quincyspride-blog · 9 years
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quincyspride-blog · 9 years
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quincyspride-blog · 9 years
Knowing how utterly persistent Mercer is, he certainly would not accept no as a viable answer. That being taken into a blink of consideration, the Quincy archer thinks to at least protest, if not decline such a generous offer outright. To simply accept help was never ingrained in his teachings. Although... there is no seen qualm in utilizing this to the benefit of their situation.
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-- ❝ Ah, if you absolutely insist.. I had planned on a visit to the fabric store should you wish to accompany me.
      “ – Yeah. I’m sorry about it. I grabbed it with - claws.                    I’m usually more careful. Wasn’t thinking.”        He usually is more precise with his abilities but had been out of it and realized quickly how easily and cleanly a BLADED finger had slid through it before he slowly, gingerly pulled it off and groaned at himself. 
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        “I won’t let it happen again. I’ll actually go out and buy you anything you want or need - and don’t decline. I have no use for money and I happen to have a lot in different places from old mischief.” Alex moves the blanket off his lap and nudges it to Uryū, where it’s probably in SAFER hands after all.
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quincyspride-blog · 9 years
                                                                       A l o n e .
                                                          Yes, that’s the key word,                                              the most awful word in the English tongue.
                              [ Murder ] doesn’t hold a candle to it                                                                               and {hell} is only a poor synonym.
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quincyspride-blog · 9 years
-- ❝ Ah, if you haven’t any then it hardly matters.
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Refusing to further divulge, he simply folds arms behind his back to continue onlooking this rather.. disastrous display of wardrobe choice.
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               Buttons? Artemus blinked in confusion, wondering what exactly this guy was trying to get at now. Was he actually considering giving advice about his wardrobe choice? He figured it couldn’t be too bad to…go along with whatever this was.
                             “Uh, no,” the phone said, “Why?”
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quincyspride-blog · 9 years
Hardly presumptuous. Quite tactful, really. Gaze immediate lifts to that dress, fingertips lighting playing at torn edge. Lips purse for some few passing moments before sliding the garment into his lap and offering proposal.
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-- ❝ It would seem the tear is beyond simple mending alone. However, I am quite capable of tailoring this dress, although it may slightly differ from the original design. 
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             “ If you’re sure about that… ah, yeah, actually. ” Her bag slides from her shoulder, and she fumbles with the contents before finding the dress and holding it out towards him. Hopefully the fact that she had it with her wasn’t presumptuous. “ Uh…do you think you can do anything with it? ” 
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quincyspride-blog · 9 years
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"Prinz Von Licht" ♔ Prince of light.
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quincyspride-blog · 9 years
-- ❝ I am a Quincy. As such, white is in our tradition.
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“What’s with the all-white outfit?”
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quincyspride-blog · 9 years
Therein explains his woes. By mere speculation alone it is ascertained overall length of such garment likely caused him to fall in the first place. Lips purse, gloved extremities testing white flimsiness between them.
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-- ❝ Now then, I will need to take measurements if I am to do this properly.
Cue happy giggles and bouncing in place stumbling a little. “Yay sew-sama… Uwwewu!” Is grinning. “I fall an’ loo’ at my knee.” Pulls up the much too long garmet and blood had dried all the way down his leg.
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quincyspride-blog · 9 years
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quincyspride-blog · 9 years
Tiny fear tugs. "Sew-sama?" His uniform his absolutely filthy uniform that he had been dragging around all day was gross. "Can you ma'e me small uni...uni... tiny ou'fi'?"
He dignifies such childlike wonder with a sense of his own. It seems `the fear` has undoubtedly shrunk and become something adorable in size.
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– ❝ Uniform. Yes, I believe I certainly can.
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quincyspride-blog · 9 years
Hello !! -- Just wanted to drop by to say that i can hear Uryu's voice in your dialogue and that's vastly impressive. Keep it up !!
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oh my, how utterly sweet of you. messages such as these absolutely brighten my day. thank you so very much!
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quincyspride-blog · 9 years
Bleach 543: Letters 
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quincyspride-blog · 9 years
-- ❝ The mere fact that you would even think me capable of such deplorable acts is, in itself, insulting. 
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Much less insinuate such.
He is unsurprised as far as such boldness in all of it’s most forward gesture truly goes. Never has he been graced with an Arrancar enlightened by proper etiquette, after all.
                ☩ Cirucci sensed the gravity of his stern appearance. Uryu was serious about his comment. And while she appreciated it, the woman really could take care of herself. ❝Well, if you’re just saying that so I’ll stay by your side during this fight then fine. I won’t run off. Happy now?❞
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quincyspride-blog · 9 years
Upon being pulled from memory's bittersweet reverie, the Quincy archer mulls such a proposition over in his own silence; the ongoing battle of raging questions still yet without answers to call their own within. Now then, in rather focusing his efforts with what is tangible, gaze turns downward towards that quilt where brows then crease inquisitively as patience becomes him, awaiting affirmation. He will need to assess the tear before any such mending can be done.
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-- ❝ I am well assured by the sincerity of your words. Now, as for your quilt. May I?
      Mercer’s usual stern façade drops for a moment and there’s still a  wrinkle between his brows, looking a little remorseful at the news. “I’m sorry  for your loss. I’m sure - you would have made them proud, I think.” The virus  isn’t helpful and has trouble consoling his own GRIEF and loss. 
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    The virus’ gaze heads to his lap he continues a low rumble while examining  the creases in his hands upon his quilt. Which he is too RELUCTANT to  admit may have been torn again.
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quincyspride-blog · 9 years
I’m sorry, but I don’t want to die yet. My arrow will reach you… long before you can release a fatal amount of poison.
Ishida Uryuu (via shinigamiquotes)
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quincyspride-blog · 9 years
-- ❝ While I appreciate the generosity of your offer, payment is unnecessary. Time is not the issue, but rather the damage. Depending on the severity of this supposed tear it may very well require much more than a simple fix, in the worst case; a new dress entirely. That being said, would you happen to have this dress with you, by chance?
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             “ Right! Um, well, see. I got this dress recently, right? But I just noticed there’s this huge tear down the side of it. And someone told me you’re really good at fixing these sorts of things? If you don’t have the time or anything it’s fine, but um…I can…pay you? If you want? ”
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