racy-and-awkward · 3 years
Teaser: The Smithy Gets Her Fill
CW: monsterfucking
Nothing at first. Then, a wisp of smoke rose from one corner of the mattress. "Oops," he said. "I never really learned fine control of my fire magic. I can warm a bed if I'm really careful, I can warm the big muscles of the back just a little, but beyond that I don't risk it."
Brunhilde smiled and stood. "You infernals sure are full of surprises.”
Good as his word, Tobin knelt over her on the bed, and carefully spread just a drop of his fire across her back and butt. It softened her flesh a little, and amplified the soothing effect of his leathery fingers working into those muscles. He worked in silence a while.
"Oh, yeah. I can practically feel the heat of your shop. All day long, this meat supports you and the hundred-pound bundles of metal that you carry around in the hot wind."
"I cannot tell if you're bullshitting me or not," Brunhilde said, mostly into the pillow. "But what you're doing with your hadnds is working."
"Good. Now, what're you into? I hope you don't mind I'm frank about it. Even before I worked here, I was pretty slutty..."
"Tobin." She turned to look back at him. "Do I look like someone who has trouble being businesslike?"
The tiefling snickered. "Fair point. So what do you like to do. Intercourse, outercourse, oral, anal? Some kinky shit?"
"Mostly, I want to ride your pretty face and your pretty dick." She turned over onto her back and peeled away the last of her clothing, the long undies that still clung to her ankles. In the chilly air her nipples were stiff as iron. She smiled serenely and patted the bed. "I assume it's a pretty dick, anyway." Tobin climbed on, and into her waiting arms, slipping off his shirt in the process.
"Very pretty, I'm told."
His kisses had a spicy warmth. More than mere physical heat, not quite the organic burn of jinji root or capsiflor, but something ethereal that licked at the human mind. His tongue was likewise unique. It was quite slender, capable of wrapping around hers. But he didn't overuse the effect. She helped him out of his trousers, noting that his butt was a soft, supple leather just like his face, the muscles like taut bundles of Matlani hemp rope. Tough plate-like derma, like the plating at his temples, adorned the pelvic crests, the spinal column, and the base of his whiplike tail.
"That ass is marvelous," Brunhilde whispered.
"So are these tits." Eagerly he cupped them in his hands, observing her response to the slightest of touches. Quite without warning, his tongue flicked out and across her right nipple. She shivered and giggled. He kept one hand there while the other slid all the way down her belly to her mound. "And this body! Soft skin belying such strength."
"You like it?"
"Hells, yes. I look forward to being crushed by it."
In a moment, she was clambering aside so he could get beneath her and she astride him. At last, she got a good look at his dick, which, like the rest of him, was a mottled mix of purple and blue pastel hues. It was wickedly upcurved, not like any human dick she had seen. But in other regards it looked not so different: veiny, a little spongy along the underside, and ever so slightly conical. She reached out.
"My gods, it's pretty. And so hard! Feels like it might burst."
"It won't. But I might, from waiting to taste that wet cunt." The prospect of riding him, without restraint or fear of doing damage, had her drenched.
"Okay, okay," she said. "Just give me a tap on the leg if you need to come up for air!"
"I wum," he said, muffled as Brun sat down on his face. His hands reached out for hers as he began to slide his tongue around her labia and clit. She squirmed at a sudden swipe of the latter, and bucked her hips. This only caused him to tighten his grip on her hands and to bury himself harder, which caused her to lose herself the more... until she really was riding him like a stubborn young horse, and he was masturbating furiously
Then she felt his slender tongue slip its way into her, and she went from drenched to drowning, while he lapped at the flood. Something warm hit her on the shoulder.
"Oh, my Gods! Sorry Tobin, I didn't know I was going to gush like that."
The messy-faced infernal sucked breath, like his whole body was a hollow cavity, and then cackled with glee as he easily lifted her and deposited her next to him. His right hand was distinctly sticky. "Didn't know I was going to, either. Can we take a beer break?"
He offered her a towel from the nightstand, got up and replaced the covers, hastily threw on his trousers not stopping to redo the tail buckle, and ran off to fill the beer mug. Where he had lain the bed linens were nice and toasty.
"Oh good, you're back." Brunhilde was sitting at the bedside. "Come join me. I'll take that. I want to hear more about you, the parts you can tell."
"Well, for starters, Fa was human—a former auxiliary soldier like yourself—and was barely in the picture. Ma always told me he'd rescued her from the devastation of Islahan. But I think the truth is messier than she paints it. She never really seemed to miss him, or recount anything good he'd done, save from bringing her to this continent. Thanks." He paused to drink from the mug. "Didn't need him anyway. We did well in Freetown purely on the basis of her enterprise: she was a tailor, and then a maidservant, and nowadays she's a schoolteacher."
"Wait a second. Islahan? How old are you, if I may ask?"
Tobin hesitated. "Twenty-five."
"You're just a baby!"
He sneered. "I am nothing of the sort."
"Anyway, it seems like a peaceful enough place to start," said Brunhilde.
"You'd think so. Unfortunately, while Ma was out building on the goodwill Fa's name brought, being an exemplar of our kind for the locals, I was getting beat up by their kids in the street. Got us in some trouble when I decided to fight back and I broke some stupid kid's arm. I feel bad now, I apparently cost her a bunch of business. But I was hurt and angry and very caught up in my shit. So, at age 14 she sent me to the trades. Prominent among the trades of Freetown, of course, is the mercs guild."
"Shit." Air whistled between Brunhilde's teeth.
"Even at the mercs I stuck out like a sore thumb. So I was still getting targeted and beat up, but this time, legitimized as sparring. And when I sought revenge—came at my bully with a homemade tail spur, kicked him to the ground and cut his face—the instructor laughed, and told him not to poke hornet nests. And said to me, 'Nice attitude, but work on your fundamentals.' Finally, kids stopped fucking with me, and I could focus on my studies."
She passed him the beer. "And people wonder why I don't have children. So is that where you discovered you had fire magic?"
"We always suspected, but yeah. And it's where I met the first two of my associates. Yan was a cleric's kid, built like yourself, teetotaler, good head for strategy. I thought he was a colossal douche when I met him.Then he saved my hide in a skirmish with some highwaymen. Now, I think he's a manageably sized douche, what has my back and gets things done. And Rowena, she's half-elven and a couple years older. So gifted they made her teacher's assistant. She gave me a hard introduction to magic, kicked my ass all over the yard when I mouthed off. But she also looked out for me like an older sister. It's only... slightly awkward that we're in the pleasure business now, and have spitroasted a merchant together."
Brunhilde chuckled. "I sense you're an unconventional romantic like me. Here, you finish this. But where did you learn to eat cunt like that?"
"Oh, the usual. Kidnapped by lady pirates. One of them comes at night to use me, shows me what she likes. Soon I've seduced them all and they turn on each other. First mate stabs the captain, second mate breaks the first mate's nose, and then Rowena, ever the showoff, rides in on a wall of water and throws them overboard."
"I'm calling bullshit."
"I swear by the Nine, it happened just like that. Ask Rowena. I'll introduce you to her later."
"Okay. But for now, let's lose the pants, pretty boy," said Brunhilde.
"Whatever you like, gorgeous." Trousers and smallclothes slid away. Firelight caught on Tobin's wiry musculature, on the shaft of his half-hard dick that lay flopped to one side, and on the sticky residue of his infernal seed, of which a droplet still clung to the head, eager to fall.
"Let me get a closer look at that." She leaned over and grabbed hold of it. It was beautiful, but like any penis, there was something very unaesthetic about the foreskin curled up around the head like a pouty old man. She slid it back easily. He groaned.
"You know, you don't have to—"
"I just want a taste." She knew a bit about getting men hard with her mouth. She reached out with her tongue and dragged it along the bottom of his foreskin, down the shaft, until her lips had taken in the head of him. Then with agonizing slowness she pulled back, until she'd licked over and off the tip, and gave it a chaste little kiss. The tiefling sucked air between pursed lips.
"How is it?" There was a tremble in his voice.
"Salty. And smoky. And just a little sweet."
"You're a very good tease."
"I'll make you a deal," she said as she got up onto her knees. "If you fuck me well, you can finish right in my mouth."
"And what do you know, I'm hard again.”
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racy-and-awkward · 3 years
Teaser: Michael and the Uncanny Can
(Story appears in full at my literotica page)
The yokai was crouched backwards, head and shoulders facing away and lowered nearly to the ground, powerful legs and... ankles?... extended to thrust forward a pale white butt that split to reveal a single, large, beautiful, hazel eye. The white of it seemed to glow in the darkness.
I stood dumbfounded. This was impossible. A demon, here in Hondo, that understood me in Yiddish?
So I asked. “Tsi ir redn eydish?!”
"Well now I’ve seen everything. Tell me, Shirime-San, do you smoke?"
They did, in fact, smoke. I say "they" because, although I learned a great deal about Shirime, none of it shed any light to whether they were man, woman or neither.
They did possess what I thought were testes, small ones, nestled in a taut, smooth sack below the giant eye, although let's be honest it could have been any sort of bilateral vestigial sex organ; but no other sexual parts to be seen. I couldn't even see their mouth, although they'd managed to creak out a few hoarse words from somewhere, and they were puffing the pipe from roughly where one might expect a belly button.
It was evident they weren't about to vanish or run away, so, this being an increasingly chilly and windy night, I invited them inside. We stole hastily across the empty tavern to the rooms. I laid out some rice wine and leftover chicken broth, and beckoned for them to take a seat on the edge of the bed, since that's all there was. Comfortably perched, they cast about with their one eye, surveying the meager accommodations as they supped.
By way of yes or no questions, I learned a little about my guest. The locals seemed to have this idea that Shirime delighted in scaring or pranking people, but that couldn't have been more wrong. They were basically stranded on the island, lonely and friendless. They'd had another life somewhere else, although details were hard to get across. Now they lived in the woods and studied humans from afar.
They knew little of the wider world, although they did, oddly enough, seem able to comprehend any language, at least any of the four I knew. I asked if they'd like to hear a brief synopsis of the history of my own people, and was glad to impart it.
While we talked, the bottle of sake helped us into a state of profound relaxation, and the creature's pleasant company put to bed any notion of danger. I even broke out a tin of soybean oil for us to massage each other's weary muscles. In this lighting, I could see quite well how powerfully built Shirime was, how healthy their skin, how cutely dimpled their backside. Unbidden, I pitched a tent in my pants, one that they couldn't fail to notice. With a grunt they set down the wine glass and reached for me.
"What is it, friend? Oh. I guess there's no denying I find you handsome. Wait, wait."
They stopped and rested a hand on my knee. The eye gazed at me quizzically, or so I imagined.
"Shirime-San, are you asking what I think you're asking?" They nodded. "Well then my answer is yes. At least I'll try, friend. You may have to guide me. I've been with all sorts of people, but I'm not sure any of it has prepared me to please someone as special as you."
It turned out the yokai was quite eager to please, too, and they had plenty of ideas on the subject. Their four feet were intricately articulated, impressively dexterous, freshly cleaned at the washbasin, and eager to explore me.
"Oh! That tickles," I said, my butt clenching up as a finger grazed the rim. "I hope you weren't expecting to find an eye there."
Nothing fazed them, it seemed. In a moment I had rolled onto my back, legs spread wide. Shirime was sinking fingers (toes?) into me with one arm and massaging my stiff cock with the other. I caressed their butt cheeks with both my hands; they looked up, and we gazed into each other's eyes for a long moment.
"You're wonderful at this," I said, "but aside from appreciating your lovely muscles, I don't know what I can do to return the favor! Well, I suppose I could..."
I reached out and gently traced around what I took to be their scrotum. I heard a sharp intake of air.
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racy-and-awkward · 3 years
Teaser: Sheldon Shags a Shoggoth
CW: monsterfucking, blades
Conscious thought lagged behind, I was running on adrenaline and reflex. A moment later, I was at the door, throwing it wide, almost forgetting to shut it, slamming it, trying the lock, omigod why isn’t it locking, holy shit it isn’t shut all the way, holy shit there’s an arm in the door, a clawed hand shit shit shit…
I opened the door and slammed it, repeatedly. Terrifying awareness began to seep in. The arm in the door broke off, and bounced noiselessly on the floor, and finally the door closed and the lock clicked.
LET US IN, came a voice within my own head. A talon twitched uselessly on the floor a moment, and then... rancid red light began pouring in under the door, suffusing the severed limb with monstrous essence. I bounded up the stairs. But just as I was bouncing off the wall at the first landing, I heard, STOP, and for some reason I did.
Staring down from the landing I finally found my voice: "What in hell are you?"
"Demon, what do you want?"
"Called you? How?!" As I watched, the arm became whole again, and then a hulking thorax growing outward and upward. And another arm. And another. All suffused with crimson glow.
Such was the allure of the Anomaly's words in my head that I forgot fear, drawn into the argument. "I'm pretty sure I am awake. And dreams don't just come knocking on my door when I'm awake. That's not how it works."
“Convenient. And you’re offering this embodiment? You would change my body in exchange for what, my soul? My servitude?” The terror was still floating in the back of my mind, not forgotten. It noticed first that the formless was taking form, a disorderly heap of extra arms and faces and things less human-like, but importantly, a form with two legs. Legs that were testing themselves out. Legs that were ready to move.
“Call me a skeptic.” I tried to keep my voice steady. The entity was slowly stepping forward.
"What? ...What is it?" The Anomaly stood silently at the foot of the stairs now, either lost in thought or preoccupied with working its newly formed body parts. This body had several misshapen faces still trying to arrange themselves, trying to figure out how to speak. Finally one of them coughed, took several ragged breaths, and said in an androgynous rasp,
"Sexssss. Hah. We wish to, hah, have sex."
I was speechless.
"It's been a, hah, long time, hah, you see."
The Anomaly was coming up the stairs slowly now, and I still stood at the landing, transfixed by what I was hearing. Fear and arousal mixed with utter shock at the proposition. Here was a real life monster, the very one from my dreams; and now as then, its seven arms and legs sported an intimidating variety of digits, pincers, suckers and more. Eyes winked where they shouldn't. Fanged mouths licked themselves. Orifices puckered in and out of existence. Thick black hair covered the groin, but its sway hinted at more fun surprises.
"I'm... not saying no, but I have questions. How can I trust you?"
"Hah. You can, hah, trust us or not. Hah. If we wanted a, hah, victim, we could have taken, hah, anyone. But we have seen, hah, your mind. Hah. We knew, you would, say yes. Hah."
"You knew?" I blushed a little. This should not have come as much shock, after everything else, but hey, it was a lot to process.
They crested the stairs slowly, torso heaving and their many heads bobbing, as they seemed to consider their response.
"Yes... hah... we are... hah... aware, and... similarly inclined..."
I quivered with adrenaline as I reached out to caress the face growing out the left side of their chest. The skin felt like fruit leather; the teeth flashed a grim smile that nearly made me retract. Nearly. I fought back against the pit forming in my stomach, smiled, and drew thoughtful breath. "Top? Or bottom?"
"AND... sweet human... hah... AND... we like to… hah... multitask."
Four slick arms shot out to grab me. My breath was stolen as I lifted off the carpet and slammed against the wall. Suckers and beaks tugged and tore haphazardly at my clothes. The scythe-like blade of an arthropod claw made several long slices that utterly destroyed the sweater and belt. My pants slipped down my thighs and were casually tossed aside.
Goose pimples broke out all over my body. My exposed chest felt cold, but my ears were like the surface of the sun.
"Are you sure you can do this without hurting me?"
Strangely, the thing seemed to be finding its vocal cadence in the midst of this chaotic exertion. "Yesss. Hah. We may not know, social graces, but we know bodies. Hah. Your hardware, it's so fragile. You honor us, human, with your sex. We’ll keep you safe."
As they said this, a distinctly mammal-like hand slid up my neck. The heel of it pressed gently but surely at my throat, not enough to choke me out but enough to make an impression. I sighed deeply and let my head tip back. A face, not human but close, feminine, loomed over me and smiled with mouth wide open. I caught a glimpse of a tongue that seemed to have its own tiny teeth and aperture.
"Shall we, kiss? Real face, to real face?"
I nodded slightly. My mouth opened to speak, but gazing into those otherworldly red eyes I could find no words, so it closed again. And then the plump-lipped face of the Anomaly was upon me, kissing me, gentle but confident, darting briefly into my mouth with a powerful tongue that grabbed and released my own. Suckers caressed my neck and collarbone as they lifted me even higher off the floor. When our faces parted, I gazed down into their strange eyes, crimson with flecks of gold, and I moaned.
"Take me to bed," I said dreamily. “Wait, where are my manners. I haven’t even asked your name!”
They had pulled me closer to scale the rest of the stairs, but at this they paused. "It is... unpronounceable."
"May I call you Ana then? For Anomaly."
"First door on the left, thanks. Um. Ana. There's something I have to tell you."
"You need not worry, hah, about the details of your anatomy. Not with us.” As they spoke, Ana laid me down like the gentlest of human lovers, and gave my stomach an oddly reassuring thump with their squidlike foot-pod.
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racy-and-awkward · 3 years
Who and What
R.A.A. here. My writings have lived in a number of places before, but I wanted to start a separate destination for status posts, one-offs and teasers for larger works. It’s complementary to my Literotica page. Both are focused mainly on my erotic fantasy / horror / thrillers. You’re probably here because this is where I’m pointing my Linktree. Welcome! Feel free to make yourself at home, grab some tea and perhaps some lube.
Oh, and just for the record: this is intended to be a place for safe exploration (as much as possible) of varied and at times dark subject matter, up to and including blood play, nonconsent, and of course monsterfucking. I’ll do my best to content warn things. If it doesn’t become too onerous I will be accepting comments; certainly I’m still growing as a writer, and my native perspective is more or less the typical cishet one. Putting content warnings on a work obviously does not exempt it from critique for needless shock, or for flawed or disrespectful depiction of marginalized folks. I believe love is love, trans women are women, ACAB, and sexual assault is a very serious disease of our society. 
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