Welp, bye bye tumblr you garbage pile.
You've been trash since yahoo bought you, and their staff is shit. So I'm out.
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ATTENTION: TO ANY TRANS PEOPLE/ANYONE PURCHASING THESE PRODUCTS.(including cis people who purchase for trans partners or family.)
This asshole is the owner of FTMconnect. He scams people and is a racist asshole. If you are purchasing any products off FTMconnect please stop. Youre only putting money in this piece of shits pockets. Do not fund this asshole. Do not buy from his website. He attacks BLM and supports white supremecy. Not to mention(again) he rips people off often when buying from his website. Stop buying from him. Stop supporting him. He is shit.
Service announcment over.
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not to be harry potter on main but i honestly think the fantastic beasts series would have been so much more interesting if it was just about the beasts. i don’t give a fuck about grindelwald, just give me a movie about an eccentric wizard travelling the world looking for magical animals and teaching us the power of friendship
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NOTE: because there will always be dickish ppl. SOME HUMAN BEINGS cant get flu shots. Why? Because many flu shots are made with eggs, and some human beings are allergic to eggs. That's why nurses ask if you have an egg allergy before administering a flu shot.
If you’re polyamorous, you should get a flu shot.
Influenza isn’t an STI, but it can be spread through close personal contact, including sex, cuddling, hugging, kissing and holding hands, all of which put you either in contact with bodily fluids or in your partners’ “spray zone” from coughs/sneezes/etc. And if you have three partners, and each of them have 2-5 partners, and so on, one infection can turn into an epidemic.
Some people are unable to take a flu shot, or are particularly susceptible to flu infections/complications. Protect yourself. Protect your partners. Protect their partners.
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Elim Garak, a plain simple tailor.
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I still can’t stress this enough how the last sentence in the movie where Eddie asks Venom what did he want to do now and Venom answers “We can do whatever we want” was changed in polish dub to “Whatever you want, you’re my soulmate after all”
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Listen. Read. Educate yourselves. If you are unaware, fix that. Do not be complicit in the societal and legal oppression of transgender Americans.
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im so thankful for Christine Sydelko speaking out about this and being a positive fat idol
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Dear People Who Smoke
I don’t know if you have considered this but stop smoking in areas where people are forced to wait at. Don’t smoke at crosswalks. Don’t smoke outside doorways. Don’t smoke at bus stops. People with asthma or other breathing conditions or people that idk DON’T WANT TO BREATHE IN YOUR CIGARETTE SMOKE are trying to get to places and need to be able to breathe. Stop smoking in crowded areas. stop smoking in crowded areas. STOP FORCING NONSMOKERS TO SECOND HAND SMOKE. 
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Without Me |Venom| amv
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Straight men have probably had way more semen on themselves than straight women.
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I’m so, so tired of having a movie Batman that kills people. At least with Bale/the Christopher Nolan movies the enemies could all plausibly have lived, but Keaton and Affleck just murder dudes all the time. We get way more bat-killing on-screen than we do in the comics or even the Arkham games. And if he kills in the comics it’s either in a dark alternate universe or an older issue that can be written off as a writer mishandling him.
I’m also sick and tired of people thinking that all he does to fight crime is put on a bat costume, so the next time they adapt him for screen I want to see a blatant emphasis on 0 killing and for the story’s plot to involve the Wayne Foundation trying to make major improvements to Gotham’s welfare and infrastructure. These are important tenets of the character and they keep getting glossed over for casual viewers. Please fix movie Batman.
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Can you imagine how horrible it must be for Bruce to resemble his father? 
When he was born, it was the only thing anyone could say to Martha. 
”He looks just like Thomas!” “Just like his father!” “He’s going to be so handsome!”
And the Waynes are thrilled. Bruce has his father’s features, his mother’s gentle touch. The famous dark hair of the Wayne line, the strong jaw, the intense stare, even at six. 
And then he’s eight. His parents are gone, nothing but formal portraits and photographs to remember his father by. Except–
Except he’s eighteen, looking in the mirror, wishing he could tear it down, break it into a million pieces. Because suddenly Thomas Wayne is looking at him and he’s frozen, unable to breathe. 
After that, it’s something he hears daily. There are side by side photographs in the newspapers and magazines, marveling at the similarities. Watching him.  
There are pictures of Thomas laughing, an arm around Martha’s waist as they walk down a street in New York, her shoes dangling from his fingers. Photos of Thomas with a white coat on, his face drawn, leaning over a bed in Gotham General. 
At thirty, the likeness is eerie. He is broad shoulders and dark hair and a proud face that he turns away from cameras, biting his tongue until he draws blood. 
He is nothing like Thomas Wayne–could never be like him, as much as he’d tried. But there is still a brief hesitation in Alfred’s eyes when he walks into a room–the pause of someone seeing ghosts, again and again. 
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When one of your pets is gross, but you love him anyway. From a great distance.
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What she says: I’m okay
What she means: I just wanted to see the scene where Eddie realized that Venom was still alive, why did those cowards skip over it
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IMPORTANT! Gravy Train Dog Food was had a recall.
The food was tainted with and contains euthanasia. 
Source: (x)
A bunch of dogs, including my own, eat Gravy Train. It’s a very affordable wet canned dog food, so many people buy it. and my dog has to eat it because she’s lost most of her teeth and can’t chew.
Even if you don’t have a dog, your followers probably do, and plenty of them are at risk. You could save a life.
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