r3mi-huds0n · 7 years
Lamborghini Driven by Entrepreneur Kevin Hooks
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r3mi-huds0n · 8 years
 Dreams are meant to be chased. Dreams are the fuel, the motivation needed to get through the tough times. Dreams have no limits, but in order to achieve your dreams you must have a plan in order for them to come into fruition. Every successful person; whether it was an athlete, an entrepreneur, or even a revolutionary; they all started with a dream.  " I have a dream" , stated by Martin Luther King Jr. whom fought for what he believed in, which facilitated a new era of breaking down racial barrier of America, it all started with a dream. "If you're so afraid of failure, you will never succeed. You have to take a chance"- Mario Andretti. hat quote keeps me focused on what needs to be done as I build my career in motorsports, life is all about taking risks; sometimes a calculated risk, but nonetheless it's a risk.
 Through the ups and downs my goals and my focus have remained intact, but my ambitions have grown with every opportunity that presented itself; whether it was me driving, or gaining a new partner my dream of being a professional has remained true. As we draw nearer to the end of 2015 with many positives and few negatives I can say I learned a great deal about myself and how to conduct business. I'm very excited to start 2016 as it will mean I'm getting closer to achieve my ultimate goal, but creating new ones as I progress along the way. I can't wait until I get back in my car and do what I love most, going fast.
#HappyNewYear #MakeItCount
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r3mi-huds0n · 8 years
 Dreams are meant to be chased. Dreams are the fuel, the motivation needed to get through the tough times. Dreams have no limits, but in order to achieve your dreams you must have a plan in order for them to come into fruition. Every successful person; whether it was an athlete, an entrepreneur, or even a revolutionary; they all started with a dream.  " I have a dream" , stated by Martin Luther King Jr. whom fought for what he believed in, which facilitated a new era of breaking down racial barrier of America, it all started with a dream. "If you're so afraid of failure, you will never succeed. You have to take a chance"- Mario Andretti. hat quote keeps me focused on what needs to be done as I build my career in motorsports, life is all about taking risks; sometimes a calculated risk, but nonetheless it's a risk.
 Through the ups and downs my goals and my focus have remained intact, but my ambitions have grown with every opportunity that presented itself; whether it was me driving, or gaining a new partner my dream of being a professional has remained true. As we draw nearer to the end of 2015 with many positives and few negatives I can say I learned a great deal about myself and how to conduct business. I'm very excited to start 2016 as it will mean I'm getting closer to achieve my ultimate goal, but creating new ones as I progress along the way. I can't wait until I get back in my car and do what I love most, going fast.
#HappyNewYear #MakeItCount
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r3mi-huds0n · 8 years
 Dreams are meant to be chased. Dreams are the fuel, the motivation needed to get through the tough times. Dreams have no limits, but in order to achieve your dreams you must have a plan in order for them to come into fruition. Every successful person; whether it was an athlete, an entrepreneur, or even a revolutionary; they all started with a dream.  " I have a dream" , stated by Martin Luther King Jr. whom fought for what he believed in, which facilitated a new era of breaking down racial barrier of America, it all started with a dream. "If you're so afraid of failure, you will never succeed. You have to take a chance"- Mario Andretti. hat quote keeps me focused on what needs to be done as I build my career in motorsports, life is all about taking risks; sometimes a calculated risk, but nonetheless it's a risk.
 Through the ups and downs my goals and my focus have remained intact, but my ambitions have grown with every opportunity that presented itself; whether it was me driving, or gaining a new partner my dream of being a professional has remained true. As we draw nearer to the end of 2015 with many positives and few negatives I can say I learned a great deal about myself and how to conduct business. I'm very excited to start 2016 as it will mean I'm getting closer to achieve my ultimate goal, but creating new ones as I progress along the way. I can't wait until I get back in my car and do what I love most, going fast.
#HappyNewYear #MakeItCount
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r3mi-huds0n · 9 years
Love for Speed
 What if I told you... I'm setting to put my name among IndyCar's greats. What if I told you... The dreams I've been harboring are turning into fruition and before you know it will be 2016 for my season. My passion for Motorsports runs deep, but my fierce competitiveness runs even deeper. I've always taken risks in life whether it was playing football, moving across the country, or taking my passion to the next level by driving 150+ mph race cars. I've been apart of racing for most of life, through the triumphs of winning to the lows of not competing as much as I wanted, that's the nature of the beast sometimes. The reason I compete is because there's a fire that burns inside me to be the best, to chase perfection and my love for speed.
 Every time I  get strapped in my car, butterflies and a tingling sensation  runs through out my body as if I'm a  gladiator preparing for battle.  No other feeling compares to it, especially when I'm driving on the edge and pushing my limits knowing one move can be the difference between passing the checkered flag first or walking back to your crew with your steering wheel in hand explaining what happened. My story is just beginning, I can't wait to see what the future holds for me not only for next season, but my career as a whole. I often think about what new people I'll meet and new locations I'll get to visit. I'm very grateful for the opportunities that came and continue to come my way, I just hope I'll be able to share it with you all. This will be my 30 for 30.
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r3mi-huds0n · 9 years
Love for Speed
 What if I told you... I'm setting to put my name among IndyCar's greats. What if I told you... The dreams I've been harboring are turning into fruition and before you know it will be 2016 for my season. My passion for Motorsports runs deep, but my fierce competitiveness runs even deeper. I've always taken risks in life whether it was playing football, moving across the country, or taking my passion to the next level by driving 150+ mph race cars. I've been apart of racing for most of life, through the triumphs of winning to the lows of not competing as much as I wanted, that's the nature of the beast sometimes. The reason I compete is because there's a fire that burns inside me to be the best, to chase perfection and my love for speed.
 Every time I  get strapped in my car, butterflies and a tingling sensation  runs through out my body as if I'm a  gladiator preparing for battle.  No other feeling compares to it, especially when I'm driving on the edge and pushing my limits knowing one move can be the difference between passing the checkered flag first or walking back to your crew with your steering wheel in hand explaining what happened. My story is just beginning, I can't wait to see what the future holds for me not only for next season, but my career as a whole. I often think about what new people I'll meet and new locations I'll get to visit. I'm very grateful for the opportunities that came and continue to come my way, I just hope I'll be able to share it with you all. This will be my 30 for 30.
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r3mi-huds0n · 9 years
Love for Speed
 What if I told you... I'm setting to put my name among IndyCar's greats. What if I told you... The dreams I've been harboring are turning into fruition and before you know it will be 2016 for my season. My passion for Motorsports runs deep, but my fierce competitiveness runs even deeper. I've always taken risks in life whether it was playing football, moving across the country, or taking my passion to the next level by driving 150+ mph race cars. I've been apart of racing for most of life, through the triumphs of winning to the lows of not competing as much as I wanted, that's the nature of the beast sometimes. The reason I compete is because there's a fire that burns inside me to be the best, to chase perfection and my love for speed. Every time I  get strapped in my car, butterflies and a tingling sensation  runs through out my body as if I'm a  gladiator preparing for battle.  No other feeling compares to it, especially when I'm driving on the edge and pushing my limits knowing one move can be the difference between passing the checkered flag first or walking back to your crew with your steering wheel in hand explaining what happened. My story is just beginning, I can't wait to see what the future holds for me not only for next season, but my career as a whole. I often think about what new people I'll meet and new locations I'll get to visit. I'm very grateful for the opportunities that came and continue to come my way, I just hope I'll be able to share it with you all. This will be my 30 for 30.
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r3mi-huds0n · 9 years
What's in a Legend
 What's in a legend? What is that special ingredient that separates the participants from the future champions? If a legend is competing in a certain arena, track, or boxing ring, they all must have something in common? Pure talent. Pure talent can only take you so far, there are other things that fall into place to make a great athlete and legend. Pure determination, and the desire to perfect ones craft; always putting your best effort forward in hopes of beating competitors. 
  Once something is a passion, the motivation is there- Michael Schumacher. Passion is something that every great athlete posses, that pure love for the sport pushes the great ones past adversity, failures, and obstacles. When Ayrton Senna use to race there was no question that he had passion, the fire in his eyes full of determination to be the absolute best driver on the track, and it showed. 
  “Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do” - Pele. The greatest athlete to ever have played soccer understood that to be great and to have longevity you need to be successful. There isn't any magic pill that can guarantee you success, in order to have a chance you need to have total focus, pure obsession over one goal can make the difference between just having potential, and actually fulfilling your potential. I chase perfection for one reason, to be the best in each category I compete in and fulfill my potential for my fans, my team, and most importantly myself. #NothingButTheBest
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r3mi-huds0n · 9 years
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Rest In Paradise, I'm glad I was able to see you showcase your talent from F1 to IndyCar a true role model outside of the car. Still can't believe it #badasswilson #justinwilson
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r3mi-huds0n · 9 years
Rome wasn't built in a day
As I'm writing my first blog ever I'm sitting here thinking, "I haven't written anything longer than 140 characters on twitter. What should I write about? What do people actually want to know? Will anybody actually read this?" Etc Etc! Those are the thoughts that go racing through my mind, speaking of racing did I mention I race cars? Ya who knew, it still shocks me to this day it all started with a dollar and a dream... Well maybe a few dollars but a dream nonetheless.  Who am I? Who is the man behind the visor? I'm a lot of things a fighter, a competitor, an optimist, and a leader. I'm Remington Hudson, my goals and path lead to IndyCar not as an "also ran", but a true competitor. I'm not sure when I actually caught the racing bug, but I do know that I was about 8 years old when I sat in a go-kart for the very first time. It was funny because even though I was probably one of the better drivers there they wouldn't let me drive by myself. At the end of the day my mom had to drive while I sat on the passenger side with a non working steering wheel. Even then I wasn't sure I just wanted to drive. After a few years of go-karting at local spots with my dad, we bought a full fledged racing kart. I was 12 years old by this time and I knew what I wanted to be, and that was a race car driver. I was still active in other sports playing everything from football to volleyball with the prior earning me a scholarship, but nothing compared to driving, the speed & the challenge of perfecting a craft. Having an Andretti backing you is always a confidence booster. Being signed to Jeff Andretti Motorsports makes it a lot easier to navigate the motor-sports industry. Racing is what I'm passionate about and driving is who I am, and I plan on being here a long time.
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r3mi-huds0n · 9 years
TOUCH THE SKY from tim hahne on Vimeo.
Alex Zanardi’s story is part of our feature film ADRENALIN - out November 2014. facebook.com/adrenalin.thefilm
This is a short, but very intimate portrait of Alex Zanardi, the former Formula 1 driver and winner of the American Champ Car Series. Alex was already a star, when he had his almost fatal accident at the Lausitzring in Germany. He lost his legs, but not his attitude. Alex Zanardi came back and did the impossible: He won races in the World Touring Car Championship, two gold medals at the Paralympics in London 2012 and just recently added two more hand bike world titles! It was a unique experience to spend a day with a true hero at his house in Padua, talking about his life and joining him for a training session with his hand bike. His last words in our film describe him best. But see for yourself… AGENCY // STEREOSCREEN DIRECTOR // TIM HAHNE EDIT & GRADING // JULIUS JACOBY DoP // THOMAS NÖSNER MUSIC // TONY ANDERSON PRODUCER BMW // MARC THIESBUERGER PRODUCTION // STEREOSCREEN
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r3mi-huds0n · 9 years
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Before all the of lights & cameras, before all of the fame & prestige. It starts here perfecting my craft away from the crowds setting out to be the best driver and to one day compete in #indycar . #Motorsports isn't easy to break into I know that first hand, I'm truly grateful for the support from my family & management. I'm here to make a mark for myself and to someday be recognized as of the greats, until then I will continue to work hard & climb the #Motorsports ladder. #PalmSprings #mrti #grind #greatness #Blessed #justdoit
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r3mi-huds0n · 9 years
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Nujabes & J Dilla
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r3mi-huds0n · 9 years
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r3mi-huds0n · 9 years
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r3mi-huds0n · 9 years
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r3mi-huds0n · 9 years
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