rachel-bberry-blog1 · 7 years
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rachel-bberry-blog1 · 7 years
That’s amazing, Rachel! Congratulations! 
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Thank you so much, Everett! I’m still in a bit of a daze, but as I pack and prepare to move my things from Arizona to New York, it’s all hitting me. I just can’t believe I’m finally making the move!
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I have an announcement to make! ★
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rachel-bberry-blog1 · 7 years
Rachel, you’re coming to New York now? Well done, you deserve Tisch with all your hard work over the years. Of course they thought you were brilliant, you have more talent in your little finger than most people on my course have.
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I’d have to talk about it to my current flatmates, but it’s New York, we could always use an extra rent payer. You’d have to bunk in my room for a few weeks while we clean up enough space to give you a "room” but the offers there if you haven’t already found alternative accommodation. And you still want to share a flat with me, it’s been four years since we talked about it.
I am, Kurt. I really, really am. I’m still struggling to convince myself that this is all really happening. I wanted to call you first and foremost, naturally - but I’ve just felt so...out of my head and dazed by the suddenness of it all that I figured composing a formal, proper announcement would serve as a grounding, rationalizing mechanism. As excited as I am, I need to be entirely focused on making sure everything gets done in time for classes. Thank you, as always for your support. I’ve said it once and I’m positive I’ll say it a thousand more times: it means the absolute world to me, Kurt Hummel. 
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...Are you serious!? There is nothing I’d want more than to live with you, Kurt. No amount of time could ever change that. It’s always been my dream to take the city by storm with you. Of course, this isn’t the way we planned on it happening, but if you’re really still willing and wanting to reignite our old dream and live with me, I happily accept your invitation to do so. Let me know what your other roommates say and if they agree, thank them for me for accommodating my arrival and then I’ll do so myself again when I get there. 
...You’re really sure you want to open your doors to me, though? Like I said, I want more than anything to be your roommate, but you’ve built a life of your own there by now...without me. If I’d be disrupting that at all, I want you to feel comfortable in telling me. I’ll understand completely if that’s the case.
I have an announcement to make! ★
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rachel-bberry-blog1 · 7 years
See, I told you, Rach! I told you that you’d make it! By the end of this year, your name’s gonna be on a giant screen, in the middle of Times Square, just you wait and see!
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As ecstatic as I am to know that your seemingly endless supply of faith and confidence in my ability to succeed and shine like the star I am has been reinvigorated and strengthened by this fantastic turn of events, I’m still not so sure that I’ll reach billboard status in a mere eleven months...but the notion that I can is inspiring, flattering and remarkably sweet - like you. Thank you, Scott. I’m...almost too happy for words. This really and truly is the start of the next chapter in my life and I can’t wait to see what it has in store for me.
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I have an announcement to make! ★
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rachel-bberry-blog1 · 7 years
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Thank you very much, Maverick. I realize that my excessive enthusiasm might have lent itself poorly to clear expression of everything I’m feeling at the moment and thus has rendered you unable to compose a conversation-driving response, but I appreciate your minimal congratulatory note, nonetheless.
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Also, welcome to the website! It’s lovely to see you on here. What have you been up to in the past three or four years?
I have an announcement to make! ★
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rachel-bberry-blog1 · 7 years
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Is everything alright, Christian?
I have an announcement to make! ★
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rachel-bberry-blog1 · 7 years
I have an announcement to make! ★
Some of you may be wondering why I’ve been so absent online as of late. As busy as I perpetually am, I have become quite fond of this site and typically make an effort to log on and chat with my fellow alumni for at least an hour or so a day - but lately, that habit has dwindled. However, it has done so for an incredible reason.
In short, I have spent the past week preparing to return to the collegiate’s life, but this time around, I’ve needed a great deal more time to do so. About a week or so ago, I received a phone call from the board of admissions at Tisch School of the Arts - New York University’s renowned performing arts academy. You see, every year it’s become sort of a tradition of mine to apply to transfer to a school in New York before the start of the impending semester. Most times I’m met with either rejection or am made an offer that is financially impossible for me. This time around, things were different. The director of admissions called to inform me that she was actually in the audience at the last performance my department put on before school let out for winter break. She is apparently a close confidant of my professor and came to support his work as a director. Naturally, my performance stood out to her and she remembered my name. As she was going through applications, she recognized mine and proceeded to call me personal to inform me of my acceptance with the assurance that every last one of credits will transfer seamlessly.
It all still feels incredibly surreal. I’m not sure that I even believe I’m not dreaming just yet. I’m sure that when I’m there, I’ll be able to register the reality of my situation, but for now I’m sort of just floating through the motions. I have so much to do: I first have to go out to Arizona, collect my things and then get them and myself all the way to the opposite side of the country to the city I’ve dreamed of living in since before I can remember. I still need to find living accommodations out there so I’m quite bogged down by the sudden surge of timely responsibility, but at the same time, I don’t think I’ve ever been this happy.
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New York, here I come! ★
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rachel-bberry-blog1 · 7 years
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rachel-bberry-blog1 · 7 years
Text: Hey Rachel! Christian told me about your ice skating date but he's being a dick and won't tell me how it went. Sooooo how'd it go?
Text: Hello, Lincoln.
Text: I’m sorry, but I can’t say that I’m sure as to what you mean. It is true that Christian and I spent an afternoon together and that it did involve ice skating, but I was unaware that it was a date.
Text: Did…he say that’s what it was? A date?
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rachel-bberry-blog1 · 7 years
“Damn, Rachel you are just trying to out do me aren’t you. I always like to say how amazing I am though so we can just keep going and going.” Christian gave her a confused look as she talked about him being tired. The boy was made for this kind of stuff and the cold made it even better. It gave him a rush like he was back playing football again when it really mattered in the winter. “Me tired? Never,” he said with a smile and crossed his arms as he continued looking at the brown haired girl. “Plus I love racing and it actually helps me get better and get my heart rate up before something I need to win. Like a free dinner from the one and only Rachel Berry.” The boy could not help but stare at her as she glided on that ice though. It was weird that he was even being like thing because well Christian never put so much attention on one girl. It wasn’t his thing to do, but she just had something that kept him looking at her the entire time. “Do your worse Berry.” 
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The short brunette rolled her eyes playful at Christian’s comment, her full lips pulling upwards into a teasing smirk as she did so. “So, not only are you entirely immune to illness, but you’re also incapable of exhaustion?” She shook her head in obvious disbelief. “I’ve always admired you, Christian McIntosh. I mean, just about everyone admires you, so I doubt that notion is a surprising one to you...but as amazing as I do personally find you, I must disagree with the idea that you’re excused from the very human limit on energy, no matter how extraordinarily athletic you are.” Wetting her bottom lip, she turned towards the boy, allowing herself a moment to take in for one, selfish second how impossibly attractive he was. “Your copious amount of self-assurance is charming, though. I’ll grant you that much.” Rachel could not for the life of her put her finger on what it was about Christian that drove her to handing out such lavish compliments - but there was something about his boyish brand of simplicity magnetized her to him. It always had, and this afternoon was proving that time had done little to alleviate her feelings. When Christian permitted her to do her worst, she smiled and bowed her head slightly. “Very well. Don’t say I didn’t offer after I’ve beaten you, though!” With that, she pushed off the ice and flew into action, gliding beautifully around the pong, even throwing in a twirl or two for a touch of flair before coming to a stop mere centimeters away from him, her nose almost brushing against the boy’s broad chest. “Well?” Rachel piped up breathlessly, immediately aware of how close she was to him. “Do you think you can top that, Christian?”
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Skating Circles || Rachel & Christian || 1/5/18
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rachel-bberry-blog1 · 7 years
Christian gave the girl a rather weird looking face when she poked his nose, It wasn’t because he thought it was weird, but because no one had ever done such a thing to him or been like this around him. The boy was used to the cheerleaders in high school and in college it was just girls trying to hook, which he didn’t mind, but this girl was so much different that a hookup. The attention she gave him was a different kind and he wasn’t sure if he should be cocky about it or if this was just Rachel. She was flirty with him, but he thought she she was just giving back to what he did.  “I’m the best at everything I do so let’s see how well that will really work for you, because I know Rachel Berry hates when someone is better then her,” he said with a teasing tone of voice and a smirk on his face as he watched her waddle her way to the ice. “A free dinner? Now I know why I was invited to this. You just wanted me for the free food. I will now remember this for a future reference whenever you invite me out somewhere.” Christian smiled at Rachel and ran across the snow in his skates with a giant smile on his face. “And I am already winning.” 
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Nodding curtly at Christian’s observation about her preoccupation with winning, she tossed her hair over her shoulder with an air of newfound certainty. “I’d be lying if I said that claim was untrue. I happen to enjoy being the best at everything I do, as well - arguably even more so than you do...” She smiled playfully and gushed slightly. “But...I think an argument over who is the best at simply being the best would become rather redundant, don’t you?” Scoffing at his insinuation that she was only out with him for the free meal, she returned his teasing smirk with one of her own and nudged him gently in his side. “Oh, don’t be ridiculous! After all, you’re the one that waged this little bet of ours. I’m simply following along with its terms and conditions; those being, of course that in the event that I win - and I will - you’ve agreed to escort me to dinner. I’m simply looking forward to reaping my inevitable reward, that’s all!” Before she could say another word, Christian was off, running through the snow towards the ice in a juvenile, boyish fashion that - in Rachel’s infatuated mind - could only work as well as it did on him. Sighing dreamily, Rachel continued to tip-toe her way to the edge of the pond, smiling fondly after him as she did so. “It’s rather unfortunate for you that racing to the pond was hardly apart of the bet we both agreed to, so now you’ve only exhausted yourself and henceforth are now at a severe disadvantage.” Gliding out gracefully onto the ice, Rachel skidded to a stop in front of the broad football player, flinging shredded ice onto the tops of his skates. Smiling up at him, she bit her lip and locked her gaze with his. “Not to fret, though. I’ll go easy on you.” With a conclusive wink, Rachel glided past him, making sure to exhibit her perfect posture as she did so.
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Skating Circles || Rachel & Christian || 1/5/18
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rachel-bberry-blog1 · 7 years
I have no idea why everyone seems so excited to go back to school while I’m over here dreading it. I’m already a sophomore. At what point am I supposed to start enjoying my college experience?
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I think you’ve just answered your own question! If you’re a sophomore, its unlikely that you’ve progressed into a curriculum that is solely focuses on your major, i.e. what you supposedly are the most passionate about. If my assumption is correct, you’re probably still knocking out your general prerequisite classes, which are notorious for being the dullest portion of college-level education as it is truthfully nothing more than slightly elevated high school material. I’m sure that once you enter your junior year and begin working exclusively on your major, you’ll find yourself enjoying the experience quite a lot more!
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rachel-bberry-blog1 · 7 years
Him and Rachel were not in the same social circle, but he was always drawn to her for some reason. Maybe it was the way she tried to get what she wanted and that was a trait her and him shared. His football ways always made him want to be better then everyone who crossed his path and he wasn’t afraid to show that out at all. She also helped with a project that he would never admit he needed help with because of pride, but she still showed him what needed to be done and him being Christian he pretended what he was doing. There wasn’t anything between them because of the boy not wanting to hurt her one bit, but if there ever was he would have not been made at all about it. 
“Tall enough,” he said with a side smirk and took a seat by her. “Kind of. I might have to show off a little ab action to get some attention around here. I know it’s something you would love to see, Berry so I might make a special case to not only show you for because, but also to win.” Chris was always up for a good wager, but he was also up to impress anyone that was around him and since Rachel seemed to act like a school girl around and he loved every second of it, even if he would not admit it. “Babe I am God,” he said with a smile and pushed her knee with his. “These jackets are made for the sidelines so I am good, but thanks for the offer.” The boy smiled at her as he finished lacing up his skates and got up. “You ready?” Chris stood in front of the girl and grabbed her hand to help her out of the seat. 
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Rachel felt a sudden shortness of breath when Christian smirked at her like that. Despite his arrogance and cocky demeanor, there was something about the way he held himself and spoke that was irrefutably alluring to the short brunette. Perhaps it was her own inflated ego that gave her an appreciation for self-assurance in others - or perhaps, on a primal level, she was simply attracted to Christian’s devastatingly good looks, incredible body and the way it all meshed together so seamlessly with his attitude. Whatever the reason, and no matter how superficial it was, Rachel was impossibly attracted to virtually everything about Christian McIntosh. So much so that she found herself having to catch her own breath before she could even register what he had said.
Gulping involuntarily, she made room for the boy on the bench next to her and stifled a nervous giggle when he began to boast about the impeccable state of his abdominal muscles and how he might just have to prove that he wasn’t just talking a big game. Truthfully, the thought of seeing him in any indecent fashion did things to Rachel that she’d never admit to herself, let alone vocalize to anyone else. Averting her gaze, Rachel took a breath and clasped her hands daintily over lap as she worked to keep herself present and level-headed, a faint blush tinting her fair cheeks as she did so. She rolled her eyes at the notion that he was God and laughed under breath, nudging him playfully back with her own knee. “Well, we’ll see about that after this little competition of ours. After all, a so-called God should be incapable of losing, so if I pull through today - and I’m fairly certain that I will - I’m afraid you’ll have to accept the demotion to being a mere mortal along with the rest of us.” Brushing a strand of hair behind her ear, Rachel smiled sweetly up at Christian as he stood and offered his hand. She took it graciously and stood on her skates with all the poise of a prima ballerina. “I am, Christian. More specifically, I’m ready to win this thing and earn myself a free dinner. Respectfully, I look forward to destroying you.” She punctuated her confidence by standing on her tip-toes, bopping his nose with her finger. With that, she began to awkwardly waddle towards the frozen pond, trying to look as dignified as possible in skates as she trotted across the snow, feeling his presence just behind her.
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Skating Circles || Rachel & Christian || 1/5/18
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rachel-bberry-blog1 · 7 years
Christian wasn’t much of a skater, but he never said no to doing anything that could showcase him. He had signed p for a website that had brought him back to old classmates and seeing Rachel on there kind made him seem like he needed to text her. She wasn’t someone who he had hung out with on a regular, but they did have a couple of classed together and he did pass her in the hallway once in a while, but it was very rare that they had talked to each other. The girl freaked him out a bit with all the talking, but he was older now and maybe just maybe he was going to be able to focus more on what she as saying instead of being that sixteen year old boy who got lost in her words. 
Chris never really went out ice skating with girls back at school because he was always so focused on football and his school work if he wasn’t partying. The football team took so much of his time and since they were ranked so high they were always out practicing and if he wasn’t practicing he was partying with all the frats and making sure they they were all known at every party. Plus dating was never his thing. even in high school. He mostly hooked up and they it was over. The single life was more his thing right now and he always thought it would be. 
The boy stepped out in a pair of skinny jeans, a Wisconsin beanie and a Wisconsin jacket. The shirtless idea was in his head, but he knew that he probably would have froze to death if he did so. Grabbing his skates out of the car, Christian locked his door and walked over to the girl who was sitting on the bench. “I see you’re still super short,” he said with a smile and sat over by her.   
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As she laced up her skates, Rachel couldn’t help but reminisce about high school. It had been so long since the girl had paid any thought to her past. When she left for Arizona, she vowed to leave everything behind her and never look back. Aside from her family and Kurt Hummel, Lima was hardly a place filled to the brim with fond memories. Rachel was bullied fairly relentlessly in high school for her quirky sense of fashion, her general appearance and above all, the fact that she had a dream that was far too big for anyone else in their pitifully small town, and she was set on chasing it. Although Rachel knew her bullying was a product of petty jealousy, it hardly made the experience any easier. In signing up for the alumni connection website, Rachel hadn’t expected to be faced head on with all the memories she worked so hard to block out when she left town. It was emotionally taxing, for sure - but it wasn’t all bad, especially as far as Christian McIntosh was concerned. The petite girl smiled herself as his name crossed her mind, accompanied of course by that gorgeous face of his.
Most of the members of the football team and the cheerleading squad gave Rachel the hardest time through high school, but Christian was notably different. It wasn’t as though they were close friends or anything - but he was always generally kind to Rachel, and - having few other kind people in her life - the starlet became infatuated with him immediately. She knew it was little more than a school girl crush and that the feelings that returned upon speaking to him again would have to evaporate as soon as they materialized, but for the time being Rachel was content to enjoy her afternoon with a boy she always woke up hoping would notice her existence, let alone speak to her at all.
A deep voice jolted Rachel from her thoughts. She looked up to meet the piercing, blue-eyed gaze of the very person she was expecting to meet. Chuckling softly, Rachel ducked her head a bit and shrugged. “Good observation, Christian. I see you’re still unnecessarily tall.” She teased lightly and move over a bit on the bench to make room for the boy to sit down next to her. She took in his outfit, her eyes zeroing in on the zipper of his coat, noticing the lack of a scarf. Quirking a brow, Rachel sighed and looked up at him playfully. “Please tell me you’ve dressed appropriately for the weather, Christian. As effective as the tactic of distraction would admittedly be if that isn’t the case, I can’t have you getting frostbite or pneumonia over our silly little competition.” Giggling, she held up a hand to stop him from saying what she knew he would. “And, yes - I know you apparently have the immune system of a god and are incapable of contracting an illness, but on the off, off chance that your supposed immunity fails you, I do have some extra articles of clothing in my car. They’re my dads and are thus supremely fashionable, I assure you.”
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Skating Circles || Rachel & Christian || 1/5/18
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rachel-bberry-blog1 · 7 years
Skating Circles || Rachel & Christian || 1/5/18
If there was one word to summarize how Rachel was feeling as she pulled into the parking lot closest to the big pond in Lima’s very own - and obviously smaller - rendition of Central Park, it would be: confused. The alumni website had reconnected her to a lot of her former classmates that she hadn’t spoken to since graduation, so in retrospect, the petite brunette supposed it shouldn’t come as a surprise that she was meeting up with someone for the afternoon - but the specifics of the situation had certainly thrown her for a loop. This wasn’t just someone she sang with or was on generally good terms back in high school; this was Christian McIntosh: star football player and long-time un-professed crush of Rachel’s He was the last person she’d have expected to reach out to her, considering the fact that he hardly seemed to notice she existed back in school, save a project or two they worked on together.
Despite her confusion, Rachel was excited. Stupidly so. Speaking to Christian brought all of her old feelings back. She hadn’t met anyone on a romantic level in Arizona. In fact, she had all but put her dating life on the perpetual back burner in favor of pursuing her career, so the adrenaline that came with meeting up with a cute boy for what seemed like a date of sorts was practically brand new to her. She had no idea what to expect out of the afternoon, but she wasn’t about to let uncertainty stand in the way of her enjoying herself, which was something she rarely got the chance to do.
Stepping out of her car in a light pink coat, she put on her fluffy white earmuffs over her long, curled brown hair and went to the passenger seat to retrieve her skates - a pair that she didn’t even know would fit her, at this point. It had been an eternity since she’d gone skating. Rachel had hardly grown since middle school, though - so she was fairly confident that they’d do. She made her way to the nearest bench and gingerly sat down to begin putting her skates on.
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rachel-bberry-blog1 · 7 years
Chris: I need a straight diet that involves steaks. I need to play like a big boy.
Chris: I don't get sick either.
Chris: It means a team can bring you in and see how you play and if they like you they keep you.
Rachel: As much as I appreciate your confidence, you might end up eating those words, Mr. McIntosh! Unless you'd prefer I go easy on you, of course.
Rachel: I can understand that. Your sport certainly requires a large diet - I just hope that you're mindful of where your food is coming from and whether or not the animals you're consuming were treated kindly while they were alive.
Rachel: Somehow my concerns aren't eased by that oh-so convincing sentiment. I'm going to bring an extra pair of gloves and perhaps a scarf because I now have the sneaking suspicion that you'll show up to the park dressed entirely inappropriately...
Rachel: Ah, I see! So, like an audition of sorts!
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rachel-bberry-blog1 · 7 years
Christian: I never loose.
Christian: Why do I have to eat vegan food? I need meat to get bigger. DO you really wanna see me get hurt on the field? It would be such a huge lose.
Christian: SO I should take my shirt off today> Will do, berry. Will do. :)
Christian: Pretty much free agency.
Rachel: Never say never!
Rachel: There are plenty of other ways to consume protein while maintaining a vegan diet, you know! However, I suppose I can select a restaurant that simply offers vegan options. The point that you'll be paying for our dinner still stands, though! 😋
Rachel: You absolutely should not! I don't want you getting frostbite or catching a cold, Christian.
Rachel: I'm still not following... Does that mean you get to choose which team you play for?
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