radixnt-gxrden · 1 year
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radixnt-gxrden · 1 year
Chara.xn--k07d I do not remember how to write on here for the life of me send help
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radixnt-gxrden · 1 year
Chara.xn--k07d I need to find a extension for tumblr but I'm def looking for some JJK mutuals!
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radixnt-gxrden · 1 year
Wow y'all missed me lmao /Gen
I will be removing my Genshin impact muses tonight and putting in Jujutsu Kaisen and Seven Deadly Sins. I will not be revamping my blog as I am currently mobile only.
I can say that I am back though, but semi activity.
Chara.xn--k07d shoving the dust off the account
Hi. There will be changes here but I have returned from a hiatus.
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radixnt-gxrden · 1 year
Chara.xn--k07d shoving the dust off the account
Hi. There will be changes here but I have returned from a hiatus.
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radixnt-gxrden · 2 years
// im alive! Just very low muse rn for any Genshin chars.
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radixnt-gxrden · 2 years
“If you do go over to Inazuma, just let me know is all,” she said, looking across at him. The winter ball was on her mind, already thinking how people will whisper if she does not make an appearance. But it was months away, she shouldn’t be worrying too much about that now, should she?
“No no, it’s alright.” Jean spoke up about the office addition. “I don’t really need it, thank you though. I prefer all my work to stay in HQ for reasons.” That Darknight Hero was one of the reasons and the Fatui the other. Her office was secure and locked; knowing Diluc, he would keep her paperwork safe in the office here… but she has a looming suspicion about him, fearing he might make a comment again.
Ah yes, the winter ball. Jean had no clue if she will be in attendance this year, depending how the remainder of the year goes.
“Oh, Inazuma? I believe their lavender melons could be quite the wine or juice,” she spoke softly. Jean’s mind was feeling more at ease with hearing her husband’s day, sighing softly. “… I have no clue if I will be in attendance for such event. It’s far off and we don’t know what will be arriving in the later months.” More of an excuse to avoid being in the public eye with him. She wants to make the marriage work and rebuild with Diluc, but that was months away. And only two months until their supposed divorce.
“The food is great, thank you.”
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She seemed to relax a bit as they pivoted to talk about his work, leaving the topic of her meeting behind. And, he hoped, the food might also lift her mood. She was far too beautiful to be so glum.
“We aren’t considering any new flavors just yet, but I’ll make a note of it. For now, it’s just a boring matter of transporting goods back and forth,” he replied, taking a sip of his drink. 
As for the Winter Ball, he supposed he couldn’t be too surprised she wasn’t certain of her attendance. “Of course, I understand if your duties won’t allow for it. Though, I’d be grateful for the company,” he answered. Showing up without her would lead to questions and plenty of unpleasant rumors and speculation about their relationship that he’d prefer to avoid.
Then again, it would be near the end of their first—and quite possibly only—year of marriage. If they truly divorced, the rumors might not be far off…
He went on talking about the wine business, explaining with some enthusiasm how he’d been able to create a new flavor he was eager to test once they got the mixture right. Of course, he would greatly value her opinion. And, as their dessert was served and drinks were refilled, he brought up the topic of her living there, adding, “If you’d like anything for the room to make you feel more at home, just let me know. I could have one of the adjacent rooms turned into an office for you, if you like. We have the space.”
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radixnt-gxrden · 2 years
Reblog if you’re grateful for all your RP partners and you’re just happy to be here!
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radixnt-gxrden · 2 years
Ah yes, the winter ball. Jean had no clue if she will be in attendance this year, depending how the remainder of the year goes.
“Oh, Inazuma? I believe their lavender melons could be quite the wine or juice,” she spoke softly. Jean’s mind was feeling more at ease with hearing her husband’s day, sighing softly. “… I have no clue if I will be in attendance for such event. It’s far off and we don’t know what will be arriving in the later months.” More of an excuse to avoid being in the public eye with him. She wants to make the marriage work and rebuild with Diluc, but that was months away. And only two months until their supposed divorce.
“The food is great, thank you.”
“Ah, yes. It is your concern as well…” she confirmed. “But at the moment, you wish to not interfere with the Knights and I shall respect that.” She wanted her mind off work, off the Fatui meeting. Jean cleared her throat, nodding.
“Well… how was your day? Did you have any paperwork to do? Any errands to run?” Jean wanted to make conversation, shake the meeting away. This could help her out, just listening to Diluc go on about his day. Hers was just straightforward knightly duty, keeping up her post as Grand Master until (if) Varka returns. And a lingering feeling said he might never return to Mondstadt… and she would be stuck in this role again. Jean has been filling in since three months prior to the Traveler’s arrival… and it’s been over a year since he’s been gone.
“Please, I would like to hear your day, if you are comfortable sharing it.”
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“Nothing too exciting,” he reported. But if Jean wanted him to talk about his day to keep her mind off of her own work, then he didn’t mind sharing the boring details. “After I met with you, I had a meeting with the Guild. I’ve been looking at expanding business into Inazuma, now that their borders are open, but the cost would be significant… I’m waiting for more information before I make a final decision.”
He took a drink before he continued. “And then there’s the matter of this year’s Winter Ball… I think we could host it here, if we can get the ballroom renovated in the next few months. The others like the idea, but the estate is your home, too. What do you think? I presume you’d be in attendance, if you’re available.”
The Winter Ball was a well-known event for many of the most affluent and well-connected families in Teyvat, often hosted at the Dawn Winery. It would be the first one held since their marriage and it would certainly cause a stir if his new wife didn’t at least make a quick appearance.
Diluc started in on their main course as they chatted, savoring the strong taste that so perfectly complimented the drink the chef had chosen for the night. “How do you like the food?”
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radixnt-gxrden · 2 years
// im still alive but doing limited replies rn. Low activity I would say.
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radixnt-gxrden · 2 years
“Ah, yes. It is your concern as well…” she confirmed. “But at the moment, you wish to not interfere with the Knights and I shall respect that.” She wanted her mind off work, off the Fatui meeting. Jean cleared her throat, nodding.
“Well… how was your day? Did you have any paperwork to do? Any errands to run?” Jean wanted to make conversation, shake the meeting away. This could help her out, just listening to Diluc go on about his day. Hers was just straightforward knightly duty, keeping up her post as Grand Master until (if) Varka returns. And a lingering feeling said he might never return to Mondstadt… and she would be stuck in this role again. Jean has been filling in since three months prior to the Traveler’s arrival… and it’s been over a year since he’s been gone.
“Please, I would like to hear your day, if you are comfortable sharing it.”
“It’s nice and comfortable for the evening,” she admit. Jean didn’t realize she wore it before, only pulling it out for comfort sake.
“Thank you.” Jean spoke softly, taking a sip of her wine while hearing him talk. “… hmph. The meeting is on my mind, but I do not want to speak of it. That’s all.” It was with the Fatui and can ruin their evening. She isn’t risking it. “… I see you took interest in it. I just don’t want to share my meeting information is all. But I am proud you asked.”
A sign of growth he displayed, she noted. A Knight meeting before would had unwelcome decisions from him, but she was relieved.
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Ah, so that was it. Whatever that meeting was had clearly taken its toll. Jean was so consumed with her work that, it seemed, she couldn’t even escape it at dinner. Despite how much he respected her dedication, he couldn’t help the frustration that always came alongside.
If only Varka would return and take his post… How long had it been that she had been filling in?
“Don’t worry. I have no intention of prying into the Knights’ matters, so you needn’t share the details with me,” he assured her, reaching for another sip of his drink. “I only ask because I can see the strain it puts on you. As your husband, isn’t it my duty to be concerned?”
The main course of flaming red bolognese was brought out and set down before them as he added, “Just… take care of yourself. And if I can do anything to help take your mind off of things, let me know.”
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radixnt-gxrden · 2 years
“It’s nice and comfortable for the evening,” she admit. Jean didn’t realize she wore it before, only pulling it out for comfort sake.
“Thank you.” Jean spoke softly, taking a sip of her wine while hearing him talk. “… hmph. The meeting is on my mind, but I do not want to speak of it. That’s all.” It was with the Fatui and can ruin their evening. She isn’t risking it. “… I see you took interest in it. I just don’t want to share my meeting information is all. But I am proud you asked.”
A sign of growth he displayed, she noted. A Knight meeting before would had unwelcome decisions from him, but she was relieved.
Her fork poked through the lettuce and picked up the fruit, crunching away. She was still thinking about her meeting earlier, a soft sigh leaving before hearing his statement.
“Hm? Yes, I did wear it that day. It still fits.” Jean shrugged. Oh right, she snuck in through the back door and snuck behind bar, leaving a chaste kiss behind and rushing out before Crepus caught wind the younger girl was inside the tavern. “I mean… I wanted to wear it for your party. Your birthday party back at the manor. And when that didn’t happen… I never touched it again…
I guess I had a reason to wear it tonight, right?”
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Perhaps he was reading too far into things. A dress didn’t have to mean anything; it wasn’t some declaration of her renewed affections. It was just a dress, after all. Even when he brought up the memory, she didn’t seem particularly enthusiastic about it, as if the memory was only a sad and bitter one for her, a memory of the day they were torn apart by the cruelty of Fate.
“I see. Well, I’m pleased that you now have what I hope is a happier occasion to wear it again,” he replied, returning to his dish and dropping the subject before they wandered into any further talk about that horrible night.
No matter the work and self-reflection he had done for the last month, he wasn’t ready to talk about that openly. Not yet.
He’d noticed that Jean seemed far off, though. Distracted. As they finished their first course and the plates were whisked away, he topped off her wine himself from the bottle on the table and ventured, “Is something troubling you? That meeting still on your mind?”
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radixnt-gxrden · 2 years
Her fork poked through the lettuce and picked up the fruit, crunching away. She was still thinking about her meeting earlier, a soft sigh leaving before hearing his statement.
“Hm? Yes, I did wear it that day. It still fits.” Jean shrugged. Oh right, she snuck in through the back door and snuck behind bar, leaving a chaste kiss behind and rushing out before Crepus caught wind the younger girl was inside the tavern. “I mean… I wanted to wear it for your party. Your birthday party back at the manor. And when that didn’t happen… I never touched it again…
I guess I had a reason to wear it tonight, right?”
“Hm… well, alright.” Tonight was her night in the manor, her first night with her husband after talking about their differences. Going to the glass with her wine in it, she soon took her seat after saying a brief ‘thank you’ toward him.
Jean did notice him catching herself, smiling. “No. I’m sure they wouldn’t want me to. Kaeya did not leave me anything to nibble on after my meeting, so I’m sure he was either saving my appetite or off with Rosaria. Again.”
Taking a brief sip of her wine, she did not feel ready to disclose her meeting with him.
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He pushed in her seat as she sat down and then took his own seat at the head of the table beside her. “Well, I’m sure we can satisfy,” he answered, taking up his glass of what might have looked like red wine but was truly just juice.
The first course of candied almonds and a pomegranate salad topped with pears and honey was served. As he chewed on one of the sweet almonds, the memory of the dress finally snapped into place.
His eighteenth birthday. Anything good on that day had long ago been lost to the shadows of the darkness that had consumed him, but he remembered a moment—however brief and confusing—when Jean had appeared at the tavern (she was underage then and would have had to sneak in), pressed a kiss to his cheek, and raced away before he could follow, leaving him with his racing heart and cherry-red cheeks.
There was no mistake—it was the same dress. She wouldn’t have chosen that specific dress for no reason.
Eyes wide, he nearly choked on the almond in his mouth and turned away to briefly cough, covering his mouth. He quickly composed himself again, muttering a soft apology as he reached for a quick drink from his cup.
“You wore that dress before,” he said when he had recovered. A statement, rather than a question, but in his eyes was a faraway fondness. “I couldn’t place it at first, but I only got a glance that day. You ran away before I could even respond.”
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radixnt-gxrden · 2 years
“Hm… well, alright.” Tonight was her night in the manor, her first night with her husband after talking about their differences. Going to the glass with her wine in it, she soon took her seat after saying a brief ‘thank you’ toward him.
Jean did notice him catching herself, smiling. “No. I’m sure they wouldn’t want me to. Kaeya did not leave me anything to nibble on after my meeting, so I’m sure he was either saving my appetite or off with Rosaria. Again.”
Taking a brief sip of her wine, she did not feel ready to disclose her meeting with him.
She had worn it once on his eighteenth birthday, the time she snuck a kiss to him and winked at him, rushing off like a schoolgirl with giggles leaving her. She looked beautiful and radiant as ever.
“Thank you, you look amazing yourself.” She hooked her arm into his, walking beside him. A sigh left her. “You didn’t have to do that. I am content eating anything that was prepared before you rushed those in.”
Jean sighed, brushing a strand from her hair. “I’m just hungry right now. I had a long meeting that went through the entire afternoon so I didn’t have a chance to eat yet.”
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In the back of his mind, he kept replaying his memories with Jean, trying to place the dress that seemed so familiar. Yet, still nothing came to him as they walked down the hall to the dining room.
“To be honest, I didn’t request it. I think the staff just wanted to welcome you properly,” he answered. “They’ve been eager to see someone new around. Plus,” he added with a shrug, “who wouldn’t wish to impress our Acting Grand Master.”
They entered the dining room and Diluc walked her to her seat. A scarlet tablecloth had been set out and candles were lit along the length of the table that was far too large for only two people to dine. Two places had been set at one end, one with a glass of red wine and one with his usual substitute.
“Well, you can put your meeting behind you. I’m sure the Knights—” He caught himself before he said something spiteful, as was his habit, saying instead, “I’m sure the Knights wouldn’t want their leader to starve herself.” He pulled out her chair and gestured for her to sit.
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radixnt-gxrden · 2 years
She had worn it once on his eighteenth birthday, the time she snuck a kiss to him and winked at him, rushing off like a schoolgirl with giggles leaving her. She looked beautiful and radiant as ever.
“Thank you, you look amazing yourself.” She hooked her arm into his, walking beside him. A sigh left her. “You didn’t have to do that. I am content eating anything that was prepared before you rushed those in.”
Jean sighed, brushing a strand from her hair. “I’m just hungry right now. I had a long meeting that went through the entire afternoon so I didn’t have a chance to eat yet.”
Her pale eyes gazed upon the dress before politely hanging it back up in the closet. She requested no custom dresses for the evening, but she did find it beautiful. But not for this and perhaps a rainy day. Another day. A special day.
She instead opted for a dress she had since her teens, pulling it out of a bag and fixing it up with Anemo. Letting it sit for a bit, she sat at the vanity and brushed her hair, braiding some of it and pinning a flower to lock it in. Jean soon undressed and put the new dress on, fixing the sleeves to her shoulders. It was a beautiful gown, stopping at knee length and befitting for the evening with a white tie top and a belt instead of a corset.
Slipping ankle boots on and folding them down, she saw Elzer at her door with instructions. “To the library, ma’am.” He smiled, guiding her off to the library as Jean walked beside him. Soon, she opened the door and approached Diluc in the gown she wore ages ago.
“Good evening, Diluc.”
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The pages of the book were open and his eyes were firmly trained on the page, by all means giving the impression that he was unbothered and fully composed, despite the presence of Jean in the manor. Except he kept reading the same sentence again and again, none of it making any sense in his mind that was far down the hall and a couple turns away, wholly focused on Jean. He wasn’t even sure he was hungry anymore; his stomach was all in knots.
He wasn’t even sure why. 
Like a schoolboy, unable to focus on his lectures… he scolded himself, and he tried to read the same sentence again. 
‘…a predator which specialises in catching woodland birds, the sparrowhawk can be found…’
Footsteps drew his attention away from the page and he set the book aside and stood as Jean entered the room, a nostalgic vision in white. Not the dress he had gifted her, but she was certainly no less stunning and the knots in his stomach seemed to twist at the sight. The dress looked like something out of a memory… Had she worn it somewhere before?
“Good evening,” he echoed, offering her a small bow. “You look lovely.” He offered her his arm to take. “I’ll show you to the dining room. It was last minute, but I think the chef managed to make a few of your favorites.”
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radixnt-gxrden · 2 years
Her pale eyes gazed upon the dress before politely hanging it back up in the closet. She requested no custom dresses for the evening, but she did find it beautiful. But not for this and perhaps a rainy day. Another day. A special day.
She instead opted for a dress she had since her teens, pulling it out of a bag and fixing it up with Anemo. Letting it sit for a bit, she sat at the vanity and brushed her hair, braiding some of it and pinning a flower to lock it in. Jean soon undressed and put the new dress on, fixing the sleeves to her shoulders. It was a beautiful gown, stopping at knee length and befitting for the evening with a white tie top and a belt instead of a corset.
Slipping ankle boots on and folding them down, she saw Elzer at her door with instructions. “To the library, ma’am.” He smiled, guiding her off to the library as Jean walked beside him. Soon, she opened the door and approached Diluc in the gown she wore ages ago.
“Good evening, Diluc.”
“Good day, Diluc.” She resumed her work, having meeting with the Fatui as she did not want to tell him that part. She was being respectful and not wanting to anger him. When the meeting concluded, she walked home first and saw boxes of her items, relieved to see some items still unpacked and not moved yet.
“Please, leave some clothes here.” Jean requested to a maid, her nodding and obeying the command. Once everything looked good, Jean gave the go ahead to move everything before heading for the manor. She was still in her work attire, realizing she can change once she arrives.
Common decency, she knocked on the door and Elzer answered with a wide smile. “Ah, Miss Jean. Some of your goods arrived. If you would like to change, your bedroom is only a few doors down from Master Diluc’s.” He explained, aiding her in walking to her new bedroom as the two just conversed on the old days. The good days. Leaving Jean to get changed, he soon rushed to Diluc’s and creaked the door open a little.
“Miss Jean is here and changing at the moment. She will be busy for some time. Do you feel ready, sir?”
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Diluc stood before a full-length mirror, adjusting the red jewel that he always pinned to his tie, when he heard the sound of steps just outside and turned to the door just as it opened. 
“I will be in a moment,” he replied, turning back to his reflection to check. He’d opted for a black suit that night, with a red tie and white vest, suitable for any formal evening, and he’d replaced his normally minimal hair tie with a black satin ribbon to match. “Did Adelinde have time to lay out the dress?” he asked as he gave each of his gloves a sharp tug.
Elzer confirmed, “It was laid out, as you requested, Master Diluc.”
It had been one of Adelinde’s suggestions. Copying the shape of Jean’s dress from the wedding rehearsal, the dress was white at the top and blended into a cool green at the ankles and embroidered with a pattern of green leaves along the hem. Of course, there was no obligation for Jean to wear it at all, but Diluc hoped she would like it, at least. 
“Excellent,” he said as he turned back to Elzer. “Please escort Jean to the library she’s ready. No need to rush her. I’ll take tea in the library until then and walk her to the dining room myself.”
“Very good, Master Diluc,” Elzer agreed with a short bow.
With that, Diluc left the room and headed for the library where he sat and resumed a book he’d left open there the night before.
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radixnt-gxrden · 2 years
“Good day, Diluc.” She resumed her work, having meeting with the Fatui as she did not want to tell him that part. She was being respectful and not wanting to anger him. When the meeting concluded, she walked home first and saw boxes of her items, relieved to see some items still unpacked and not moved yet.
“Please, leave some clothes here.” Jean requested to a maid, her nodding and obeying the command. Once everything looked good, Jean gave the go ahead to move everything before heading for the manor. She was still in her work attire, realizing she can change once she arrives.
Common decency, she knocked on the door and Elzer answered with a wide smile. “Ah, Miss Jean. Some of your goods arrived. If you would like to change, your bedroom is only a few doors down from Master Diluc’s.” He explained, aiding her in walking to her new bedroom as the two just conversed on the old days. The good days. Leaving Jean to get changed, he soon rushed to Diluc’s and creaked the door open a little.
“Miss Jean is here and changing at the moment. She will be busy for some time. Do you feel ready, sir?”
“… alright. I do trust her to move my items.” She will not mind Adelinde touching her items. It was clear Jean will not be able to stay some nights due to knight work, but it was perfectly fine for some items to be moved.
“And good. Kaeya is busy tonight with her. I heard Rosaria go ‘there’s my favorite whore’ this morning and he cannot sit still since.” Jean sipped at her coffee, writing her signature on her work.
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Diluc couldn’t hide the disgust from his face at Jean’s retelling of Rosaria’s lewd comments toward Kaeya. How she could say such a thing with a straight face and merely go about her work was beyond him.
He cleared his throat, fixing his expression to something more composed. “I see… Well… in any case, I’ll see you tonight,” he replied, turning to go. “Good day, Jean.”
As soon as he reached the winery for his meeting with the Guild, he sent word to the main estate to have them prepare dinner and sent Adelinde to gather some things Jean would need to relocate. Though her work would sometimes mean she spent the night at her own home in Mondstadt, he saw no issue with that arrangement. In fact, if Jean was away, he could more easily go about his duties as the so-called ‘Darknight Hero.’
When his meeting had finally concluded, he hurried home to the estate to prepare himself, managing to change into a clean suit and check on the preparations for dinner before Jean arrived. 
This time, he just hoped the evening wouldn’t end in tears.
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