Singing - Showreel
Princess of Soul 
A singing showreel is important for me, as singing is my strongest area at performing. I have gathered videos of myself performing solo and also with a live band. The Show reel I created was different clips of me performing on my own and with people. The quality of the videos look professional and is very clear to the audience how my voice sounds. Some of the Videos I had, the sound quality was distorted, witch made me sound not as good as I am. 
To improve on this, It would be a good idea to hire someone professional to video my performances. This will make my performances look more professional and more importantly look and sound good. 
I believe Its important to show all videos that have of me performing in variety of ways. This will only make my Job Opportunities more broader. 
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P.A - Showreel
It is also important to put on my website the types of gigs/performance I do.
I have made another Showreel based on gigging as a P.A in various venues around the U.K. This type of performance shows a different side of me again. 
Performing in night clubs I really do enjoy, this is because the audience i do perform to are in my age range. This is important as it is getting my name out in the industry pointing at a younger audience. 
My image when performing in the night clubs I do take under consideration. It is always important to look good and be presented well. This is so i can grab the audiences attention before i start singing by looking good. 
The showreel I have Put together are images based in various of locations. I have added a live footage of me performing at the end of the showreel. I have more footage of me performing in varies of venues, however the sound quality is awful and not consistent, as it doesn't make me sound the best. 
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Musical Theatre - Showreel
It is important for me to involve on my website, about my experience in musical Theatre. Musical Theatre I feel is a secrete weapon I do have. Musical theatre involves, Singing Dancing and Acting. Most Artist these days do have other talents they can perform, for example. Beyonce, Beyonce is a world wide performer, who is a professional insane dancer and also an amazing actress. 
I have created a showreel and put together live footage from me performing in variety of musical theatre shows. The Showreel i made was made from IMovie. I found it difficult at first, getting all my Live footage together. when i had all my recordings together, most of the recordings i could not use because of the sound quality. this was disappointing as I believe the shows i have performed on, shows my capability of acting and dancing. I did still include them in the Showreel however I muted the sound to the recordings and added a song over the film, ‘Higher and Higher”. The end of the clip shows me Singing Dancing and Acting with the sound sounding okay. I would of liked the sound to sound better, however the footadge is 2 years old. 
This is also important to put on my website, it will allocate me jobs in the musical theatre industry. Also this Showreel, shows of my personality. The clip I feel is put together well and professionally, with fancy fades going into each track, the showreel is clear to the audience for them to see how i perform. 
With different clips Showing with nice fancy fades going to each clip, this I do believe looks professional to put up on my website.  
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We have a male singing the lead with female B.V’s. I believe this will instantly attract the audience, as it is well known to be sung by a female vocal. I do believe this will show off are bands full potential. this is because the song is upbeat, witch means we have the advantage to get the audience interacting. The backing vocals are quite simple and laid back. In this video clip I have recorded for video eviendence, We got down the Backing vocals for the song (2 female vocalist). i do feel between the verses that me and the other backing vocalist could ad more backing vocals, to make the sound more fuller. However we don't want to overpower the song with two many vocals behind. This is Connors song to take lead to, it would be a shame if we drowned Connors vocals out with a load of backing vocals. 
i feel because many absence in are band this term, that are expectations have been lowered. This is a shame, as it is are last show we are going to perform with uni. 
"This Girl" byThe Chunks - This song is performed by DJ and record producer Kunks (Valentine Brunel). This song hit at number 48 on Billboard ranking in the 100 Best Pop Songs. This song is a upbeat song with a summer vibe to it. This was very popular in the surveys, which showed use as a band students like the song. Personally the song will go down really well, this is because the students are familiar with the song, which will get the students interacting and dancing along.
To make this song better, it definitely needs, small movements to make the performance have impact. i also feel the staging needs honing in through out the whole set, as all vocalist have a lead song. 
The backing vocals in the break down need looking on. i believe it would be good to many, repeat what Connor is singing, as if its though a call and response. 
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i have been recording my own ordinal songs. I am a beginner on recoding songs as I have recently received a Mac Laptop. This does able me to do things, i couldn't of imagined me to do. 
 The songs i have created is simply with my vocals and a guitar. I am also a beginner on gaiter. being able to play a few chords on the gaiter, ables me to make my own songs up. 
I will not be placing on my website, till they are completely finished. 
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These pictures are great to put on my website, as it shows I am performing in the professional industry with professional people. 
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I researched on numeric of female singing websites. This gave me more insight of what a website can be like. I feel my Literacy is a poor weakness of mine, looking at different websites, this helped me place my words correctly, so they made sense to my viewers. 
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Little clip of r vid 🎤⭐️️
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This is a picture of me recoding my performance for my singing Showreel. this is a great picture to place on my website, for people to have a look what i get up to. 
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I have been working on a small music projects with different people, creating reconditions of old songs. I have been told to say no more. 
This is because everything cant be certain. 
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Audition for a Cruise around Australia
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I was researching different cruise lines for employment. i found this one cruise line who cruises around the whole of Australia, these were called Grayboy auditions. 
I had a reply and received an audition date with the position of a Lead Vocalist. they sent me 4 tracks to learn, 2 being duets and the other 2 being solo songs. personally i feel the songs were so easy to learn and also right in my range of vocal. The style of songs that was received were Pop and Rock. 
After looking through my dates of my ongoing project with BBC with LMA Choir, i released i can't audition for the Cruise, as i will have to still stay in Liverpool for the BBC show Pitch Battle. The date they wanted the contract to start was the start of June. The BBC show finishes the end of July. 
i emailing them my circumstances, they replied no worried keep checking the website for more dates for the next year. 
personally i am disappointed because i feel when i finish university in a few weeks, i want a job ready to go straight into. 
in the mean time while waiting for the BBC response i will be building my profile up, and also attending to as many gigs I can. This again build up by professional reputation.   
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Applying for Auditions
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After finishing my C.V and placing it on my website, this gave me the motivation and inspiration to send my C.V of to auditions. One of the auditions I applied for was to play the role Cilla Black in the new Cilla Black musical. 
I believe I have a good fair chance on getting the part, as I believe I can vocally sing Cilla Blacks vocals and have the near enough same range as her. I also feel my acting skills are not bad, as i am a confident person, I feel i will through my self into any role i have to play. This shows I am professional and up for any challenges thats thrown my way. 
This is also a great idea to put up on my website, not only for me but other performers can see it and many audition them selves. However I would need to be careful because the performing industry is very competitive. Showing this audition to other people, may audition and be better than me, then maybe get the job before me. 
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My C.V is been placed on my website, I have included all my gigs I have performed and also all my experiences. i do believe my C.V could be stronger than what it is. BY doing this I need to think of more places i have giggled at. Its  hard to think back to all the different gigs i have performed sometimes. This is because in some situations, I perform the same set but just in a different venues. I believe I could of took a better head shot. On headshot’s its important to wear less make-up, this is so employabitlitigs can see what you look like properly. in my head shot i have eyelashes on, this is such a disappointment, as it is a really nice picture. The reason why i had my eye lashes on for the shoot is because i was getting shots for body shots. 
It would be beneficial for me to change my head shot on my C.V to a more natural look. Overall i do believe my C.V is professional and clear ready to send for auditions for employability. 
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Easter Bank Holiday Main Event Gig 
The gig The Main Event located in one of the most popular clubs in the town centre, was the gig of the night. 
The set I was performing was a accapella song “tell it to My Heart’ straight into Brothers & Sisters. i feel my performance went really well. A negative from the performance was were I was standing when performing. Because their was no radio mics available I had to use a microphone with a lead. This left me restricted in terms of movement. 
To improve on this, in future I will also think about plan b situations when they are thrown at me. 
Overall my performance was consistent for the audience. I feel my performance lifted the night as it was a live performance, rather than just dance music playing in the club. 
These pictures are really good to be put on my website. This is because it shows audience and employers that i am networking and doing as many gigs i can, again the more i am gig in places the more stronger my reputation is going to be. 
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My name is eventually on the poster. This is another performance date I have. it is a good idea to put this flyer on my website. This will show audience dates and times of my performance in the future.
I am very grateful of my name placed on the flyer, my challenge is now to get my name fronted bigger on the flyer.  
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