You’re telling me a shrimp fried this rice??
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I have cooked a lot and not updated this blog, I gave up on the vegetarian thing.
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Was on an asparagus thing for a minute!
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Black bean burgers were an accomplishment tbh
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I didn’t make these, lobster roll, shrimp roll, scallop roll
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Amazing tacos, nothing fancy
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You already what that is aaaand last one
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Pan fried gnocchi oh wait one more from way back
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Tofu dumplings home made dough and everything baby
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Lo Mein
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Tonight we made Veggie Lo Mein with broccoli, carrots, shiitake mushrooms, and a bunch of other stuff. It’s definitely not authentic at all but more an adaption of take out food with veggies. Honestly not sure about the shiitake mushrooms I bought, might try something different like dried mushrooms next time. Would probably do a few thing differently like add sugar/ginger/sesame oil. Also my chopping skills are shit. Maya chopped the carrots which are great.
For breakfast I got a maple scone from a bakery and I didn’t take a picture but it was amazing. Had a classic egg taco for lunch.
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So today I repeated the chili quesadilla and it was significantly less good on a taste level but it was super filling.
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I’ve also been living off almond butter this week, no complaints.
The masterpiece of the evening was broccoli Alfredo with cauliflower gnocchi.
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So today I made use of my leftover chili by putting some on top of a quesadilla. Honestly these food photos are decidedly not aesthetic but I kind of enjoy the antithetical aesthetic like sure there’s plants in the background and some soft daylight but the chili and unmelted cheese and chunk of sour cream don’t look great. It tasted great I assure you.
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I mean the cheese isn’t melted here but it did melt. I didn’t take a picture of everything after I had mixed it all together (which is how I ate it on top of the quesadilla like a pizza slice). The salsa is Pepita salsa which was one of my finer spontaneous purchases.
I still have a decent amount of chili and some tortillas left so I could do this again tomorrow, so maybe I’ll be posting more of this anti aesthetic Mexican fare.
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Chill Chili
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Tonight I made a very easy basic chili with black and kidney beans, quinoa, and zucchini. I don’t know how I feel about the tri-color quinoa, kinda tastes like sand lmfao but it’s fine once it’s in the chili. I realized that the quinoa kinda gives it the look and texture of having ground beef or turkey in there.
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I know, my knife skills are shit. I wasn’t even that hungry by the time I made it so just had a tiny bit and saved the rest.
I worked out today, I decided Monday’s will be a designates rest day, so yesterday I took a day to a recoop and today did some back & biceps.
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a meditation
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So today I made protein pancakes. I'm not sure how they differ from regular pancakes except they called for egg whites and non fat greek yogurt which I subbed for Siggi's which I think is not Greek yogurt because it is from Iceland and apparently yogurts have nationalities.
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Anyways this yogurt has a shit ton of protein (16g). It gave a sort creamy texture + yogurt flavor to the pancakes which was subtle and nice. When it was all said and done these pancakes were like any other pancake although they were not very sweet, probably because it was a “healthy” recipe which didn’t call for any sugar. I almost added a spoonful of brown sugar but decided against it. Anyway, once I covered them in almond butter and maple syrup, they were were good and filling. 
I had two pancakes in front of my laptop for breakfast, then I made myself an uninspired egg white omelette, and I learned something. I went with egg whites because I bought a carton for the pancakes and generally egg whites have less fat and calories than the yolk, however they are devoid of all flavor. To make up for it I loaded it up with red pepper, onion, kale, and some spices. Did this egg white omelette taste good? No, not particularly. Did it have an enjoyable texture? Quite the opposite actually. But did I get some veggies and protein into my system? I sure as hell did. The lesson? I need one egg yolk to make it worth my while or else I’ll be having a lot of sad omelettes. I am not afraid of fat or calories, I just figure if I can avoid them without enduring too much pain then why not. Pure eggs whites are too much pain. 
Here’s what I looked like today
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The duo (The models of the red tower), 1915, Giorgio de Chirico
Medium: oil,canvas
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That's my ship!
Hi Jean, hope you get this message.
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My First Post
I am not a chef or a critic.
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Harlequin, 1918, Pablo Picasso
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Portrait of Nusch Éluard, 1937, Pablo Picasso
Medium: oil,canvas
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