quinnterestingsims · 1 year
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And of course we can't forget mommy Lilith
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quinnterestingsims · 1 year
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redoing Caleb Vatore is my guilty pleasure
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quinnterestingsims · 1 year
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So I'm editing this random townie right and I was like man he looks familiar
why is this man Jimin lmaoo
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quinnterestingsims · 1 year
it’s crazy how i don’t know what any of you do for school/uni/work? who are you guys outside of tumblr? what do you work as?? 
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quinnterestingsims · 1 year
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I haven't played sims in so long but I love this girly I made and soon she will have a little one!
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quinnterestingsims · 2 years
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quinnterestingsims · 2 years
hey um
so outside of sims I do crochet and you can find my stuff here: https://www.etsy.com/shop/quinnbeecrochet
I've been having a blast and would love suggestions on what I should offer!
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quinnterestingsims · 2 years
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quinnterestingsims · 2 years
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EA has went and updated their statement saying that Early Access for a reasonable amount of time is permitted
I'm assuming they mean the 2 week period that they had stated before
Which I think is good! The people who need the extra monetary support can do so as long as they adhere to the policy and don't "forget" to release their cc. I never minded early access too much, I would take the post and queue it to post on the day the cc released to remind myself of it.
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quinnterestingsims · 2 years
Hey guys! I’ve been getting a lot of messages about the recent EA announcement to the community. Given their decision on having all CC/Mods made entirely available to the public for The Sims 4, I’ve decided to follow their wishes. All of my Patreon content is now accessible for everyone to download. I believe this is the right step going forward and I encourage other creators to do the same!
I’ve been wanting to do this for a while now, but always been worried about the outcome, so this is really tough for me. You being my Patron is what allows me to continue creating and support me & my art, so I truly hope you guys can keep doing that, no matter this decision. 💖
Thank you, for everything, really! 🥹 See you in September with some brand new stuff ♥
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quinnterestingsims · 2 years
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Sad news, friends... you can get banned for fuckin
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quinnterestingsims · 2 years
On monetizing mods:
The pushback I’m seeing against EA’s no-paywalling policy is honestly…bizarre to me?
I’ve played a lot of games, but The Sims is the only one I’ve played that let other people profit off their IP. Imagine trying to monetize fanworks from any other game without the IP holder getting a cut of the profits… Bethesda? Rockstar? Blizzard? Nintendo? I’m sorry, but EA was being generous by allowing people to make money off their game assets in the first place. Other gaming companies would have just sued.
(** Any company would have a problem, not just games–imagine if EA was Disney. You can’t put so much as a Mickey Mouse silhouette on something and sell it without getting hit with a prompt cease-and-desist.)
I’m not sure if people are being purposely obtuse or if they really just don’t understand how IP laws (or user agreement contracts, which everyone who downloaded the game agreed to) work. “Don’t sell someone else’s intellectual property for a living” feels like a statement that shouldn’t need to be made. Whether you like EA as a company or not, IP laws either matter or they don’t–you can’t pick and choose when laws apply based on how you feel about the IP holder, or how much you think you deserve that money more.
It just doesn’t work like that. It never has.
As far as how this all affects the community…again: other games just don’t have this problem, so I’m not understanding the issue. Banning paywalled mods won’t hurt the community in the slightest. Skyrim modders consistently put out professional quality mods for free, because that’s just…how it is in other gaming communities? They make mods because they love the game. This monetization issue doesn’t exist for other games in the same capacity as it does for The Sims. (And even for Sims, it didn’t used to be this bad.)
In summary: EA’s newest policy update isn’t a shock, nor is it any kind of betrayal of the community. It’s just basic IP law and common sense/decency. 🤷
I understand people feel entitled to compensation for their work, but that just doesn’t apply to fanworks, and it never has. This is the wrong creative outlet for you if your primary goal is profit, in the same way fanfiction would be wrong for you. If you want to make money off making 3D models, you are perfectly free to do so on any number of sites created specifically for that. (TurboSquid, CGTrader, etc.) The Sims isn’t the place for it. Sorry.
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quinnterestingsims · 2 years
Also side note - I wish simblr was this active normally. I miss when everyone was creating and sharing and I could refresh for hours with new things to interact with and now that only happens when there is strife in the community.
I used to feel a fondness that just isn't really here anymore
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quinnterestingsims · 2 years
People on simblr never cease to amaze me with their audacity
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quinnterestingsims · 2 years
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So far these are the blogs that are straight refusing to follow the new policy ea put in place. Early access is no longer allowed, if their content is uploaded before the 2 to 3 week release is up, then they have no room to complain or retaliate. They’ve already been/warned told. We tried to give all of you the 2 to 3 week release but to many of you weren’t even following that anymore. I won’t be surprised if some of them go back to their old ways and make stuff exclusive again..idk we shall see.
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quinnterestingsims · 2 years
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This is my position on the new EA policy! https://www.patreon.com/posts/important-notice-69850325
Until EA makes a clear stance on allowing early access, I will release my content completely for free!
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quinnterestingsims · 2 years
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Molly and Mei Prescott
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