rachsmach · 9 years
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rachsmach · 9 years
it’s okay if the only thing you did today was breathe.
because even breathing gets harder. but it will get better.  (via love-all-my-flaws)
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rachsmach · 9 years
Depression is when you can’t feel at all. Anxiety is when you feel too much. Having both is a constant war within your own mind. Having both means never winning.
something I read in an article today (via ghettothepoint)
A constant war is the perfect description. 😕 My head hurts.
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rachsmach · 9 years
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2015 Lunar Calendar.
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rachsmach · 9 years
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the best of concept art + child of light
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rachsmach · 9 years
If you truly love nature, you will find beauty everywhere.
Vincent van Gogh (via purplebuddhaproject)
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rachsmach · 9 years
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Forest of wisdom by MiniMonkey
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rachsmach · 9 years
She was a contradiction. So easy to please and yet only a few could ever truly understand why she was what she was. And even less would love her for it.
(via c0ntemplations)
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rachsmach · 9 years
I read this to myself every time I think of what you put me through...
And honey I know, oh I know that you feel like she is so much better than you, because her hair is curly and your hair is straight. She’s had 3 boyfriends and you’re still looking for that one good friend. And you think she’s so much better because she seems so grounded as if her life is completely put together while you’re sitting in your room questioning how much pain can consume one little body. I get it-I really do. But you should know the stars in your eyes, create galaxies in someone else’s. And the emotions that consume your heart will one day be appreciated by someone tangible. But for now, trust the intangible. I know you feel like nothing, but the worst feeling is to feel like you are not enough. Remember who you are, and you were created by God or whoever you believe in, to be the wonderful person that you have become.
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rachsmach · 9 years
On the real though. . .
i only have two emotions 1. i hate myself im such a bitch 2. i love myself im such a bitch
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rachsmach · 9 years
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rachsmach · 9 years
True words
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Let silence in meditation calm your soul
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rachsmach · 11 years
It’s funny because people think I’m quiet
but I’m just listening to everyone’s conversations
and figuring out their weaknesses
and ill use them against you to get further in life
because I hate everyone.
Pretty much...
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rachsmach · 11 years
Mirror work. I need someone to tell me they love me.
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rachsmach · 11 years
Making my way to PSU today to catch my cousins Irish dance competition, and check out the campus. I'm thinking about quitting my day job and going back to school. 😳
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Shhhhhh. #quiet #school #psu #ishouldbestudying
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rachsmach · 11 years
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Just a little inspiration for your weekend.
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rachsmach · 11 years
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