queenproserpina333 · 4 years
Rise of the Underworld
The last 10° of Capricorn are interesting, because here we see the 10° Decan of the Sun, 4° Bounds of Saturn and 4° Bounds of Mars, all within a sign ruled by Saturn. So you have our primary light source surrounded by ‘malefic’ influences.
Esoterically speaking Capricorn is about transcending the physical by going within, but through the lens of the mundane it inspires elevation through achievement by a determined and enduring application of practical actions towards our material surrounds.
In the chart below, we see the Sun at 27° Capricorn and Saturn at 23°. Both Saturn and the Sun have recently had an encounter with Pluto. The sun is our light and life, its joy creativity and accolades, Saturn is the density of the material, it’s hardship, restrictions and lessons- both planets relate to authority. Pluto is a planet of deep relentless transformation, the ultimate destruction for the purpose of regeneration. The combination bringing up some massive upheavals both in our physical environment and within the political arenas that govern us. The Sun below is receiving some strength to act in a solar manner via its position in its Decan, but Saturn still dominates being in its own sign and bounds- the changes that are made to the Solar activity are dictated by Saturn and the changes its recently experienced from Pluto. When I look at this image I see the Sun with Saturn acting as its poles above and below it.
I’ve actually written a post not long ago about Uranus, Neptune and Pluto being the Archons, and here you see even more deeply as to why.
In this particular chart the Sun is also Ruling the 10th house of politics, leaders, the public arena- its ruling high up in the sky where we all see and view. While Saturn is ruling the opposing place of the I.C and the ‘underworld’ as well as the third house where The Sun and Saturn reside. The third house is a house of ‘pagan’ rituals, communication and media, and the fourth is our ancestors, family, home and the very bowels of the earth itself.
Another interesting point here is the placement of Jupiter in conjunction with the South Node sitting in the second house only a few degrees from the third house cusp. The South Node contains the energy of Saturn and Mars and acts somewhat like the negative side of a magnet “sucking” up the energy that’s around it, and Jupiter is in its sign of fall, to the ancients the second house was known as the Gate of Hades, almost as though its literally being sucked down in to the underworld of physicality, its influence is the follow through to expand and grow from the recent destruction under the commands of the new regime that has been planted by these leaders.
All of these aspects give clues as to how these changes and the intentions of these planets are playing out. Recently we’ve had massive fires sweep the globe, there are volcanoes going off in some countries while in others the land is being prepared to be mined in some of the most sacred sites. Capricorn exalts Mars, who, in this chart not only rules over the Moon in her fall but also over the entire chart as Scorpio rules the ascendant. Mars has the power to take action being placed in the first house, through Mars the intentions of the leaders will be carried out, Mars in Sagittarius is wild and reckless just awaiting its opportunity to undertake the tasks set before it.
I think, perhaps the moon in in its fall in the 12th h may describe a great conscious sorrow that many of us are feeling to some degree.
I bet you know what I’m talking about..
I came across an image that a friend had shared that she took of the Sun, reminiscent of the Demiurge depicted by the Gnostics, almost like a physical, symbolism of these energies.
It will be very interesting to see what happens when Mars transits Capricorn..... might be worth while getting yourselves prepared for a potential violent uprising.
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queenproserpina333 · 4 years
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The Archangel Call
Archangel Michael,
Archangel Gabrielle,
Archangel Rapheal,
Archangel Ariel;
I call upon thee!
Oh please do heed my beckoning plea!
I speak for all of humanity.
Please do guide my humble hands,
Through the mud of bogs, and open grasslands.
Sharpen my mind with your sword,
Make your truth be my word,
Make your thoughts be my deeds,
Show me the ground to plant your seeds.
For it is true, there is no greater power, than; to how it is we spend our hour.
I believe, in the cosmic law of freedom.
True to justice, help us redeem some.
For love and compassion are essential to our domain,
To remain between the ethers is our fate that will remain.
Eyes upon the sky we eagerly await your arrival.
As we drill through your commands, we shall obtain our survival.
What ever it is we battle,
Who would ever know?
Maybe just ourselves in eternal to-and-fro.
Somewhere in the middle, help us balance out in harmony.
For ALL of the frequencies in the Solar System Symphony.
Let us find wisdom upon our brow,
For the knowledge of the sword, pick, axe and plough.
To imagine all the other must see, and mend all things through empathy.
To carry our brothers in our arms,
And carry our sisters as though they were stars.
Our children, as precious as the Sun.
I stand before you a humble womb-an, made but naught of flesh and bone.
As the blood of life that pulses through my veins, I call each one of you by name!
Be our shields and our protectors, be our beacon of light.
Stand firm beside us through the long, dark night...
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queenproserpina333 · 4 years
Little Star
She'll keep you up all night
Engulfed in her light
Bound by awe and wonder
Your soul will take flight
With just one sight
Seeking ever beyond yonder
Radiant beams of sparkle and glow
The effervescence of the show
An attraction increasing ever stronger
Prancing upon the tree tops
A dance that never stops
A beat, perfectly asunder
Our Goddess is she
Born of the sea
For which our hearts grow fonder
Great beauty of the East
Idol of the priest
Philosophies yet to ponder
Rise for us now
Resurrect the holy Cow
Bring truths' la profondeur
Oh morning star
We know who you are
Great daughter of the lightening and thunder!
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queenproserpina333 · 4 years
You Are..
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You Are..
Sometimes you just never know, just how far you can go.
Until a zephyr comes and lifts your sails, and grows with its power, escalating every hour, so the winds of fate can carry you away.
Upon the temultuous elevation, you begin to witness all creation, splayed out like a coloured palette.
Such a deep and stimulating sensation,
Everything in tessellation,
Colours blending like a tropical sunset.
Greens, yellows, blues and pinks, ever changing each time one blinks.
Pure mastery before your eyes
Uniting the earth with the skies.
Before you know you’ve come so far,
You no longer know where you are.
You barely remember where you’ve been,
Or how to relay the things you’ve seen....
...oh, but my! What you’ve become!
You burned even brighter than the magnificent Sun.
You sent your soul out into the night, and lit up the heavens with a dazzling bright light.
You leapt and you bound, you boldly took flight, bravely you embraced pursuing great heights.
Artfully ordained through intuitive insights.
You journeyed beyond all that you thought you knew.
Obtained another point of view.
Experiencing the most profound and inexplicable things. The wonders, the pleasures, the most beautiful songs to sing.
A great mystery to behold!
All that can be seen and felt!
It brings infinite stories to be told.
Cast upon a celestial belt.
You bring us light, you bring us beauty. You shine with all the majesty you are! You shower us with honour, morals and duty.
.... love and divine life akin to a shooting star.
Aquarius New Moon
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queenproserpina333 · 4 years
Rise of the Underworld
The last 10° of Capricorn are interesting, because here we see the 10° Decan of the Sun, 4° Bounds of Saturn and 4° Bounds of Mars, all within a sign ruled by Saturn. So you have our primary light source surrounded by ‘malefic’ influences.
Esoterically speaking Capricorn is about transcending the physical by going within, but through the lens of the mundane it inspires elevation through achievement by a determined and enduring application of practical actions towards our material surrounds.
In the chart below, we see the Sun at 27° Capricorn and Saturn at 23°. Both Saturn and the Sun have recently had an encounter with Pluto. The sun is our light and life, its joy creativity and accolades, Saturn is the density of the material, it’s hardship, restrictions and lessons- both planets relate to authority. Pluto is a planet of deep relentless transformation, the ultimate destruction for the purpose of regeneration. The combination bringing up some massive upheavals both in our physical environment and within the political arenas that govern us. The Sun below is receiving some strength to act in a solar manner via its position in its Decan, but Saturn still dominates being in its own sign and bounds- the changes that are made to the Solar activity are dictated by Saturn and the changes its recently experienced from Pluto. When I look at this image I see the Sun with Saturn acting as its poles above and below it.
I’ve actually written a post not long ago about Uranus, Neptune and Pluto being the Archons, and here you see even more deeply as to why.
In this particular chart the Sun is also Ruling the 10th house of politics, leaders, the public arena- its ruling high up in the sky where we all see and view. While Saturn is ruling the opposing place of the I.C and the ‘underworld’ as well as the third house where The Sun and Saturn reside. The third house is a house of ‘pagan’ rituals, communication and media, and the fourth is our ancestors, family, home and the very bowels of the earth itself.
Another interesting point here is the placement of Jupiter in conjunction with the South Node sitting in the second house only a few degrees from the third house cusp. The South Node contains the energy of Saturn and Mars and acts somewhat like the negative side of a magnet “sucking” up the energy that’s around it, and Jupiter is in its sign of fall, to the ancients the second house was known as the Gate of Hades, almost as though its literally being sucked down in to the underworld of physicality, its influence is the follow through to expand and grow from the recent destruction under the commands of the new regime that has been planted by these leaders.
All of these aspects give clues as to how these changes and the intentions of these planets are playing out. Recently we’ve had massive fires sweep the globe, there are volcanoes going off in some countries while in others the land is being prepared to be mined in some of the most sacred sites. Capricorn exalts Mars, who, in this chart not only rules over the Moon in her fall but also over the entire chart as Scorpio rules the ascendant. Mars has the power to take action being placed in the first house, through Mars the intentions of the leaders will be carried out, Mars in Sagittarius is wild and reckless just awaiting its opportunity to undertake the tasks set before it.
I think, perhaps the moon in in its fall in the 12th h may describe a great conscious sorrow that many of us are feeling to some degree.
I bet you know what I’m talking about..
I came across an image that a friend had shared that she took of the Sun, reminiscent of the Demiurge depicted by the Gnostics, almost like a physical, symbolism of these energies.
It will be very interesting to see what happens when Mars transits Capricorn..... might be worth while getting yourselves prepared for a potential violent uprising.
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queenproserpina333 · 4 years
The Nine Bodies of the Soul
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As apart of the religious texts of Ancient Egypt, it was believed that the living soul was compromised of Nine “bodies”. These nine bodies made it possible to invoke a creatures life force into a statue or other inanimate object, allowing one to obtain the powers of that creature.
The Egyptians believed in apparitions and ghosts which was possible due to the “ka and Khu” bodies. The Egyptians used the different levels of body to communicate with the dead, have out of body experiences, assume other creatures powers, and enjoy a range of other extra sensory abilities and magical practices.
The nine bodies consist of;
The Khat~ the natural body; which is described as something that is able to decay- the physical body. Funeral ceremonies on the day of burial have the power to change Khat into Sahu, the spiritual body. Egyptians believed in life eternal, the after life and resurrection, because even though the body is given to the earth the soul resides in heaven.
The Sahu~ the spiritual body; it describes the physical body that has obtained some level knowledge, power and glory. The Khat evolves thereby into Sahu which is everlasting and incorruptible. The Sahu has the ability to communicate to the soul, when the physical body transcends into Sahu it ascends into heaven to be with the Gods.
The Ab~ the heart body: the heart. Considered the core of power of life, it houses the abstract personality, or the characteristic attributes of a person. It is the instrument of good and evil thoughts. This body can move freely by separating itself from, or uniting with, the physical body at will. It also enjoys life with the gods in heaven.
The Ka~ the double body; literally describes “double” of image and genius. Considered a copy of the physical body, the Ka was offered meat, wine and other delicacies at funeral ceremonies to sustain it after physical death. The Ka dwelt within the deceased’s statue, just as the Ka of a deity dwells within its statue. Someone who wished to communicate with the deceased read a message or left written messages of papyrus in the tomb. Since the Ka lived within, it could observe them.
The Ba~ the soul body; translates roughly to “sublime” or “noble”. The ba dwells in the ka. It continue to possess both substance and form after death. It is depicted as a human headed hawk but it’s nature is ethereal. The ba can revisit the body in the tomb, re-animate it, and converse with it. It can take any shape desired and passes into heaven to dwell eternally with other perfect souls. Like the ka, ba needs food and drink to sustain itself.
The Khaibit~ the shadow body; is the shadow of the human that connects with the ka and ba as they ingest funeral offerings and visit the tomb at will. The Khaibit is associated with the soul, because it is believed to always be near it. The Egyptians considered it part of the human economy, it has an independent existence and is able to seperate from the body and move as it pleases.
The Khu~ the spirit body: means translucent or shining and indicates the intangible casing of the body. It can be compared to the aura. The Khu represents intelligence, but in many hieroglyphic texts, it is spoken of as what we understand to be the spirit. The Khus of the gods reside in heaven, human khus, during funeral ceremonies are surrounded by of the gods and assisted to heaven. A special magical formula prepared by priests allowed the deceased to pass from the tomb into the realm of the gods.
The Sekhem~ the form body: represents the form of power of a man or a woman. The word is associated with the soul and Khu. At death, the Sekhem is called to come among the khus in heaven. It represents the power of an individual that can be built up and directed in magic.
The Ren~ the name body; it describes the name by which the deceased was called in heaven. Egyptians believed that great power resides in words and names. They believed the gods knew the name of the deceased. The name of a person, deity, or creature was considered sacred and never changing.
Humans and other creatures thus consisted of a physical body, a spiritual body, a heart, a double, a soul, a shadow, an intelligence/intangible ethereal casing, a form and a name. All of these bodies were bound together and the welfare of one concerned the welfare of all.
Excerpt from;
“Ancient Egyptian Divination and Magic”- Eleanor Harris
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queenproserpina333 · 5 years
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My Rendition of Proserpina, Goddess and Queen of the Underworld, Diviner, medium to the dead and Lover to the God of the Underworld
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