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a shout-out to all these beautiful dilucs ❤️ (sorry if I miss anyone): @dilucisms @dawnscall @inardescere @resolutepath @noctuafought @dawnsdark @touchofdawn
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galactia · 11 months
@touchofdawn | cont from here
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Kaeya wanted to vault the counter and follow after Diluc, but he was all at once aware of the scrutiny of the remaining patrons, eyes now on him, and the vacant storeroom door. Kaeya stood, turned to Six-Fingered José and instructed him that the bar was closing early.
"Please, have everyone leave, and lock the door behind you. As for their accounts-... either leave the mora on the bar, or make a list of those who owe. We'll charge it to their tab. Thank you-"
The Cavalry Captain swept back, behind the bar and into the storeroom, blinking as his eye adjusted and he was met with the familiar smell of wood and wine. His brother was on his knees not far, braced partway against the barrels, head bowed against whatever ailment or pain was plaguing him.
"Diluc-" Kaeya knelt in front of him, urgent, a hand reaching out for his shoulder (hesitant, for a moment, lest it not be welcome, but caution thrown to the wind as worry gnawed in his gut), only for Diluc to slump forward.
Kaeya stiffened, body braced to hold the heavy weight of his brother, a cold knife of panic shooting through his chest. No, no-
He eased him to the ground, almost fumbling for a pulse, and came back with one clear beneath his fingertips. "Thank god, thank god-" One he didn't believe in, at least not in any religious sense, but in this moment, if it would help Diluc at all...
There was nothing immediate that seemed to indicate a cause for Diluc to have collapsed: no strike-through of blood, except what had dripped onto his clothes from the persistent nose bleed. Only dark circles beneath hooded eyes, and Kaeya's concerned mounted. Whatever was ailing him could be as simple as exhaustion, body driven to a brink Kaeya hoped he would know better than to cross, or it could not...
It mattered, but for the moment what was more pressing was getting him to someone who could help.
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From now into memoriam, there would be nothing quite like the image of Kaeya emerging in the Cathedral doorway, Diluc in his arms.
The elder Ragnvindr had grumbled at him and wiggled as he seated him on Ru's saddle and trotted her on foot up the flights of stairs to the church, but it hadn't deterred him. He'd ensured Diluc staid safe in the saddle, though Ru herself knew to be steady.
But though there had been a low protest that didn't amount to words in Diluc's throat as he'd slid him down, Kaeya had born his weight to the door and through it.
"Sister Grace-" She was the first the Captain's eye found. He heard a low gasp from an uncertain source, "Please, find Lady Barbara."
Diluc's weight would be too much for him, but just as the thought passed and his arms burned, Rosaria appeared from the shadows of the Cathedral,
"Let me help." She offered, and together they carefully took him the rest of the way.
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supportingfire · 11 months
“Are you sure your vision isn’t electro? You’re stunning.”
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"we're breaking up."
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melodicbreeze · 1 year
@touchofdawn | ( Cont. )
So that's how it was seen? That he didn't want to admit he was ill? Though it stung, Venti couldn't help but wonder if that was better, to be seen as childish and prideful. Well. Perhaps childish was truly accurate.
He knew Diluc meant every word of his declaration, just as he knew that no arguing could make the man change his course. It seemed to be a family trait, one that he's encountered over the span of many generations.
Instead of replying, Venti found the curve he usually slept in, and curled in on himself. Just that much work took more effort than he'd like to dwell on, and he wondered if he could even call down to Diluc if he wanted. He'd refrain from trying, instead.
His eyes were heavy, drifting shut, with one last thought that he would need to hide before Diluc returned.
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vigilant-shadow · 2 years
//Plotted starter for @touchofdawn!
Well, Xiao's day so far had been just perfect. First he couldn't sleep at all, then when he'd decided to take a walk in the morning with nothing but his phone and wallet on him, only wearing a thin, teal hoodie over a white, sleeveless crop top, a pair of light jeans and sneakers, which was, admittedly not the best idea in the still cold weather these days, some genius from his past managed to figure out where he lived and burnt the entire place down, probably hoping he burned with all his stuff.
Really, Xiao couldn't have asked for a worse day it seemed, so now, he set off towards the only place that he knew he could get helped in, to the only person he could trust, in the flower shop he'd worked in part time. He entered with a frown on his face, looking around, hoping to see Diluc around.
"Hey uhm- got a moment?"
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electric-ecclectic · 11 months
@touchofdawn asked:
[ COVER ]:  sender lunges forward to throw their body over the receiver and shield them from harm during a fight.
The blur of scenery as Signe hit the ground was dizzying, and she barely felt the rush of cold filter past her as she caught her bearings. The pained grunt above her quickly gave away what had happened before even she could gather her surroundings.
Her brow furrowed, and she was immediately filled with concern for Diluc. She had barely even seen the Skirmisher charging his attack behind them, and had he not jumped in to take the attack from her, she would certainly be in a much worse state. In fact, Signe couldn't quite wrap her head around what might have happened if not for the vintner's quick thinking.
Moving quickly, she scurried out from under him, casting a powerful spell to dispatch the Fatui agent barreling towards them.
"Master Diluc--"
She came right back to his side, already looking him over for any obvious injuries. "Are you hurt? You shouldn't be taking hits for me like that-! Really, I--"
One look at her expression would be enough to see her concern for him, the silent appreciation she had despite her reluctance to admit it. She quieted down, already digging through her bag for a few quick field supplies.
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"I can't imagine your shoulder feels very good..."
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cryoweaving · 1 year
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Oh. OH.
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cryosewn · 2 years
@touchofdawn / from here.
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" As the Ministry is responsible with overseeing most processes relating to Liyue, the unfortunate outcome is that those who submit documents and other requests must wait for some time. "
He makes no personal comments concerning the workloads. The harbor of Liyue is the heart of the nation, pumping endlessly to the beat of docking trade ships or the furious scribbles of the personnel within the Ministry. Every other nation connects to it like roots spreading across Teyvat. Supplicants line the entrances of the Ministry, restless to have an audience with one of the members of higher authority poised behind growing stacks of paperwork. Xin comprehends these aspects of the situation well, and the unsaid bargaining that needed to be made as a sign of gratitude.
" Though, certain requests, if deemed of high importance, may be moved up through the queue, " he states.
There exists flexibility even in these rigid policies, after all. A person can make use of these exceptions if they possess the capabilities, and he wouldn't have uttered those words if he felt himself lacking to the task.
He's only slightly surprised at the display of Diluc's hand, eyes observing the young man across from him. Diluc is correct in assuming that Xin had already factored his wealth into this exchange. He'd have been a fool not to or pretend to be obtuse on the matter. Xin is a man of ambition through and through, only the results that yield the most success and long-standing stability appeal to him. When Diluc finishes his words, an expression of contemplation settles on his face.
" It is as you said. Liyue will receive quite a few benefits from this. The governing and administrative bodies will know this well, so they will do what they must and more. I can ensure that, " he replies.
“ Your proposal is generous. "
He sees it for what it is. They both do. Among ancient words, he recalls this saying: Helping others is helping oneself. Seeing it that way, Xin doesn’t have any ill feelings towards the options Diluc gives to him. But he already had other ideas in mind.
“ I have one of my own. "
Then, he finally acknowledges the object he feigned not to — the fabric jutting out from Diluc’s pocket. Its display had inwardly garnered some interest. Xin guesses that the intention is to invoke his appreciation as a father; it is an appeal to sentimentality, most likely. Though, perhaps the depth of his affections has been mischaracterized. In a family of lower status and less responsibilities, he could allow himself to honour the parent-child relationship normally, but being who they are, he can’t.
“ The purpose of this meeting is to discuss each party’s terms and to reach a conclusion that satisfy all - you, Liyue and myself. I also have no doubts Mondstadt would have benefits from this as well. I only have one set of terms. "
Xin sits in his chair, relaxed, as if he’s not about to show his last play in all of its implications.
“ I offer a marriage proposal. ”
He momentarily gestures to the folded handkerchief.
“ You have met my eldest tonight. You are both around the same age, I believe. ”
In any other situation, even he wouldn't dare to make such a grand request. The wheels that govern life are forever turning, though, molding each moment differently. So why not try to seize an opportunity when it presents itself ?
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Whether it was a curse or a spell, Diluc couldn’t quite say. All he knew was that he’d awoken in his bed that morning no longer the man he once was and, although he greatly treasured birds, becoming one had not been expected. Certainly, given the choice, he’d have at least become something more impressive than a purple finch.
Thankfully, he happened to know someone who knew a bit about transforming into birds who might be able to help. He found her (after quite a bit of struggling to understand the mechanics of flight) high up in a tree where the snow from the night before had yet to melt and matched the shine of her brilliant feathers.
“Isolde—” he chirped as he awkwardly landed upon a nearby branch, waving his wings an extra moment for balance until he felt more secure. “It’s me. I need your help.”
Asks to heal my soul after a hard day // Accepting
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The goddess turns her head all the way around to look at the small bird that landed next to her. She saw that the poor thing was struggling with its balance, so she goes to be on the same branch as the finch. Upon seeing him struggle to keep his balance, the owl simply extends her wing and helps the little one from slipping.
The bird turned her head a bit more at the sound of his voice and immediately recognized it. "Oh!" She practically hoots. She eyes the tiny finch. "I always pictured you'd be an owl like me!"
That didn't help at all. Clearly, he's having a hard time. She ruffles her feathers, "What is it you need help with? Flying? OH! Maybe we can figure out how to make you an owl too! Or maybe just getting back to normal."
Isolde sighs, "unfortunately how birds learn to fly is by being pushed out of the nest. But I cannot, in my good conscience, push you out of a tree. Maybe you can start by stretching your wings and getting used to the feeling. Then trying to fly again."
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cryoexorcist · 2 years
Send ❌ and my muse will tell you what they dislike about your muse // NO LONGER ACCEPTING
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"If I had to pick one thing I disliked most about you, it'd be the fact you haven't let me meet your falcon yet. In all the time we've known each other, why? I love animals too, you know."
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I wanna send in some love for @dandelicnfang and @touchofdawn. They're both amazingly sweet people ooc, and I love seeing the plots they come up with together on my dash. Their Jean and Diluc are really sweet together.
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galactia · 10 months
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@touchofdawn | Kaeya's Birthday! | accepting
“Good. You’re up,” Diluc said in lieu of good morning from where he stood in the foyer of the Knights’ Headquarters. He didn’t see why it had to be him that handled this part of the day-long birthday plan, but the others involved had insisted that he should be the one to collect Kaeya in the morning and guide him to each stop. How long had it been since they’d spent a birthday together? He handed over the sash that had been created by Klee (with Amber’s help) that said Birthday Knight and was embroidered with confetti and several little dodocos. “We have a lot to do today, so put that on and keep up,” he said, already turning away to head for the doors. But there he paused, the door half open as he looked back at Kaeya over his shoulder. Was that a smile or was the glow of the morning sun coming through the open door hiding his frown? “Oh, and… Happy Birthday, Kaeya.”
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Finding Diluc in the foyer of the Ordo took Kaeya off-guard for a moment - no longer than it took for the rock of his heels and a more confident step forward.
"Early bird and the worm, as they say." He tested, head tilted marginally as he observed his brother. He took the sash, unfolding it to better appreciate what had been carefully sewn into the rich, blue fabric. Dodocos with laurels and confetti, and a bold announcement of Birthday Knight. He couldn't help the chuckle at seeing it all, brought to life in a way only Klee's inspiration could (and Amber's sewing skills; he'd seen that particular stitch on her wind glider's repairs many a time). He slipped the sash on, and adjusted it, before looking back to Diluc.
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He thought-... was Diluc smiling at him? A flicker of one to match drifted the corner of Kaeya's mouth. "Getting sentimental on me, are you?" He teased, pausing at the door frame, offering a sincere, "Thank you, Diluc."
Out onto the Ordo's stairs and into the morning air Kaeya passed, rolling his shoulders and taking in a crisp, cheerful breath,
"A lot to do, you say?" He asked, spinning on a heel, a slight bounce in his step. Did this mean Diluc would be... staying? It had been years since they'd celebrated a birthday together. The subject was a rather-... bittersweet one, that Kaeya himself did not broach. He hadn't felt like celebrating over the last few years (or that he had the right to, if he were honest), but a few drinks and some time away from work had felt enough.
But.... perhaps he could indulge in a little excitement, a spring in his step, a hint of giddiness-... like when he was a boy.
"Ever mysterious, Diluc." Kaeya remarked playfully as he followed.
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ccaptain · 2 years
you can hear the grump in his voice luc plz -- @touchofdawn
' you always stop me from drinking more, when i get too drunk. i know what i'm doing, i'm appreciating the drinks you make for me! that's how it's supposed to go! '
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' you are mean to me, you treat me cruelly, you never appreciate anything that i do- JAIL. JAIL FOR MASTER DILUC. FOR A THOUSAND YEARS. '
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melodicbreeze · 10 months
@touchofdawn replied to your post:
"We'll see about that."
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"You are nothing if not tenacious, Master Diluc!" He will be indeed waiting to see.
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mmriesoftvat · 2 years
It was regrettable that he could not spend such a day together with the man that held his heart, but Childe had not been forgotten. The shriek of a falcon was all the warning Childe had before a scroll was promptly dropped into his hands, tied in a black, velvet ribbon and stamped with the scarlet Ragnvindr seal.
The docks. Midnight, two weeks from now. Come armed. — D.
Childe simply does not have a lot of time to spare anymore. Even though most of the major events have been dealt with and people are moving on and rebuilding, there's still so much work behind the scenes. Childe is still trying to order his men to avoid causing more trouble, even in the name of the Tsaritsa, as Sumeru really doesn't need any turmoil at the moment.
Now that he has the briefest of moments to take a break, Childe goes to sit and relax. Unfortunately, the second he even gets to do that much, there's the screeching of a falcon that interrupts his peace. However, Childe is no fool, he knows who that falcon belongs to.
Taking the letter, he reaches over to give the majestic bird a strokee before tugging the ribbon off to reach the parchment.
There's a fond smile on Childe's face. He had missed Diluc, much more than he intended to miss the man. It's strange to think that what has begun as a secret affair is turning into something more -- at least on Childe's end. He can't deny that Diluc has a charm to him that's irresistible.
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Setting the letter aside, Childe quickly writes his own response, a confirmation that he will be there at the requested time and date. His own letter is stamped with his personal seal, before he hands it to the falcon.
"Tell Diluc I say hello," Childe says gently, tapping the bird playfully. "See you and your master in two weeks."
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electric-ecclectic · 1 year
@touchofdawn replied to your post:
- sighs and pays for her bail -
With a sigh of relief, she offers Diluc a sniffle and an apologetic smile.
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"Thank you for this. I'll never touch another grape from your winery again, I swear it. I'll even convince the patrolling knights to look the other way when you're out at night."
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