rageagainstthezine · 4 years
Jenna Marbles Leaving youtube??
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Jenna Marbles issued an apology for old content including blackface, racist jokes and more. She also said she is stepping away from YouTube after a decade on the platform. I woke up like many people this morning to Jennas Video. As I watch Jenna Tearfully apologize, one thought kept swirling in my mind. Cancel Culture! I am so sick of Cancel Culture and the people with the sheep mentality that push this narrative. Being a internet personality in this day and age on the internet is like navigating a mine field.  Someone somewhere is always going to be offeneded by something you do.  The trend these days if you do not like something run straight to your nearest social media platform and start hash tagging so and so is over. Those sort of tweets take off like HPV at Prom. 
Has anyone ever wondered why the people who have been on the internet for over a decade are now having to apologize for old tweets, videos, and the like? Because Older internet personalites that were around back when the internet was an actual fun place to be were free to express themselves with out fear of being attacked by thier own fans. Those internet personalites are now having to deal with people being offended because they called someone  “she’ and that person identifies as Invader zim or Jenny the robot. Its extremely frustrating to watch.  
I am officially watching the internet die right before my very eyes. When you have people like Jenna Marbles who in my opinion was one of the last few feel good channels on youtube, apologizing for a video she made back in 2011 that is the final nail in the coffin of the internet being a place used to express yourself. 
Gone are the days of freedom of expression. I would seriously like to sit down and have a conversation with these faceless offended. The ones that are so offended by every damn thing and really get to know them as a person, I would love to try to pin point where it all went wrong for them. Who Hurt them? and at what point are they going to stop making everyone else feel like shit about themselves because they do not live up to thier safe space standards? 
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