmas themed threads AFTER Christmas!
The holidays can be a very stressful time for people - so it’s hard for them to sit down and write about Christmas in RP when they are stressing over it in REAL LIFE. So, just a little reminder that some people still want Christmas threads AFTER Christmas.
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queenofdawson · 10 months
I Was Young and Needed the Money starters
"I was young and needed the money, okay?" "I never talk about that phase of my career. Let's just say, I was desperate for cash and leave it at that." "Ugh, I took that gig because my bank account was in serious need of CPR." "I won't deny it; college loans were no joke, and I had bills to pay!" "Money was tight, alright?" "Yeah, I starred in it. Needed the money, and the costume was ridiculous." "It paid the bills, but I'd rather forget that phase of my life." "Don't judge; it was a living, and rent had to be paid." "Desperate times, my friend." "Not my proudest moment, but I was broke and chasing a dream." "Money talks, my friend. I took the chance, and now I cringe watching it." "Desperate times call for desperate measures, you know?" "Needed cash for rent and didn't think it would haunt me forever." "Regrettable, but bills were stacking up, and it seemed like easy money." "Not my proudest gig, but it kept the lights on when I needed it." "Laugh all you want; I was laughing my way to the bank." "My bank account thanked me even if my dignity didn't."
[AVOIDANCE] The sender subtly changes the topic whenever the receiver brings up their past. [DEPRECATE] The sender playfully mocks their own past, making light of their embarrassing gigs to ease the tension with the receiver. [SHARE] The sender shares insightful reflections on their past, providing the receiver with context and understanding about their journey.
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queenofdawson · 10 months
“That’d be me!”
(Sorry I’ve been busy lately! I’m back though!)
87 Scrooge: Would this fiancée be named Goldie by any chance?
"Yes it is."
((The Goldie account I was writing with where I established this hasn't been active in some time but I'm just keeping up the continuity anyway.))
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queenofdawson · 11 months
“Oh, like you haven’t done the same thing before. ‘I was busy with the company! I was busy in Peru finding a lost jewel and missed our anniversary!’ Something like that ringing any bells?” She raised an eyebrow with a smirk, gently kissing his cheek.
“Now…. When are you free, handsome?”
What da ye mean? I dinna have a girlfriend. Oh….. Ya dinna mean Goldie do ya? I havnae seen her fer ages, and we are definitely not dating!
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queenofdawson · 11 months
“Woooooow. A girl goes quiet for a bit because of life and work, and suddenly, she’s dead to the world…. And here I was going to give you some fun!” The hen smirked at him as she gently tapped the Richest Duck in the World’s beak.
“But if dinner isn’t your idea of fun, I’ll just find the nearest window and head out…”
What da ye mean? I dinna have a girlfriend. Oh….. Ya dinna mean Goldie do ya? I havnae seen her fer ages, and we are definitely not dating!
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queenofdawson · 11 months
“Sounds good to me, Mr Condor. Although I do admit I initially came to talk business with you today when our meeting starts…. It’s nice to see you’re a rather understanding guy. Again, my apologies about that nonsense, guess I’m just connecting the wrong signs at my age,” she laughed awkwardly, using her acting skills to brush it off for the time being. She was a little embarrassed, but better to use her excellent performances to be safe than sorry….
“I forget…. What kind of business do you run again? I’m so sorry for forgetting, it’s been one of those hectic weeks where I’m busy enough that it all melds together, and I don’t want to look more like a dumb blonde than I already have,” the hen sighed as she gently leaned against a wall and drank her own coffee. It seemed like a good opportunity as ever to get to know each other this fine morning…. Plus, seeing as she had accidentally forgotten what kind of company this was in her notes, she needed a small refresher…. Of course she had notes on what their proposed joint venture between their companies was, but somehow no mention of what this potential partnership.
“I must look like such a ninny, don’t I? A damn CEO and I forgot what your company does when I’m here on business….”
Goldie O Gilt was a lot of things, and skeptical was one of them. She had seen exactly what happened to Bradford Buzzard, but this? This was weird. This guy claimed his name was Collin, but she just couldn’t be sure stil….
“Alright, back it up. Tell me why Bradford made you again,” she sighed, sitting across from the so called clone.
Collin didn't expect to meet The Goldie O Gilt on his casual day out... But then again he always expects something unexpected to happen everyday so it doesn't count. Still it was interesting of her to just walk up to him and start chatting him up so casually, especially if she suspected him of being involved with Bradford.
At first he thought he could charm his way through the interaction. He greeted her with a smile and the same imitation southern accent he used on scrooge and his family to throw them off (although it's a little more refined this time).
"Well how'd ya' do, ma'am, I'm Collin, Collin Condor. It's a pleasure meetin' you."
He introduced himself with all the grace and manners befitting of someone as well dressed as he was (or at least as much as someone with a fake southern accent could muster) as he presented his business card to her. He even pulled the chair across from his own seat out for her to sit... He didn't think she'd take it but the offer was there.
Then she just straight up asked such a bold question unprompted, before actually taking the offered seat.
Despite actually being a clone of the old buzzard he's put himself through so much trouble changing his name, de-ageing himself, building up a new identity, new personality, new business– anything he could think of to claw his way out of that man's black-hole of a shadow and be seen as his own person. But apparently after all that, she could still see right through it all.
What she just said caused him to freeze up with that smile for a second. It took a conscious effort not to crush the coffee cup in his tightening grip.
How does one answer that?
Even with the little table between them acting as a barrier, he felt exposed. He still wasn't quite ready to drop the facade of ignorance on the subject. He kept the fained smile but added a hint of confusion with a slight cock of the head.
"I–I uh– what?" His accent cracking a bit.
"Why who 'made' me? I don't understand what you mean by that..."
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queenofdawson · 11 months
Send Smash or Pass + a name and my muse will say if they would smash or pass on that person.
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queenofdawson · 11 months
In my inbox, write a confession your muse want to tell my muse. The catch, my muse will forget what your muse said unless they say in the end “Remember it.”
Get something off your chest. It can be love, hate, revealing a secret, telling them a wish, dream, anything. Blow off some steam!
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queenofdawson · 11 months
Send 😺 for our muses to find a stray cat!
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queenofdawson · 11 months
Send me a scene that happened in canon and I’ll write in detail how my muse felt in it!
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queenofdawson · 11 months
Assorted Angst Prompts
because who doesn’t love a bit of angst? Send a symbol for our muses to be in the following situation. When sending to or from a multimuse, don’t forget to specify who the meme is for!
😭 my muse breaks down in front of yours
📞 my muse calls yours at an ungodly hour and asks to come over
🍺  my muse is using an unhealthy coping method (drugs, alcohol, etc, sender specifies) to alleviate their stresses or sorrows
🚪 my muse shows up at yours’ door looking less than stellar
🌙 our muses are exhausted and hopelessly lost
👊 my muse is getting into a fight with someone else and yours has to help them before they get hurt
🩸 my muse took a blow for yours and is bleeding (sender specifies how bad the wound is)
💀 my muse’s mortal enemy is after both our muses
🎯 my muse is being pursed by someone or something that wants to kill them and yours is caught in the crossfire
✨ magic or science your muse concocted for my muse is going horribly wrong
😫 my muse has woken up sweating and screaming after a nightmare and yours can’t console them
⚔ my muse has drawn their weapon (or raised their fists) on yours
⛓ my muse has been captured and is being forcibly taken away from yours
⌚ my muse is racing against the clock to save yours
📖 my muse discovers a dark secret about yours they didn’t want them to know
add 🔁 to any prompt above to reverse the roles of my muse and your muse!
+ add your own!
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queenofdawson · 11 months
Goldie chuckled with a playful eye roll at her lover’s antics, her amusement growing by the moment. First the phone, now a rat? Hopefully it wouldn’t go on for too long though…. She was a woman waited to be ravished, after all…..
😲 Smack my muse’s butt
*Scrooge reacts in surprise*
“…Goldie? Was that you?”
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