quizquestioncreator · 9 months
Horror Movie Trivia Questions and Answers
Welcome to a chilling round of horror movie trivia questions! If you're a horror movie enthusiast or planning a spooky-themed pub quiz, you're in for a treat. Dive into the world of horror films and test your knowledge with these bone-chilling trivia questions and answers. For more thrilling quiz creation, visit Quiz Creator, where you can customize quizzes to suit any occasion.
1. In which year was the original "Halloween" movie released?
   Answer: 1978.
2. Who directed the 1973 horror film "The Exorcist"?
   Answer: William Friedkin.
3. What is the name of the iconic hotel in Stanley Kubrick's "The Shining"?
   Answer: The Overlook Hotel.
4. Who played the role of Freddy Krueger in the "Nightmare on Elm Street" series?
   Answer: Robert Englund.
5. Which horror movie features a group of friends who are terrorized by a supernatural entity that takes the form of a clown?
   Answer: "It" (2017/2019).
6. What is the name of the fictional town where the events of the movie "Psycho" take place?
   Answer: Fairvale.
7. Who directed the 1960 horror film "Psycho"?
   Answer: Alfred Hitchcock.
8. Which horror film is known for its found footage style and is set in Burkittsville, Maryland?
   Answer: "The Blair Witch Project" (1999).
9. Who portrayed the character of Carrie White in the 1976 film "Carrie"?
   Answer: Sissy Spacek.
10. In the movie "The Silence of the Lambs," which actor played the role of Hannibal Lecter?
    Answer: Anthony Hopkins.
11. What is the name of the demonic doll in "The Conjuring" universe?
    Answer: Annabelle.
12. Which horror film franchise features a group of paranormal investigators known as the Warrens?
    Answer: "The Conjuring" series.
13. Who directed the 1979 sci-fi horror film "Alien"?
    Answer: Ridley Scott.
14. Which horror movie centers around a cursed videotape that leads to the viewer's death within seven days?
    Answer: "The Ring" (2002).
15. What is the name of the fictional serial killer in the "Scream" film series?
    Answer: Ghostface.
16. Who directed the 2017 horror film "Get Out"?
    Answer: Jordan Peele.
17. Which horror film features a family tormented by doppelgängers?
    Answer: "Us" (2019).
18. Who played the role of Leatherface in the 1974 horror film "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre"?
    Answer: Gunnar Hansen.
19. In the movie "A Nightmare on Elm Street," what happens to the characters if they die in their dreams?
    Answer: They die in real life.
20. Which horror film features a group of friends who are hunted by a deformed, masked killer at a summer camp?
    Answer: "Friday the 13th" (1980).
Conclusion: We hope you enjoyed these spine-tingling horror movie trivia questions! If you want to create your own customized quizzes, be sure to visit Quiz Creator. It's a fantastic resource that allows you to tailor quizzes for any occasion, including horror movie-themed quizzes. Get ready to dive into the world of horror cinema and discover more terrifying trivia.
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quizquestioncreator · 9 months
History Trivia Questions and Answers
Welcome to a delightful round of history trivia questions! History is a captivating subject that allows us to explore the past and gain valuable insights into our world today. Whether you're hosting a pub quiz or simply testing your knowledge, these history trivia questions and answers will surely keep you engaged. To create your own custom history trivia quizzes, be sure to check out Quiz Creator. We have over 50000 questions including thousands of history questions.
1. In which year did Christopher Columbus discover America?
   Answer: 1492.
2. Who was the first president of the United States?
   Answer: George Washington.
3. When did World War II start?
   Answer: 1939.
4. Which ancient civilization built the Great Pyramids of Giza?
   Answer: Ancient Egyptians.
5. Who was the first female Prime Minister of Great Britain?
   Answer: Margaret Thatcher.
6. In which year did the French Revolution begin?
   Answer: 1789.
7. Who was the leader of the Soviet Union during the Cold War?
   Answer: Joseph Stalin.
8. Which city was the capital of the Roman Empire?
   Answer: Rome.
9. Who painted the Mona Lisa?
   Answer: Leonardo da Vinci.
10. Which famous battle took place in 1066, resulting in the Norman conquest of England?
    Answer: Battle of Hastings.
11. Who is credited with discovering gravity?
    Answer: Sir Isaac Newton.
12. Which American president issued the Emancipation Proclamation?
    Answer: Abraham Lincoln.
13. When did the Berlin Wall fall?
    Answer: 1989.
14. Who was the first astronaut to walk on the moon?
    Answer: Neil Armstrong.
15. Which country was the first to grant women the right to vote?
    Answer: New Zealand.
16. Who painted the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel?
    Answer: Michelangelo.
17. What year did the American Civil War end?
    Answer: 1865.
18. Who was the longest-serving British monarch?
    Answer: Queen Elizabeth II.
19. Which country was responsible for the invention of paper?
    Answer: China.
20. Who was the first person to circumnavigate the globe?
    Answer: Ferdinand Magellan.
Conclusion: We hope you enjoyed these history trivia questions! If you want to create your own personalized quizzes, make sure to visit Quiz Creator. You can generate as many history rounds as you like with our thousands of history questions for you to use. It's a fantastic resource that lets you tailor trivia games for any occasion. Keep exploring the fascinating world of history and expanding your knowledge.
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quizquestioncreator · 9 months
Only Fools and Horses Quiz Questions
Welcome to the world of Peckham's most infamous Trotter family! "Only Fools and Horses" is a beloved British sitcom that has captured the hearts of millions with its humor and iconic characters. If you consider yourself a die-hard fan of the show, it's time to put your knowledge to the test. Get ready for some nostalgic fun as we present 20 quiz questions about "Only Fools and Horses"! Of course, you can use Quiz Creator to store and create the answer sheets as well!
Quiz Questions:
1. What is the name of Del Boy's younger brother?
Answer: Rodney Trotter.
2. What is the name of Del Boy's best friend and business partner?
Answer: Trigger.
3. What is the name of the Trotter's yellow three-wheeled van?
Answer: The Reliant Regal.
4. What is the name of Del Boy's catchphrase, often followed by "you know it makes sense"?
Answer: "Lovely jubbly!"
5. What is the name of Rodney's wife?
Answer: Cassandra.
6. What is the name of the pub where the Trotters often hang out?
Answer: The Nag's Head.
7. What is the name of Del Boy's regular market stall?
Answer: Trotters Independent Traders.
8. What is the name of the Trotter's granddad who often shares his war stories?
Answer: Grandad (Albert Trotter).
9. What is the name of the actor who played Del Boy?
Answer: David Jason.
10. What is the name of the actor who played Rodney?
Answer: Nicholas Lyndhurst.
11. What is the name of the actor who played Uncle Albert?
Answer: Buster Merryfield.
12. What is the name of the actor who played Trigger?
Answer: Roger Lloyd-Pack.
13. What is the name of the actor who played Boycie?
Answer: John Challis.
14. What is the name of Del Boy's favorite drink?
Answer: Peckham Spring.
15. What is the name of the famous episode where Del Boy falls through the bar?
Answer: "Yuppie Love" (also known as "The Bar Episode").
16. What is the name of Del Boy's favorite scheme to make money?
Answer: Trotters Independent Trading (TIT) Company.
17. What is the name of the Trotter's arch-nemesis, the rival market trader?
Answer: Slater.
18. What is the name of the actor who played Denzil?
Answer: Paul Barber.
19. What is the name of the actor who played Raquel?
Answer: Tessa Peake-Jones.
20. What is the name of Del Boy and Rodney's mom?
Answer: Joan Trotter.
Now that you've put your knowledge to the test, tally up your correct answers and see how much of a true "Only Fools and Horses" fan you are! And of course, you can always use Quiz Creator to store and create the questions and answer sheets as well!
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quizquestioncreator · 9 months
How well do they know you? Friend Quiz Questions Ideas
Building strong relationships with friends involves getting to know each other on a deeper level. One fun and interactive way to do this is by organizing a quiz night with questions specifically tailored to test how well your friends know you. To help you get started, here are some quiz question topics to ask your friends to see if they know you.
1. Childhood Memories: Take a trip down memory lane and ask questions about your childhood experiences. For example, you can inquire about your favorite toy, your childhood pet's name, or the place you used to visit every summer. These questions will not only test your friends' knowledge of your past but also remind you of some cherished memories.
2. Favorites: Everyone has their preferences, and this category of questions allows your friends to show how well they know your likes and dislikes. Include questions about your favorite movie, book, or food. You can also ask about your preferred vacation destination or your go-to song when you need a mood boost.
3. Hobbies and Interests: This category gives your friends the chance to demonstrate how well they know your passions and what makes you happy. Ask questions about your hobbies, such as your favorite sport, musical instrument, or art form. You can also include questions about your favorite TV show or the type of books you enjoy reading.
4. Personal Goals: Friends who truly know you will be aware of your aspirations and dreams. Include questions about your long-term goals, such as the career path you want to pursue or the places you hope to visit in the future, or perhaps some dreams you had when you were younger!
5. Travel Experiences: If you love to travel, this category will allow your friends to showcase how well they know your adventures. Ask questions about the countries you have visited, your favorite travel memory, places you travelled together, or the next destination on your bucket list. This will not only test your friends' knowledge but also spark conversations about their own travel experiences.
6. Quirks and Habits: We all have our little quirks and habits that make us unique. Include questions about your strange habits, like whether you prefer odd or even numbers, or if you have any phobias or superstitions. Maybe they'll learn something new about you!
7. Family and Relationships: Our relationships with our family and loved ones shape who we are. Include questions about your siblings' names, your parents' occupations, or your relationship with your extended family. This will not only test your friends' knowledge of your family dynamics but also provide an opportunity for them to share stories about their own families.
8. Memorable Experiences: We all have had unique and unforgettable moments in our lives. Ask questions about your most memorable/favourite/embarrassing experience!. This category will give your friends the chance to share in your triumphs (and failures) and learn more about the events that have shaped you.
9. Pet Peeves: This category allows your friends to show how well they know your pet peeves and what annoys you. Ask questions about your dislikes, such as your least favorite food, or the habits that drive you crazy. This will not only test your friends' knowledge but also open up discussions about what irritates them as well.
Organizing a quiz night based on these question topics will not only be enjoyable but will also deepen your friendships. It will allow you to learn more about your friends and provide opportunities for them to share their own experiences and stories. Remember, the purpose of this activity is not to prove who knows you the best, but rather to foster connection and create memorable moments together. So, gather your friends, prepare your questions, and have a fantastic quiz night that will strengthen your bonds and create lasting memories. Don't forget that you can use Quiz Creator to create and store your quiz questions, whether it's for friends or any other use!
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quizquestioncreator · 9 months
Where to Find Quiz Nights in Your City: A Fun Night Out for Trivia Enthusiasts
1. Local Pubs and Bars
Many pubs and bars host regular quiz nights as a way to attract customers and create a lively atmosphere. These quiz nights often take place on specific nights of the week and offer prizes to the winning teams. Check out the websites, social media pages, or directly contact your favorite local pubs and bars to inquire about their quiz night schedules. Meetup.com has a good set of options for you too.
2. Trivia Event Websites and Apps
Several websites and apps specialize in listing trivia and quiz nights happening in various cities. These platforms provide comprehensive information about the venues, dates, and themes of quiz nights. Some popular trivia event websites and apps include:
a. Meetup: As mentioned earlier, Meetup is a platform that connects people with shared interests, including trivia and quiz nights. By joining relevant meetup groups in your city, you can stay updated on upcoming quiz nights and even meet new people who share your passion for trivia.
3. Social Media
Social media platforms can be a valuable resource for finding quiz nights in your city. Follow local pubs, bars, and trivia event organizers on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. These venues often post updates and announcements about upcoming quiz nights, providing you with the latest information and opportunities to RSVP for the events.
4. Local Community Listings
Check your local community listings, such as newspapers, magazines, or community noticeboards, to find information about quiz nights happening in your area. These listings often feature upcoming events, including trivia nights, organized by community centers, clubs, or charitable organizations.
5. University and College Events
If you live in a city with universities or colleges, consider exploring their event calendars. Many educational institutions organize quiz nights as part of their social activities or fundraisers. These events are often open to the public, offering an opportunity to engage with students and enjoy a fun night of trivia.
6. Quiz Night Apps
There are also dedicated quiz night apps available that provide information on upcoming quizzes in your city. These apps allow you to discover local quiz nights, track your scores, and even compete against other players. Some popular quiz night apps include:
c. SpeedQuizzing Virtual Buzzer: SpeedQuizzing Virtual Buzzer is an app specifically designed for quiz night hosts. It allows them to create and run interactive quizzes, complete with a virtual buzzer system for participants. By using this app, quiz night organizers can create engaging and immersive trivia experiences.
By using the links mentioned above, such as local pubs, trivia event websites and apps, social media platforms, community listings, university events, and quiz night apps, you can easily find quiz nights happening in your city. So gather your friends, brush up on your knowledge, and get ready for an entertaining night of friendly competition and exciting trivia!
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quizquestioncreator · 4 years
Free Quiz and Trivia Questions about Mythical Creatures and Places
Happy Friday - hope you’re all staying safe! We’ve some more free quiz and trivia questions for you today, specific to Mythical Creatures and Places.
If you need to use these for a quiz, please go ahead, but if you need more, you can always use our random question generator, or by signing up for quiz creator, you can use our free online quiz and trivia question generator, including  full features like printed answer sheets and saving your rounds!
What mythical Scottish town appears for one day every 100 years? Brigadoon
What was the name of the mythical hero-king who slew Grendal? Beowulf
What type of creatures are the mythical Gelert, Argos, Luath and Covall? Dogs
The mythical griffin has the body of a? Lion
Manticore was a mythical beast who had the head of a man and the body of? A Lion
Polyphemus was the leader of which group of mythical giants? Cyclops
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quizquestioncreator · 4 years
Quiz and Trivia Questions about Stonehenge
Happy Friday - hope you’re all staying safe! We’ve some more quiz and trivia questions for you today, specific to Stonehenge.
If you need to use these for a quiz, please go ahead, but if you need more, you can always use our random question generator, or by signing up for quiz creator, you can get the full benefits like answer sheets and saving your rounds!
Englands Stonehenge is how many years older than Rome's colosseum? 1,500 years
What is the name for a structures at Stonehenge consisting of two large vertical stones (posts) supporting a third stone set horizontally across the top (lintel)? trilithons
The main circle and trilithons at Stonehenge are built of which rock? Sandstone
What county is Stonehenge in? Wiltshere
What age was Stonehenge founded? Bronze Age
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quizquestioncreator · 4 years
Quiz and Trivia Questions about Germany
Happy Thursday - hope you’re all safe, washing your hands regularly avoiding the virus! We’ve some more quiz and trivia questions for you today, specific to Germany.
If you need to use these for a quiz, please go ahead, but if you need more, you can always use our random question generator, or by signing up for quiz creator, you can get the full benefits like answer sheets and saving your rounds!
What was the basic unit of currency for Germany before the Euro? Deutsche mark
Which Country Has Borders With France, Germany, Austria, Lichtenstein & Italy? Switzerland
Which River Forms part of the Border Between France & Germany? The Rhine 
1970 Saw Which Treaty Between USSR & Germany? The Moscow Treaty
Germany was split into two zones by which agreement? Yalta Agreement
Germany's WW I allies were Austria_Hungary, Bulgaria, and ________? Turkey
Who Became Chancellor Of Germany In 1933? Hitler
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quizquestioncreator · 4 years
Quiz and Trivia Questions about Apple Inc (Computers)
Happy Wednesday - hope you’re all safe, washing your hands regularly avoiding the virus! We’ve some more quiz and trivia questions for you today, specific to Apple Inc.
If you need to use these for a quiz, please go ahead, but if you need more, you can always use our random question generator, or by signing up for quiz creator, you can get the full benefits like answer sheets and saving your rounds!
Apple was founded by which 3 people in April 1976? Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, and Ronald Wayne
What was Apple's first computer called? Apple I
Who did Steve Jobs say the Lisa computer was named after? His Daughter
What year did Jobs return to Apple? 1997
What year was the iPhone released? 2007
What company did Apple buy in 1997 that Steve Jobs founded after he first left Apple? Next
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quizquestioncreator · 4 years
Quiz and Trivia Questions about famous scientific discoveries and inventions
Happy Monday - hope you’re all staying safe, washing your hands regularly avoiding the virus! We’ve some more quiz and trivia questions for you today, specific to famous scientific discoveries and inventions.
If you need to use these for a quiz, please go ahead, but if you need more, you can always use our random question generator, or by signing up for quiz creator, you can get the full benefits like answer sheets and saving your rounds!
Which researcher died from aplastic anaemia, probably long-term exposure to the scientific phenomena that she discovered Marie Curie - radiation
Who accidentally discovered penicillin after one of his experiments got contaminated while he was away on holiday? Alexander Fleming
Who is considered the first computer programmer and has a programming language named after them? Ada Lovelace
Who invented the concept of a programmable computer, called an 'Analytical Engine'? Charles Babbage
Who both founded AT&T and invented the telephone? Alexander Graham Bell
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quizquestioncreator · 4 years
Quiz and Trivia Questions about Former Capital Cities
Hi all, some more quiz and trivia questions for you today, specific to former capitals, that is, capitals of countries/civilisations that no longer exist, or countries that moved their capitals.
If you need to use these for a quiz, please go ahead, but if you need more, you can always use our random question generator, or by signing up for quiz creator, you can get the full benefits like answer sheets and saving your rounds!
What was the last capital of the Austro-Hungarian empire (until 1918)? Vienna
What was the last capital of the Russian empire (until 1918)? St. Petersburg (Petrograd)
What is the capital of Myanmar (Burma) since 2005? Naypyidaw
Which city served as a temporary U.S. capital while Washington, D.C. was under construction? Philadelphia
Which city was the capital of Japan until 1868? Kyoto
Rome was one of the two main capitals of Ancient Rome during the imperial period. Name the other. Constantinople/Byzantium
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quizquestioncreator · 4 years
Quiz and Trivia Questions related to the Wimbledon Tennis Tournament
Hi all, some more tennis quiz and trivia questions for you today, specific to Wimbledon, held in London every year - hopefully this year too!
If you need to use these for a quiz, please go ahead, but if you need more, you can always use our random question generator, or by signing up for quiz creator, you can get the full benefits like answer sheets and saving your rounds!
Who was the last British player to reach the men's singles final at Wimbledon before Andy Murray? Bunny Austin (1938) 
What name is given to the electronic line calling system used during the tournament? Hawkeye 
Who has won the most ladies's singles titles (open era)? Martina Navratilova (9) 
What is the nickname of Aorangi Terrace, the mostly grassed banked area in the grounds around the Tennis Club? Henman Hill or Murray Mound 
What decade did Wimbledon start? 1870s (1877 was first tournament)
Which player hit a record 212 aces during the 2001 Wimbledon tournament? Goran Ivanisevic
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quizquestioncreator · 4 years
Quiz Questions related to Stopping Viruses Spreading
Hi all, Coronavirus is taking hold around the world, so keeping your hands clean and keeping your distance from others is really important to stop its spread. In an effort to get the health messages out there on how to protect yourself and others, we’ve put a short quiz together (with the answers!) this based on the WHO guidelines found here to help people learn more. Please everyone be safe!
1. Why should you wash your hands frequently with an alcohol-based hand rub or wash them with soap and water ? Washing your hands with soap and water or using alcohol-based hand rub kills viruses that may be on your hands.
2. How far away should you stay from someone who is coughing or sneezing? Maintain at least 1 metre (3 feet) distance between yourself and anyone who is coughing or sneezing. 
3. Which parts of your body should you avoid touching? Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth. From there, the virus can enter your body and can make you sick.
4. What’s the best way to practice respiratory hygiene?  Cover your mouth and nose with your bent elbow or tissue when you cough or sneeze. Then dispose of the used tissue immediately.
5. What should do you if you have fever, cough and difficulty breathing? Seek medical care early. Stay home, seek medical attention and call in advance. Follow the directions of your local health authority.
6. How do I Stay informed? Follow advice given by your healthcare provider
We’d recommend you visit the guidelines page in more detail as they’ve a huge amount of information on how to stay safe - these are important moments in the fight against this virus so let’s do everything we can!
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quizquestioncreator · 4 years
Quiz Questions related to Ancient Egypt
Morning! Here’s a new set of questions that you can use for your quiz. You can always use our random question generator, or by signing up for quiz creator, you can get the full benefits like answer sheets and saving your rounds!
In this case, it’s quiz questions related to the civilisation of Ancient Egypt - how much do you know?
What is the name of the limestone statue of a mythical creature with the body of a lion and the head of a human in Giza? Sphinx
Which Pharaoh is most likely to have been ruling during the time of Moses? Pharaoh Ramses II
Whose tomb did Howard Carter discover in 1922? Tutankhamun
Which Egyptian ruler supposedly killed themselves with a snake (asp)? Cleopatra
What century was the Great Pyramid built? 2500 - started around 2560 BC
Who started building the Great Pyramid? Khufu
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quizquestioncreator · 4 years
Quiz Questions related to the Months of the Year
Another day, and another set of questions that you can use in your quiz. As always, our single random question generator is available if you like, or you can sign up for quiz creator and get the full benefits like answer sheets and saving your rounds!
In this case, it’s quiz questions related to the months in English - every month is included! How many can you get right?
January is named for which Roman God? Janus
What are the Zodiac signs of February Aquarius and Pisces
Which month, along with September, has an equinox (where the sun passes directly over the equator)? March
Which three months in-a-row are also a female given names? April, May and June
Who is July named after? Julius Caesar
Which month was named after Julius Caesar’s adopted son? August
Which month was named after the Latin word for eight? October
What month does Oktoberfest start? September
Which month has celebrations linked to the Celtic festival 'Samhain' at the start of the month? November
In December, does the sun never rise or never set in the south pole?Never Set
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quizquestioncreator · 4 years
Quiz Questions related to Days of the week
Another day, and another set of questions that you can use in your quiz. As always, our single random question generator is available if you like, or you can sign up for quiz creator and get the full benefits like answer sheets and saving your rounds!
In this case, it’s quiz questions related to the days of the week in English - one for each day! How many can you get right?
1. Which day originates from the Latin dies lunae "day of the Moon"? Monday 2. According to the Hebrew calendar and traditional Christian calendars, which is the first day of the week? Sunday 3. Which day in English is from the day of Tiw or Týr, the god of single combat, and law and justice in Norse mythology? Tuesday 4. The Middle English’s "day of Woden, is now what day? Wednesday 5. Which day is named after Thor in English and Jupiter in Romance languages (e.g. French)? Thursday
6. Which day is a day of rest in some Islamic countries instead of Sunday? Friday
7. Which day has two names in German, Samstag and Sonnabend? Saturday
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quizquestioncreator · 4 years
Quiz Questions related to American Historical Figures.
Another day, and another set of questions that you can use in your quiz. As always, our single random question generator is available if you like, or you can sign up for quiz creator and get the full benefits like answer sheets and saving your rounds!
In this case, it’s quiz questions related to Historical Figures and Places of the Americas.
1. Which Mexican painter,  known for her many portraits and self-portraits, was portrayed in a Hollywood biography in 2002 ? Frida Kahlo 2 .Who is known colloquially as ‘the Liberator’ of South America ? Simon Bolivar 3. What was the capital of the Incan Empire? Cusco 4. What modern city is built on the capital of the Aztec empire? Mexico City 5. Which country in South America has two capitals - one constitutional and one administrative?- Bolivia -Sucre (constitutional and judicial), La Paz (executive and legislative)
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