raccoonsunratdust · 2 years
would you guys be mad if I made an Undertale au instead of updating the story?
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raccoonsunratdust · 2 years
No Bones About It
Welcome to my newest passion project that I will most likely abandon immediately
a skeleharem isekai written by your favorite void uncle itself
When a beam of light shot out from the ground of an isolated backyard, the residents all startled and rushed to see what could have caused this incident. Perhaps the machine had malfunctioned again? Maybe it was something else entirely. Whatever had happened, it caused a group of figures to start moving to the source of the explosion. 
Classic sat silently in the spare bedroom they had converted into a triage room for the injured, from the looks of it, human they had found in their backyard. He stared, unblinking, frustration lacing his magic and making him shake slightly. They had been laying there, unmoving, for the past three days. Some of the others had been getting worried, scared that the fall had killed them. He had to admit, when he saw them in the crater, their mangled body unresponsive, he was worried he’d have to fill in the hole as their final resting ground. But when Blue jumped in to check for a pulse, and actually found one, the chaos started.
His brother took the liberty of preparing the empty room for the injured human, it was getting hard to refer to them as anything else, and Blue started to load them up with healing magic. It was horrifying to listen to their bones crack back into place, those would not be healing fully anytime soon. Classic kept a calm facade and pulled out his phone to call Toriel, no use in freaking her out until she saw the damage herself. Dialing her number, he turned away from the carnage to watch the others. Not many were home, most were off working or doing whatever it was they liked to do in their spare time.
Toriel picked up on the second ring.
“Sans? Hello! It’s been so long since we talked, how have you been?”
“I’ve been good, Tori. Hey, I’ve got a huge favor to ask you…”
When Toriel showed up, the human had already been moved into, he hated the thought of this strange person having a claim in his new family’s home, their room. Upon seeing them, she immediately broke into motherhen mode. She administered first aid the magic couldn’t perform, bandaging them up and fashioning splints to keep their healing bones in place. After scolding them all for not telling her what had happened so she would be more prepared, she went home, leaving the boys to figure out what to do with the unconscious human in their guest room. 
That was three days ago. They had taken turns watching them, monitoring their healing and changing their bandages. It was difficult explaining the situation to the rest of their housemates, but they couldn’t just keep something like this a secret forever. The air was stagnant and heavy. When Toriel had visited that first day, she washed the human of the blood and dirt that covered them. She figured none of the residents were willing to, and she was right. The only skeletons willing to watch over the human were either too uncomfortable to undress them or simply didn’t care enough.
Sans nearly jumped out of his skin, heh, when a faint groan resonated across the room. He was on his feet instantly and at the bed before the human could make another sound. He watched their eyes struggle to crack open, crust lining their lashes, before releasing a strangled sigh. Their eyes shifted to the side, hoping to get a better sense of their surroundings. When they got to Sans’ hovering figure, they stopped, opened their mouth, and shouted the one thing he could have never expected.
Shouted was a generous term, it was more like a pathetic croak, given their vocal cords hadn’t been used in who knows how long. At the exclamation, though, Sans took pause. Summoning a Gaster Blaster, he wasted no time intimidating the now awake human. At the sight of the ghastly creature in front of them, the human sat up, despite having atrophied slightly after days of bed rest. Having made a terrible decision, they immediately crumple in agony, tears pricking their eyes. Sans hesitated for a moment, realizing that this person wasn’t likely to be a threat at this point in time. 
There still stood the issue of them knowing his name. Relighting his blaster, he used blue magic to keep the weak human laying down. Putting on his practiced voice, Sans started to interrogate the injured human, “How do you know my name, who are you, where did you come from?”
The invisible weight of their soul being pressed against the bed made them panic, a merinthophobic fear of not being able to move their body. Taking a deep breath, they answered through a shaky voice, “My name is Y/N, and I’m not from this universe.”
They take his silence as an invitation to continue, “Look, all I know is one moment I was hiking on this mountain path, the next I was falling down this hole in the ground. I lost consciousness before I hit the ground, but I don’t know how far I fell. The hole was so deep…”
Sans sighed. They must have fallen down a version of Mount Ebott that linked their two worlds together. That would somewhat explain why they fell out of the sky and into his backyard, but it didn’t explain how it happened. Unsummoning his blaster, he focused his gaze back on the fallen human, “That still doesn’t explain how you know my name.”
At this, Y/N looked embarrassed, “In my word, you’re a videogame character. One I’m very fond of.” They take a second to think, “How did I get here, Sans? I can’t- I have friends and family at home, I can’t stay here. I need to go back home.”
Sans looked conflicted, he didn’t even know how they got here, let alone how to get them back to where they came from. They’d been trying to fix the machine and get everyone back home for months now. It would turn on randomly and link universes whenever it felt like, dragging anomalies into his world. Seeing his guilty face, the human started to cry. 
“I’m not going back, am I? I’m stuck here. You can’t fix the machine. God, why did this have to happen to me of all people? I thought I was a good person. Why did I have to be punished like this? I’m never going to see my family again.” Y/N continued to ramble, sobbing quietly to themself. At this point, Sans had removed the blue magic holding their soul down, letting them curl up painfully. He never thought he would feel bad for this human.
After the rift broke, Sans held a quiet resentment towards the human race. The trauma of the resets had broken his soul several times over, and now he had to take care of this random human that crash landed into his backyard? But, watching them cry, snot dripping out of their nose and their face red from strain, he couldn’t help but pity them.
The first judge had a choice to make. Should he kill the shaking human in front of him, their pathetic sobs chilling him to the bone, or should he show them mercy.
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raccoonsunratdust · 3 years
Lumine is cold. She’s been cold for a long time.
Not that it bothers her, she’s always liked the cold compared to warmth. The snow and ice were everything she knew, everything she had. Not like her brother, warm and social. Her brother in a place that isn’t like him, like her–in a place that isn’t like her. Perhaps things would be different if they had changed their positions with each other. Maybe she could feel like she belonged if she were to be the princess and he the traveler.
The warmth of the friends she’s made; she isn’t used to it. Lumine was the moon as Aether was the sun. Her brother shone brightly, warm friends accompanying his every step. While Lumine preferred the cold quiet nights, staying away from others. However different, they were alway seen together. One smiling brightly, the other simply watching the clouds. However, she couldn’t deny she didn’t enjoy the warmth her friends gave her.
One such was Childe. To her, he was a strange man. Lumine had never met such a strange man as Childe, and she’s known Kaeya and Albedo. But…their strangeness was not the same as Childe’s, he was rash and impulsive. Not a single logical bone in his body, there was only an animal-like instinct to fight and will to survive. However strange he was, Childe always kept coming back. For whatever reason; to spar, to hangout, to go sightseeing. She enjoyed it, Lumine never really got to enjoy these things. She considers them dates, just to see Childe become flustered before she leaves.
Lumine knew of the romantic feelings he gives her. She’s not a stranger to these feelings, they've happened before, they’ll happen again. It was only a matter of time. Lumine knows she won’t grow old, but even if it was a small chance that he could become immortal like she is, then it was worth a chance. She knew she shouldn’t get attached but she couldn’t help it, Lumine loved this man. No matter what he may think of himself, to Lumine, he wasn’t a weapon or a shield, he was perfect just the way he was. Every imperfection was perfect in her eyes. He felt warm, and it was a warmth she loved. The way he talked, the way he laughed, how he looked while cooking, it was warm.
Lumine was never used to the warmth of another, but this is the warmth she loved. She wasn’t sorry for falling in love with his warmth, no matter what his Tsaritsa ordered him to do. The warmth he gave off, Lumine loved more than anything. A man from a cold place, a cold heart, and a cold queen. A man so full of warm love that melted her own cold exterior, a blazing fire that curls and coils around her into a comforting embrace. For once, for once in her life, she felt a belonging.
No longer cold.
No longer yearning.
Was this the warmth Aether felt once? She wondered. Whether it was the warmth he felt or not, Lumine finally found warmth. Someone who loved her for her flaws, her imperfections, her scars, every battle she regrets, all the blood on her hands. It felt like a fond memory, a familiar melody, a yearning she didn’t know she felt. Like everything in the universe fell into place just so they could meet.
Childe is numb, he has been since those days in the abyss. There was nothing that gave him more emotions than the thrill of battle, the never sated bloodlust. Ever yearning for something more, something permanent than the temporary glory of battle. The only thing he felt other than those sadistic feelings was love for his family. His family meant everything to him, and they still do. Even with how he has turned out. Sometimes he wonders if things were different, what job he would’ve had had he not fallen into the abyss. Would he have been a toy’s salesman like his younger brother believes he is? Or would he be an adventurer like the traveler Lumine?
Lumine. When he saw himself as a monster thirsting for battle at every turn, Lumine saw him as a man. Simply, a man. A man that had terrible things happen to him. Who spoke his real name and it felt like sweet nectar that fell from her voice.
She held the grace of the moon as it danced on the water before it descended below the waves, ending the night. Childe was only a man, and a man who fell in love with the moon. The moon who’s night cradled his dreams and made him wonder of a life. A better life. No longer a monster who stalks the battlefield, but simply an adventurer, going to places for the adventure and not for business. An adventurer who cooks food with Lumine and her little floating companion. An adventurer who sleeps under the stars at night because of the feeling of the wind brushing past them, ruffling their hair as they watch the other admire the stars. Childe wouldn’t need the moon anymore.
Lumine was the moonlit night to him, lighting up the darkness as a guiding light. Not to get rid of the darkness, but to illuminate the sky as a hope. He kept going back to her all the time, it didn't matter what it was for, he just wanted to spend time with her. He was in love with a beautiful lady who flew the skies of blue, and he could watch her soar for hours. Childe–no Ajax was simply a man in love with a woman. He didn’t know how but he wanted to be with her, like they met before, like she was the whole world and he couldn’t form a word. His voice could not make a sound to describe what Lumine was to him. What has become of a warrior forged in blood? Why would it matter to him anyways when Ajax finally has the world in front of him. Almost in his arms. Just to feel her warmth. The warmth that makes him feel.
She was finally in his arms, so warm, so comforting, so accepting. He would never break her heart, even if he did, he would never forgive himself, even when he knows Lumine would. She let out a sigh of comfort and his heart sang a melody of love.
That’s what Ajax felt whenever he saw her. A song that was like a familiar lullaby, a memory that felt so fond and warm. Whenever she was in his arms, he felt love. He loved feeling love. He loved feeling love for Lumine. Nothing could ever take these moments away from him, nothing. No god, demon, or ghost could ever tear this away. He no longer felt numb to his emotions, he holds Lumine and he feels. He feels the ground beneath his boots, the wind rushing past them, her hair brushing his jaw and neck. He feels the warmth she radiates, the feeling of longing for this for so long, the reprieve that he feels now that it has actually happened.
Ajax loves. He feels love. He feels warmth. He feels whole, and he feels whole with Lumine.
--crossposted on ao3
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raccoonsunratdust · 3 years
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