quirkystories · 4 years
Imagine: When they have a crush...PART 2
Contains: yandere content, unhealthy relationships, obsession, volatile behavior, mild nsfw content.
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Dabi – Dabi will be immediately aware of his attraction. He will act pretty much immediately as well – on instinct. He’s not the type to beat around the bush. Dabi will let his eyes wander to the object of his desire, looking them up and down, his cold blue gaze roaming freely over their body and making his admiration known. He will offer a suggestive smirk. Dabi will not hesitate to make eye contact if the opportunity allows.
He will make conversation in his gravelly, drawling voice and blatantly flirt, throwing in some none too subtle innuendos into the exchange. Dabi doesn’t over think, he acts and does what he wants, consequences be damned. It would be far easier for him to pursue a villain; it would be even easier if they’re a member of the League. If his interest happens to be a hero, well – he would certainly get a sick thrill out of the chase. If his crush is a hero, for Dabi they will become something to be conquered. If his unwitting crush just happens to be an ordinary, everyday civilian, they will be relentlessly pursued by a sadistic, wildly entertained Dabi.
Dabi initially believes that his attraction is mainly physical – even primal. Sure, maybe he likes this person’s feisty nature, but there’s no way it could be anything deeper than that. Dabi’s never considered taking part in actual romantic relationships. He’s no stranger to physical relationships, sexual desires, and casual one night stands. But that’s just what it’s always been to him – casual, no romantic bullshit, no attachments. Not only does he naturally not entertain these ideas, but he’s a wanted villain – it’s not like he has time for any of that shit. That may be a reason why he’s always subconsciously denied any romantic entanglements. 
But then again, he’s seldom come across anyone who has ignited such emotions in him. It’s always been physical for Dabi, an itch that needed to be scratched and then done with.
As time goes on, Dabi may start getting an inkling that there could be more to his attraction than just physical desire. Sure, he would love to get this person into bed, but he can’t help but be nagged by the thought that there could be more to what he’s feeling. He hates the possible notion but can’t keep fighting it for long, because when Dabi gets attached – he gets attached. 
Perhaps there is a possibility that he appreciates this person being a deep thinker, admiring their ability to dissect people and situations, and enjoying the fact that they’re able to see deeper into Dabi himself as a person. Perhaps Dabi likes that his crush is clever and an adept strategist. Maybe he likes how they’re such a passionate individual. Maybe...Maybe there is more to his feelings than simply wanting to have them in his bed. Maybe he desires more, like possibly having the freedom to wrap his arms around them and bury his nose into their hair and relish in their scent. Maybe he does desire that effortless connection with someone else, where they can just talk and lie around naked in his sheets, caressing each other’s skin with casual touches that don’t hold any ulterior motives.
As his feelings build in fervour and passion, Dabi feels a strange new thrill. It’s something he’s never truly experienced after all; these feelings, he never thought he would encounter them. But now that he has, he’s addicted. He wants to keep this person close. They’re always on his mind. Any free moment he has is spent tracking them down and spending time with them, whatever the circumstances may be. He keeps the existence of this person a firm secret from the League – they’re his secret, his own little piece of excitement, and the last thing he needs is frigging Shigaraki butting in and making snarky comments about Dabi having a crush. Dabi’s pretty sure Shigaraki’s never even touched a girl’s hand with two of his dry, shrivelled up fingertips.
If Dabi felt as if he was truly falling for a hero, he may feel oddly bitter about it. But a situation like that would have its own appeal for him. He may try to corrupt them, seduce them, and attempt to convince them to defect to the villains’ side. Dabi would try to make it seem as if it was all for the greater good, that the heroes were actually corrupt and the villains were the better side, but in truth, it would all be for Dabi’s own selfish desires. He simply wants them all to himself, and he’s willing to burn down anything in his path to get them.
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Shigaraki – He’s completely hit in the face with the intensity of his emotions. He has no initial understanding of what these feelings are. Shigaraki has no concept of romance, love, or even fondness. He grew up in a difficult household, and was later raised to foster hate for all of mankind. It comes as no surprise that these new sentiments utterly confuse him. He doesn’t even have a name for them.
For the longest time Shigaraki viewed others as either enemies or pawns that he could use for his own purposes. He never could have imagined actual affection for another person being thrown into the mix. It’s almost like a ridiculous joke being rubbed in his face. Suddenly, his heart beats a whole lot faster with that other person in the room. Suddenly, instead of simply drowning in his own thoughts and plans with no heed to anyone else around him, Shigaraki becomes hyper ware of the presence of this individual who has suddenly come into his life. This person is like a sharp blade slicing through the haze surrounding him – awakening his senses in a whole new way and making Shigaraki realize that he is actually a young man with other thoughts and desires.
There are many things Shigaraki may be potentially drawn in by. Someone who treats him well, almost as if they care, treating him like an equal unlike even some members of his own team who sometimes joke about him or treat him like a child and leave him out of their personal conversations. This person is able to draw another part of him out, getting him to speak about himself even if he doesn’t realize that he is doing so. Interaction with this person comes naturally somehow for someone like Shigaraki who has always struggled to interact with others. This person doesn’t attack or judge him. They aren’t overly aggressive. They listen, they joke with him and they talk to him.
It comes as no surprise that All for One would not be particularly pleased with the effect a possible love would have on Tomura. As far as his mentor is concerned, even something as simple as a crush would distract Tomura from everything that All for One wants him to be, making the young man think of himself as more human, more like everyone else. All for One would be against everything unless he could somehow manipulate the situation to benefit him in some way.
It would take Shigaraki a long time to understand what his feelings actually mean. It would likely take someone like Kurogiri or Toga – or even Dabi, with his casual teasing – for Shigaraki to even begin to understand his emotions (needless to say, most around him would have already caught onto his crush, except possibly said crush). 
Prior to him giving these feelings a name, Shigaraki would have already begun to subconsciously act on his emotions. He becomes obsessed with this person – always wanting to be around them, know their whereabouts, know their thoughts (especially about him and his actions), know who they’re with, and know more about their personality and interests. He becomes jealous very easily if the object of his affection is giving an exceeding amount of attention to someone else. It’s the petty, childish part of his personality coming out. In such a situation Shigaraki will attempt to get his crush’s attention back on him and, if he fails, will huff and stalk out of the room. Shigaraki needs assurance that his crush is on his side, and that they aren’t some despicable traitor who will abandon him like so many others have.
At first, prior to understanding his feelings, Shigaraki’s behaviour toward his crush will be mercurial. He will be possessive and easily jealous, but at the same time if it ever appears as if he’s favouring his crush he will quickly alter his demeanor and begin treating them harshly to ward off both his crush’s and the League’s suspicions (even though, again, his team members are well aware of his feelings by this point).
However, when he gets at least a rudimentary understanding of what he’s feeling, Shigaraki will regress into a 12 year old boy with a playground crush. He will want their attention on him at all times. He will by no means admit his crush, almost expecting this person to catch on all by themselves eventually. After all, Shigaraki does not treat anyone else this way. He doesn’t give others so much of his time. He doesn’t demand for just anyone to join him in his gaming – he’s always been more of a solo player, no one deemed interesting or even entertaining enough to be his player two. He’s been averse to people even sitting near him at the bar, but he wants his crush beside him, both as company and a form of reassurance.
Suddenly, Shigaraki wishes for his significant other to know more about him as a person – his interests, his favourite food, his motivations. For the longest time Shigaraki has been molded to fulfill another’s wishes, another’s motives. For once he has interest in something other than fulfilling his mentor’s desires. This is something of his own, and as a result Shigaraki becomes exceedingly proprietary over his crush. They are his. And, if nothing else, he will make sure that they understand that.  
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quirkystories · 4 years
Anonymous said:
In the "Yandere Crush Post" Bakugou might mention that he have many admirers to Y/N who is denying his feelings. How would he react to Y/N telling him, "Then go date your admirers, I don't understand why to you keep coming for me. This is pointless."
Contains: yandere content, possessive behavior, volatile behavior, mild violence, mild nsfw content, unhealthy relationships, obsession.
“Go date your admirers then, if you’re so popular. I don’t understand why you keep coming for me. This is pointless.”
Red eyes snap open. His body becomes still. Thick arms crafted of corded muscle tense, spasming erratically, the capacious veins bulging until, finally, large hands curl into themselves, clenching until the knuckles are stark white.
“...Why, huh?”
You freeze, your back turned – perhaps foolishly – toward the pro hero standing in your wake. His voice is searing and guttural. Deep and gritty. You’ve never heard it like that before, at least, not when it’s directed toward you of all people. You wonder if it would be additionally stupid to turn around and face Bakugou. The hallway in which the two of you stand is silent, empty.
“Why?” he repeats, and you realize that he has yet to move. Move his feet, at least. You still don’t turn, but you can imagine his arms shaking harder now, failing to keep Bakugou’s rising anger at bay.
Honestly, you had expected a typical snarky response from him. Heck, you had perhaps even expected him to agree with you on some accounts – that this whole thing was, indeed, pointless. Yes, that’s what Bakugou would typically say – that this situation was pointless, that you were pointless. Not even worth his time or effort. That yes, he could indeed go out and attend some high class gala in the city and bask in the glow of his admiring fans, the doting sponsors and companies, the flattering politicians attempting to curry his favour, and so many, many more. He could even dive down onto the street, grab some pretty young thing and take her home to his high rise condo, fuck her senseless on his bed (on his kitchen counter, up against the wall, hanging off his balcony) until she was a writhing, moaning mess, and then kick her out right after – and hell, she would probably thank him for the privilege.
But no, that’s not what’s currently happening.
Bakugou finally speaks. His words, somehow, even deeper than before – sunken into the earth being upturned around your feet. You finally dare to turn around and look. Your heart seizes in your chest. Your body stands still. The tall, thick beast of a man looms in the hallway, actual steam rising from his frame. He raises his head and those wine red, smoldering eyes meet yours. You stumble back a step.
“Because it has to be you,” he growls, and suddenly he’s charging at you. Getting closer and closer, his mammoth arms pumping back and forth. His teeth bared and clenched. Your feet automatically – instinctually, like a prey running from a predator – pedal backwards in a feeble attempt to get away. But he is not only powerful, he is fast – how the hell is he so fast? He’s huge.
And suddenly your back hits the wall, your head knocking against the brick as the man is upon you. He raises his arms and both his hands land on either side of your head, releasing a burst of fire and smoke, overwhelming your senses with the sheer smell of flame and char.
“You...” he says yet again, “It has to be you.”
He stares into your eyes and snarls.
“I – WANT – YOU!”
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quirkystories · 4 years
Imagine: When they have a crush...PART 1
Contains: possessive behavior, rejection, mild obsession, some unhealthy behaviors, lovestruck boys.
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Midoriya - Midoriya is, predictably, a stammering red mess around his crush. He struggles to get words out, or think of the right thing to say. He will often start rambling and just go on and on until somebody interrupts him. Midoriya struggles between either avoiding his crush due to his anxiety, or seeking them out in order to be close to them. And, as much as being near them sends his heart racing and has him breaking out into a panicked sweat, Midoriya really wants to be around them.
Midoriya is highly emotional and feels things deeply. Even before he realizes the truth behind his feelings, he comes to adore this person and admires almost everything about them. In his eyes, they are flawless. He often fights with the urge to confess his feelings to them...They could be sitting somewhere just having a casual conversation, and Midoriya may sense his emotions beginning to overwhelm him - and the words nearly spill from his mouth. 
He will often stare at them dazedly, with a soft smile on his face, while admiring something about them - it could be anything from their smile, the way they tuck their hair behind their ears, or something sweet that they just said. Midoriya admires kindness and courage. He admires someone who looks after others - someone who looks after him.
Midoriya may hesitate to confess his love simply due to feelings of inadequacy - what if he isn't good enough? Strong enough? What if his crush deserves someone better? These feelings give him further motivation to become both a stronger person and a more capable hero - this will especially be the case if his crush is also an aspiring hero. If his crush is a civilian, they imbue him with an even stronger urge to protect.
Despite his inner trepidation, Midoriya will try to at least talk and associate with his crush. If they ever need help with anything, he stumbles in with a solution and a flustered offer of assistance. 
Midoriya will likely start a separate journal dedicated solely to his crush. It’s inevitable. It's his habit to write about subjects that he finds interesting - so the young hero attempts to quell the feeling that what he's doing may be perceived as weird or creepy. 
But, yet again, he can’t help it - Midoriya's just so smitten, and collecting information about a subject, to him, simply means that he's passionate about said subject. He also writes about his friends’ quirks after all. The major difference is that, rather than just any information about his crush’s quirk (if they have one), Midoriya will additionally document every other little thing he manages to learn about them...Their favorite color, favorite food, their hobbies...Everything.
If his crush wound up with someone else other than him, or simply rejected him, it’s no understatement that Midoriya would be heartbroken. It would take him a very long time to get over this crush - he would always refer to them as his “first love.”
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Todoroki - Todoroki will likely understand quickly when he has a crush on someone, as such emotions entail feelings of attachment, fondness, and a desire for companionship, all of which Todoroki is not accustomed to feeling. Also, Todoroki is not all that invested in romantic relationships - that is, until this person comes around. He will quickly come to realize that this person is special...
He will both consciously and subconsciously seek them out. Todoroki has spent much of his life isolated and starved for affection, so when he finds someone who makes him feel differently - warm and happy - he is drawn to them like a moth to a flame (ha).
He is genuinely a caring person, but he will be even more caring and attentive to his crush. He notices his crush falling behind in their studies? He will offer to tutor them. Not getting enough to eat amidst a hectic schedule? Todoroki will bombard them with information on the importance of proper nutrition and personally escort his crush to a restaurant to make sure they eat. He will be paying, of course, calmly stating that he invited them after all. Todoroki can’t even imagine having his crush pay for anything, whether or not the two of them are romantically involved. 
If his crush is a UA student like himself Todoroki will, of course, be constantly concerned for their well being, but will also be willing to help them hone their skills. He has the urge to protect them and wishes to be relied upon by them. At the same time, he understands the importance of them being able to fight for themselves. 
Still, deep down, he often wishes to be relied upon more by his crush. It may very well be the more domineering part of his personality coming through - a side that Todoroki wasn’t even aware that he had. However, even if he tries to deny it, Todoroki does have certain “alpha” tendencies; and they show in his actions and feelings toward his significant other.
Todoroki will often do certain amorous, or “romantic” things unknowingly. To him, he is simply being himself and being honest. He’s not necessarily shouting his feelings from the rooftops, but he is certainly being particularly nice to his crush - his feelings are pretty clear to most people observing him. His crush, even if they don’t completely catch onto Todoroki’s true sentiments, will still be flustered by his unusual actions. The way he smiles so kindly at them, his eyes focused on them as if they’re the center of his world. The way he just comes up and automatically takes something heavy from their hands, saying that he’ll help and that it’s no good if they hurt their wrists. The way he compliments them on modifications on their hero costume - a color change? It suits them. Matches their eyes. 
Todoroki takes his feelings fairly seriously, considering how rare they are for him. He doesn’t get frivolous crushes. He doesn’t want to lose touch with these emotions...For the first time in a long while, he knows what he wants. But these feelings come with fresh fear - will he able to protect someone who he cares so deeply for, after he failed to protect his mother? What if his beloved gets hurt? What if he wants to control and dominate them, force them into something that they don’t want, much like the cruelty that his father inflicted upon his mother? Once these fears surface he may start unwillingly distancing himself from his crush, but quickly discovers that he can’t - he just wants to be around them all the time, they’re his light in the encroaching darkness.
If his crush winds up with someone else, or denies Todoroki’s feelings, Todoroki will be left cold inside. He will be deeply hurt after allowing himself to feel such things - for having such high hopes, only to discover that they were nothing but distant fantasies. For some time he will lock that hurt away and pour himself into his hero work. But slowly, he will attempt to deal with the experience and how it made him feel. It would take him a long time to allow himself to feel that way again. 
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Bakugou - Bakugou is in denial at first. Hard, steadfast denial. He isn't an idiot - deep down, Bakugou knows what these feelings are. Even if he’s never felt them before - he knows. But he will constantly deny them for a long time...He's a future pro-hero in training! He doesn't have time for stupid, meaningless crushes!
His denial will only make things worse as it will cause his emotions to boil over. As much as he tries to avoid looking at his crush, his eyes are drawn to them. As much as he tries to avoid contact with them, his legs automatically carry him to wherever they may be. As much as he tries not to admire ANYTHING about them, he finds himself doing the exact opposite - admiring their body, their voice, their jokes, their laughter, how their clothes hug their figure just so. Bakugou likes a spitfire, someone who doesn’t take any shit. They don’t necessarily have to be loud and abrasive, they can just as easily be someone quieter and intense. Point is, they’re strong and confident. 
With that attraction to personality comes a potent physical attraction. Bakugou is a very healthy young man - he has urges. And it’s not long before he finds himself fantasizing about his crush. These fantasizes both arouse and embarrass him. He feels as if he’s at the mercy of someone - that this person has the ability to hurt him, to affect him. And Bakugou Katsuki does not need mercy from anyone.
He doesn’t need them.
As a result of all these mixed feelings, Bakugou runs from the truth. He becomes further frustrated and angry. He takes all of this out on his crush, blaming them inside his head for all of his inner turmoil. Deep down - deep, deep down - he feels guilty for how he treats them. He almost wishes he could interact with them like the rest of his UA classmates - easily, in a friendly manner. But no, his pride won’t allow it.
Conversely, he becomes angry seeing his crush with anyone else, especially if the interaction appears romantic. He doesn’t consider how illogical his actions appear. One minute he’s making a fuss, berating his crush and whoever they’re with for spending time together. And the next minute, he’s belittling his crush and acting like they’re the scum of the earth. His crush is beyond confused. Some people in class 1A, notably Kirishima and Kaminari, may catch onto the fact that Bakugou has a crush.
Later on, when Bakugou matures somewhat as both a person and a hero, he may attempt to have a civil conversation with his crush. He may even try to hint at his feelings. But the damage will likely already be done. Bakugou would have to really put himself out there for there to even be a chance for his crush to accept him and his romantic feelings. But he’s persistent and will not take “no” for an answer that easily. He will attempt to wow them with his battle prowess and his hero work. And he will always be there to protect them and take a hit for them.
If denied, Bakugou is left angry and vindictive. Even though he’s aware that it’s likely his own fault that he was rejected Bakugou will still, in his bitter heart, blame his crush. They were a fool for rejecting him. Look at him. He’s famous, powerful, gunning for the position of the strongest hero in the world, he’s going to be making millions, he has so many admirers - who the hell would reject him???  
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quirkystories · 4 years
emergency commissions
hey guys! i know i haven’t been around for a while but it’s a really tough time for me, and apart from other things, we’ve been short on money. my mother got really sick - and our health insurance won’t cover the prices of the medications she needs, and the one type we need to buy isn’t even sold in our pharmacies. here is my commission information, alongside with my ko-fi. the amount needed is 128 euro. the commissions will be open as long as i need to collect the amount of money, but the issue is that we need the meds for my mom fast as she has to go to work and provide for our family.
if y’all can’t commission/donate whatever y’all please, please boost with your reblogs because i’m grasping at straws here, and time is of the essence. thank you very much for your consideration.
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quirkystories · 6 years
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Top ranking students of Class 1-A, Katsuki Bakugou and Todoroki Shouto but with their costumes, personalities, and quirks swapped. I love drawing these two.
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quirkystories · 6 years
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quirkystories · 6 years
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so that’s how it happened
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quirkystories · 6 years
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shinsou commission 💜, been a while.
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quirkystories · 6 years
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Deku and Eri-Chan dress as their heroes for Halloween! Deku is still a dork
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he didn’t stop crying
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quirkystories · 6 years
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Hi everyone! I’m opening up emergency commissions to help pay for my dog Daisy’s treatment for heart worms!! I would really appreciate at least a RT to help spread this around! Plz DM if interested or email!! Thank you!!!
Donate: http://ko-fi.com/alexkun
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quirkystories · 6 years
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Deku and Eri-Chan dress as their heroes for Halloween! Deku is still a dork
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he didn’t stop crying
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quirkystories · 6 years
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I just want a flashback to whatever trouble these two got into when they were students in UA
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quirkystories · 6 years
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“You can become a Hero, Shinsou.”
forgive me this very lazy screencap redraw, I’ve had this in mind for so damn long..
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quirkystories · 6 years
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15K notes · View notes
quirkystories · 6 years
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secret love children and their secret dads
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quirkystories · 6 years
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got em
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quirkystories · 6 years
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‘Why did I end up having to chase after the back of someone who was always behind me?’
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