rafe-burke · 7 years
Call me the worst, but I hate Red Sox games.
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Are... are you sure you aren’t secretly from New York?
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rafe-burke · 7 years
Lemonade can be deceptively tricky, Mrs. McNamara.
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It’s just lemonade. How hard can it be to make?
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rafe-burke · 7 years
Sybelle thought for a moment and then shrugged her shoulders “Now I remember! Yes, I have seen you ads. I found politics too boring so I usually don’t stare at them more than a couple of seconds. So, you want to be mayor of this town, right? Sorry to dissapoint you, but you won’t count with my vote. I won’t leave my bed that day to chose who’s going to be the next guy who’s going end up being swallowed alive by the city.”
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Rafe forced out a smile. These days, it seemed like everyone was getting more and more apathetic, and it worried him. “Oh,” he said, his voice purposefully light, “Do not worry about Boston eating me. I’ve seen it all, and I came out just fine.” His laugh sounded more forced than he would like. “And sorry, but I didn’t catch your name.”
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Rafe blinked slowly at her, more than a bit unnerved. Yes, people in Boston could be a strange bunch, what with all the college students and liberals and immigrants and all, but nobody had ever just… brought up morgues like that before. Well, there were hospitals in the area. He shook his head and forced a smile. “You’ve probably seen my ads. I’m Rafe Burke.”
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Sybelle thought for a moment and then shrugged her shoulders “Now I remember! Yes, I have seen you ads. I found politics too boring so I usually don’t stare at them more than a couple of seconds. So, you want to be mayor of this town, right? Sorry to dissapoint you, but you won’t count with my vote. I won’t leave my bed that day to chose who’s going to be the next guy who’s going end up being swallowed alive by the city”
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rafe-burke · 7 years
“Maybe it’s different when you’re actually in the stadium but watching on the TV? No such thing as too much.”
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“At this point, it just feels like the third base line is my home. You wouldn’t get it.”
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rafe-burke · 7 years
Sybelle stared at the hand on her shoulder and then at the man. She analized him quickly before nodding “It’s alright, but you should be more careful. People your age tend to end up at the morgue sooner rather than later, all for simple accidents, or running”, she commented, looking down at his running shoes. The woman frowed and bit her lip. She knew she had seen him a few times. She knew this one wasn’t one of her clients but he looked familiar. “Have I…seen you before? Your face is familiar”
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Rafe blinked slowly at her, more than a bit unnerved. Yes, people in Boston could be a strange bunch, what with all the college students and liberals and immigrants and all, but nobody had ever just... brought up morgues like that before. Well, there were hospitals in the area. He shook his head and forced a smile. “You’ve probably seen my ads. I’m Rafe Burke.”
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rafe-burke · 7 years
Rafe knew he needed to get out more. At least, that was what Lizzie and his doctor told him, that being cooped up all day would not help his blood pressure, that he needed 30 minutes of exercise. He sometimes listened, at least to his doctor, which was why he was jogging through the Commons, trying to avoid children and panhandlers and pigeons. The pavement felt warm under his shoes, and in an uncharacteristic moment of exuberance, he bounded forward, trying to clear two steps at once. His foot slipped and out of reflex, he reached forward, steadying himself on a  passing shoulder. “Sorry. Lost my balance.”
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Sybelle was walking through the streets, not looking for bodies, but on her way to the a new place one of her coworkers talked about almost all day at the morgue. She never shut up and Sybelle was sure that even the dead were tired of her. Finally her job for the day fnished and the woman left the hospital. Usually, she would go straight home, but now she just wanted to try a cake from the new bakery that has just opened two blocks from the hospital. Sybelle took a shortcut though the park when she felt a hand on her shoulder. Jumping a little, she turned around and looked at the person “Yes? Do you need anything?, she asked
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rafe-burke · 7 years
Is there such thing as too many Red Sox game in a summer? Because I am getting a bit Fenway’d out.
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rafe-burke · 7 years
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rafe-burke · 7 years
Arson, or a time your character allowed their passions to overtake them
I’d actually really like to para this with a partner, if anyone is so inclined!
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rafe-burke · 8 years
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Eighth grade. And I don’t need any teaching on that. All I have to do is observe this town. And Jamie as in Jamie Burke? So is she as corrupt as you? Cause she seems as fake, at least.
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So that makes you... what? Twelve? Thirteen? God, I barely remember being that age, but you are more suspicious than other middle schoolers I’ve met. But just as rude.
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rafe-burke · 8 years
Nobody has really taught me about bribes. But you seem to know a lot about them as a politician, so you could teach me. Plus, it wasn’t so much of a bribe, but a service fee. If you’d like to reject that fee, I can go to plan b.
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You are a very clever little girl. Let me guess. St. Brigid’s... eighth grade? Ninth? I know they don’t start teaching politicking until sophomore year, or that’s what Jamie told me.
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rafe-burke · 8 years
I could tell ya, for five bucks, old man.
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My dear, has nobody told you bribery works quiet poorly? It would have been far more effective for you to ask for me to buy you a Red Sox cap than demand a straight bribe.
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rafe-burke · 8 years
How many days until pitchers and catchers report, again?
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rafe-burke · 8 years
She took a step back, but fought the urge to run. If she ran or backed down, she lost, and she’d never let herself live it down if she lost to this asshole. “This makes you feel real powerful, doesn’t it. You just have to stick your nose into everyone’s lives, control their fucking lives. God, how did Jamie ever come from you.”
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“Listen, Eleanor, and listen closely.” God, it took all of his self-control to not slap her across the face or shake her like a rag doll. “In a few months, God willing, I will be mayor. And I will devote every resource at my disposal to clean up Boston. And that includes making sure orphans like you and your brother get put into good foster homes with structure and discipline. Understood?”
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rafe-burke · 8 years
That struck a nerve, “Don’t you dare call me a little girl you piece of shit.”
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“The fuck’s your deal?”
Rafe could feel himself raising his hand, and somehow, thankfully, he was able to fight that base urge to slap the little bitch across the face. “You and your brother need a positive adult influence in your lives, and I doubt that murderer of a bodyguard you have or your bastard brother count. I will call child protective services on you, and let’s see how the Sullivan twins do in foster care.”
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rafe-burke · 8 years
“Yeah, that’s what I’m really focused on. A tutor? Um, sure, if you think that’s best. Do you have anyone in mind or I can find one myself?”
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“I have staffers who went to Harvard. They can ask around. Unless you had someone in mind, sweetie?”
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rafe-burke · 8 years
“…Yeah, that’s it. I need more time to focus on school. So, if I were to quit cheer, it’d be alright? You wouldn’t be disappointed in me?”
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“Darling, if it’s what you need in order to get into Harvard, I support you. In fact, maybe we should get you a tutor!”
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