Just a short post on Helluva Boss
This is about just one character, and I feel like I’mma get brainrot over it if I don’t share it somewhere. What if...
Stolas is asexual. He’s sex-favourable/sex-positive, and definitely enjoys it, but he doesn’t feel sexual attraction to anyone. He’s homoromantic, although he only figured that out after he had already gotten married, and that’s a big part of why their relationship didn’t work. He clearly genuinely loves Blitz, as we can see at the end of the latest episode. When he was really being genuine, what he asked for was talking, hanging out, cuddling. I’m not by any means saying this is canon, it’s just a headcanon that’s been buzzing around my head ever since I watched the Ozzie’s episode :)
Small addition, he didn’t know what asexuality was until his daughter Octavia came out to him. When he looked into it, he found out he was asexual too :)
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Naruto (Part 1 - Team 7)
Man, I’ve got strong opinions on some of these *cough* Kakashi *cough*, but some of the others I’m flexible about. It depends on the story you’re telling with the character. These are the ones I have for the canon/near canon of the Naruto show itself (incl. Shippuden, but not Boruto). Here goes... something:
Naruto Uzumaki gives off so much bi energy, with the way he falls hard for both Sakura and later Sasuke as well. He’s a cis boy who uses he/him pronouns, and wouldn’t realise you were talking about him if you used any others. He’s biromantic and demisexual (asexual until he has a deeper emotional connection with someone). He’s also definitely an ADHD kid, and would have been diagnosed rather quickly if he’d tried at any point. His mind jumps from topic to topic, and can’t concentrate on anything if he’s not hyperfixated on it at the moment.
Sasuke Uchiha is very much gay. He is so gay, extremely gay. The gayest. At no point does he show any kind of attraction towards Sakura, or any other woman, but Naruto on the other hand. It’s obvious that he cares, but he doesn’t want to care. He’s probably demiromantic and demisexual, since it took him having an emotional connection with Naruto before he actually fell for him. He’s a cis man who uses he/they pronouns, not really caring which people use more. There is a chance he is autistic or OCD, given his obsessiveness in hunting down Itachi, but I haven’t thought about that one enough to really be sure in any way.
Sakura Haruno is probably bi, with a preference towards men. She seems to be greyromantic bisexual, and fell for Sasuke immediately. It took her a while longer to fall for Naruto, and she didn’t realise that what she felt for Ino was a crush until they were already very close. She could be read as either cis or trans, but honestly I see her as a cis woman most of the time. Definitely she/her pronouns and would get angry at anyone who got it wrong (which probably wouldn’t happen unless she was trans).
Kakashi Hatake. Oh boi do I have a lot to say about Kakashi. He’s my favourite character in the whole show, and the only reason I kept watching in the first place, so there’s definitely some projecting going on here. First and foremost, Kakashi is aromantic and asexual. At no point in the show has he shown romantic or sexual interest in anyone. By the end of it they are one of the few people who doesn’t have a love interest whatsoever, and that is perfect for them. They’re a good example of the fact that aroace people can still enjoy sexual media, although I’m quite certain he reads Icha-Icha for the plot (why else would spoilers bother them so much?). Next up, gender~ Kakashi is transmasc (afab) and bigender, fluctuating between male and agender. They use he/they pronouns, although which they prefer over the other fluctuates between the two depending on which of them he’s feeling at the moment. Kakashi being transmasc is barely disproven by canon (only two filler episodes show him shirtless, other than that he is always wearing his ‘binder’) and some moments definitely feel like they’re feeding the headcanon. Kakashi is autistic. He isn’t good at social interactions, and he’s bad at showing his emotions correctly. The mask is likely to block smells so he doesn’t get overstimulated as easily. Their extremely quick progression through the ranks shows that their special interests are likely fighting-based. A lot of autistic people hold rules in extremely high regard, as we see young Kakashi doing. Him joining the ANBU was likely a way to find strict routine, and it’s once again evident that he’s extremely dedicated to it. Once he found the Icha Icha series, that became one of his special interests. Later we can see that he’s always late, because his routine of visiting the memorial stone is extremely important to him. Also his dogs! They’re his comfort animals, and Pakkun especially seems like he knows how to calm him down when he’s stressed. It’s quite probable that Kakashi is ADHD as well. Their mind works fast, but they often seem to get distracted by their own thoughts, and unless there’s a fight or something going on he always seems to be lost in thought (or Icha-Icha, if he’s reading).
As you can see, long post. I had a lot to say and now I’ve said it, thank you for reading if you bothered at all! 
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the Marauders (Harry Potter (books only))
This is a difficult one, mostly because I’ve seen so many people’s different headcanons and I’m a little sad that I disagree with so many of them. I don’t dislike people just for having different headcanons, it’s just that it makes it difficult to find fanfics and such that include my headcanons, if you get what I mean. Anyways, here goes:
James Potter is the group’s comfort cishet. He uses he/him pronouns, but doesn’t care if you mess up and call him something else. He might be cishet, but he’s not completely allo! He’s both demiromantic and demisexual. He doesn’t develop crushes easily, but as proven by Lily, when he falls, he falls hard. The bigger they are, the harder they fall, or something like that. He may or may not have ADHD, but was never diagnosed as he presents it in the more inattentive type. Both him and Sirius have really good memory, which lead them to be referred to as ‘the brightest in their year’. They didn’t pay much attention in class, or study much, but they did enough that their good memory did most of the work.
Sirius Black gives off the biggest pan-energy to me. He’s probably a gender-non-conforming cis man, who let his hair grow out to annoy his parents. For the same reason, he uses he/it pronouns, not letting his pureblood family’s attempts to hurt him get to him. It actually enjoys using it/its pronouns sometimes. He is a demiromantic pansexual, and had a massive crush on Remus for years without realising it (mostly due to the homophobia of the time period, he didn’t realise what he was feeling was attraction until quite a bit later). Even once he realised what it was, he didn’t say anything to anyone, until he got out of Azkaban and finally got the courage to say something to Remus. James had noticed long before, and tried several times to subtly coax it out of him. Sirius is ADHD, much like James he is also undiagnosed, but for different reasons. While he is more outwardly hyperactive, there was no way his parents would let any doctor say there was something ‘wrong with him’. He didn’t bother getting a diagnosis later in life because he thought it’d be too much effort.
Remus Lupin is the character I probably projected on way too much, but I don’t care because everything I’ve projected onto them feels right. Remus is non-binary (amab), and uses they/he pronouns (although they prefer they/them, they’re not at all offended by people who use he/him for them all the time). They’re a bi-oriented aroace, and felt queerplatonic attraction towards Sirius, although it only really started once they got closer, and he didn’t even acknowledge it to himself until after Sirius had been put in Azkaban. When Sirius admitted his crush to them, Remus was scared to hurt his feelings by rejecting him. Sirius took Remus’s coming out pretty well, and eventually they decided to try a queerplatonic relationship. It worked out very well, and lasted until Sirius’s death, which Remus took a lot harder than he let on (very few people knew about their relationship, so they weren’t sure it was safe to show their pain as openly). I could write a whole post about Remus’s relationship with Tonks, so if you’re interested please say so. Even during my first read of HP, I felt that Remus was autistic-coded. Maybe it was too subtle for most people to see, or maybe it wasn’t there at all and I’m projecting, but to me they’re definitely autistic. They had to try a lot harder than Sirius and James when it came to getting good grades, and they most certainly did. Remus put the most effort into his studies out of all the Marauders (heck, out of all the Gryffindors in general?) and was aptly labelled a bookworm. He was almost always open to helping others study, which is how he became close friends with Lily, and her friends. They hung out more with Lily’s friend group near the beginning of their time at Hogwarts, before the Marauders really became a thing. I could write a lot more about Remus, but this is already a frighteningly long paragraph... tell me if you want more.
Peter Pettigrew is surprisingly similar to James when it comes to my queer headcanons. He’s a cis man, and uses he/him pronouns. He’s heteroromantic and greysexual. I don’t have much for him, I’ll be completely honest. I don’t think about him a lot. I just know that the way he was raised and the different people (dark wizards mostly) he interacted with influenced him a lot, and he could have gone a completely different path if circumstances had been different (like if there hadn’t been a war going on).
So that’s it, a surprisingly long post for 4 people. I might do other Harry Potter characters later, but these were some of the ones I was most opinionated about, so I wanted to put it out there.
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Phineas & Ferb (part 1)
Honestly I don’t have much for the kids. We spend a lot of time with them, but that time is spent having fun, not necessarily establishing relationships (on a more than platonic level). Anyways, this post contains the most important (to me) members of the Flynn-Fletcher family. Not all of these are completely sure, but here goes:
Phineas Flynn is a cis boy who prefers he/him pronouns but isn’t offended if you use any other pronouns for him, he doesn’t particularly care. He’s still questioning his sexuality, but so far he thinks he’s asexual greyromantic. That might fluctuate as he grows up. He is definitely ADHD as well, and his hyperfixations change through the episodes, although they always centre around building something big and eye-catching.
Ferb Fletcher is an amab demiboy, who uses he/they pronouns. He likes people using the pronouns interchangeably, and doesn’t like when people misgender them. He’s asexual and biromantic, although he isn’t interested in actually having any romantic relationships. Ferb is a semi-verbal autistic person, whose special interest is engineering. They use sign language to communicate when they can’t speak, although around Phineas he doesn’t need to, since his brother can read his body language well enough to understand what he’s thinking.
Candace Flynn is a transgirl, who uses she/her pronouns (although she’s alright with they/them and fae/faer as well, but she/her feels most gender-affirming). She is heteroromantic and demisexual. Just like her youngest brother, she’s ADHD (it runs in the family, their mom likely has it as well but isn’t diagnosed). It’s very likely she has OCD as well, since the routine of busting her brothers is so important to her that she feels like something terrible would happen if she didn’t try to bust them.
Perry the Platypus is an intersex platypus (as proven by canon?). He doesn’t care much about pronouns (bc he’s a platypus) but if they had the choice they’d probably choose he/they pronouns. He’s aroace (also partially canon). He’s best friends with Doof. If animals could be autistic then Perry probably would be. He’s sentient so I suppose he still can be? (headcanons for platypus!Perry are hard). He’s very much attached to the routine he and Doof have, and it makes them happy.
Perry Flynn-Fletcher (human!Perry) is an intersex nonbinary person who uses he/they pronouns (he does still consider himself trans). He’s a queer-oriented aromantic asexual (queerplatonic attraction to masc-presenting people). Him and Doof have a relationship that blurs the line between platonic and romantic, although they just tell other people they’re best friends (or more often, colleagues). Perry is autistic and mostly non-verbal, using sign-language to communicate outside of the rare moments when they can actually use their voice. Even when they can they still often prefer not to. Their special interest is martial arts, which is a big part of why he enjoys being a secret agent.
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I just need a pinned post explaining this blog haha.
Hi guys I have so many headcanons I want to share many of the fandoms are very obscure. Also I would like to note this is all my opinion, so don’t get mad at me if you disagree. I’m happy to note that some of these headcanons are actually canon, but I’ll still label them as headcanons. I might make multiple posts about the same characters because I have a lot to say and a lot of posts is more fun than just one. It’d be hard to explain in just one post anyways.
Feel free to ask me about any of your favourite characters, and what headcanons I might have for them!
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