radiancebled · 3 years
tsukasa can grant the wish of the dead predominantly && seemingly the living ( up for debate though ) due to possibly becoming a part of the supernatural ( god??? ) who tsukasa interacted with as a child. tsukasa had after all fed it sacrifices in the form of live animals thus making it stronger up until he had joined the red house boundary && possibly merged with them. this could explain how he was able to easily cross in mystery no. 3′s mirror boundary as well as kill him inside of it as well.
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tsukasa isn’t a ghost who just died && is still attached to the living compared to mitsuba whom he had forced to become the new mystery no.3 by making him eat the heart ( which for some reason tsukasa would only have knowledge of if the supernatural he merged with had either told it to him OR had tsukasa eat ). 
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radiancebled · 3 years
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ok im looking back at my past posts about tsukasa && i was really out here saying there was a fake tsukasa ... canon really said i was wrong about that. tsukasa really did make a wish for amane to get better && in return he couldnt leave the red house boundary ( which apparently is in its own space so time runs differently in there ). tsukasa was in there for approximately six months in his time WHILE also being there for 50 years. i guess there was a divergence somehow.
one: tsukasa was in the boundary for six months — left due to kou-kun && nene's influence
two: tsukasa was in the boundary for 50 years — never left due to kou-kun && nene's influence
the current tsukasa && hanako was unintentionally a product of kou-kun telling tsukasa about his future death at hanako's hands ...
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radiancebled · 3 years
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so uh. i finally caught up on the hanako-kun manga && now i don’t know what to think anymore. so you’re telling me that nene and kou-kun are HEAVILY implied to have caused tsukasa && hanako’s deaths?????????? i say this because kou-kun the dumbass told a four year old tsukasa that hanako was going to kill him when they were thirteen which then causes tsukasa ( who is probably hosting a supernatural in his body at this moment ) to go ❝ oh word???? ❞ && then return home SIX MONTHS LATER back in the past ( his present??? ) to cause chaos && abuse hanako under the idea that hanako doesnt hate him at all until hanako eventually kills him && then himself probably.
so basically the current tsukasa we see was their doing ... ? if kou-kun didnt say anything then tsukasa would’ve continued to stay in the red house for eternity && hanako wouldn’t be a ghost trying to redeem himself
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radiancebled · 3 years
At first, Mikey doesn’t notice anything wrong with the strange boy, aside from the… weirdly morbid line of questioning he’s decided to pursue. Mikey’s broken bones before, sure, but crushing them with his bare hands? And who goes up to a stranger to ask them a question like that?
For once in his life, Mikey has no idea how to respond. This is… weird, even for him.
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“I guess?” he responds, before continuing- “Why are you…” but it’s then that he notices… that the kid is floating.
And that’s when he trails off, eyes widening. Sorry, what??
     he grins widely at the dumbfounded expression on the human’s face, approaching closer, ❝ because!!! did you know!! it’s really easy to break bones when they’re from small animals!! i remember hearing the cronchy sound every time! and then!! and then it just goes fwump~ and limpy~  ❞ sounding far too thrilled to be speaking about morbid things with anyone or anything. possibly imagining the last time he’d caused harm to an animal ... 
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    then he finally remembered what made him approach the stranger in the first place ... circling around the other curiously, ❝ who are you by the way???? i don’t know a lot of humans but???? i don’t know you. stranger danger is a thing, i think. but you also break bones like i do ... so not stranger danger???? but normal danger? ❞
     he tilts his head to the side && waits; staring far too intently to be comfortable.
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radiancebled · 3 years
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hello there, 𝚒𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚗𝚎𝚝  !      slowly dusting off this blog for a revamp, this is an indie, headcanon-based   𝐡𝐲𝐮𝐮𝐠𝐚 𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐡𝐢𝐤𝐨   from   𝙟𝙨𝙝𝙠  !!   if you like things such as: summertime, strawberries, freckles, beaches, idol culture, or the color red, have you considered natsu ?    please give a ♡ or ↻ if interested   !!
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radiancebled · 3 years
baby tsukasa: I can’t leave
fake tsukasa: no, but I can :))
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radiancebled · 3 years
& @kouheen​
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     ❝ hey. heyyyyyy!!! look at this!! ❞ he shoves a frog in front of the boy’s face — a large grin appearing on his face. ❝ do you know what it looks like on the inside??? it’s very squishy and slippery! ❞
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radiancebled · 3 years
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yugi tsukasa; the little psycho.
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radiancebled · 3 years
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     it’s safe to assume that ❝ tsukasa ❞ was born out of the cursed house after the real tsukasa sacrificed himself to the supernaturals in there. considering that the house was already being inhabited by malicious supernaturals; ❝ tsukasa ❞ would naturally be one of them. making him much more powerful than the normal supernaturals seen at the school, he’s full of evil && malice. the wish granting gimmick came from the cursed house as well when it had granted the real tsukasa’s wish to make amane stronger in exchange for a price ( that tsukasa was all too eager to fulfill. dude wtf ). both the house && ❝ tsukasa ❞ can now grant the wishes of both humans && supernaturals — doing whatever it wants in the process.
     all the while: the real tsukasa is forever stuck inside the house with possibly no idea that his family died several years later. then again, he seems really comfortable in there ...
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radiancebled · 3 years
& @griefbound​
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     despite never paying attention to other humans besides his brother’s friends or his own group — the ghost is sure he’s never seen this human before. without much thought for consequences, he approached the stranger with a tilt of his head, ❝ heyyyyy have you ever crushed bones with your hands before???? huh???? the cronch sound is really loud right??? right???? ❞
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radiancebled · 3 years
& @nenegyo​
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     ❝ hey!! fishy-chan, fishy-chan!! ❞ casually floats up to her && tugs on her uniform, ❝ do you eat fishy food too??? or do you eat normal people food??? do your insides change into a fishy now??? ❞
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radiancebled · 3 years
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     since i’m pretty sure i’m back on this blog for the moment ( thank you jshk manga for punching me in the face with tsukasa lore ) — go ahead && give his a LIKE or REPLY with a muse you want me to interact with, to get a starter with the spawn of the underworld himself: TSUKASA. 
these are mostly going to be short unless people wanna jump in for plot-y things. 
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radiancebled · 3 years
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     tsukasa & ❝ tsukasa ❞ are separate beings with similar personalities & behaviors ( ❝ tsukasa ❞ is much more sadistically childish due to being an evil supernatural born from the cursed house & taking on tsukasa’s traits ). once tsukasa was forever bound to the house, the supernatural spent a year near the now cursed child to mimic his behaviors & thoughts to better blend into his former family ( however the mother could tell that there was something wrong, not knowing that her actual son is gone ). both boys are excitable, blurt out whatever is on their mind, as well acting out in disturbing ways. ❝ tsukasa ❞ took everything & began to abuse amane ( hanako ) for years until he lead the family to suicide + getting himself killed by amane prior to the family death. 
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radiancebled · 3 years
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       if a child ever looks at you like this. run so fucking far away. do not engage. LEAVE.
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radiancebled · 3 years
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     i have a feeling that part of tsukasa became a supernatural after becoming forever bound to the cursed house. the 4 year old tsukasa in the house is supposedly still human but hasnt aged in 50 years ( he could very well be dead & his body is being maintained by the curse ), meanwhile we see ❝ tsukasa ❞ get older with amane until he’s killed at age 13. there’s a good chance that ❝ tsukasa’s ❞ spirit came back around the same time as amane was turned into hanako after death.
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radiancebled · 3 years
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     tsukasa is literally the child who’s family lived in a murder house trope. motherfucker was speaking to some evil ghosts & says creepy shit
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radiancebled · 3 years
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      …   She’s not being fooled.
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pay no attention to the chaos that already happened, he’s a good boy. he brings cookies & juice.
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