queenteen-lowkey · 4 years
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queenteen-lowkey · 4 years
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» Haikyuu!! chapter 378: 『The Final Boss』
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queenteen-lowkey · 5 years
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So like… Cinderella (1950), huh?
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queenteen-lowkey · 5 years
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The usual Council meeting.
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queenteen-lowkey · 5 years
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Leaked post-credit scene from the Loki series finale.
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queenteen-lowkey · 5 years
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Muriel animated anyone?
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queenteen-lowkey · 5 years
for the last 2+ weeks, the Amazon has been catching fire. Yes, it’s the season where that’s normal but because of the sayings (aka incentive) of our new president, some farmers are taking advantage of that and intentionally setting the trees on fire. Yesterday, because of this, the sky of São Paulo looked like this. AT THREE IN THE AFTERNOON.
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Hospitals of the northern states are filling up with people (especially children and seniors) claiming they can’t breathe properly. ALREADY ENDANGERED ANIMALS ARE DYING. THIS IS SERIOUS.
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Germany and Norway, huge donators to the Amazon cause will stop sending money because they don’t see results (that can also be credited to our president, who has been tweeting angrily ever since - not because he cares about the environment, btw). That money gives this guy and his team equipment to save little guys like these:
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THIS AFFECTS EVERYONE, NOT JUST BRAZILIANS. The Amazon is the largest rainforest in the world, and it’s being destroyed. WE HAVE TO DO SOMETHING.
If your country is holding elections, vote for someone who cares about this. Don’t let another Bolsonaro or another Trump have the power to do something and then do nothing. This is going to shape our future — if we have one.
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edit: I’m sorry if it sounded like I’m blaming Europe. I’m not. It’s our own government’s fault (Bolsonaro merged the agriculture and environmental ministries when he was elected, for God’s sake) and I’m really sorry if I offended anyone, I was just angry. Please don’t let that be the only thing you take away from this post.
edit 2: a lot of people have been mad at me about the half sentence I made about Trump. I’m sorry for it not being clear enough, but I never intended to put the blame on him also. I merely used him as an exemple of a politician who does not do much for the environment in general. In fact, since Bolsonaro is constantly sucking up to him, he offered to help, wich I am very grateful for. Again, I ask of you to not let this be the only thing you take away from the post.
Update: GUYS FRANCE JUST CALLED FOR AN EMERGENCY G7 MEETING TO RESOLVE THIS. I’M SO GLAD!! Let’s hope they get together to like punch our president or something...
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queenteen-lowkey · 5 years
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queenteen-lowkey · 5 years
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Design based on acrylic charms by @frothystars
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queenteen-lowkey · 5 years
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Ok so I literally could NOT decide on a font and I’m basic and use MS paint for dialogue so once I did decide on a font it was too late to change it
Anyways I’m done with Mermaid AU for a bit, Book 6 coming up next 😶
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queenteen-lowkey · 5 years
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A moodboard for doctor jules
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queenteen-lowkey · 5 years
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awwwww :’(
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queenteen-lowkey · 5 years
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queenteen-lowkey · 5 years
Main 6 - Love Language
Asra - Quality Time
They will take time for you every day, just to be with you properly. They will make your favorite tea and gently led you upstairs to unwind in bed and cuddle. Faust will curl around both of your arms and nap. If you want to talk they will tell you story's from their travels, mentioning things that reminded them of you today. Of cause he will ask about your day everytime and listen closely what you have to say. If you don't want to talk they will just enjoy your presence, softly letting their hand brush over your skin and admire you. In this moments nothing could wipe away the soft open smile from their lips.
Nadia - Words of Affirmation and Gift giving.
This woman has a way with words. You've seen her taken nobles apart with just a sentence and have them thank her for it. Imagine you feeling down or insecure. She will stop whatever she's doing and asking you what's wrong. Her duties can wait. With a soft smile and the smoothest voice she will tell you everything she loves about you. Everything that makes you so very special and deserving of the world.
Of cause she gifts you with a slot of things all the time. You look at a dress/shirt for a second longer then the others? It's yours. You liked that pretty trinket down the alley? You got it. But listen she's so very talented. Sometimes when she's particularly busy you will find something she made herself for you a while ago on your bedside table to remind you that however busy she is, you are always on her mind.
Julian - Word of Affirmation
Listen this man can talk for hours without repeating himself once. You need to unwind because someone really struck a nerve? Boy he's all in for the gossip and making fun of them untill he hears your beautiful laugh again. When you have trouble falling asleep or wake up from a nightmare he will sing the sweetest Lovesong or Lullaby in a deep husky voice, using the lyric to tell you how much he loves you. But when you doubt his love or feel unworthy of it he will tell you what he thought when he first meet you. How his heart nearly jumped out of his chest the first time you kissed. By the end you probably are both crying and hugging and telling each other how much you love each other. He will always listen to what you have to say, trying to really understand what you're feeling.
Portia- Physical Touch
She's not a shy woman. Prepare to get kissed, hugged, petted - the whole deal. Each and every day. When she's busy in the palace she will make sure to kiss your cheek as the bustles by. When you feel uncomfortable she will gently take your hand and kiss her way up to your face. Nose kisses all the way. Whenever you so much as get glossy eyes she will be there instandly and pull you close to her heart. Stroking through your hair and humming a pretty song that's been stuck in her head all day. With her you will never feel alone again.
Muriel - Quality Time and Acts of Service
One of his favorite things to do is to get a nice fire going and make yourselves conftable infront of it. He will often widdle while you're doing your own hobby. Just embracing each other's presence and the safety of the hut. If you're feeling chatty he will listen to you talk, giving little signs that he's listening, sometimes even ask something if he's particularly interested. You catch him once or twice looking at you with this soft lovestuck expressionwhen he thinks you're too emerged in what you're doing. A little smile on his lips.
He will go out of his way to do little things for you. A piece of furniture is broken on your shop? He'll fix it for you without being asked. It will just be there, whole again. You need some herbs for the shop but are to busy with customers? He's already out in the woods in the rainy weather collecting them for you. Of cause he never so much as utters a word about it and when you thank him for it he will blush and tell you that he doesn't know what you're talking about. It's adorable, really.
Lucio- Giving Gifts and Physical Contact
He's the Count. Don't expect to pay for anything, ever again. You already got a new bracelet last week. "It's out of style and my little dove deserves only the best of the best." You will have anything you want. And probably somethings you didn't even thought about ever wanting in your life. You still don't. But he's trying so hard in his own way, so you wear it out once and let it disappear. Far far away.
This man is touchstarved. And jealous af. He will have a arm around your waist, your hip, a hand on the small of your back, anything while being together with him. When you're out in public he makes sure everybody get the message that you're taken. Dramatically dipping you low and kissing your brains out in the middle of the market when you're feeling like your not good enough? Absolutely. In private it's a little different. When you're really upset about something he'll be a little helpless at first. What is he supposed to do? Oh God you don't stop crying! He will drape his cape around your shoulders and very carefully embrace you in his arms. He'll tuck your head under his shin and draw patterns on your back. Kissing your head every so often.
This was a thing I had stuck in my head for ages! I hope you enjoyed it! Feel free to ask for headcanons, scenarios whatever strikes you!
Pls note that English is not my first language, so there may be a lot of mistakes.
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queenteen-lowkey · 6 years
happy th
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queenteen-lowkey · 6 years
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Loki in fur #2
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queenteen-lowkey · 6 years
Loki: is that my helmet
You, wearing his helmet and taking pictures : uh no
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