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Maplehill of Riverclan
-warrior, 60 moons
-Mother of Springflight and Amberwhisker
-Maplehill is a strict she-cat, simple-minded. She doesn鈥檛 trust most of her clanmates, even. She frets over her kits STILL even though they are young warriors now. She and Mudstar have a toxic relationship, (she got clawed by him, plus verbal abuse from him) and takes it out on her kits聽
-Mate: Mudstar
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Mudstar of Riverclan
-leader, 60 moons
-Mudstar is the leader of Riverclan, mate to Maplehill, and father to Springflight and Amberwhisker. He doesn鈥檛 play fair, and certainly聽doesn鈥檛 bat an eye at his mate and kits. He has a lying and angry nature, ready to go into battle at the flick of a ear.聽
-Mate: Maplehill
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Sleekmask of Shadowclan
-warrior, 18 moons
-Son of Larkwing
-Sleekmask is a hard working Shadowclan warrior, always wanting new friends and making sure everyone is happy. He listens to his clanmates and their problems, and gives out solutions to them. Hawkstar looks at him as a possible deputy for when the time comes.聽
-no mate
-Crush: Springflight (riverclan)
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Springflight of Riverclan
-warrior, 16 moons
-daughter of Mudstar and Maplehill, sister to Amberwhisker
-Springflight is a really lax warrior, but it doesn鈥檛 take much for her to lose her temper on someone. She has somewhat lived in the shadow of her father and sister, which upsets her since she is the older sister, and Amberwhisker is immature and kit-like
-no mate
-Crush: Sleekmask (shadowclan)
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