quintondupont · 3 years
“You might belong in Hufflepuff, Where they are just and loyal, Those patient Hufflepuffs are true, And unafraid of toil.”
That’s what the sorting hat says anyway. I think I embody a lot of those traits. I am hardworking, and I like to think I’m loyal. I’m sorry your parents put you through that. Maybe you can host next time and make the holiday what you want it to be. Oh my god, they love being grandparents. They love having little babies and kids around. I hope they don’t rush you and your sister into that. As for me, I’m perfectly content just being Aunt Tali. I don’t want kids. I love them, but I don’t want any of my own.
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Just from talking with you, I believe that would suit you well. It’s alright. It gets to be annoying but I can deal with it, most of the time. Oh, no, I’d rather host social gatherings with...non-familiy members, unless it’s just my sister. Hah, that sounds about right though. You sound like you’re a good aunt. I don’t think I’d be a very good father either. If it happened, I would do my best, but I don’t know that I’d actively pursue fatherhood. Certainly not anytime soon. I love my career and freedom and truthfully, children tie you down.
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quintondupont · 3 years
Ha! Always. I will always keep trying. It’s the Hufflepuff in me. It was definitely nice. Hopefully you restrict your guest list next time. It’s always best to just be around people you like. Mhm. I have a lot of siblings, so having nieces and nephews just comes with the territory. They’re the best. I love being an aunt. They definitely speak their mind, but I like that about them.
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Remind me again what the qualities of a Hufflepuff are? Oh I’d love nothing more, but my parents have arranged that for the holiday. How many siblings do you have? I’d bet your parents are excited about being grandparents too, yes? My parents talk about grandchildren from time to time, even though they’re fully aware that neither my sister nor I are anywhere near that sort of situation happening for them.
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quintondupont · 3 years
I am not one to give up. I’m sure it will one day. If I use store-bought crust, it’s okay. But I want it all from scratch. Not my home in New York. My parents’ home in Baltimore. I’m not that good of a host. My apartment is far too tiny for that, too. I’m glad your holiday went okay. What would you have done differently to make it better? I love any holiday. So it was a good time for me. And I got to see my little nieces and nephews.
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Haha well I appreciate you having a standard and persistence. Oh I see, but still it’s nice you guys were all able to get together and have a good time. If I had done anything differently, I think I would have rescinded the invitation to extended family and just had my immediate family and myself get together. It would have been far more enjoyable. Ah, you’ve got little ones in your family? That must make things entertaining. Kids are the best critics sometimes. They haven’t learned or acquired a filter.
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quintondupont · 3 years
Yeah, I don’t know what happens. Maybe I knead the dough too long, or maybe I don’t chill it enough. But the dough always fails me. At least I can manage the filling. My holiday was great. I’m glad to be back in the city, though. My house got a bit crowded. The hockey game was amazing. They won, which is always way more fun. How was the holiday for you?
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At least you’ve given it multiple tries. Maybe one day it’ll come together. Oh, everyone came to your home? Wow, well kudos to you for hosting for the holidays, and it’s good to hear you had a good time at the hockey game. A win certainly helps haha. My holiday was better than I anticipated, which still was not great but I know it could have been far, far worse. The food and my sister’s company helped a great deal. I’m planning to travel for the next holidays. What about you?
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quintondupont · 3 years
Test Subject | Zelda & Quinton
“Of course I am. This is the one time in my life that I’ll be able to do something like this,” Zelda said, opening up her notebook to the first blank page, before rolling her eyes at him. While she hadn’t been out of the game that long, part of her had always felt she had never truly been in it to begin with. “But I think that first we need to figure out your baselines. Like how fast you can run, how much you can lift, how high you can jump, those sorts of things.” 
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Quinton let out a chuckle that was mostly lacking in mirth. But he let her amusement of the situation roll off of him for the time being, or as much as he could. “Well... I don’t know how we’re gonna be able to measure my speed but I guess I could see how far I can jump with a little bit of a running start and measure the distance?” He shrugged, steadily backing up to one end of the room’s length. He’d already stretched and was ready to give it a go, running straight ahead. Once he gained some solid momentum, he launched himself like a long jumper, sailing high, far and fast. For a couple of seconds, he felt the freedom of soaring without suspension but he quickly became aware that the space they were in wasn’t long enough to accommodate the full capability of his jump. Thankfully he was already descending and managed to come back to the ground, tucking his chin to his chest and rolling a few times across the floor. He finally came to a halt just a couple of feet in front of the opposite wall, rising back to his feet and then turned back to Zelda. “Well, that was....something.”
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quintondupont · 3 years
I’m sure you’ll be able to find it somewhere without it. Or you can just have someone bake it for you? Don’t ask me, though. I can’t bake pie to save my life. Cookies, cakes, brownies? Yes. But not pie for whatever reason. Haha yes, they’re a hockey team. Won the Stanley Cup several years ago. It’s going to be a blast. I love going to games. My dad and I get really into it. I hope you have fun with your family. Hopefully it isn’t too dramatic.
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Probably. But I’m in the same boat when it comes to baking pie. Or baking in general, if I’m being honest. That’s interesting that you have a knack for baking other sweets though. What happens when you try at pies? How was your holiday? Was the hockey game as much fun as you anticipated?
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quintondupont · 3 years
He deserves to hear it one more time! That’s fair. It’s better when it’s made without molasses for that reason. I’m going home to Baltimore for a long weekend. And I’m going to catch a Capitals game with my dad. I fully expect my voice to be gone from yelling and cheering so much. What are you doing for the holiday?
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Then I’ll make sure he does, especially on this matter. Hmm...well, whenever it’s been given to me to try, it’s always been with molasses because the people who’ve made it said the opposite. But maybe I’ll be willing to try it without it sometime. The Capitals...hockey, right? Sorry to say I’m not very familiar with the sport but it sounds like it’s going to be fun for the two of you haha. I’ll be at my parents’ house with my sister, her girlfriend and probably a few extended relatives who only come around during the holidays and like to try and stir up drama.
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quintondupont · 3 years
That’s weird. You can tell your colleague that a random person he’s never met thinks he’s strange. Honestly, that makes sense. Because Thanksgiving desserts are superior to almost any other desserts. Who doesn’t want massive slices of pie? Pumpkin, apple, pecan? All of the above, please.
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Hah! I will be sure to pass that on. I’ve told him he’s wrong. Multiple times, actually. I do like the pies. Pecan’s my least favorite, mostly because the molasses makes it a little too dense for me, but I’ll save room for a good slice of pumpkin or apple. Or both. How are you spending the holiday this year?
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quintondupont · 3 years
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The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air | S04E09
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quintondupont · 3 years
Liking the same sides is definitely a good reason for that! Oh yes! It’s wonderful and both sweet and tart. It’s the perfect side to cut through all the savory choices. Plus, you couldn’t have a Bobby at Caprioti’s - or a homemade version - without cranberry sauce. It is totally necessary.
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I couldn’t have said it better myself. I think my colleague’s just terrible about indulging in well-rounded meals and almost exclusively favors savory. He has a weird attitude about desserts at Thanksgiving as well, but frankly, I think he just didn’t get enough cuddles as a baby or something. It’s the only explanation I can reconcile with.
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quintondupont · 3 years
Test Subject | Zelda & Quinton
Was it right that she had dressed up as a scientist for this? Probably not. 
Was it freaking hilarious and appropriate? Absolutely. 
So Zelda walked in, looking as professional as she possibly could (which she had to admit really wasn’t all that professional to begin with) holding her notebook, ready to take notes. And add them to the wall she had devoted on her bedroom wall to all of this. “Hey, how are you?” she smiled at Quinton, “I love the outfit. Though do me a favor and don’t tell me how much it cost, I have hit the point I get sticker shock over rich people clothes now.” 
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Quinton had just placed his duffle bag in one of the corners when Zelda arrived. “Hey, I’m alr--” he cut himself off, or rather, the sight of Zelda’s outfit cut him off. “...Really?” he asked, his face lacking all amusement. “You’re milking this for all it’s worth. I just know it. Your clothes say as much.” He blew out a sigh at her and then looked down at his own attire, and then back up to her with a lazy smirk. “Oh please, you haven’t been out of the world of the rich for that long,” Quinton insisted with a roll of his eyes. “And you know I don’t really have a reason to price drop with you anyway.” Giving a small shrug, he said, “Okay, so... what exactly are we supposed to do to test...whatever this is out?”
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quintondupont · 3 years
Green bean casserole is disgusting. I love cranberry sauce. My mom makes it from scratch. It’s better than anything you can get in a can.
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Thank you. I knew we clicked for a reason. Homemade cranberry sauce is wonderful for providing a sweet and savory combination at Thanksgiving, but my colleague insists that it’s nothing but sweet garbage that doesn’t belong anywhere on the table at Thanksgiving.
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quintondupont · 3 years
Alright, I’ve had a debate with a colleague of mine and have decided to extend the debate here: when it comes to Thanksgiving staples, which one’s the least favorite? Green bean casserole or cranberry sauce?
Help me settle this debate once and for all.
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quintondupont · 3 years
“It’s just common sense and good business,” Luis shrugged, not needing the man’s opinion. Really the fact that someone with as big of a business as Quinton’s complimenting him was in fact a big deal, but acting like that was something that Luis was sure would go to the other man’s ego. And it was large enough as it was. “But luckily we live in the City so for as many charity cases, we have as many funerals on the stranger side, so it keeps me on my toes.” 
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“Believe me, common sense isn’t so common,” Quinton countered good-naturedly. He’d dealt with enough people from day to day for a large part of his life to know there really wasn’t such a thing as common sense. “That’s good though that you’re without a dull moment in your line of work. Admittedly, I would’ve initially thought the opposite.”
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quintondupont · 3 years
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Outfit for: Test Subject
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quintondupont · 3 years
Test Subject | Zelda & Quinton
Why had Quinton agreed to this? OF course he knew he reason. He was at least somewhat curious about what he knew was unusual about him. He’d known for years but deliberately chose not to say anything to anyone, up until recently when it couldn’t be helped. And frankly, after having a full day of no memories, his concern about the things he could do, and whatever it was that he became, had grown significantly more serious.
Now dressed down in gym attire, he was standing in a property he’d recently purchased. The sound-proofing was easy enough to manage having install, and he hadn’t hired anyone to rig the space with security cameras yet. AS far as he knew, this was all he and Zelda would need for this...experiment. He’d brought a couple of free weights in a gym bag that he’d easily slung over his shoulder, and he’d had some room-darkening curtains hung over the widow, but otherwise, the industrial looking space seemed good enough. Having already text Zelda the address and a time to meet, all he had left to do now was sit and anxiously wait for his friend.
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quintondupont · 3 years
“Third-person space RPG, but there is some shooting elements to it when it comes to fighting aliens, so I can see the confusion,” Zelda admitted, “And then Witcher 3 is the last one to come out, but there’s people out there STILL discovering new content six years later. Witcher 4 apparently is still rumored to happen, but who knows when that will be. But we need to get you a Switch and at least get you to play Animal Crossing - it’d be good for your work stress levels.” 
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“So I was incredibly off,” he admitted, adding a small chuckle. “But it sounds interesting. I guess it just goes to show that I need to allow myself to re-visit some of my old down time hobbies.” His then brows raised a bit, “I’ve heard a little about Animal Crossing but I don’t know enough to have been drawn to its appeal.”
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