r0undtree · 1 year
i'm moving eddie to my multi @wildkissed !! feel free to follow, i'll be selectively replying to some of my drafts there and if you wish to reply to something i posted for you, just tag my multi <3
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r0undtree · 1 year
ok besties u got 5 replies from me today see u next month
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r0undtree · 1 year
there's  nothing  he  wants  more  than  to  be  there  for  camila,  and  for  a  moment  the  want  is  enough  to  make  everything  else  fade  away  :  the  uncertainty,  the  morality  of  their  situation.  if  camila  wants  this,  then  fuck  everything  else.  eddie  can  feel  his  heart  on  his  throat  as  he  waits  for  a  response,  bracing  himself  for  rejection,  even  when  there's  a  small  part  of  himself  that  won't  let  go  of  the  hopefulness.  hearing  the  affirmative  feels  like  the  first  breath  of  fresh  air  in  a  long  time.  (  in  a  way,  he's  been  drowning  since  the  last  time  they  were  together.  )  eyes  search  camila's  features  for  a  glimpse  of  doubt  of  hesitation,  but  he's  not  able  to  find  any.  it  makes  him  wonder  if  the  distance  between  them  has  created  bridges  worse  than  anticipated,  or  if  there's  none.  eddie  wants  to  do  it,  but  he  doesn't  think  he  would  be  able  to  forgive  himself  for  hurting  camila.  
“  wait  —  ”  he  says,  wanting  to  kick  himself.  it's  visible  on  his  facial  expression,  a  complicated  frown  decorating  his  face.  “  are  you  sure  about  this  ?  ”  about  us,  he  means.  eddie  has  been  sure  about  camila  since  they  were  children,  but  he's  painfully  aware  that  she  can't  say  the  same.  “  i  just  ...  don't  want  you  to  regret  this.  ”  words  are  whispered,  the  admission  feels  too  mortifying  to  be  said  out  loud.  allowing  himself  a  single  touch,  his  finger  brushes  against  her  cheekbone  softly.  despite  how  desperate  he  feels,  he  needs  them  to  be  on  the  same  page.  eddie  doesn't  think  he  would  survive  camila  not  wanting  this  as  much  as  he  does.  
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𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐅𝐋𝐈𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐃 𝐖𝐎𝐔𝐋𝐃 𝐁𝐄 𝐀𝐍 𝐔𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐌𝐄𝐍𝐓. camila knows that billy has checked out , that something else is going on . . she knows he has something with daisy, but that’s the extent of it ? is he simply having a good time with someone who he makes music with or is he doing something else ? so many secrets had built up between them & it felt like all at once camila noticed it. coming home late , talking to daisy at all hours on the phone , favouring time at the studio & not home with his family. never would camila want to begrudge her husband of what he loved , but at one point does he realize he’s placed his own family on the back burner. it’s this realization , a consideration only in it’s infancy , that drove camila to want a secret of her own. in truth , going to that party she hadn’t know what would happen & she certainly didn’t expect it to happen with eddie. ; ( as the emotional connection between her & billy felt as if it slipped away so did her desire to be physical with him. she kissed him , she hugged him , but she always made excuses not to sleep with him. it felt distant , it felt . . like she’d be betraying what was really felt inside. )
the kiss was interrupted, her heart skipping a beat when door opens & the two of them are forced to pretend what almost happened didn’t. eyes look back out over the balcony , chest tightening with the idea of what she’d do to feel close to someone right now. camila had to ask: was her emotional well being worth the cheating ? or the bigger question: should she be forced to give up that part of herself for a man who couldn’t say the same ? ❛ your room . . ❜ says voice , head turning to peer toward billy in a window who huddled with others & seems to be laughing. not noticing her absence. eyes turn toward eddie, ❛ yeah , yeah. let’s go. ❜
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r0undtree · 1 year
“  julia.  ”  eddie  says  it  like  it's  a  warning,  as  they're  entering  uncharted  territory.  it's  not  about  lack  of  curiosity,  or  willingness  for  that  matter.  there's  a  part  of  him  that's  itching  to  say  yes,  the  same  eddie  that  sometimes  lies  awake  at  night,  reminiscing  about  his  time  with  the  six.  they  had  been  his  family  for  some  many  years,  it  felt  weird  to  do  anything  without  them.  but  eddie  moved  on,  built  a  life  for  himself  doing  things  he  actually  wanted  to  do.  “  it's  not  about  holding  a  grudge.  i  have  a  job  and  i  like  doing  it,  ”  it's  almost  like  he's  trying  to  convince  himself  and  not  camila's  daughter.  “  you're  asking  me  to  give  all  of  my  power  and  knowledge  away  to  just  play  bass  for  someone  else's  songs.  i  won't  do  that.  ”  if  he  ever  played  again,  eddie  would  have  to  be  the  one  producing  the  songs.  he  was  not  making  the  same  mistake  twice,  no  matter  how  hard  julia  tried  to  convince  him.  
@r0undtree sent "just because you want something to happen, doesn't mean it's going to"
"come on, please?" julia asked. years after her own project, daisy confessed that she wanted to reunite the band and maybe work on another album. daisy already had warren and karen on board, now it was up to the rest of the group. julia had been hanging out with warren when she brought up the idea and he obviously didn't take it well, though she couldn't really blame him.
"daisy's gonna be there. she's gonna keep billy in check. maybe. hopefully," she said. "you cannot possibly hold a grudge for that long."
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r0undtree · 1 year
sarcasm  is  met  with  an  easy  going  smile,  regardless  of  eddie's  prideful  nature,  he  knows  not  to  take  offense  to  words  that  lack  venom.  “  hey,  i  was  right.  you're  here.  ”  never mind  the  fact  that  bones  could  rarely  be  found  somewhere  else.  except  on  his  free  time,  of  course,  and  now  eddie  can't  help  but  wonder  how  his  life  looks  like  outside  of  lighting  the  stage  for  the  six.  maybe  he  should  give  bones  a  call,  after  the  tour.  “  don't  flatter  yourself,  we  could  play  in  the  dark  and  the  crowd  would  still  go  crazy.  ”  eddie  likes  to  think  he  might  have  something  to  do  with  that,  although  it  would  be  foolish  to  take  full  credit  when  they're  playing  with  daisy  jones.  there's  a  lot  to  be  said  about  her,  but  daisy's  stage  presence  is  unmatched.  it  makes  billy  angry,  and  consequently,  eddie  happy.  “  what  are  you  doing  after  the  show  ?  ”  question  comes  out  of  nowhere,  yet  not  far  from  his  previous  curiosity.  it  had  never  occurred  to  him  to  ask  any  of  their  backstage crew,  but  bones  seems  like  he  would  have  an  interesting  answer.  
❛ i knew you would be here. ❜ for bones
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“  i’ll  tell  you  what,  sherlock  holmes,  ”    sarcasm  taints  his  words,  where  else  would  he  be?    “  you  are  unbelievable.  ”    his  gaze  only  lifts  from  the  switchboard  to  look  across  the  venue  to  where  the  spotlight  hits  daisy’s  mark  —  skilled  fingers  adjust  the  temperature,  a  warmer  hue  for  the  lead  singer,  not  that  she’ll  stay  within  the  confines  of  the  light.  bones  is  in  for  a  chase;  one  onstage,  and  possibly  another  one  offstage.  he’s  running  a  few  minutes  behind,  sound  check  for  tonight’s  show  imminent  as  the  talent  begins  to  trickle  in  in  varied  states  of  hungover.  despite  his  apparent  concentration,  the  smile  on  his  face  however,  is  very  much  directed  towards  his  spectator.  a  quick  toggle,  and  the  stage  goes  dark,  as  expected  before  the  set  starts.  he  can  breathe  easy  again,  step  away  from  the  console,  arms  fold  before  the  —  bassist?  rhythm  guitarist?  it’s  hard  to  keep  track  these  days.    “  gotta  do  my  best  to  give  phoenix  a  good  show.  god  knows  you  guys  won’t.  ”
exes with feelings prompts.
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r0undtree · 1 year
eddie's  still  not  completely  convinced  this  isn't  a  dream.  (  since  the  relationship  with  camila  started,  he  had  found  himself  more  often  than  not  laying  awake  at  night,  hearing  her  breathing,  and  wondering  if  he  had  somehow  gotten  into  a  coma  and  this  new  life  was  a  product  of  his  mind,  trying  to  keep  him  happy.  nothing  more  than  an  illusion.  )  as  happiness  overcomes  him,  it  strikes  him  that  this  is  real.  he  could  never  imagine  the  sense  of  joy  that  was  going  through  his  body  in  that  moment.  “  did  i  ruin  it  ?  ”  despite  the  concern,  the  smile  on  his  face  seems  impossible  to  erase.  “  you're  not  joking,  right  ?  you're  pregnant  ?  ”  it  feels  impossible  and  exhilarating  at  the  same  time.  he's  laughing  then,  picking  camila  up  from  the  waist  and  spinning  around  a  couple  of  times.  “  oh,  that  sounds  so  weird.  but  good  !  good  weird.  ”  
“ i saw the pregnancy test in the trash. ”
Camila always told herself the next time she got pregnant, she'd be ready. Life seemed to have other plans though. Everything seemed to be repeating itself: She was in a new relationship, they were just getting their footing, and now they were throwing a baby into the mix? This time she felt an odd sense of calm. She wasn't afraid that she'd have to go through it alone. She was excited. "I had this entire plan on how I was going to tell you," she laughed softly, shaking her head. Camila was excited to finally get the life she'd always wanted with the person she'd always wanted deep down. She leaned in to give Eddie a gentle kiss. "Congrats, dad."
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r0undtree · 1 year
“  you  know,  rod,  ”  eddie  starts,  almost  wincing  at  the  loud  noises  because  of  his  hangover.  it's  usually  a  lot  more  manageable  when  days  start  at  around  three  p.m  for  sound  check.  honestly,  being  booked  for  anything  before  the  afternoon  is  a  risk,  so  who's  really  at  fault  here  ?  “  it's  not  like  they're  gonna  ask  us  any  questions  !  ”  an  important  reminder,  one  that  anyone  who  isn't  billy  or  daisy  has  been  able  to  notice.  it  mostly  feels  like  warren,  graham,  karen  and  him  are  simply  there  as  background  noise.  still,  eddie  follows  the  orders  and  starts  to  get  in  the  bus.  before  he's  completely  there,  he  turns  around  to  rod  one  last  time.  “  next  time,  just  make  sure  to  get  daisy  and  billy  there.  they can do their thing and we get some extra sleep.  ”  
@r0undtree said “did we have something scheduled and i forgot?”
being the tour manager for the six was comparable to herding a flock of headless chickens into their coop, a near impossible endeavour getting them all in the right place at the right time. if it wasn’t daisy oversleeping or not turning up to soundcheck on time, it was eddie and warren locked in some local bar far beyond the time they had passed out in there. rod often felt like a circus leader of a bunch of unruly animals, but that was his game — and it was what he loved and loathed all at the same time.
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“oh, yeah. nothing important. just a press conference promoting your show at a little venue called madison square fucking garden.” rod’s voice got louder and louder as his words went on, cigarette hanging from his lips as he grabs eddie’s shoulders and turns him in the right direction. “get in the fucking bus, man.”
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r0undtree · 1 year
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"those two still owe me a song"// independent, private & selective camila alvarez dunne from 'daisy jones & the six' // written by eri // muse and mun 18+ // minors dni // promo by the incredible plutocommissions
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r0undtree · 1 year
eddie  didn't  mean  to  sound  harsh,  but  despite  his  short  time  working  as  a  producer,  it  didn't  take  long  to  learn  that  most  artists  thought  they  knew  better.  he  certainly  feels  sorry  for  all  of  the  people  who  had  to  work  with  them  back  then,  it  was  always  difficult  to  try  and  deal  with  an  ego  bigger  than  the  room  they  were  standing  in.  but  it's  in that moment that  he  realizes  he  might've  misjudged  savannah  blake.  
“  no,  you're  right.  ”  she  was  the  artist,  anyway,  and  that  had  to  count  for  something.  “  and  hey,  knowing  what  you  want  is  a  step  in  the  right  direction.  ”  because  eddie  had  met  many  musicians  who  seemed  lost,  hoping  someone  would  thrust  them  in  the  right  direction.  maybe  that's  why  teddy  sought  daisy's  help  back  in  the  day.  “  i'm  just  saying ...  pop  can  be  repetitive,  you  wanna  make  sure  every  song  in  the  album  is  unique.  ”  maybe  even get  her  to  experiment  a  little  with  different  genres.  
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𝐒𝐀𝐕𝐀𝐍𝐍𝐀𝐇 𝐌𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 𝐁𝐄 𝐍𝐄𝐖 𝐓𝐎 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐂𝐄𝐍𝐄 , but she wasn't inexperienced by any means. no , she has had her fair share of gigs and performances. maybe they had never been at this size but it was all the same in the end.
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❝ maybe so - but i think we all bring something to the table. experienced or not. ❞ the woman finally replies. ❝ that being said , i am willing to listen to the advice you seem to have. always want to take advantage when it is extended to me. ❞
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r0undtree · 1 year
“  hey,  don't  say  that.  ”  words  are  muttered  softly,  in  spite  of  the  burning  rage  that  seethes  beneath  the  surface.  if  anyone  is  the  fool,  it's  billy,  for  betraying  the  trust  of  the  most  honest  woman  eddie's  ever  met.  or  maybe  they  all  are,  in that moment   eddie  feels  like  the  fool  with  the  slowest  heart,  refusing  to  let  go  of  his  feelings  for  camila  even  when  she's  married,  pregnant  with  a  child  that's  not  his.  “  i'm  sorry  i  didn't  —  i  didn't  know  how  to  —  i  should've  told  you,  cami.  i'm  sorry.  ”  eddie  takes  a  seat  reluctantly  at  her  side,  outside  of  the  shitty  motel  they've  been  staying  at.  
eyes  search  the  sky  and  he  wonders  why  none  of  them  ever  did  something  about  it.  the  first  time  billy  broke  his  vows  in  front  of  them,  one  of  them  should've  confronted  him.  instead,  they  all  choose  to  look  the  other  way  and  act  like  it  wasn't  happening.  it's  too  late  to  change  things  now.  no  question  seems  right  to  ask,  and  eddie  feels  himself  falling  into  an  uncomfortable  silence  after  that. 
@r0undtree​  ;  ‘ i know i’m not the person you want, but i’m here. ’  ( ask prompts )
she’d spent a considerable amount of time staring at the gaps between her fingers.  the divides kept her grip:  slipping.  what a thing;  she breathes her sorrow and sighs as if those muted volumes might translate what her heart cannot allow her mind to believe.  if not for his ears,  her composure might have fooled them both.  –––  but he knows her idiosyncrasies well.  and she,  a paradigm of control,  had already begun to unravel.  she knows:  faith will always be tested;  ignorance,  coddled.
she refused to submit to a life of blind complacency.  she’d never settle for that kind of superficial lie.  if the pain ran deep,  it’s because it mattered.  her life,  their promise,  that faith:  mattered.  so,  let it bleed.  from her eyes,  from their wounds,  and from that frayed hope that is rooted so deeply within her heart.
          “ oh,  eddie,  i can’t help but wonder if i’m the fool after all  …  ”
because even as her heart bleeds over billy,  he’s there for mending,  and she allows him to pass the tape.
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r0undtree · 1 year
jos.h wh.itehouse playing the guitar is something that can be so personal to me
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r0undtree · 1 year
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your reflection is a promise you couldn't keep. i know i lost you here. i know, i know i love you now. protected by lexie. ©
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r0undtree · 1 year
camila  was  the  reason  eddie  stayed  for  so  long.  possibilities  were  always  lingering,  refusing  to  let  go  of  the  hope  that  having  her  around  would  make  it  all  worth  it.  but  then  the  dynamic  between  them  shifted,  made  his  feelings  deeper,  more  tangible.  suddenly,  the  weight  on  his  shoulders  was  closer  to  becoming  unbearable  every  day.  until  it  did.  “  camila,  i  don't  think  there's  a  version  of  me  in  the  universe  that  wouldn't  want  to  keep  you  two  close.  ”  that  wasn't  the  question  that  needed  an  answer.  because  they  both  knew  it  was  always  a  yes.  eddie  needed  to  know  if  he  was  allowed  this,  a  small  part  of  camila  in  his  life,  if  it  wouldn't  be  a  burden  too  heavy  to  carry.  he  knew,  deep  down,  that  billy  would  always  come  first.  
attempting  a  weak  version  of  a  smile,  not  able  to  reach  his  eyes,  eddie  thinks  of  himself  as  see  through.  there's  nothing  that  could  hide  the  deep  want  settled  into  his  bones,  visible  in  his  downcast  gaze  as  he  looks  back  into  camila's  eyes.  he  wants  to  say  maybe  i  won't  so  i  can  see  you  again,  but  he  swallows  the  words.  “  i'll  try.  so  you  don't  come  and  kick  my  ass.  ”  but  there's  an  undeniable  truth  :  how  could  he  ever  find  happiness  if  it's  not  with  her  ?  eddie  doesn't  think  it's  possible.  he'll  leave  the  band  and  become  a  producer  somehow  and  all  he  will  be  able  to  feel  is  barely fulfilled,  as  camila  sits  in  the  same  city  as  him,  miles  away,  laughing  at  the  dinner  table  with  her  daughters  and  her  husband.  “  i  don't  need  to  say  it  back,  do  i  ?  i  think  you  already  found  great  happiness.  ”  despite  everything,  he's  glad.  if  anyone  deserves  it,  it's  camila  dunne.  
eddie wasn't the only one who'd been suffocating. somedays, camila would wake up and feel like her lungs were filled with water. like she was ophelia, drowning underwater. but she wasn't. and she couldn't allow herself to be weighted down by worries and struggles - she was a mother, a mother of three beautiful girls. she had to be there for them. and for the band, they needed someone. this was the proof. even strong and willful eddie needed someone. offering him a small smile as she leans in to kiss his cheek. she understands if he needs to leave ... even if she wishes he would stay, she understands it more than she'd ever share with anyone but her own most inner thoughts.
" you'll see her again, i promise. if you want to, of course. " she wasn't here to force the girls, or herself, down anyone's throats. they deserved to be around people who wanted them - but she knows eddie does, she can see it in his bleeding eyes right now. as if she can share his pain just by the look of him. feel how his heart aches in his ribs. gently squeezing his hand, head tilted. " you're going to find great happiness, eddie. i know this - or i'll come kick your ass. "
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r0undtree · 1 year
daisy  jones  was  in  the  cover  of  at  least  one  magazine  the  last  time  eddie  visited  the  store,  yet  this  is  the  first  time  he's  learning  something  of  value  about  her.  ( granted,  he  isn't  one  to  spend  his  free  time  leisurely  flicking  through  magazines. )  it  occurs  to  him  that  for  someone  with  her  level  of  fame,  the  general  public  would  do  anything  for  a  piece  of  information  such  as  the  one  that's  coming  out  of  daisy's  mouth.  but  the  bassist  doesn't  plan  on  betraying  the  trust  of  any  of  his  bandmates  any  time  soon,  he  simply  listens  to  what  she  has  to  say,  unsure  of  how  to  respond.  it  turns  out  an  answer  isn't  necessary,  because  the  next  topic  manages  to  catch  his  attention  completely.  “  i  guess.  ”  his  distaste  for  billy's  behavior  had  become  more  clear  the  past  few  months,  impossible  to  contain  himself  when  someone  like  daisy  presented  the  opportunity  for  constructive  criticism.  “  he  didn't  do  anything  to  me,  he's  just  an  asshole  who  thinks  he  owns  the  band.  ”  and  sometimes  eddie  can't  help  but  wonder  if  that's  their  own  fault.  for  never  speaking  up  when  it  mattered,  for  thinking  billy  knew  better  since  the  beginning.  it  makes  him  wonder  if  that's  how  camila  feels  too.  like  she  can't  stop  loving  him  because,  at  a  certain  point,  things  had  been  different.  anyway,  he  tries  not  to  think  too  much  about  that.  “  it  looks  like  it  bothers  you  too.  ”  maybe  not  as  much,  from  eddie  had  seen.  
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𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐈𝐑 𝐅𝐎𝐎𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐖𝐀𝐒 𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐋𝐋 𝐑𝐎𝐂𝐊𝐘. 𝐃𝐀𝐈𝐒𝐘 𝐖𝐀𝐒 𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐋𝐋 𝐒𝐄𝐄𝐍 , by billy mostly , as an invader that he didn’t want stepping in to begin with. her with her new ideas , her with her changing of his songs , her with the confidence & audacity to stand on her own two feet , look him in the eyes, & say whatever the fuck she wanted about anything ! billy was the so-called leader & daisy tended to challenge the authority he believed he had whenever possible. while the friction wasn’t always nice , daisy wasn’t going to lie & say that , on some level close to the surface , it amused her. ( the band needed someone like her. someone to go toe to toe with billy & someone who who has the possibility to make real change for the better. ) hands lower , head too , as she begins rummaging through her almost comically large bag. cigarettes, cigarettes, where are they ?! ah ! ; ❛ havin’ money is nice , but it isn’t everything. ❜ fingers pluck a cigarette from its case , lighter flame held to the end. a deep breath , an exhale of smoke. ❛ i grew up with money & it didn’t do me much good. my parents threw it at me , gave me whatever i wanted , to get me to go away. ❜ would eddie notice the lack of previous discussion on her family life now ? another long drag of her cigarette as a smile pressed to her lips: ❛ billy really bothers you that much , huh ? i mean, i get it. he seems like he always has a stick up his ass . . ❜ shoulders give a small shrug , smoke pushing through her nose. ❛ what’d he do to you ? ❜ besides marry a girl you obviously have eyes for.
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r0undtree · 1 year
there's  an  enjoyable  buzzing  settling  across  his  body,  still  a  couple  of  drinks  in  but  skirting  the  line  of  what  should  be  considered  prudent,  a  definition  that  tends  to  become  blurry  in  places  like  that.  own  thoughts  are  clouded,  fighting  against  the  alcohol  consumed  and  the  couple  of  bumps  done  alongside  warren,  graham  and  karen  in  the  sketchy  bathroom.  now  that  he  thinks  about  it,  he's  not  sure  where  any  of  them  went.  it  doesn't  seem  to  matter,  because  camila  is  in  front  of  him  talking,  and  eddie's  pretending  to  listen,  despite how  own  mind  keeps  getting  sidetracked  about  how  beautiful  she  looks,  even  under  dim  lighting.  it  feels  like  fighting  against  the  current  whenever  she  comes  closer  and  eddie  has  to  act  like  he's  not  imagining  coming  even  closer.  
prompt  :  [    taunt    ]  sender  is  taunting  receiver,  slowly  moving  in  closer  to  their  lips  with  no  intention  of  kissing  them,  to  see  how  far  they’re  willing  to  go.  
the closeness is  enough  for  eddie  to  smell  her  perfume,  to  count  the  freckles  that  rest  on  her  cheekbones  and  the  bridge  of  her  nose,  that  grow  more  visible  whenever  there's  warm  weather.  ever  since  moving  to  california,  he  has  noticed  them  more  and  more.  after  so  many  years  of  friendship,  there's  not  a  side  of  her  that  doesn't  feel  familiar  to  him.  he  knows  how  it  feels  when  camila  moves  closer  to  give  him  a  hug,  to  whisper  a  secret  to  his  ear.  and  now,  the  closeness  between  them  feels  charged.  “  cami ...  ”  voice  is  cautious,  breathing erratic. her name sounds like a question.  she  feels  magnetic,  and  eddie  finds  himself  helplessly  pulled  into  her  orbit.  he  wonders  how  it  would  feel  like  to  push  himself  a  little  further  and  kiss  her,  yet  just  as  quickly,  the  thought  is  gone,  replaced  by  a  sense  of  confusion  that  feels  upsetting.  “  i  think  you  might  be  drunk.  ”  it's  easier  to  pass  it  off  as  a  joke,  because  the  other  option  is  too  hurtful  to  even  think  about.  to  think  about  camila  taking  advantage  of  his  feelings  (  has  he  really  been  that  obvious  ?  has she known this whole time  ?  )  for  what,  some  sort  of  entertainment  ?  eddie  feels  obligated  to  divert  his  gaze,  taking  a  step  away  even  when  he  doesn't  really  want  to.  “  where's  billy  ?  ” ( @slaughtyr )
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r0undtree · 1 year
i think im gonna go down to double spacing bc sometimes i feel like i write too much and im embarrassed so double spacing will make it look shorter <3
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r0undtree · 1 year
You ever just... yell about #withthebcnd??
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