r0ck3rdaddy · 5 years
A soft hum escaped Val. He brought his hand up, gathering his hair back into a bun at the back of his head. He tied it, eyes glued to the beautiful woman on his bed. His hands moved to his jeans, undoing them slowly. “Take off your boots.”
Meet up
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r0ck3rdaddy · 5 years
Val moaned low as she dug her nails into his skin. He gave her ass a firm squeeze as the driver pulled up in front of the dark camper. “Uhm....We’re here...” he murmured.  Val looked up, seeing the flush of his cheeks. He smirked and slid across the seat and out of the uber, easily keeping hold of Liv. He kicked the door shut, ignoring him as he carried Liv inside, moving easily to his bed, dropping her down on it. “Fuck...you’re so hot.” he breathed, yanking his shirt over his head and dropping it.
Meet up
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r0ck3rdaddy · 5 years
The uber drive seemed to easily ignore the two drunks in his back seat as she combed into Val’s lap. rolled his hips slowly and pressed into the kiss. He wanted her too, and he needed her. He started to gather her dress up in his hands, eager to get it off her so he could fuck her properly.
Meet up
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r0ck3rdaddy · 5 years
“Sounds good.” he hummed, resting his other hand on her thigh as he drank some. It was definitely good...
It was only an hour later when the bartender had called them an uber, giving them the address of the campground and lot number of Val’s lot. They were both far too drunk to call one theirselves. They were settled in the back seat, his hands unable to stay off her.
Meet up
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r0ck3rdaddy · 5 years
Val waited, smirking as he watched her and saw the way she made the bartender blush. That was cute...really. He watched him prepare the drinks and raised his brow at the red drink. A strawberry. It was...cute. “This looks fruity as fuck.”
Meet up
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r0ck3rdaddy · 5 years
“There’s always a next time for my shows.” he purred and grabbed her stool, pulling her a little closer to him. He wanted her close...so he could see her better and touch her more. “Why don’t you order for me, then?” he tried. He’d drink whatever she put in front of him.
Meet up
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r0ck3rdaddy · 5 years
Valentine gave a smile, drumming two fingers on the neck of his beer bottle, feeling the condensation drip over them. She'd seen him. And she appeared to like him. He shifted a little, head tilting slightly. "I'm glad you liked it. Maybe next time, I can get you backstage~"
Meet up
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r0ck3rdaddy · 5 years
Generals. He remembered doing general studies. It had been boring to him. So damn boring. He took another drink and hummed a little. "I might seen you there before...I frequent a lot of the sports bars and regular bars round here." Valentine reached up, tucking some of his two toned hair behind an ear to get it away from his face, "I'm actually in a band. It's not a big well known one or anything."
Meet up
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r0ck3rdaddy · 5 years
"Lucky me." He hummed and took another drink of his beer before ordering another. His eye caught the way her dress slid and he imagined lifting her up onto the bar and shoving her dress up, fucking her in front of everyone. "So...what do you do?"
Meet up
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r0ck3rdaddy · 5 years
"Hey." He hummed, sliding the drink to her. He drank his when she drank, eyes on her. He couldn't quite believe she'd shown up. He never believed the women he met were going to be there in reality. "...I'm surprised you showed up so easily." He said.
Meet up
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r0ck3rdaddy · 5 years
Val waited patiently, drinking his beer and making sure no one touched her drink. At one point, a woman had come over and tried to skeeve off with it, saying how sweet it was that he'd buy her one. Val had shooed her away quickly and then checked his phone. He head someone by the door say her name and looked up. She was more attractive in person, with that long hair and those damn beautiful legs that made him shiver, thinking about them wrapped around his waist....Val raised his hand to get her attention, waving a little. "Hey!"
Meet up
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r0ck3rdaddy · 5 years
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r0ck3rdaddy · 5 years
Rum and Coke. When his beer was brought to him, Val ordered her drink. When it was brought to him, he snapped a picture and slid back into the app, sending her the picture of their drinks.
Better hurry up before it gets warm!
Meet up
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r0ck3rdaddy · 5 years
Very lucky for him. He grabbed his truck keys and tugged on his boots before going out and getting in his truck. 
Luck me. I’ll meet you there.
He pinged her the address of the bar he was headed to. It was a sort of local place, close to the campsite he lived on. Not super popular, but the drinks were good and he could usually get a couple free off the owner, who typically worked the bar. He parked his truck and headed inside, settling on a stool at the bar.
What’s your drink? I’ll order one for you.
Meet up
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r0ck3rdaddy · 5 years
You’d win that bet. But I’d be willing to match it that you’re even hotter naked than I am.
Valentine grabbed a pair of nicely fitted jeans and a black muscle shirt before checking the weather. No too bad, but he pulled on his leather jacket instead of his vest. He pulled his necklace from under the shirt before messaging her again.
You wanna watch TV all night? Or maybe you could come join me instead?
Meet up
Valentine was never sure how he got into his kinks…He just..had them one day without realizing it. Suddenly, some girl was riding his dick and calling him daddy and he was harder and more eager. He’d thought it was weird and he’d ended up googling some kinks to figure out what was happening with him.
He’d been so relieved when he’d read about the DD/LG community. It was nice to know he wasn’t some pervert. And then he’d grown up more and bought a truck. He’d joined a band with some of his close friends, and they were rather popular on the Indie circuit, which was cool. But it caused issues for him. Val just wanted to meet someone. To just…have some good sex. But it was hard when people kept thinking you were catfishing them.
He’d found an app for people like him..people interested in the DD community.  It was like tinder, but you listed the kinks and things you were interested in trying, and if you were just looking for a fuck or a real relationship. For littles, there was an additional option of what sort of little you were. He had himself up there as looking for either or. He wasn’t picky. He had a list of kinks and a couple nice pictures of himself along with a shirtless or two at the end of the roll. He was settled on his bed, flipping through the girls, swiping right on one or two until he found her. Red hair, beautiful. She had these eyes that pulled him in to her…Liv…He liked her. Val swept right immediately, waiting to see if she matched with him.
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r0ck3rdaddy · 5 years
Valentine ran his fingers through his beard, getting some oil smoothed through it before grabbing his razor, grooming it carefully. He was very proud of it and tried to take the best care he possibly could. He glanced over at his phone as it lit up and unlocked it once more with a smirk.
I was. Sadly, I’ve got a towel on now.
Meet up
Valentine was never sure how he got into his kinks…He just..had them one day without realizing it. Suddenly, some girl was riding his dick and calling him daddy and he was harder and more eager. He’d thought it was weird and he’d ended up googling some kinks to figure out what was happening with him.
He’d been so relieved when he’d read about the DD/LG community. It was nice to know he wasn’t some pervert. And then he’d grown up more and bought a truck. He’d joined a band with some of his close friends, and they were rather popular on the Indie circuit, which was cool. But it caused issues for him. Val just wanted to meet someone. To just…have some good sex. But it was hard when people kept thinking you were catfishing them.
He’d found an app for people like him..people interested in the DD community.  It was like tinder, but you listed the kinks and things you were interested in trying, and if you were just looking for a fuck or a real relationship. For littles, there was an additional option of what sort of little you were. He had himself up there as looking for either or. He wasn’t picky. He had a list of kinks and a couple nice pictures of himself along with a shirtless or two at the end of the roll. He was settled on his bed, flipping through the girls, swiping right on one or two until he found her. Red hair, beautiful. She had these eyes that pulled him in to her…Liv…He liked her. Val swept right immediately, waiting to see if she matched with him.
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r0ck3rdaddy · 5 years
Beer and tv. Sounded real nice to him. Val turned off the shower, wrapping a towel around his waist and moving his phone to the sink, getting his supplies out to get ready for going out before he messaged her. He wondered for a minute if she’d be willing to meet up.
Shower and then out to the bar. What’re you watching? Anything good?
Meet up
Valentine was never sure how he got into his kinks…He just..had them one day without realizing it. Suddenly, some girl was riding his dick and calling him daddy and he was harder and more eager. He’d thought it was weird and he’d ended up googling some kinks to figure out what was happening with him.
He’d been so relieved when he’d read about the DD/LG community. It was nice to know he wasn’t some pervert. And then he’d grown up more and bought a truck. He’d joined a band with some of his close friends, and they were rather popular on the Indie circuit, which was cool. But it caused issues for him. Val just wanted to meet someone. To just…have some good sex. But it was hard when people kept thinking you were catfishing them.
He’d found an app for people like him..people interested in the DD community.  It was like tinder, but you listed the kinks and things you were interested in trying, and if you were just looking for a fuck or a real relationship. For littles, there was an additional option of what sort of little you were. He had himself up there as looking for either or. He wasn’t picky. He had a list of kinks and a couple nice pictures of himself along with a shirtless or two at the end of the roll. He was settled on his bed, flipping through the girls, swiping right on one or two until he found her. Red hair, beautiful. She had these eyes that pulled him in to her…Liv…He liked her. Val swept right immediately, waiting to see if she matched with him.
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