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New Summer-stuck meetup poster!!!
Host: @homestuckbackwash
KK: John or Summer!Karkat Caroline: Plans to be Aradiabot Everyone else: unknown
((As for the Bville Library Con, I (KK) suggested a Fandom Trash panel where you’ll be able to ask questions of characters from a multitude of fandoms! The panel will also feature a Cosplay Death Match. So, if you’re there, bring whatever talent you may posses. I will most likely be Karkat again. At least Summer!Karkat. Unless I can figure out a better cosplay before then which is highly unlikely. Caroline will possibly be there as Mipha (BOTW) or Kakyoin (JJBA); not entirely sure yet. ED might be Han Solo but not too sure.
//As for that con that’s coming up - Salt City Comic Con in Syracuse NY. I (KK) am trying to get my grandma to take me but it’s $15 to get in and, aside from money to legally change my name (which I don’t even have half of), I am broke. Which means that my grandma would have to pay to get me in and she’s already paying a lot for my grad party and helping me change my name. On top of that, she and my aunt have been actually spending some money on themselves for a change so even just $15 might be too much to ask. Whether I can or can’t go, Caroline is and Haden has plans to. Not sure about ED though but I believe they’re going or have plans to as well. I have no clue who they plan to go as though except for Haden. He plans to go as Connor from Detroit: Become Human If I do go, I may just throw on John or something.
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So, some of you may have noticed (or know if you follower our FB page or Instagram) that not only have we been changing things around and stuff but we have broken off from Rose. Rose and I (KK) had a huge fight and we’re no longer friends. I haven’t even spoken to them directly since May. I am not going to comment on what the fight was about or anything because I’m moving on with my life and I don’t want to dredge up any drama cause fuck that noise. Rose, however, is still good friends with two of the members - ED and Caroline. So, if you want any of Rose’s personal cosplay social media things, ask them. 
The other members and I have agreed on our first group project - Greaserstuck! So, look out for that in a few months to a year depending on how fast we can get everything. Our newest member, Caroline, and I have a few cosplans together as well. Such as: SasuNaru from Naruto, Heather C and FtM!Ronnie S from Heathers, Kevin and Cecil/Carlos from Welcome To NightVale, Viktor and Yuri Katsuki from Yuri On Ice, and Bill and Dipper from Gravity Falls. Well, those are all of our plans for now at least. Hopefully some of those will turn into group projects as well and I have plenty of other ideas as well for other things! I’m going to be going off to college in August so I won’t have as much time as I do now and have had in the past to do things with the other members but I will do my best to keep it as clear as possible for meetups, cons, and work so I can actually have some money to get cosplays. That is, if anyone actually hires me.
Other than that, we have a meetup coming up in July, a possible con that some of us may be going to in a week, and the Bville Library Con in August. The info for the meetup and whatever I know rn about the Bville Con will be posted shortly. As for that other con, don’t get your hopes up too much.
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UPD8 again
I (KK) am going to do Kankri and Human!Mituna before anyone else (while slowly working on some Harry Potter cosplays as well). After that, I have no clue who I’m gonna be tbh. There are a lot I want to do but none I feel I need atm.
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Wow, a new meetup? After like 4 months of none and no content? Oof. 
Haden: Cronus KK: Black turtleneck!Kankri, Karkat, or John (depends on the weather and what I feel like wearing that day). Everyone else: N/A
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KK = Probably Karkat cause I don’t really have anyone else to go as
Rose = N/A atm
ED/Luke = N/A atm
Haden = N/A atm
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Sorry the Christmas picture isn’t the greatest n’ Also sorry for any mispelling :(
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lol i'd totally go to this meet up but I live on the other side of the country??? lol you should do something on omegle or something
As far as I (KK) know, none of our members have Omegle, but maybe we could look into it one day? Us at SDA Cosplay rarely make the meet-ups and they were originally started up for all of us local Cosplayers to get together, hang out, and make new friends. But, if we all agree and enough people would like us to do something like this, we might try it out. Though, I can not say anything for any of the other members, I don’t have a preference either way.
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Heheheh... Seems I’ve neglected to post the Gristmas-stuck pictures from back in December...
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Welp, Rose and KK can’t make it to TBF this year. I cri.  But the first Summerstuck is planned. High chance I (KK) can go. I’ll probably be Summerstuck!KK or John. I would debut Cronus but by June it’ll be /WAY/ too hot for that.  Don’t know about Haden or Rose.  ED can’t go though. 
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Our other new cosplay member! I'm still a lazy ass mofo ~KK
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Hey! We got 2 new members today!
Also, you’ll find I’m a lazy ass mofo
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Looks like I'm going to attempt to do Peridot first before starting Merlin, Dipper, and Signless. Wish me luck guys 😅
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John ====> do the windy thing
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