rachreeads · 9 months
20-something girlies we need to start leaving the house to meet people who make us feel like people
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rachreeads · 9 months
rf kuang's third eye was wide open when she wrote the poppy war trilogy in a way i'm not sure mere mortals can fully understand
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rachreeads · 10 months
every single person you know has something in their life and past that is probably worth collapsing to the ground in an uncontrollably sobbing heap over, so be nice to each other and tell good jokes
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rachreeads · 10 months
your honour, permission to call the jury "chat"
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rachreeads · 10 months
actually the whole world is just a ruse because if you just like listen to a sine wave or something for an hour and slow your breathing a bit you can actually get a peek at what’s really going on behind the veil. there’s no grass there which is sad but the architecture is phenomenal. the temples they build to their higher powers are exquisite and untouched because they don’t have urbex hooligans ruining everything (no youtube either which is a plus). every time i play tears of the kingdom and go to the depths i think about it. devour by lorn is playing from somewhere at all times which is a good thing because it’s a great piece of music. anyways, this place is something out of one of étienne-louis boullée’s wet dreams the way the temples are built. there’s not much to do but wander but as long as u have a good lantern it’s fine. it’s quite melancholy but not in a sad way, just kind of an empty way. but feeling empty isn’t a bad thing because it makes room for creation. oh, to live in a space with discovery instead of confusion and euphoria out of pain.
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rachreeads · 11 months
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go watch Barbie
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rachreeads · 11 months
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rachreeads · 11 months
the entirety of star wars is literally just motherless behavior
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rachreeads · 11 months
no matter how many times i listen to preacher's daughter i still feel myself losing it as the album plays. i physically cannot shuffle preacher's daughter bc then it doesn't rip my organs from my body and eat my heart in front of me in the same visceral way. mother cain did u put crack in this album be honest
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rachreeads · 11 months
My Favorite Forms Of Media are the ones that are not afraid to say, “Hey. There’s some terrible things about the world. Sometimes it won’t get better. But that’s what life is and you gotta suck it up and swim by. You don’t get a second life, after all.”
My Favorite Forms Of Media are the ones with the characters that are not painted on a black or white spectrum and simply are. You can judge their actions all you want and hate them, and be perfectly allowed to. 
My Favorite Forms Of Media are the ones that shed light as much as dark. There’s always gonna be hope, even if it’s not possible. There’s always a way to be better even if you don’t follow it. There’s a spectrum of good and bad, but it wouldn’t be doing the good morals justice if you didn’t see the perspective of the bad moral. Sometimes we have to adapt to survive, and that can be either a blessing or a curse if we do survive.
We could die at any time, and there’s no one way for anyone to look at that.
So I wanted to tag some of my favorites as a little tribute.
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rachreeads · 11 months
I wish you were here. The days and nights are beautiful as only autumn can be […] My delight is purely aesthetic, and country bumpkin I am good, industrious, and loving; how long will it be, though, before I break out?
— Vita Sackville West, letter to Virginia, 11 Oct 1927
I remember being surprised at how yellow and how red autumn really is.
— Joe Brainard, I Remember
In the corner of Mommy’s heart, a small black mole lifts its head / It becomes a song. A fabulous solo roams desperately looking for death / A song graceful like the deep autumn night / The endless greetings of the dead.
— Kim Hyesoon, Autobiography of Death
Say autumn. / Say autumn despite the green / in your eyes. Beauty despite / daylight. Say you’d kill for it. Unbreakable dawn / mounting in your throat.
— Ocean Vuong, On Earth We’re Briefly Gorgeous
We’re the types who keep from joining everyone outside, or rather, we enjoy-with-skirmish an autumn sunset’s afterglow, anticipating instead the quick tide of darkness that comes next.
— Durga Chew-Bose, Too Much and Not the Mood
The mottled lights from across the other bank beamed on the water, reminding me of Van Gogh's Starlight Over the Rhone. Very autumnal, very beginning of school year, very Indian summer, and as always at Indian summer twilight, that lingering mix of unfinished summer business and unfinished homework and always the illusion of summer months ahead, which wears itself out no sooner than the sun has set.
— André Aciman, Call Me By Your Name
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rachreeads · 1 year
I was having a good time with my mom, drinking coffee and laughing about who knows what. She died almost three years ago now, it was a great dream. 
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rachreeads · 1 year
The tension during the last 10 minutes of the movie is insane. The suspense, the "something is not right", the eerie feeling in the air makes your heart beat faster and your anxiety rise.
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rachreeads · 1 year
yesterday i was hanging out with my friends and i mentioned something about politics and two of my friends went “not politicssss i couldn’t care less i’m tired of it” , it made me think.
they’re not quite privileged because they are lgbtq and one of them is a woman, but i didn’t quite take it as ignorance. it made me think about how bad are the current parties and politicians to make people feel “tired of it”. and of course i think that people should be a little informed and invested in politics because they literally dictate how our country works, but, have we come to a point where all political parties have lost legitimacy and trust to even govern?
i do think that ideas and people can change the world, at least in some ways. i don’t know, i see so many things and patterns of thinking and behaviors, and historical connections and people with lost hope… and i have so many things to say and express, and i want to know and understand the world we have built but is it even worth comprehending when people won’t even care?
is it even worth comprehending?
sometimes i feel like i say very simple things that everyone is aware of, and people look at me with wide eyes.
my college counselor once asked me why i wanted to go to college, and i said “idk i always wanted to go” but now i think i do know , “i want to understand why people feel the way they do and why the world works the way it works”
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rachreeads · 1 year
summer to-do list: unlearn internalized shame, sunbathe, read some good books
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rachreeads · 1 year
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rachreeads · 1 year
sorry i unpacked all my trauma do you still wanna kiss
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