radicalprosecution · 9 years
{ “alright. i will. talk to her about the things. and i do. want to keep staying around. i really like being with you guys...” }
Sisterly Conversation
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radicalprosecution · 9 years
{ "perhaps not that kind of hurt for you." }
She notices the brief change in her sister's demeanor but she doesn't react to it, too busy keeping herself from wandering down memory lane. But then her sister is returning the affection and that's something to focus on.
{ "yeah. always." }
Sisterly Conversation
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radicalprosecution · 9 years
She lets out a small laugh, or perhaps, just a huff of air. 
{ “don’t you know. jiejie. we’re pyropes. getting hurt is what we do. hurt. or be hurt...” }
Perhaps not the best view on things, but... not an entirely inaccurate one in her opinion. Her sister is getting better at the comforting thing. It’s nice? Yes, it’s nice. She briefly nuzzles against the other woman before speaking again. 
{ “thanks. for the things.” }
Sisterly Conversation
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radicalprosecution · 9 years
She remains irritated for a good little bit, but her sister's correct, no Alternian is immune to a good shoosh-papping session. Of course, the anger gives way to embarrassment over the chastisement. She manages to keep the teal from showing too much but there's definitely a tinge to her face now. { "sorry. jiejie. you're right. i shouldn't act like a pupa. " }
Sisterly Conversation
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radicalprosecution · 9 years
Her sister might not be snarling or shouting, but Latula wants to in response. She wants to yell about being a wriggler and people not thinking she can have emotions without calling for her sister. She wants snap about solutions and people always shut her down. She wants argue and fight because she’s angry. Angry at the others and angry at herself. But instead she doesn’t say anything and finds herself being pulled into a hug. She just stands there with a low guttural growl rumbling at the back for her throat for a few seconds before returning the hug just as tightly as the growl tapers off. She knows that she’s supposed to do the words thing here, the adulting and talking, but she doesn’t know what to say. So instead she just hugs back, planning on moving back to her previous seat once her sister lets go. 
Sisterly Conversation
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radicalprosecution · 9 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
((Dyed my hair))
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radicalprosecution · 9 years
{ “no. i’m fine.” } 
She snaps her answer, before turning sharply on her heels towards the door, her glasses remaining where she placed them on the desk. After a few steps she whips back around. 
{ “actually. no. i’m not. i’m tired. of all this fucking pity. kankri’s pity. your pity. kanaya’s pity. aranea’s pity. my lusus’s pity. everyone’s. fucking. pity! red turms to pity. black turns to pity! friendship turns to pity. i don’t want it. i don’t want everything i touch to turn to pity. i want hate. and love. and respect. and all i get is this fucking pity!!!! and i’m tired of it. especially since the one i want it from doesn’t seem to get it.” }
Her fists are balled tight into fists, obviously ready to lash out at a moments notice. She doesn’t though, instead just tightening her grip digging her nails into the palms of her hands. 
{ “i get it okay? i get it. i’m pathetic! worthless! only deserving of pity! i should have just been culled. it would have been easier on you all.” }
Sisterly Conversation
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radicalprosecution · 9 years
{ “you’re right. i’ll just. go talk to her. and. no. nothing happened.” } 
Continuing this conversation is increasingly looking like it’s not going to cause anything but trouble. Which means that she should just... cease conversation. So she stands up, not quite leaving yet, but definitely suggesting that she’s going to momentarily. 
{ “and. keep the cameras off for now. i’d. like some privacy. i’m sure you’ll hear all the things later. from one or the other of us. “ }
Sisterly Conversation
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radicalprosecution · 9 years
{ “yes. yes. i know. talk to her. and you aren’t guessing.” }
Part of her is irked that her sister isn’t saying or doing something more? But then she’s not really sure what she expected. Her sister isn’t wrong, she should talk to Kanaya about the things. 
{ “i just. i don’t want to lose you. or her. and that could happen. if she doesn’t hate me.. or like me... or something me.” }
If Kanaya just... stopped caring about her, she doubts she wouldn’t be allowed to stick around? But, people either seemed to love her or hate her, or just get rid of her. Not many chose to tolerate her, unless she forced them to. Which, doesn’t really seem to be a good relationship method. 
Sisterly Conversation
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radicalprosecution · 9 years
{ "i. don't know. not as much. she's definitely annoying. but. i don't think the hate is as strong. and yes. yes. i know. very mild hate anyway. can't all be epic hate stories like yours." }
If they don't hate each other. That's not really the issue. She's not really looking forward to a messy break up. But all in all it wouldn't be the worst thing. She just doesn't want to be kicked out of the room. Or lose the only logical pailing partner on the station. 
{"I don't want have to leave though. i like living with you guys. and. i want to stay connected." }
Sisterly Conversation
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radicalprosecution · 9 years
She nods slightly as her sister shifts attention. 
{ “yeah. a kanaya thing.” } 
Maybe she shouldn’t talk to her sister about this. Things with Kanaya and Redglare and her were complicated... Well. Maybe not. But. It still feels weird to ask her sister for advice about her Matesprit. But there’s not really anyone else to talk to about it anyway.. This isn’t saying the thing. 
{ “what if. she doesn’t hate me anymore.” }
Sisterly Conversation
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radicalprosecution · 9 years
Sisterly Conversation
She walks into her sister’s office exactly ten minutes after her reply, unceremoniously flopping into the chair on the other side of her sister’s desk. 
{ “hey jiejie.” }
Perhaps not the most enthusiastic of greetings, not particularly upset either, mostly just hesitant. Slipping off her glasses, she rubs her eyes, giving her sister a few moments to either finish up or put aside whatever she’s working on at the moment. 
{ “i want to talk to my sister. not. my boss. if you could take a break. for a bit.” }
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radicalprosecution · 9 years
1t’s 4n 4dv1c3 t4lk. 
[pvt] j13j13. 1 w4nt to t4lk. 4bout 4 th1ng.
[ Private ]
Ok? So talk.
What’s the thing?
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radicalprosecution · 9 years
f41r 3nough. d3struct1on c4n b3 fun. >8]
you don’t l1k3 to pl4y? >8?
world dom1n4t1on. hmm? wh4t k1nd of rul3r would you b3?
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radicalprosecution · 9 years
1 know! my d1ldo coll3ct1on w4s mostly l3ft on d3rs3. >8[ n1c3 to g3t 4 n3w one!!!!
sh3 3g3n told m3 to go fuck mys3lf w1th 1t. v3ry k1nd of h3r. >8]
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radicalprosecution · 9 years
(( It’s the fact that you’re copying them directly from the translator. If you want it to go away use a different one or transfer it through another document to lose the formatting first. I would just ignore it, but I’m lazy. XD ))
(( wtf is making my posts turn into… idk, quotes? The grey text box thing. >:/ ))
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radicalprosecution · 9 years
1f you’r3 1n n33d of 4 bulg3. you c4n h4v3 th3 d1dlo your som3wh4t s1st3r thr3w  4t my h34d!!! >8] 
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