do you think the 11th doctor loved river
this blog has not been active for like three years now
oh my god please tell me how you found this blog after all this time
i (sven) used to rp the 11th doctor and im not in contact with any of the other members anymore (except claire aka clara) and im the only one left on the blog to leave it online lmao
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questionsforthetardis · 10 years
Doctor! I have always wondered this! What is your favourite colour?
This has been dead for like a century.
Who even has this link.
I'm so confused.
~9's Mun
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questionsforthetardis · 10 years
Tenth doctor is my favorite. You is so funny, and you also sound scotish! Yay ten!
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questionsforthetardis · 11 years
Is this blog still active?
We haven’t done anything with it for a very long time, and considering most of its roleplayers left, there most likely will not be anything happening in the forseeable future. ~9’s Mun 
We did say that we were all busy, and that we were willing to give people permission to roleplay on this blog as our characters, seeing as we are not doing it anymore. -10's mun
My name is Evan, by the way. I, damnitdarvill along with gallifreysongs, obsessingabouteverything, werevolfs and salysparow were the main roleplayers. We still upkeep our fandom blogs.
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questionsforthetardis · 11 years
Hello everyone! Since the original Potato Pancakes crew has mostly disbanded with only the Ninth Doctor being active (I think), I’ve decided to accept applications for all other characters. Fanmail the following to apply:
OOC stuff: Name: Age: Time Zone: Character RPing: Why this character?…
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questionsforthetardis · 11 years
yes, ten will also be open. I have been terribly busy and I don't think I can handle doing this too. - Ten's mun
Hello everyone! Since the original Potato Pancakes crew has mostly disbanded with only the Ninth Doctor being active (I think), I’ve decided to accept applications for all other characters. Fanmail the following to apply:
OOC stuff: Name: Age: Time Zone: Character RPing: Why this character?…
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questionsforthetardis · 11 years
Hello everyone! Since the original Potato Pancakes crew has mostly disbanded with only the Ninth Doctor being active (I think), I’ve decided to accept applications for all other characters. Fanmail the following to apply:
OOC stuff: Name: Age: Time Zone: Character RPing: Why this character?...
I mean mun sorry! College is messing with my brain. And yes you can apply for eleven too. ~Eleven's mun
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questionsforthetardis · 11 years
Applications Open!
Hello everyone! Since the original Potato Pancakes crew has mostly disbanded with only the Ninth Doctor being active (I think), I've decided to accept applications for all other characters. Fanmail the following to apply:
OOC stuff: Name: Age: Time Zone: Character RPing: Why this character? How do you relate to them?: Tumblr(s): IC stuff:
Answer these questions IC:
(Both Doctor and Companion:) Why do you travel so much? (Doctors Only:) What do you think of your current regeneration? (Companions Only:) What give up your personal life and travel with the Doctor?
Note that there are a few questions in our inbox that you need to publish the answers to if you are selected. Also this is kinda first come, first served basis if you fit the criteria.
~Eleven's mum
Since when is Eleven's mother posting here? ~9's Mun
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questionsforthetardis · 11 years
Since I’m like 25 away from 400, I’m doing a promo.
Mbf meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
REBLOGS ONLY NO LIKES or you get eaten
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Must reach 25 notes
I love you. And cake.
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questionsforthetardis · 11 years
Ten do you miss Gallifrey?
Gallifrey is still my home. I will always long for it, but I can’t return. And that does hurt. Losing your home.
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questionsforthetardis · 11 years
Eleven, is it alright if I ask for a hug?
((The mun couldn’t find any Eleven hugging GIFs, sorry. ~Eleven’s mun))
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questionsforthetardis · 11 years
Hi... got another sciencey question for ya ;) What would the mass of the TARDIS be-- would it be the mass of the infinite interior, or the approximate mass of the exterior material generated by the chameleon circuit? I mean, the latter seems more accurate, because the TARDIS has been carried around before (mostly thinking of the Marshmen here), and also the interior isn't exactly on the same plane of reality but the exterior is, so... I dunno.
Finally, a human who can put his money where his mouth is! It is the mass of the exterior material generated by the chameleon circuit. For example, take the series Harry Potter. Oh, I love the books. The ending is spectacular. Back on track, in the 7th book, the character Hermione, brilliant she is, used a charm to extend the inside of her bag to fit many items within it, including a large portrait and stacks of books. However, she was able to carry it around, because she only carried the weight of the rather light exterior handbag. Same logic with the TARDIS. If I was able to make it look like a 1967 Cheverolet Impala, it would weigh and look the same as a normal 1967 Impala. The weight of the inside and outside are too variables. I hope I answered your question, because I’m not explaining again. Pfft. ~9th Doctor.
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questionsforthetardis · 11 years
Doctor, what do you do when you're not adventuring?
What do you mean not adventuring? I’m always adventuring. There’s so many times and places to visit. But if you meant to ask about what I do when I’m not travelling, well, I sometimes like to sit in that comfy chair in the console room and read. But that’s an adventure too, mind you because even stories take you places in your imagination. Sometimes, I like to wander around my TARDIS and take a swim or see what new rooms she has designed for me. ~Eleven
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questionsforthetardis · 11 years
((I'm sorta enjoying the sciencey questions. Thanks you anons! And BRING IT ON! ~Eleven's mum))
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questionsforthetardis · 11 years
Hello, Doctor! I was wondering something sciencey... In what ways are warp matrix engineering superior to tachyon manipulation when it comes to time travel?
Well as you know, technology was quite advanced on Gallifery. Tachyon manipulation is a primitive means of time travel that was abandoned when we developed warp matrix engineering. And that was long long ago when we Time Lords were at the beginning of our civilization.
Tachycons are particles that travel faster than light. So basically, what you do isn’t exactly ’time travel’ through the vortex, it’s just exploiting the tachycons to move through time. Wrap Matrix engineering relies on travel through the time vortex and using space-time energy itself for moving through time. It’s a more reliable, energy efficient and versatile means of time travel.
I hope this answered your question! Not many people are interested in details and I quite enjoy explaining them. ~Eleven 
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questionsforthetardis · 11 years
How does the TARDIS manipulate its interior, e.g., traveling from point A down one hallway and arriving at point A again at the other end of the hallway? Does it, like, tear holes in the fabric of spacetime or something?
I’m not exactly sure what you mean, but if you mean like the time I journeyed with Clara to the center of the TARDIS and she kept looping us back to the console room, then okay. It’s not exactly ‘tearing holes’ in the fabric of space time. Well the interior of the TARDIS is infinite so you can sort of consider it as a bubble universe, but not exactly. If we use this analogy, the corridors are sorta wormholes which just loop back to where we started. The TARDIS has a consciousness of it’s own, so it can manipulate those ‘wormholes’ to lead us where we want. ~Eleven
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questionsforthetardis · 11 years
Ninth Doctor- Why did you pick Rose?
I didn’t exactly pick her. Do you think the TARDIS has some sort of Global Tracking System that shows me the world, and I thought, hmm, maybe this one would do to travel across the universe with and endanger her life. Cause that happens. She was there, I took a shine to her, the end.
~9th Doctor
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