quitec0ntrary · 3 years
Tiktok: trashasaur
Insta: tashasaur
Of: onlyfans.com/pineappleee
Hit me up these places.
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quitec0ntrary · 4 years
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quitec0ntrary · 4 years
Find me on tiktok
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quitec0ntrary · 4 years
<3 I think you're a sweet person
Ilu let's be friends
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quitec0ntrary · 4 years
Jsyk this is pretty much a dead blog. I hardly check up on it. Insta and Facebook is where its at msg me if you want to connect
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quitec0ntrary · 4 years
Your pup needs more stimulation and socializing.
First of all, why are you sending me this on anon when ive said nothing about my puppy on Tumblr?
Second, I take my dog out every day, he gets incredible amounts of stimulation and plays with dogs on the property every day. Who the fuck are you to know what im doing or to tell me what to do? Do you know where I even live? Do you know theres no such thing as dog parks here? If I knew you well enough you would have told me this on my Facebook status like everyone else who had an opinion. And I would've listened. But this seems more vindictive so
Fuck off
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quitec0ntrary · 4 years
Leave him alone bitch, whatever you did fucked him right up. He wont talk about it hes just drunk 24/7 again. you used him just like that bald junkie cunt ex of his. Took me a while to find you on here but he mentioned a poem on tumblr fucking things up. LEAVE HIM ALONE. You dont love him you lied to him and used his love for you to get what you needed. Bitch
K so first of all why not just message me on Facebook? Why be a coward behind a grey face.
I am not responsible for any of Jay's choices.
I have been there for him endlessly showing my support and love. I am not in love with Jay. I do love him. He is amazing and helpful and has done many things for me. I asked a bunch of people to help with me building an outhouse. Lots of friends. He was the one to come quickest. None of them brought a penis pump with them instead of tar paper. None of them expected to sleep with me. Jay never asked if he could spend the night, and just assumed he could. After not even bringing what he needed to finish the job? So he left. Apparently stole a box of wine, and tried to guilt me about it.
Ive never lied to Jay about anything. Comparing me to Chelsea? The girl who literally stabbed him? Fuck off.
Its not cool to get attacked like this.
You can not force somebody to have feelings for you. I cant just turn on some feelings that don't exsist. You know nothing about the abuse and manipulation ive been through in past relationships. You know nothing about how my brain works.
Why am I even explaining this to someone who probably won't see it
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quitec0ntrary · 4 years
Sometimes I miss you
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quitec0ntrary · 4 years
Eyes like diamonds in the night, hair blue green of the sea, lips, soft and full of life, a smile that heals the soul, a body to make the gods weep, and love as hot as coals. Your worst day a summer's dream, if when you weep, I was there to hold. I love you. But this I keep to myself. If you know who I am. Tell no one. Not even me.
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quitec0ntrary · 4 years
Have you ever done anal?
No dont want to
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quitec0ntrary · 4 years
sorry if this is personal but I remember u used to b friends with a girl who had a brown dog named freedom? Or free? and I can’t find her blog or what happened 2 her or if she’s active
It was her birthday yesterday. Her name is Rosa. She passed away of a Fentynal overdose four years ago next month. She was my best friend. Freedom is with her mum.
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quitec0ntrary · 4 years
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Tell your friends! I need groceriessss
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quitec0ntrary · 4 years
I use 2 have the biggest crush on you and totaly lost interest. Cus you just always go 4 the most toxic pple it sad rlly cus so many super nice ppl prolly loved u I gave up but jeez u should give a non toxic ppl a chance
Lmao how old are you i dont know anyone who types like that
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quitec0ntrary · 4 years
How tf is somebody supposed to have any respect for your when you or take you seriously when you have absolutely zero respect for yourself? How tf?
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quitec0ntrary · 4 years
Not trying to be rude. But you should smarten up. I cant imagine how many good people you've missed out on by always chasing some idiot who's just going to use you and throw you away.
Lol duh you don't think I know this
Ive been neglected and abused my whole life and bevause of that trauma I find myself in patterns and relationships and shit which makes me neglected and abused
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quitec0ntrary · 4 years
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quitec0ntrary · 4 years
Who tf
Sends 'i want you so bad rn'
Then never reads the reply
And goes online and offline throughout the night.
Who tf
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